
Chapter 12

Happy reading!


"Mother? You are not my real mother," Alyssa asked surprised.

"Yes, and guess what she left you"

Norma Elspeth said angrily straight into Alyssa's eyes.

"No oooo," Alyssa cried and raced to her room.

"I can't believe that she isn't my mother, is that why she has been so cruel to me?"

Alyssa said and wailed, she was sitting on the tiled floor with her head on her small bed, Berk and Sally were sitting next to her trying to comfort her

"Stop crying, Alyssa," Sally said while touching Alyssa's hair.

"Now I know why she told me not to tell anyone that she is my mother and when I asked her why she said it was for my safety, I wonder if my parents are alive, why did they leave me; did they not love me," Said Alyssa amidst tears.

Norma Elspeth told Alyssa when she was just six to always address her as her mistress in the presence of strangers and when Alyssa asked her why she told Alyssa it was for her safety and that her enemies would kill Alyssa if they found out that she was her daughter and that's why she never changed Alyssa's clothes until this very night.

"So many questions on my mind right now, I need to find my parents and get answers"

Alyssa said, she stands up and wiped her tears.

"What are you going to do Alyssa," Berk asked.

"Don't worry friends I know just what to do"

Alyssa says to Berk and Sally.


"I have just spotted another one"

Darrell said to Pontius, then he plucks a blue dandelion.

"Oh my God! They are endless" Darrell adds.

"I am glad you like them"

Pontius replied happily.

"Of course I do, they are beautiful" Darrell replied with a blue dandelion on his hand.

"You speak as if this is the first time you are seeing a dandelion," Pontius asked surprised.

"Well yes, I mean, what I mean to say is, where I was before I came to Monaserus there is only yellow dandelion and they didn't grow underwater but here there are so many different colours and it's really mysterious to me" Darrell replied and picked another one.

"Darrell, this is Menesia, I might not know much about where you were, but I know for sure that you will find a lot of wonderful things here and they will definitely interest you," Pontius said and smiled.

"I am really enjoying it here, too bad I have to go back to my uncle," Darrell said feeling sad.

"That's not a problem Darrell you can come by anytime you want" Pontius replied and tapped Darrell on his shoulder.

Then queen Thalia comes to the scene.

"Darrell I will like to speak with you"

Thalia said to Darrell and leaves the scene.

"Ok your highness"

Darrell replied and follows her into the palace.


"I just found out from my sources that those birds were controlled by a witch cause the birds had markings on their face which shows that they were under a spell, so tell me, have you anyone, that you have offended, a witch perhaps?" Queen Thalia asked with a serious tone. She was sitting on her throne with the gold pendant in her left hand.

"I don't remember offending anyone, your highness" Darrell replied. He was sitting on another sit opposite where the queen was seated.

"Hmm, ok then if you say so I think that's all," queen Thalia said.

Darrell stands up to leave but something comes into his mind.

"Please I have a question, your highness," Darrell said when he was about to leave.

"Yes, what is it?" Queen Thalia asked.

"How did you know my last name without me telling you," Darrell asked curiously.

"Well around here it's not hard to recognise a Cassel, not only that, but you also have a strong resemblance with your father," queen Thalia said with a smile on her face.

"What do you mean, your highness?" Darrell asked surprised.

"Darrell it's really easy to know a Cassel cause they are the only ones that have a star tattoo at the side of their neck," queen Thalia said looking at Darrell.

"Oh, I see!" Darrell exclaimed and touched his neck as if realizing something he has long forgotten about.

Darrell had always wondered how he has such a tattoo came to the side of his neck but soon ignored it with time, with the thoughts that it might be something his late parents did to him when he was a child.

"You look surprised, why?" Queen Thalia asked and looked at Darrell suspiciously.

"I really didn't know anything about this, did you know my father?" Darrell said. Killing his thoughts

"Yes I did Darrell, you see your father led a clan that helped saved my kingdom from black witches," queen Thalia said.

"How was he able to do all this,"

Darrell asked confused.

"Are you trying to say that you don't know about all these things?" queen Thalia asked confused.

"Right now, I don't seem to know anything," Darrell replied with his head faced downwards.

Queen came down from her throne and swims towards where Darrell was seated, then she held his hand, Darrell looked up at her and wondered what she wanted to do.

"Darrell you really shouldn't be confused am sure with time you will understand who you are and what you are capable of, just be calm okay," queen Thalia said still holding Darrell's hand.

"Please tell me more about my parents I really need to know," Darrell said with Keen interest then queen Thalia sits next to Darrell still holding Darrell's hand.

"Ok, Darrell, let me tell you, the generations of your family have been the guardian of Monaserus for centuries and that also makes you a guardian," queen Thalia said looking at Darrell.

"Me!! A guardian?" Darrell asked confused.

"Yes Darrell and every guardian of Monaserus always has a quest to fulfill, and you need to find out what your quest is and you must fulfill it, that is the ultimate rule," queen Thalia said looking deep into Darrell's blue eyes.






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