
Chapter 25

Happy reading!


Back to the Firebirds, all three of them were still in the woods, hitting their heads stupidly, they soon stopped hitting their heads stupidly and came back to their senses. "I can't believe we allowed ourselves to be fooled by them," Rogue said angrily, he looked so annoyed.

"Yes, and we didn't even take notice of any of them," Pithan the other firebird said also looking really annoyed.

Draco spots something on the ground, very curious to know what it is he picks it up and looked at the item closely. "At least we have a headstart," Draco who is obviously the smartest amongst them spoke up after picking up a blue dotted earring from the ground and shows it to their faces. Rogue and Pithan were surprised to see the earring. And Pithan replied with an obviously stupid question.

"What are we going to do with that?" Pithan asked Draco. he looked really dumbfounded.

Draco became annoyed at the question. "Gosh! why is it that you don't know anything?" Draco asked shaking his head.

Rogue and Pithan still looked perplexed.

"This possibly belongs to the maiden, we are going to use this to track them," Draco adds hoping he was transparent enough for them to fully understand him.

"And how are we going to do..erm.. trace them with that?" Rogue asked still not flowing with what Draco was saying.

"We are going to take this to Norma Elspeth, I'm sure she will know what to do with it," Draco replied.

"What! are you not scared of going back to her without the boy, have you forgotten what she did to Brathon," Rogue swallowed hard and said with fright in his eyes.

"We just have to go we can't keep on hiding forever," Draco scoffed confidently.

"We all know that we can't run away from this," Draco adds.

Rogue and Pithan both looked at Draco and sighed as they nod in agreement. Then, they all flew to Norma Elspeth liar.


Norma Elspeth was in her dining room, eating her lunch when the Firebirds came in through the balcony, the entrance to the side lobby was open.

They walked slowly till they got to the dining table where Norma Elspeth was seated, Rogue looked really scared, he had to hide behind Draco and Pithan, Norma Elspeth was clad in a white glossy robe, exposing the red, long silk gown, beneath the robe it was covering her knees a bit, she looked so serious as she kept on munching on her meal.

"My empress!" Draco spoke up from behind Norma Elspeth and walked close to the dining table and bowed down his head respectfully.

"Do you have the boy with you?"

Norma Elspeth asked with a hoarse voice without looking at Draco.

Draco felt his legs shaking, his mouth trembling, his eyes, looking left and right, sweat building up on his forehead, didn't know what to say so he just kept quiet.

"Answer me," Norma Elspeth bellowed angrily hitting her hands on the table. The whole ground began to shake, the atmosphere suddenly changed, then a sound of lightning struck from outside.

"We couldn't get the boy," Draco spoke up without fully analyzing his words. The rest of the Firebirds looked at Draco shockingly, they were really scared and they hoped Norma Elspeth wouldn't try to kill him.

"What did you just say," Norma Elspeth asked angrily and stood up from her seat, she turned around and looked at Draco, her eyes were visibly turning red.

"We didn't get the boy, but we found something that could interest you," Draco said shakingly holding out the blue jewelry in his hand.

"Oh really? what's this thing, you think, would interest me," Norma Elspeth asked feeling a bit calmed.

"This, my empress, is a jewelry we found lying down on the ground," Draco said giving Norma Elspeth the blue earring on his hand.

Norma Elspeth gasps in shock and hurriedly walked to Draco and takes the jewelry from his hand.

"Where did you get this?" Norma Elspeth asked surprised.

Rogue and Pithan looked up at her wondering why she acted that way.

"We found it in the woods, and we are guessing it belongs to the little young girl we saw here the other day," Draco said with an evil smile.

"I gave this to Alyssa, hmm, that means she is still alive, hmm I wonder where that little devil is right now?" Norma Elspeth muttered to herself and looked elsewhere.

"We saw her in the woods with a rabbit and also maybe with someone else," Draco said.

"Someone else, you say?" Norma Elspeth asked with a chuckle.

"Yes, my empress, and we suspect it to be the young boy," Draco said with a low tune, Norma Elspeth turned and faced him.

"We saw the young girl running and laughing alone, but she ran like someone was chasing after her," Draco adds.

"Go on tell me everything that happened." Norma Elspeth said and sat down back on her seat.

"We decided to chase after her, and when we almost got hold of them, we vividly heard their heartbeats behind a huge tree, but when we got to the tree she was no longer there, we only saw a rabbit," Draco said and paused for a while, Norma Elspeth just nodded at his every word.

"I think they were still there, but I don't know how they did it, cause we were being hit by something and it confused us to fight against each other," Draco adds.

"Hmm, invisibility spell," Norma Elspeth mumbled to herself under her breath.

"What did you say, my empress?"

Draco asked confused. He wasn't fully getting Norma Elspeth's plan.

"I think, I know why you haven't found the boy yet, and I know exactly who is helping him," Norma Elspeth said and smiled evilly.

"Who is it? your most evilness?"

Draco asked. Rogue and Pithan looked up at Norma Elspeth awkwardly.

"Don't worry Draco, I think it's really time I put this job in my own hands, and finish this job once and for all, and time to meet up with an old friend," Norma Elspeth said and laughed wickedly.






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