

Description Trent a teenager woke up and found himself being used a test subject for a drug. He managed to escape but his sister was kidnapping by the same people. Trent discovered the world in a new light and many secrets about the awakeneds underworld. What are the government hiding?, where is his sister?. Well read and find out.

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Blood can be seen everywhere. Trent and wendy Is lying on the floor bleeding, James crawls to them.

James: wendy, trent(coughs blood). Get up guys

James is bleeding from his side. Wide laughs can be heard around the place.

The voice: weak, weak they are all weak .

Trent: jaaammes,runn, Run now.

Before now

9:00am 7|11|3030. A forest.

James, trent and wendy are seen walking in a forest.

James: are you sure we are going the right way.

Trent: I guess no am positive that this way the place she ran into.

James: this is the third time am seeing those trees.

Trent: come on it can't be the same.

Wendy: yes they are.

Trent: How do you know.

Wendy: because I made those cuts my self.(points to horizontal cuts on one of them). I kept suspecting it was the same, so I started making cuts when ever we passed.

Trent: Yup, that it we are lost. Damn it, it just keep getting worse.(sits down)

James walks toward some short Bushes.

James: I knew it.

Trent:(gets up immediately) you knew what.

James: look at this Bushes, on this side it looks freshgreen but on the other side it more plain.

Wendy: And so?

James: don't you get it, it means people have been taking the opposite side more than this area. If we want to find our way, we gonna have to switch sides.

Wendy: I agree with James. Since so far trent has gotten us no where.

Trent: ouch, that hurts,Let go guys.

After walking for a while.

Trent: are you guys sure we are going the right way.

James: am not sure but dont mean I am unsure either.

Wendy: huh.

James: I have my reasons besides I have seen some familar land scape. (Looks back suddenly)

Trent: what wrong bro.

James: what was that code again.

Trent: 567JJ. Why what wrong?

James points.

Same time, sabali island

Yuki walks into a office angerliy

Mark: welcome back little princess, How was your trip.

Yuki lifts her hand, and mark floats from the ground holding his throat struggling for air.

Sam: Drop him.

Yuki: shut up.

Sam: I said drop him or

Sam shows her a system pad. Yuki drops him

Yuki: I thought you not to use my family as a leverage again. Don't make me repeat myself or it will be worse.

Mark:*coughs tough girl, anyway. I have a gift for you like I said.

Yuki: What is it?

Mark: come with me.

Back to trent

James point to a tree. On the tree is craved 567JJ.

Wendy: inspecting the mark, it fresh meaning it was just craved new.

Trent: yeah I had a feeling someone was following us.

James: yeah, so what do we do. This seems like a warning.

Wendy: or a way to direct us. For them to be able to do this with us unaware. It means we could be killed with even noticing.

Trent: Lucky that not what they want.

James: guys look over there.

They look and see the landscape arranging itself again, In front of them an opening is seen.

Trent: creepy.

James: this explains everything.

Wendy: Yeah, it is very simple. No wonder we were taking the same part.

Trent: it like it don't want us to find a way.

James: why did it change it mind, Besides are we going to in.

Trent: guess we have to.

Wendy: what the worse that can happen besides we need that map.

They walk in. The entrance closes immediately.

James: scary.

They begin to walk down the path. The area slowly changes from grasses to rocks and earth before soild wars can be seen. They walk further until they start to hear drilling sound.

Girl's voice: You are welcome,my master has been waiting for you.

>Character introduction> Bella crampbell. One of the founders and controllers of the black areas. She is known for her manipulation abilities to enter ones mind and break their will.

James:(jumps from fright) who are you?

Bella: sorry, I didn't Introduced my self. I am bella crampbell and I am here to ecourt you on your way in.

Wendy: okay, who is your master.

Bella: you will know soon enough for now. Please follow me.

11:00am, 7|11|3030. Sabali island

Mark: How do you like your gift.

Yuki is seen sitting down on a chair with a little girl Beside her.

Mark: I figured out, you will be lonely so I got you a present to keep you company what do you think.

Yuki: (looks at the little girl).what's your name?

Girl: Martha.

>Character introduction> Martha cruz. Background unknown and who she is. Is still a misery even to the Author.

Author: Damn you.

Yuki: Are you scared?.

Martha: No ma, Am fine.

Yuki: don't call me ma, call me Yuki neechan.

Martha: Yes neechan.

Yuki: How old are you?

Martha: I don't know.

Mark: I see you like your gift. I will give you some private time,for now I have work to do.

Mark leaves.

Yuki: come don't be scared. Aunty will take care of you.

Martha: Yes Aunty.(Hugs Yuki tightly).

Outside the room.

Mark: Seems our hot head princess still have emotions toward children. This will be used as a rain check.

Back to trent and others.

James: what wrong trent, why did you freeze.

Trent:(points) I know herrr.

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