
The Guilt of the Handmaiden

"Oh, so you failed."

Huo knelt in prostration before the throne, albeit modest in comparison to the one that belonged to her most cherished figure.

Without the concealing veil over the man on the dais, the young Firebender could clearly discern the seething disdain on his expression. She is facing a dignitary among the Master's chosen, one of his trusted Cardinal Kings. To dishonor a man of such caliber is to affront the Master's own esteem.

Draped in an uncanny imitation of Water Tribe attire and framed by cascading waterfalls, the man on the throne was surrounded by numerous intricate stone carvings. These sculptures, unmistakably inspired by fine craftsmanship of Agna Qel'a, were hewn from walrus ivory, soapstone, and serpentinite. However, in an unusual departure from tradition, these figures were not wild animals of the frozen tundra. Instead, the creator has styled them into the likeness of common livestock.

"Please, allow me to seek forgiveness from the Master!" Huo pleaded, her tears trickling onto the cold floor of polished blue argillite, crystallizing in the chill. Despite the glacial vastness of the chamber, grief and remorse burned as a kindling to the unbridled loathing for her own failure.

"The Master does not bestow audiences upon vagrants who have failed his grace," the man intoned, his voice a frigid blade sharper than the icy walls that enclosed them, mimicking the cold austerity of the North Pole.

Huo exhaled a plume of visible breath, equal parts sorrow and dread at the thought of incurring the Master's disappointment. She could not forgive herself for casting even the slightest shadow on his greatness. They had been granted an ideal opportunity with a simple goal, to capture the daughters of Akahana and deliver them into the Master's benevolent embrace. Yet they had failed utterly, defeated in an almost spectacular fashion. Perhaps, in her impatience to advance the Eternal Balance, she had neglected the importance of Neutral Jing, an essential teaching of the Master.

As she trembled, the seated figure continued his stern reproach. "Your lack of faith in the Eternal Balance led to this disgrace, which will simply sully the Master's gaze. Though his mercy and love are vast, granting clemency to those who serve with unyielding devotion, you have hindered our path toward the Eternal Balance. Not only did you fail to secure the daughters of a defiant woman, but you also cost the Master three valuable aspirants who were ready to serve his cause."

Huo pressed her forehead to the freezing floor, her shame deepening. For those who serve the Master, the bearer of truth and enlightenment, accepting disgrace is a virtue. The pain and chaos in distant lands are born of misguided actions and erroneous beliefs. Rather than embrace the Master's light, the people venerate false spirits and cling to the fallible figure known as the Avatar. Yet, in the faithful's hands, the Master's doctrine would one day reach even the most unwilling hearts, and the radiant light of the Eternal Balance would pierce all darkness.

The man sighed, casting a critical eye over his own attire. The blue garment, a weak approximation of the Northern Water Tribe's traditional garb, is the consequence of Republic City's gradual erosion of cultural roots. This forest of cement and smog is adrift in mannerisms, attire, and customs. Some of the men and women even grimaced the rest of the world with certain unnatural behaviors.

Yet such trivialities are of little importance today. The Cardinal King continued his judgement. "Your misstep has led to irreparable losses. Shui, a devoted acolyte and shining example to her brethren, is now lost. But take heart, her sacrifice will not be in vain. However, your failure extends beyond the daughters alone. You also failed to vanquish the demonic Airbenders who seek to desecrate the Master's vision. Remember, what the Master deems abominable is also abhorrent to us. Only the pure-hearted will inherit his coming kingdom, and so the righteous must guard their rightful place against those who would swerve the Master's teachings."

Many in this fallen world resist the Master's enlightenment. They cling to unrepentant ways and must be purified if his kingdom is to flourish. While non-benders can find power in reverence for the Master's divine truth, others scorn that gift, consorting instead with forbidden powers to pursue unholy ambitions.

In this sullied world, many Airbenders have acquired abilities they had no right to claim. More transgressive than those born from non-bending parents, they spurn the Master's kingdom through acts of flagrant rebellion. Yet, the faithful remain forgiving. The impure among the Airbenders who repent may still find salvation within the Eternal Balance, becoming humble servants for the eventual coming of the Heavenly Kingdom.

"A pity that your companions suffered indignity at the hands of those who scorn the Master," the Cardinal King continued, tempered with cold finality.

Though reminded of her fallen friends, Huo remained unbroken. As a devoted acolyte imbued with the Master's wisdom and grace, she would not succumb to the cynicism of a world so entrenched in darkness. Aspiring to emulate her mother and the other devout women who propagated the Eternal Balance's reach, she would endure any suffering or pain, even at the hands of those they sought to save. How could she rest, knowing so much of the world still lacks the Master's almighty embrace? To withhold such boundless grace would be selfish.

"I am a warrior in service of the Eternal Balance," Huo declared, her voice unwavering. "You know of me and my companions. Each of us would lay down our lives to advance the Master's vision, hastening the arrival of his Heavenly Kingdom so that he can bring peace to this world marred by sin. Grant me another chance. I am certain the Master would rejoice if I could impart the wisdom of the Eternal Balance to Akahana's daughters. Should they embrace his teachings and forsake their misled devotion to that false idol Kyoshi, even their hardened mother may surrender to the Master's light. Like me and all who follow, they too can become pious women devoted to his sacred guidance."

The Cardinal King on the throne inclined his head slightly, perhaps impressed by her resolve.

"I admire such tenacity in service of bringing more to the Master's ever-growing flock," he said. "Those who defy the Eternal Balance are indeed less than the grass beneath our feet. Yet we must show mercy, as the Master himself is benevolent to all who wander, still lost and unsurrendered to the Eternal Balance. These lost souls need a vigilant shepherd, and it is always welcoming to witness the faithful extending the Master's Kingdom." He paused, seeming to reflect on his own past. "I too was once a wretched boy, ensnared in ignorance, indulging in the idolatry of my people. But the Master lifted me from my own chains, freeing me from the follies of my past. Now, ordained to a high place in his Kingdom-to-come, I work unceasingly to rally more souls to the Eternal Balance's light. Every year, I have the privilege to witness my own people relinquishing the woes of our old ways. My female subordinates, in selfless devotion, even cast aside their betrothal necklaces to fashion the throne on which I shall demonstrate their womanly piety."

He looked back at Huo with a note of sympathy, approving her willingness to forgive her enemies. "It is truly painful to see so many of my own tribesmen still clinging to the guidance of senile shamans. They are mere charlatans, peddling falsehoods and idle superstitions. This is especially true for that elder Katara. Even in her old age, she still opposes the work of our brothers and sisters who only wish to deliver the South Pole from its wretched idols and veneration of demonic spirits. Her obstinacy is an affront, sabotaging the selfless mission of bringing the Master's salvation to my people."

Despite his disdain for Katara, Narlo is still prudent and cautious. As one of the Master's most trusted disciples, he understood the world is not yet prepared to fully accept the divine teachings. The ignorant masses still revere the elderly Waterbender, who undermined the propagation of Eternal Balance in the South Pole. Thus, he advocated withholding open judgment until more of the world had embraced the Master's truth. Such restraint, tempered by wisdom, is among the reasons he had been elevated to the rank of a Cardinal King.

As the Master is the very center of all things, four faithful acolytes shall be chosen to help rule his Heavenly Kingdom. Only the purest, attuned to the Eternal Balance, could serve as the pillars of his divine design. Sitting right before Huo is Narlo, the Master's chosen Cardinal King of the North, who shall rule over the Waterbenders after the establishment of the Master's eternal rule.

As a Waterbender granted unparalleled strength by his devotion, Narlo held his title with pride. His craftsmanship, once trivial, is now consecrated, reshaped to reflect the Master's truth. Huo sought his guidance, knowing he had led many into the Master's loving embrace.

"Countless around the world worship objects carved from stone and wood, clinging to idols as wild beasts cling to the untamed earth," Narlo remarked when Huo shared her experiences with Akahana's daughters. "Those islanders are also wild beasts, untamed and unwomanly in the gaze of our beloved Master. But the Eternal Balance transforms even the vilest courtesans into virtuous women, submissive and obedient, just as the Master intends it. I have seen firsthand the radiance of his light, taming even the fiercest of beasts with its soothing grace."

"Though Akahana's daughters may be stubborn and willful," Huo insisted, "I believe there is still goodness in them!"

Narlo acknowledged her conviction with a faint nod, though a flicker of dissatisfaction crossed his face, reserved for those yet unwilling to yield to the Eternal Balance.

"How misguided are those who resist the Master's mercy. In their obstinacy and ungratefulness, they scorn the acolytes who brought them salvation. Worldly people are always persecuting our brothers and sisters who seek only to follow the truth. And even among those chosen to serve, we still encounter defiance." Narlo recounted the specific individual who rejected the Eternal Balance, a great offense to the gracious commission. Of the four pillars ordained by the Master, the Cardinal King of the West remains defiant, unwilling to yield to the Master's wisdom. A pity, for in all the world, there is only one Airbender truly worthy of his generous favor. "Sin indeed lingers within bloodlines," he sighed. "As the consort of Aang resists our Master's rightful ascent, so does her putrid spawn. It is repugnant that he spurned the Master's generous offer. Such squandered privilege will surely be a disgrace. That old monk could have achieved so much more. Instead of embracing a fruitful life, of nurturing pure and devoted offsprings, he selfishly dedicates himself to training abominable Airbenders who lack the grace of true enlightenment."

Invoking the Master's teaching of Neutral Jing, a reminder of patience and restraint, Narlo pressed upon Huo the virtue of temperance, deepening her sense of remorse. To the esteemed Cardinal King, it is frustrating to see the temple of Air Nomad falsehood within Yue's Bay. The Master's chosen followers also found the sight of the Avatar's giant statue in Republic City to be a loathsome symbol of blasphemy, a sign that this wretched place has been polluted by idol worship.

But rather than confront these abominable Airbenders and their sacrilegious ways, Narlo and others preferred subtler methods, leveraging their ties to the city's leadership to counter Tenzin's influence. Though the path to universal acceptance of the Eternal Balance is a long and arduous one, the vision of transforming Air Temple Island into a shrine to the Master's glory filled Narlo's heart with fervent hope. For the faithful, nothing is more pleasing than dedicating all aspects of life to honor the Master's benevolence.

Bolstered by the shared vision of her fellow acolytes, Huo raised her face, meeting the Cardinal King's gaze resolutely.

"Esteemed Narlo, I, Huo, may have failed the Master once, but grant me this chance, and I will capture the daughters of that bloodstained witch." Her plea was laced with sincerity and zeal, heart pouring into each word. "Please, lend me a small battalion of loyal warriors. I swear upon my honor that I will succeed. Many of our brothers and sisters stand ready across the continent, with their aid, we can secure Akahana's daughters."

Narlo regarded her in silence, allowing the soft murmur of waterfalls to answer her plea.

Seated upon a throne carved from stone that bore his signature craft, the Cardinal King spoke, his words a measured counsel to temper the fervent heart of the Firebender before him.

"Though we dedicate all things to the Master's magnificence, we must be wary of ambition that blinds us to the greater vision," he said. "An acolyte must not lose herself to personal glory."

Huo felt a pang of confusion, taken aback by the Cardinal King's restraint. Moreover, he decreed that the mission to proselytize the people of Kyoshi Island be temporarily halted.

"What do you mean?" she demanded. "Turning Akahana's daughters toward the Eternal Balance would help liberate Kyoshi Island from their idolatrous worship of the Avatar. I thought this was central to the Master's mission of spreading his wisdom to all corners of the world. My friends and I have trained our entire lives for this purpose. We have immersed ourselves in the Master's teachings, honed our skills, sacrificed and bled, all to become worthy warriors of faith. Was it all for nothing? Merely to let the daughters of a murderous woman remain in darkness, bereft of the Eternal Balance?"

"Soothe your tongue, servant of the Eternal Balance," Narlo intoned with measured calm. "Question not the Master's path for us, his will is immutable."

Huo felt a tremor course through her, the very soul jolting at the rebuke. Kneeling with trembling limbs, the young Firebender realized, with an icy wave of regret, that she had dared to speak against the Master's decree.

Perceiving her unease, the Cardinal King sought to underscore their collective tribulation. Though the Acolytes of San Bao endeavored to spread the Master's teachings of truthfulness, compassion and forbearance, the profane world met them only with disdain. Proud lords and vainglorious princes treated the meek faithful as vermin, seeking to annihilate them for the mere crime of existence.

"Across distant lands, our brethren suffer," Narlo continued solemnly. "All we desire is to venerate the Master and guide the world toward the Eternal Balance, yet the corrupted hearts of the sinful reject our sacred piety."

For those in the Master's flock, enduring worldly injustice had become a mark of fidelity. To the wretched, their devotion appeared subversive, a heresy against the idolatrous reverence for the Avatar. Almost everywhere they ventured, they faced suspicion and derision.

With quiet gravity, Narlo reminded her of recent events. While she hunted the daughters of Akahana, a newly ordained apostle had been sent forth by the Master himself, carrying the light of the Eternal Balance into a dark and hostile land.

The apostle had journeyed far, to a village steeped in veneration for a bygone tyrant, an affront to the Eternal Balance. Yet, the village's justice showed no mercy to their righteous mission.

"That incident was... regrettable," Narlo murmured. "The apostle was my close friend. He was blessed with the Master's truth, and brought light to a few willing souls. But they jailed him, boiled in oil, then inflicted the same cruel fate on those who opened their hearts to the Master's teachings."

Few lands showed them any mercy. The United Republic offered a tentative tolerance, but it is a fleeting reprieve, not the haven the faithful required. For decades, Narlo had labored to preserve a respectable public facade, aware that the flock had yet to amass the strength to shield the Eternal Balance from the mightiest powers in the world. Yet all true acolytes believe in the Master's inevitable ascendancy, a force so unstoppable that even the United Republic could not restrain the Eternal Balance forever.

"Like a loving parent, the Master strives tirelessly to find a promised land for us," Narlo said with a voice trembling with raw emotion. "Though we are unworthy in the radiance of his eternal glory, we have labored to establish sacred colonies across the continent. Alas, many of our sanctuaries have faltered. Here in Republic City, we face the unrelenting vigilance of Tenzin and his followers. And so I ask you, young servant of the Master, do you prize personal glory over the welfare of your faithful brethren? Do you wish to see the fate that befell your mother cast upon them all?"

Huo clenched her fist, resentment simmering as she thought of her mother's unrighteous death. But she cannot place personal grievances above the wellbeing of all the acolytes of the world. So long as Aang's son stood firm, Republic City could never be a true sanctuary where the veneration of the Master may grow. All these reasons reignited a longing for a genuine land of peace for her people. Some pioneers had indeed tried to establish holy colonies across the war-ravaged regions, driving out the impure to purify the cities in the Master's name. But too few endured, ever surrounded by hostile warlords and marauding bandits with no respect for the Eternal Balance.

Knowing what was at stake, Huo chose the logical and painful choice, but not without voicing her own sorrow first.

"My mother gave her life to enlighten those islanders, but they repaid her only with savagery," Huo lamented, taut with resentment for the merciless Kyoshi Warriors, especially the vile Akahana. "All her patience and gentleness in spreading the Eternal Balance to them was met with mockery."

"Sacrifice is the price of truth," Narlo said solemnly. "I knew your mother well, and I can confidently proclaim, she was one of the Master's most faithful servants. Take comfort in this, for sacrifice is a revered virtue among the acolytes, a worthy toll for truth's sanctity. Many martyrs laid down their lives in service to the Eternal Balance. Thus, young Huo, it is a wise decision to postpone the mission to bring the worshippers of Kyoshi into the Master's light. Our people need a true, enduring refuge if the Eternal Balance is to thrive."

Huo, still knelt, forced herself to contain her misgivings about this new path. Someone as unworthy as she could only place her faith in the Master's vision, a vision imparted through Narlo.

"I am ready to serve," she said, a somber blend of sorrow and determination. "Whatever the Master's will, I shall see it through to the end."

Narlo nodded, acknowledging the devotion, aligning her purpose with the struggle endured by acolytes everywhere. He succinctly reminded her of their plight. Across the fractured Earth Kingdom, millions suffered under the scourge of war, disease, and famine. In this age of ceaseless carnage, the virtuous Acolytes of San Bao sought to carve a place for themselves while spreading the Master's salvation. Though they had wrested small oasis of faith from the mire of sin, these towns and cities were but fragile refuges, ever vulnerable to warlords and brigands jostling for dominion. Ultimately, there is no firm home for their people. Not even Republic City will suffice, as Tenzin and his pestering Airbenders are always present to oppose the Eternal Balance with their demonic incantations.

The Master, with unparalleled foresight, had finally discerned a true Promised Land. Among the greatest Earth Kingdom's cities, only one could serve as the Master's sanctuary. It is the crown jewel of the ancient, and the capital of the once unified nation itself, the grand city of Ba Sing Se.

With that revelation, Narlo's voice resonated with an almost holy fervor. If they could claim Ba Sing Se as their own, the Eternal Balance's influence would be bolstered on the world stage, becoming unassailable. Within those impregnable walls, their faith could flourish, free from the harrying of unbelievers. From there, they could radiate the Eternal Balance across continent, drawing even the fiercest of warlords under the Master's benevolence. And one day, they would set their gaze across the seas, to the humid islands of the Fire Nation and the frozen tundra of the Water Tribes. Finally, they shall glorify the Master's name within the halls of the Air Nomad temples, healing ancient wounds.

A warm glimmer flickered in Huo's heart, captivated by the vision of a sanctuary for her people, a place where no worldly force could extinguish their devotion. Even better, if the Heavenly Kingdom can hasten its manifestation in this manner, his wisdom once again transcended her own frail ambitions. Renewed, Huo was prepared to set aside her personal mission, now understanding that the Master was indeed leading them to the true Promised Land.

"Our adversaries will not yield willingly," Narlo cautioned her. "The spirits of darkness stir them to march against us, night and day."

"I do not fear them, as no walls are too great to withstand the Master's love," Huo replied firmly. "He is the breaker of chains, the bringer of peace. The people of Ba Sing Se will rejoice at his coming. Just command me, and I will fulfill his will!"

Narlo withdrew a scroll from his robes and handed it to her, its wax seal glistening in the dim light. "This missive," he said. "Comes directly from the Master's hand. Deliver it to the chosen apostle within Ba Sing Se. Read it not, for its contents are sacred."

Falling to her knees, Huo's eyes brimmed with tears as she pressed the scroll to her chest, feeling its weight as if it were the Master's own hand upon her. The honor is more than she could bear, a chance for redemption after the failure to retrieve Akahana's daughters. The scroll's mere presence alone filled her with a renewed sense of duty. If she can sing her gratitude to this parchment, then the Master will surely know.

"Remember this well, young acolyte," Narlo said gravely. "Within Ba Sing Se's walls, our brothers and sisters dwell in fear, forbidden from even closing their eyes lest they be discovered. Shadows linger there, hostile to the Master's light."

But Huo's spirit, newly invigorated, remained undaunted.

"Our faith is sharper than any weapon," she declared, clutching the scroll as if it held the Master's own blessings. To fail now, after the Master had graced her with such trust, was unthinkable.

Narlo nodded and decided to finally unleash her onto this new sacred mission. It will be an endeavor that will affect the fate of their entire Heavenly Kingdom.

"The world has long wandered astray from the Master's truth," the Cardinal King lamented. "But the days of idolaters reveling in their hubris are numbered." He sneered at the mention of Tenzin, the meddlesome Airbender who recently gathered a council of abbots and abbesses, all arriving to Republic City to discuss the futile search for the fallible Avatar.

Such matters, however, meant nothing to those devoted to the Eternal Balance. For in time, kings, chieftains, and the Fire Lord himself would all bend the knee to the Master, and the Eternal Balance would enfold the world in its unceasing grace.

End of Chapter Notes:

-Walrus ivory, soapstone, serpentinite, and argillite are materials that can be found in Inuit art.