
Mortal and Deity

Mayumi woke before the sun even rises. Rubbing her eyes, she checked on Satchiko, who is slumbering inside the giant saddle Khenbish lent to them. Her sister used a baby Sky-Bison as a pillow, both snoring very loudly.

For a moment, Mayumi enjoyed this undisturbed sight. Her sister is perhaps one of the most important people in her life. To think that so many years has passed since their first meeting. Not even Satchiko's drooling over the Sky-Bison's fur can ruin this.

"Sleep well, sister." Mayumi used a piece of cloth to wipe away the stain. She quietly climbed off the saddle, taking a small stroll throughout the camp. But this distraction failed to help her forget the failure to protect Satchiko. During the ambush by the four bending zealots, who proclaimed themselves as the Acolytes of San Bao, she felt powerless in the face of the elements. How can she ever forgive herself if Satchiko is ever harmed?

It is a painful thought. Failure in this duty is unacceptable. Should they found themselves in the same predicament in future, there is no guarantee that the Kheshig would be nearby to help.

Trying to alleviate this shame, she allowed her mind to be drifted by a sudden smell in the atmosphere. It seems that someone is cooking the breakfast.

The Kyoshi Warrior traced the source to a tent not too far from the Sky-Bison pasture. Four familiar faces sat near a campfire, all focused on the boiling cauldron. Mayumi secretly listened to their conversation before making her presence known.

There is a hunter, the Airbender named Jargal. Despite his severe injury, his enthusiasm for food did not diminish at all. The young man used a large spoon to stir the cauldron, trying to mimic the legendary chefs who have carved their places in Earth Kingdom's rich culinary history. While not seeking to be deified in the ways of cooking, the nomad is trying to perfect a particular recipe.

"It's ready!" Jargal proudly proclaimed. "Behold, my personal masterpiece! The hotpot to rule them all!"

The other three did not share his joy. Despite being rough nomads who endured the harshest conditions, they cannot tolerate whatever abomination that is brewing in the cauldron. Mayumi grimaced as she watched from afar. Whatever meat that hunter placed in the soup, it is unrecognizable at all.

Khenbish took a tiny sip before his face turned sore. Not wishing to offend the young man, he stayed silent. As for the brute on the opposite side of the cauldron, he painfully swallowed the broth, trying not to vomit. Lastly, Ganbaatar was not as forgiving. With a scornful expression, he lampooned this culinary style, a mockery to everything that is beautiful in this world.

"If this is poison in the pot, I suggest you give it to the four baldies!" he scathed. "What I have tasted is a transgression, a great offence to the Eternal Sky!"

Jargal dismissed his criticism, claiming that the middle-aged man is simply incapable of understanding the delicate world of cooking. "All I did was added a bit for mountain salt, spices from the Si Wong desert and herbs from Gao Ling. Naysayers like you cannot comprehend a fracture of my impeccable talent!" His cheerfulness is abruptly halted when he tasted the soup for himself, immediately vomiting out a slice of cabbage.

The four of them are horrified. A dead cabbage slug was spilled across the grass.

"I suggest you stay away from the communal kitchen," Khenbish advised in the nicest way possible.

"Indeed, with this level of hygiene, not even the critters are safe," a feminine voice said.

Jargal's face went pale, both from fright and emotional damaged. Mayumi's footsteps are completely undetectable. Her sudden appearance almost made the other three nomads reach for their weapons.

"Jargal over here is a bit confused, but he has the spirit," Khenbish stated.

Mayumi examined the content within the cauldron. As suspected, Jargal did not consider the balance of dish. As travelling nomads, it is not surprising that these people have access to a diversity of ingredients.

"There is no use in recovering this soup, I might as well as dispose it," Ganbaatar said. "No way is someone able to fix this mess!"

"I can still try," Mayumi implored.

"Some things in this world are better left to rot," Ganbaatar advised, seeing no hope that such disgusting cooking can even be made edible. "When you fail to recover it, it might just be another disappointment. Just like this land itself."

Mayumi was silent, she thought about what he was saying, but decided to persist. "Food shouldn't be wasted easily. Even the most disgusting dishes can still be recovered and restored."

"Whatever, go ahead." Ganbaatar proceeded to drink some fermented milk.

Mayumi started to readjust the pot. The key is to bring balance to all the ingredients, allowing them to work in harmony. Improvising unfamiliar ingredients such as hunted animal meat and foreign spices, she began to stir the soup. In the meanwhile, she cannot help but engage in small talks with the nomads. Words are kept cautious, since a dangerous level of curiosity may offend them.

"I am curious, why is it that certain members of your tribe can bend air? Mayumi asked carefully. "I thought only the monks can harness this power." Her father's book collection made no mention about nomads wearing brown color deels who eat meat and have no qualms about killing people. The Kheshig felt like the direct opposite to the peaceful nature of the Air Temple monks.

Ganbaatar stared silently at the volatile flames, too immersed. Therefore, Khenbish offers to answer her inquiry.

"The world changed too much in the past fifty years," he said in a tired tone. "The likes of us still live in the consequences birthed by the hubris of a few. It was true that only those born within temples would receive Airbending. But now, even ordinary folks might have it."

"How so?" Mayumi did not realize the gravity of her simple question. The nomads looked at each other, none being able to offer an answer.

"You were probably not around when it all happened," Khenbish lamented. "Regardless, no one is certain when exactly things truly changed. It was as if the heaven and earth became distorted, the natural order ripped away and placed back together. People lacking in bending suddenly received new powers they do not understand. It was... frightening. Since then, there are kids within our people born with the ability to move air, my Batu being a prime example."

It was a lackluster response that failed to quench Mayumi's pursuit of this knowledge. But Khenbish emphasized that although they do not understand why people suddenly received Airbending, they do not automatically wish to become monks and subject themselves to a lifestyle completely different. There are non-benders who would find solace and spirituality in the temples, and some Airbenders would never entertain the thought of shaving their heads.

"It's as if someone else pushed a new destiny upon them," Khenbish sighed, looking at Jargal. "Imagine, suddenly forced to come to terms with an irreversible change that will permanently transform you. It is a scary thing to experience. Unfortunately, it also made our people became a target to a great threat that almost wipe us out completely."

"The Acolytes of San Bao," Mayumi uttered.

The mood quickly fell silent. Only the sound of fire cracking the wood is the loudest. Mayumi understood the insolent nature of what she just said, as it was implied that this tribe known as the Kheshig was almost destroyed. From what she heard, the group that proclaimed itself as the Acolytes of San Bao is the main culprit. As someone who has interacted with only four of them, she experienced the incomprehensible zealotry that they harbor. She and Satchiko witnessed their unchecked fanatism, which allows them to justify the killing of a child. Calling them cultists would be an understatement. It seems that they are willing to commit even the most heinous act if they believe it might assist in establishment of this so-called 'Eternal Balance' across the world.

"We lost almost everything that day," Ganbaatar said quietly, maintaining a firm gaze at the fire. "Those gullible fools in the temples are beyond redeemable. Our Khan fought for the White Lotus, blood and sweat. Yet, he was repaid with ingratitude."

"Bandit raiding towns and warlords sacking cities is a common thing in this era," Khenbish added. "But the likes of us were specifically targeted. The raiders who attacked our original home were no mere marauders seeking wealth. They do not fear blades or arrows. I saw them with my own eyes, and I would be cautious when calling them as people. As for the four you fought today, they were nothing compared to the ones we faced in the past."

Mayumi made a mental note on everything, about the enemy. She has a suspicion that the Kheshig are not the only ones that the Acolytes of San Bao have interacted. Based on the Firebending zealot's speech, somehow, they even knew about her mother, Akahana. They even recognized that she may be an important figure on the island, indicating a past history unbeknownst to her.

"Batu's original parents were fools to believe that the Air Nomads would be good help," Ganbaatar said in a slightly drunken manner. Khenbish chose not to fault him on that matter. "Those two brats came, took all the Airbending children and left the rest. It seems that the whole forgoing attachment thing didn't register well with the kids. What a surprise!"

Khenbish confirmed this drunk statement. He clarified with Mayumi that Batu's birth parents perished soon after he was also taken away to an air temple. Instead of assisting in the defense of their town, the two Airbenders sent by Tenzin have instead gathered all the Airbending children and fled.

"I see," Mayumi stared at the cauldron within the soup. There was clearly a special kind of bitterness in Ganbaatar, fueling the hatred. She refrained from diving deeper into these people's history, especially asking how they got the children back. As an outsider, it would be imprudent to listen solely from one side of the story.

In silence, she is once again reminded of the horror that this world can bring. Losing loved ones is a permanent consequence, something she hope to desperately avoid on this journey. Mayumi's conviction to safeguard her sister isn't due to some shallow understanding of honor. She swore an oath under the cherry blossom tree, promising a very important individual to protect Satchiko at all costs. But even without that promise, she would still fullfil the duty of an older sibling. Ultimately for this Kyoshi Warrior, familial love is unconditional.

After a few more stirring of the pot, she declared the soup to be fixed. The other four is surprised. Somehow Mayumi managed to salvage Jargal's cooking. Even the resentful Ganbaatar cannot help but admit that the broth is at least edible.

"I have an idea," Ganbaatar muttered. "Tomorow, we can execute that Firebender in front of those bald heads."

The rest reacted with wavering glances. Despite the underlying disapproval, none dares to voice their objection out loud. Since Ganbaatar is a high-ranking member of the tribe, his goals are likely aligned with the Khan himself.


The activities around the camp are restless. Many inhabitants are busying preparing for their next destination, as nomadic lifestyle demands them to always remain adaptable and not be tied to one location. In this manner, they can move as swift as the wind itself, untouched by the earthly conflicts that scorches this continent. Perhaps to the Kheshig, there is no such thing as a true destination under the Eternal Sky.

Saran shouted at her eldest child, both coordinating to disassemble their yurt. While Khenbish is attending a meeting at the Khan's tent, Batu tried to keep the two guests entertained by playing some shagai bones. Since the dotty mother refuses to allow esteemed guests to help, the two sisters are made to sit on the grass as the young boy tried to explain the game rules.

Satchiko tried her best to follow the instructions. Based on nomadic traditions, these bones are versatile, involving tossing and flickering. The pieces can even be used like marbles, knocking each other out of the place. As the two are trying to perfect a very specific bone catching technique that involves using the back of their hands, Mayumi gently interrupted them.

"Hey Batu," she said carefully. "Don't you want to-"

"No," he snapped.

Despite his juvenile age, Batu instantly guessed what Mayumi might say. The Kheshig and the Air Nomads have a feud. Despite all their suspicion, some parents did cautiously allow their Airbending children to be tested by the Air Nomads residing in the camp. It is simply too tempting. The world has gone on for too long without an Avatar. Any parents who have a child recognized as a figure akin to a living deity can yield boundless potential. There is no harm in testing their luck. After all, any bending children might be an Avatar hiding in plain sight. If those monks can identify the next incarnate, then it would be great auspicious event.

"My sister and I need to meet those monks. We will be right back." Mayumi grabbed Satchiko's wrist, catching the latter by surprise.

Batu simply stared at the departing duo with suspicion. Although the Khan has no intention to divert their original route to Ba Sing Se, one more incentive might actually change his mind.

He slipped away. Meanwhile, Satchiko is guided to an open field. A file of people is stationed near the Sky-Bison pasture. With the elderly monk by the helm, children came forth to be greeted by a vast array of toys in a tent with swirling symbols. Under concealment, the juveniles can individually pick the toys without being witnessed by others. According to ancient Air Nomad tradition, the method of involving these sacred relics is a useful way to identify an Avatar. Toys are no mere objects used for the sake of entertainment. While such trivial items are no gold or silver, to a child, they are priceless. Even just looking at a familiar object may incite strong memories from an Avatar's past life. History reinforces the proven effectiveness of this particular method.

Mayumi and Satchiko soon arrived, meeting a guard who is overseeing the procedure.

"You two are wasting your time," he said to the duo. "They have been going on it for the whole morning, nothing happened."

In hindsight, most people are clueless on the intricacies in identifying an Avatar. The ritual of presenting random toys and allowing children to pick the correct ones seem too confusing for the common folks. Yet, Mayumi insisted that this method is adequate. Although that notion may be motivated by an overreliance on what is written in books, the folks of Kyoshi Island wouldn't easily turn their backs on the Avatar.

"The old one over there said they are only looking for a child with bending, I doubt you two would qualify."

"Not exactly," Mayumi answered.

They walked on, leaving the nomad standing puzzled. Most people here are unaware that Satchiko is actually an Earthbender, born with the innate harness to manipulate the stubborn and resistant element. But even more embarrassingly, the girl herself often forgets about this fact.

"Big sis, why don't we head straight to the tent?" Satchiko asked.

Mayumi decided that it would be more polite to speak with the Air Nomads after testing all the children. They stood at the back of the line, behind a mother and her small child. Seeing the little grey eyes in the toddler, Satchiko did wonder whether or not if the Avatar is standing right before them. From the first moment she grasped the sagas of Avatar Kyoshi, the deity felt so overpowering. The thought of a mere mortal even attaining half of such caliber felt ludicrous. Yet now, there is something rather human about this ordeal. All Avatars started as naive children, perhaps clueless about the world around them just like everyone else. It did make her wonder if she would trust an Avatar's wisdom if they were still children.

One after another, juveniles exited the makeshift tent. The line shortened, and it is eventually Satchiko and Mayumi's turn to meet the Air Nomads. The duo entered respectfully. But was greeted with a rather strange sight. They saw the elderly monk sulking with a pair of blurred eyes indulging a world of dread. Clearly this is not meant to be seen, perhaps the four Air Nomads were not expecting new people entering this tent.

Satchiko saw the old monk hastily recovering himself, trying to mask a face of a thousand sorrow by trying to appear dignified. This act is fooling no one. Lucky for these Airbending ascetics, the Kyoshi Warriors are not here to quarrel about philosophy. If there is anyone within this camp that these monks would wish to meet, it would be the two sisters, both devotees to Avatar Kyoshi.

As usual, Mayumi initiated the conversation, a quick and respectful introduction would suffice. "Venerables," she bowed to the four Airbenders. "It is a great honor to meet you all. On behalf of my people, I would like to extend our gratitude to your father's assistance during the great war."

It was a reference to Aang's paramount contribution in saving their village. By utilizing this example of a previous Avatar's merit, it may foster good ties with that exact figure's son. With a decent silver tongue, Mayumi aims to demonstrate both respect and increasing the likelihood of receiving their help. Even an accomplished swordswoman like Mayumi would enjoy using flattery in certain situations.

The courtesy is received and repaid. Everyone bowed to each other in the usual etiquette, as clearly the Air Nomads favor conversing with people other than a disgruntle Kheshig nomad.

"I see that people still remember my father's legacy!" the old man smiled warmly. "It is great to see you Kyoshi Warriors again. The last time I saw you both, my father and I rode the Elephant-Koi while journeying to the island."

The two sisters glanced at each other. While the other three Air Nomads grimaced.

"I think you have mistaken us for someone else," Satchiko blurted.

Mayumi quickly made a jab across her sister's waist, reminding Satchiko that there is no need to correct others in delicate situation like this. It would be improper to seek their assistance in this long journey if the younger sister continuously points out inconsequential flaws such as foggy memories.

Before Mayumi can move to rectify her sister's rudeness, someone else spoke first.

"Apologies," the Airbending woman stated. "My father is very tired. Although even I cannot help but notice that you two do appear very similar in complexion."

The Kyoshi Warriors are currently donned in their complete outfit, face paints included. Naturally, it does help conceal their real identities.

"It's fine, my sister and I are often mistaken as each other," Mayumi said, subtly revealing more about herself and Satchiko. "We are also here to pay respect to the venerable, Master Tenzin."

Satchiko picked up that name, which belongs to the old monk behind the Airbending woman. As the two women conversed, she noticed the elder trying to rearrange the toys on the ground. Amongst the pile of objects, there is more than simple dolls and wooden carvings. Precious works such as clay depictions of animals or intriguing trinkets made from animal bones are also present. According to Mayumi, only those who have chosen the correct toys from their past lives can be considered an Avatar.

"We are journeying to Ba Sing Se by the invitation of Master Xuan Zang." Mayumi presented the letter to the Airbending woman, who then showed it to the elder named Tenzin. "Please forgive our unnecessary intrusion. Our journey was seriously hindered by a nearby conflict, forcing our vessel to change route. We seek your aid to continue the travel to Ba Sing Se."

The old venerable confirmed its authenticity. "It is indeed the handwriting of Xuan Zang, exactly the same style he uses to translate ancient scriptures." As a charitable Airbending master, he naturally agreed to their request.

But the mention about Xuan Zang's role in translating scruptures further incurred Mayumi's interest. Despite her reserved nature, there are times when she cannot remain quiet about the world beyond their little island. Sensing this as another opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, she inquired more about Xuan Zang's occupation, hoping it may smoothen their ties.

"Ah, well you see, Xuan Zang is not an Airbender like us," Tenzin clarified. "However, his contribution in reviving my people's culture cannot be overstated. After journeying across all four ancient temples, he collected surviving Airbending scriptures and bring it back to the city, aiming to translate and archive them."

The role of writing is a vital part of any culture, even holding the secrets of Airbending history and other revelations unbeknownst to the present. It is implied in Tenzin's word that the ancient Air Nomad manuscripts might be so old, that the written script is simply too difficult for the current generation to decipher. Thus, requiring rigorous translation.

"Even though he is not an Airbender, his first disciple is indeed a prodigy," Tenzin said. "It is rather remarkable that that he managed to assemble three students on his journey to the pilgrimage sites. Although I must admit, two of his three students do have rather... interesting faces."

Mayumi relished this information as her love for learning cannot be quenched with these stories alone. Only by seeing things personally can this curiosity be truly satisfied. Luckily, there is another topic that can be discussed.

"I see that you have presented many toys here, any success so far?" Mayumi's question did not work as splendid as she has expected. The Air Nomads, especially Tenzin himself, appear troubled and exhausted, allowing the younger woman to answer in his place.

"Our goal has been progressing very slowly," she stated. "But this method has its effectiveness. As long as the Avatar can see these toys, we can identify them."

"Hold on," Satchiko interrupted. "Are you seriously going to fly across every village, town and city on this world? Just to see if a child would pick the toys?"

"It's just the Earth Kingdom," the woman said without hesitation.

The fact that the continent is the largest one of them all does not dissuade her dedication. Just like yesterday's situation, this particular woman has demonstrated immense resilience, fully committed to finding the Avatar in the Earth Kingdom.

Being somewhat knowledgeable on this matter, Mayumi expressed her own uncertainty. Why would the Air Nomads need to employ such a time-consuming method when they knew there are millions across this continent? Wars and bandit rebellions also ravages the lands, with independent warlords sending armies after armies against one another. How can four monks hope to work in such dangerous environment?

Their father, a poor scholar who accomplished very little in life, once spoke about the Earth Sages. It is believed that these intellectuals of many philosophies do employ a unique method that is suited in locating an Avatar in a sea of millions. She asked the Airbending woman about the Earth Kingdom method, which the latter understands.

"Of course, directional geomancy, they have indeed been relying on this method since the ancient times of their ancestors," the woman confirmed. "The Earth Sages across the continent are assisting the White Lotus in finding the next Avatar. To my knowledge, each region has its own Sages overseeing their own respective searches. Omashu has been particularly active."

"Isn't geomancy similar to furniture arrangement?" Satchiko cannot help but ask. "Pretty sure dad used it to create our hut's interior design."

Mayumi sighed, putting a palm on her face. "Sister, this isn't the time to discuss about Feng Shui, the four of us agreed that the table will not be placed near the entrance."

Satchiko slightly lowered head as the more important conversation resumed. The Airbending woman further stressed that the efforts of the Earth Sages are greatly hindered, mostly by wars and natural disasters. Since many of these Sages also serve as state ministers, most are preoccupied with the duty to their own leaders. Thus, giving little time and cooperation to locate the Avatar.

"It seems that times has become more precarious," Mayumi remarked. "Venerable, may I ask, what is your knowledge about the group known as the Acolytes of San Bao? They tried to harm me and my sister, and even attempted to force us to forsake our devotion to Avatar Kyoshi. Why are they so persistent in trying to stop others from venerating their own deities?"

"They tried to harm Batu!" Satchiko added.

This question may be too sensitive to the Kheshig, who seems to have almost been wiped out by Huo's people. Yet even the Air Nomads here appears confronted by their inquiry.

The female nun appears conflicted, reluctant to answer. Thankfully, the ever-venerable Master Tenzin stepped up to address the mystery behind the nefarious group known as the Acolytes of San Bao. The two sisters listened intently, believing that every word of wisdom would aid them to fend off those fanatics should they appear in the future.

"They are an abomination," Tenzin started in an already scathing manner. It was rather unexpected, since this Airbending master has always appeared calm and rational. "I have nothing good to say about them."

The Kyoshi Warriors waited for him to collect himself again. After clearing his throat, Tenzin elaborated more about the Acolytes of San Bao and the Eternal Balance. At least, whatever limited and consistent knowledge that is available.

"Since the beginning of Earth Kingdom's fracture, a new faith has appeared on this world. We never truly understood their real intentions. Honestly, we never thought they can grow so big to encompass so much influence across the world."

Those words alone worried the two sisters, but they listened more closely.

"The Acolytes of San Bao have an... unorthodox view of the world. Compared to everyone else, their ways are unique, but it clashes with everything that surrounds them. Their teachings forbade the acceptance of other beliefs, viewing their own philosophy as the one final truth."

"Who is this Master that they cherish so much?" Satchiko chimed in. "What is it about him that makes them act with such irrationality?"

Unfortunately, Tenzin and his three disciples cannot offer an answer. Even these knowledgeable ascetics do not know the identity of the 'Master'.

"The only thing clear to us is their complete devotion to him, almost like a father," Tenzin said mildly. Perhaps both sides have more than enough experience with the zealots they encountered. "I have my own misgivings about his teachings. His promise to his followers offers an escape from poverty and earthly sufferings."

"Which is?" Mayumi asked.

It was reincarnation. Tenzin's answer did more than enough to further confuse the Kyoshi Warriors. But then again, trying to understand the Acolytes of San Bao is akin to arguing that sand is valuable. Simply speaking with the devotee named Huo is enough to label these fanatics as deluded zealots.

"So, they are a cult," Satchiko mused.

"From what we can understand, it seems that the Acolytes of San Bao believes they can cultivate into a bender by adhering to their Master's teachings. To them, everything must be done in order to serve him and complete the process known as the Eternal Balance." Tenzin felt embarrassed to even mention such utter nonsense, which is a testament to the distorting nature of those acolytes. "As an Airbending Master, I of course oppose such false spiritual beliefs. Their disrespect to the Avatar and the spirits have instilled a calamity upon this world. Sadly, many do not share my skepticism."

Tenzin stressed that this new faith have many followers across the world. Even a small weed sprouting inside a garden can eventually fester without care. But aside from their blind devotion to a mere mortal, those acolytes demonstrate highly problematic behaviors, especially to those who are not part of their spiritual movement.

"Many times, I have seen them destroying temples and shrines," the elder said. "Plenty of my Airbenders were once victims of those acolytes. It is very concerning that their proliferating numbers shows no signs of slowing."

Mayumi and Satchiko processed this information. The older sister, already knowing that someone is ear-dropping, decided to simply invite them in.

"No need to hide," she said.

A nomad walked into the tent filled with many toys. It is Khenbish, who arrived with his walking stick. Despite his calmer demeanor and injury, even he cannot easily overlook the past. But at least this man is the more reasonable one amongst the fierce men of Kheshig.

"With all due respect, Master Tenzin, why did you not mention to our guests that a certain state is harboring the Acolytes of San Bao?" Khenbish pressured. "I find it rather dishonest to withhold such vital information."

It was clearly a deliberate act to drive a wedge between the Kyoshi Warriors and the monks. But Khenbish's accusation is also genuine.

Tenzin soon confirmed that the Acolytes of San Bao are constantly fighting for a foothold in the mainland continent, with different groups located in various regions in order to carve out their own domain. But the warlords are no mere weaklings. Just like every other belligerent, war also affects these cultists. However, they have found a sanctuary in the only one place on this world that accepts them. A certain level of protection is enjoyed in a land known as the United Republic, a sovereign entity located at the west of the now fractured Earth Kingdom.

Despite knowing the animosity between the two Airbending groups, Mayumi cannot ignore the Khenbish's accusations. While remaining cordial, she found it rather unbelievable that those cultists can find a place that tolerates them.

"Esteemed guests," Khenbish addressed the sisters. "The people who tried to harm you and my son are no mere bandits. As long as you believe in a different deity, they will attack you. Your temples and customs meant nothing to them. If you truly cherish your way of life, do not combat the Acolytes of San Bao with scholarly eloquence."

It is implied that the Air Nomads cannot adequately hinder the cultists using their philosophy. In hindsight, a peaceful nature does not conform with applying violence against a new dangerous faith. Regardless, both methods cannot successfully suppress the Acolytes of San Bao's sheer fanatism.

"Members who join the Acolytes of San Bao already see Airbenders as an evil that must be eradicated, fighting them with brute force would only solidify their irrational belief." Tenzin offered his own argument, which is more aligned with Air Nomad pacifism. A sense of urgency is placed on the quest to locate the next Avatar, who may assist in the quelling of this corrupting spiritual infestation that threatens the culture of all four nations.

Khenbish quickly disagreed, surprisingly acting with adequate manner. He debated the Airbending Master with a level of intelligence that is rather unexpected. The herdsman immediately stated the tragedies of the past, pointing to the many examples of how peaceful monks were harmed due to their perceived vulnerability. This unremarkable man even mentioned the unprovoked attack by the Fire Nation, an unprecedented level of horror that still lives fresh in the minds of today. Sometimes, a certain level of violence would be needed to prevent great disasters. Yet the Air Nomads of old frowned upon anyone from the monastery who were willing to selflessly save others by taking certain lives.

The two men argued about their philosophical differences, with Mayumi trying to mediate without success.

In the midst of this contention, the Airbending nun shifted her gaze on a person standing next to vast array of toys.

Satchiko glanced at a particular object. A clay turtle caught her attention. In an act of impulse, she used her meagre Earthbending to levitate the toy closer, choosing to examine it personally. It does appear very similar to the ones owned by children in her village. Occasionally, merchants would sell these near the pier. Since it is a product from the mainland, objects like these are often seen as rather luxurious, crafted by Earthbending artisans to be beautiful and precious.


Satchiko looked at the nun, who was the one that spoke. For moment, the young Kyoshi Warrior stood confused, not remembering the meaning behind that name.

"I-is that... very you?" asked the nun again.

The rest of the room also looked at Satchiko's direction, with a mix of reactions. Tenzin immediately held up a hand, demanding everyone's silence.

"What's going on?" Satchiko asked. "Did I do something wrong again?"

"Young girl, please, pick another toy," Tenzin said in an almost pleading manner.

"But aren't I too old to play with these things?" Satchiko replied cautiously.

Their sudden fixation on her is indeed unsettling. In the midst of hesitation, Mayumi implored Satchiko to pick a random object amongst the many different toys. The latter simply chose a wooden sword carving, much to the disappointment of the four Air Nomads.

"It was never meant to be easy," Tenzin said with a depressed tone. "If she was the chosen one, it would have been one in a million chance."

This made Satchiko felt rather guilty. Mayumi then quickly reminded her about the Air Nomad method to identify the Avatar, which involves picking a series of toys belonging to previous incarnates. But since Satchiko's second pick is not corresponding to what the Airbenders are hoping, she is not an incarnation.

"No need to feel shame," Khenbish reassured. "They are simply harboring false hope. Finding the Avatar in the Earth Kingdom would be like trying to search for a needle amongst a stack of hay. Besides, there is a chance that we may never be able to witness another master of all four elements."

Satchiko looked at Khenbish with a mix of confusion and fear.

"What do you mean?" she demanded. "What are you talking about?"

Khenbish reacted with his own set of confusion. Before Mayumi can intervene, the herdsman blurted a rough understanding of the previous Avatar's fate. "You don't know? The last Avatar didn't die because of old age. She was killed. It might be just rumors amongst folks who were too drunk, but some said because of some weird inner workings, the Avatar is truly gone."

Mayumi grimaced as her sister processed this information with a blank expression. Satchiko's lack of reaction is just the thin surface that masked the overwhelming shock. How can an incarnate of the powerful Kyoshi be defeated in the first place?

"Sister, there is no need to overthink this," Mayumi quickly implored.

Always immediately, Satchiko demanded to know which nefarious spirit killed the previous Avatar. She quickly turned to the four Air Nomads, seeking answers. Yet, discomfort sealed their faces.

Sensing the changing dynamic, Khenbish chose to take his leave. Satchiko is pummeled with a mixture of fear and confusion. But upon being calmed down by Mayumi, she felt recomposed and tried to seek the answer through these venerables.

"Master Tenzin, how did the previous Avatar die?" Even without asking, she knew that this question would be difficult to answer, considering their possible bond with the previous incarnate. Considering that Kyoshi Island is a rather remote place, the flow of information is much more impeded.

The elderly monk closed his eyes and sighed. He stroked his long grey beard, contemplating on how to properly deliver this knowledge. Considering the spiritual importance of the Avatar to the Kyoshi Warriors, the words he uttered are not dispensed casually.

"It was... a battle... of immense proportion. It changed everything." Tenzin started in a sentimental manner. "Due to the rising tension and outbreak of war between the states of Jian Xin and Xiao Zhong, Korra's friends were sent to that region to prevent further bloodshed. In their absence, a powerful opponent threatened Republic City. As the Avatar, Korra must naturally defend its sovereignty."

Both sisters can see the sorrow in their faces. Something else must have happened beyond this mere tragedy.

"The opponent, the challenger, was a powerful being," Tenzin stressed. "But to safeguard the people, Korra fought with every fiber of her strength."

There was silence. The Kyoshi Warriors listened intently, eager to know what happened next.

"Master, please, we need to know how it ended," Satchiko implored. "What happened to the one that killed the previous Avatar?"

Mayumi silently stood close by, allowing her sister to seek the answers she wanted. Tenzin revealed the fate of the killer. The daring foe who challenged the Avatar's legitimacy died in his attempt. But even the death of that dastard opponent failed to quell Satchiko's shaken faith.

"How?" Satchiko refused to believe this rather vague story. "How can a simple person fight the Avatar and still succeed?"

Although it was a mutual destruction, it is still unprecedented that a mere mortal managed to kill a living deity! Not just any deity, but an incarnate of Avatar Kyoshi! As a devotee to the founder, how can she ever reconcile with this fact?

Satchiko tightly held a hand to cover one side of her face, insecure and trembling. Mayumi sighed, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Trust me, sister. You are not the first Kyoshi Warrior to be like this, and you will certainly not be the last."

The Airbending nun also clarified that the opponent who challenged the Avatar was no mere mortal. If that was the case, surely Korra would have won.

"We were not there to witness the battle," she admitted with a sense of guilt. "Just like many Airbenders from Republic City, we were too busy searching for others like us across the continent." She walked forth to Satchiko, reassuring the teenager that the previous Avatar was by no means weak or cowardly. "Be at ease, she did not dishonor Kyoshi's legacy. If you have simply saw the aftermath, you would believe that it was a battle that truly shattered the heaven and earth. Everyone who watched that battle alive can attest to that. Anyone who survived that battle was never the same again."

Satchiko looked into the eyes of this Airbending woman. She knew the claim is serious. If the last Avatar has indeed fought a battle that 'shattered the heaven and earth', then the opponent cannot be a mere mortal. But if the challenger who killed a living deity is also not a spirit, what is he?

"If we were there, we would surely intervene and assist Korra!" said another Airbender. He claimed that the previous Avatar would not have lost the battle if she wasn't fighting alone. Somehow, this powerful opponent managed to challenge the Avatar while all her allies are preoccupied elsewhere.

Regardless of what happened, Tenzin proclaimed that all would honor the previous Avatar's legacy and contribution to the world. Despite the tragic end to a powerful prodigy, her sacrifice has saved many.

Satchiko grasped the clay turtle even tighter. A small crack was heard, prompting Mayumi to immediately snatch the toy out of her sister's hand.

"Sister! You are going to break it!"

The Airbenders watched on as the younger Kyoshi Warrior is compelled to accept this reality. There was a sense of anger and sadness, presumably directed at the one who killed the previous Avatar.

After controlling her emotions, Satchiko quickly apologized for damaging the clay turtle. She bowed to the monks, and Mayumi returned a priceless artifact to Tenzin himself.

"Look at what you have done!" Mayumi said to Satchiko. "That was very important to them!"

"It is fine, young Kyoshi Warrior, this relic is still usable." Tenzin's benevolence and willingness to forgive is rather unexpected. That piece of clay toy in Satchiko's untrained hands was possibly an item held by a previous Avatar. It is irreplaceable if lost, yet he is still very compassionate despite Satchiko's impulsiveness.

Tenzin spoke to the younger sister. "Mind I ask, why did you pick that clay turtle?"

Perhaps there was still a shimmer of hope that the Avatar is right before their eyes. As usual, Mayumi answered in Satchiko's place.

"Venerable, children in our village are known to play with clay pieces that is similar. Some of our ritual also involves relics of the same design. My sister simply picked that relic out of curiosity. "

The idea of Satchiko being the Avatar alone is more than ludicrous, even the Kyoshi Warrior herself shares this sentiment. Such unlikely chances are between miniscule to none. It is hilarious to play pretend, but toying around with the identity of a living deity should not be done lightly.

The elder commended their dedication to venerate Avatar Kyoshi. Just like the legacy of the previous Earth Kingdom incarnate, he demonstrated hope that history will also fondly remember Korra.

"A warrior who couldn't even fight alone is not worthy of veneration!"

They turned to a loud booming voice outside. After emerging from the tent, they saw a horde of approaching nomads, guided by their Khan. It seems that their meeting has ended.

"What did you just say?" Tenzin demanded, almost losing his temper. Despite his advanced age, this frail body is still capable of garnering anger, especially if others dishonored his most cherished student.

Obviously, the one that lampooned the Avatar was Temujin himself, the rude and boisterous Khan who shows no respect at all. With a bowl of fermented milk in one hand, he eyed the Airbending master with a smuggest expression, knowing that words can be equally lethal.

"Son of Aang, with all due respect, a wise man once said that history is not always kind to its subjects." He devoured all the fermented milk and threw the bowl aside. "Not all Avatars are perfect. But I am sure that all of them would be a better warrior than someone who only thinks they are strong."

The Khan is focusing more on the previous Avatar's strength, or the lack of it. Temujin claimed that a weakling does not deserve to be remembered at all. Satchiko wanted to argue, but a more serious-minded Mayumi easily forbidden this act.

Temujin's next words slightly surprised them, especially Mayumi.

"If you two wish to use the Sky-Bison, I doubt those monks over there would suffice," he said. "Considering they are preoccupied with their pointless search for the Avatar, I don't think they would have time to assist in your travels."

"But I thought you said the whole tribe would not easily deviate from their intended route," Mayumi elicited. "Ba Sing Se is far."

Satchiko realized that the conversation between Mayumi and the Khan is a reference to their negotiation, which occurred after yesterday's battle. Perhaps her sister tried to convince Temujin to use their Sky-Bisons as a quick transport to the city, a proposal that was initially rejected. But how did the Khan know that they also intend to seek the Air Nomad's help?

She's eyes scanned the crowd, noticing Batu standing behind Khenbish's back. He even hid his face upon realizing that the Kyoshi Warrior is staring at that specific direction. Not that she thought about it, why would the Khan suddenly change his mind if it wasn't motivated by spite towards the temple monks?

"Temujin, the Kyoshi Warriors seek our help, there is no need to further trouble you," Tenzin insisted.

But before the Airbending master can dismissed these disgruntle nomads, one of them suddenly brought forth the acolyte named Huo. Ganbaatar threatened her with a scimitar, obviously intending to execute the Firebending zealot. Thus, exploiting the pacifist nature of the monks.

"Cease this at once!" Tenzin decried this act of cruelty. The Kyoshi Warriors grimaced, unsure what is happening.

Temujin then chastised Tenzin's willingness to help a cultist but not his people in their desperate need. Despite forced to endure the hurl of insults, the elderly Tenzin hold firm, remaining true with his identity as an avid Air Nomad. Even the venerable, Avatar Aang, demonstrated mercy to the worst of his enemies. Obviously, the Khan does not commend this consistency like Mayumi, who is more understanding towards the monk's reasoning.

"I know we have our disagreements," Tenzin said to the Khan. "But killing that girl will not satisfy your hatred towards us."

"But it will annoy you!" Temujin spat back. "Our two esteemed guests have done more for us than your entire pathetic group of vegetarians. As the Khan, I believe it would be more proper for us to repay their help. Besides, wouldn't you folks prefer to search for something that no longer exist?"

This is coercion. The Kheshig chieftain intends to repay their debt to the Kyoshi Warriors while also spite the Air Nomads. Refusing to be stubborn, Tenzin agreed, but only under the condition that Huo must be spared.

"Making demands, are we?" Temujin sneered. "This sheep tried to attack one of my own. A good cut across the throat would be enough to atone for her transgression!"

"That isn't how justice works!" Tenzin countered. "She shall stand trial. I will personally oversee the procedures once she is taken back to Republic City."

Mayumi glanced at Tenzin. Usually, a crime should be handled by whatever local authorities that governs the area. Obviously, the state of Yi doesn't seem to have the capacity to address this particular case. But to blatantly assert that the legal system of a distant land is superior feels rather unsavoury.

"My Khan, don't listen to that senile fool!" Ganbaatar advised.

But a sudden chuckle from the chief demands all their attention. In a rather unexpected move, Temujin actually agreed to Tenzin's proposal, intending to send the Firebending acolyte to the other party.

"Suit yourself, son of Aang. When she bears fire towards your people, I doubt the act of mercy will be reciprocated." Temujiin then ordered a disgruntle Ganbaatar to shove the Firebender towards the Air Nomads. The two Kyoshi Warriors also voluntarily moved to away from the monks. "When that happens, I will relish in your stubbornness."

In the end, Tenzin successfully adhered to his culture, the one which Aang fought so hard to preserve.

As the elder decided to leave this camp with his three companions, the Khan have one more demand. The chieftain ordered two of the Air Nomads to unhood themselves. Upon discovering their identities, Temujin said nothing else.

Tenzin and the other three nomads retrieved their belongings and boarded their Sky-Bison. With Huo in their custody, they would need to fly west first before resuming their search.

There were no formalities being exercised. The esteemed Master Tenzin is usually held in high regard no matter what setting he is inserted into. But here, even the amicable Kyoshi Warriors are too afraid to demonstrate parting cordiality.

As they Sky-Bison ascended to the air. Mayumi subtly glanced at a cluster of yurt tents near the pasture. It would have been a very convenient cover for a hidden group of archers.


The wind blew against their hair. With the whole world lying beneath them, the four Air Nomads can speak finally candidly without reserve. The conversation was mostly between Tenzin and his eldest daughter.

"I truly thought that was her," she lamented.

The search for the next Avatar was never going to be easy, especially if they are going to reincarnate in the Earth Kingdom. While the regional sages and the White Lotus members have been fruitless in their endeavor, many still harbor great confidence in the traditional method practiced by the air monastery.

"Remain hopeful, Jinora." Tenzin advised. "No great journey is completed without insurmountable obstacles."

Jinora retrieved an item from the saddle's storage area. It is a scrapbook, a great chronicle of Korra's greatest trials and tribulations. If anyone were to read through these pages, it would be akin to accessing the memories of her late friend.

But for this Airbending master specifically, this book felt nostalgic, but also sad. It felt like yesterday that her dear friend is still on this world. While she is anticipating for Korra's return, the very creation of this chronicle is also motivated by their greatest fear.

"I am afraid that when we locate the Avatar, it wouldn't be Korra anymore." Jinora said in sadness.

Tenzin said nothing to dispel this very legitimate concern. Despite being the son of Aang, not even he can answer a question that most cannot even grasp. The masses of this world are unaware of this, but the previous Avatar have lost connection with all her past lives.

Those memories, those knowledge, all reduced to ashes.

Even if the next Avatar is found, would they even remember their past friendship?

"This book would be the key for her to remember," Jinora said in a somewhat frail voice. "I hope."

The chronicle is composed with a collection of letters from all her friends, but most importantly from Korra herself. By the suggestion of Tenzin, a valuable written recording of events during Korra's tenure can assist the next incarnation, since there is uncertainty about the next Avatar's ability access previous memories.

"Jinora, whether or not the next Avatar possesses Korra's memories, I am sure she would want us to guide her successor." Tenzin counseled wisely. "We will not be alone. The Order of the White Lotus shall assist in this search. I am sure many of them are gathering near the Southern Air Temple, readying to use other relics to identify the Avatar."

Silence ensued. The four Air Nomads sat quietly as the sound of wind rustled their orange robes.

As Tenzin guided their Sky-Bison through a cluster of clouds, he suddenly raised a question not on everyone's minds.

"Those Kyoshi Warriors, what were their names again?"

"Mayumi and Satchiko," Jinora answered. "Father, what is on your concern?"

"Nothing," the elder replied.

Clearly, Tenzin's mind is somewhat preoccupied. "Jinora, when we return to Republic City, remind me to check the record of our family tree."

"Dad!" Meelo cried.

They completely forgot that a dangerous Firebender is at the back of the saddle. Although restrained, Huo's ears can hear everything.

As their Sky-Bison passed through the clouds, the four of them quickly looked at Huo, whose face is turned towards the back of the saddle.

"She is asleep, right?" Ikki asked.

A lack of response from the Firebender herself might mean this is indeed the case. But this is also a stark reminder that they must be careful with their words. Private matters should be discussed without disadvantaging themselves, especially if a nefarious cultist is under their custody.