The Avatar stood on a tall hill, looking at the gate of Ba Sing Se slowly being opened. Armies poured out of the gap, with endless soldiers and steeds readied to march upon the corpse of a fractured realm. If a divided Earth Kingdom must bleed to rectify the mistakes of a nation torn asunder, so be it. -Special thanks to Kkachi95 for the cover art! -Feel free to visit ( for earlier notifications on latest chapters.
The rhythmic pounding of the gong echoed through the air, signaling an emergency of some sort. The people on the streets and in the procession began to murmur and exchange worried glances, as a sudden sense of urgency enveloped the atmosphere after the beacons ignited. The governor, still seated comfortably in his carriage, looked irritated by the unexpected disturbance. The men in grey suits from Republic City appeared intrigued, their expressions betraying a certain degree of curiosity mixed with wariness.
Ji Gongsheng alone climbed onto the battlement, demanding an acceptable explanation. But unlike with Mo Xi, the governor adapted a slightly more lenient tone with the man who is responsible for guarding the outer walls. Lenient, but still annoyed.
"Nephew!" Ji Gongsheng shouted at the man holding the metal gong. He snatched the instrument and threw it aside. "What is wrong with you?"
The guard captain trembled, but not because of the governor's reproach. All soldiers on the battlement stood in fear at what lies beyond the city itself. Without asking, the governor peaked through a wall's crenel gap, watching from above the gatehouse.
The sight is mundane, but it is indeed terrifying.
A vast sea of people, a horde of gigantic proportion. There doesn't appear to be any organized ranks or files, it's just simply a massive host of poorly armed peasants with almost nothing but blunt and makeshift spears. Although most of them wore no armor and possesses weapons of meagre quality. But their sheer numbers alone have demoralized the city's garrison.
"W-who are these people?" Ji Gongsheng asked in a confronted tone.
Even in times of civil wars, peasant uprisings are not an uncommon sight across these lands. But the size of this horde is bigger than an army. Due to their sudden appearance and unannounced intentions, the guards on the pagoda towers already inflamed a massive fire, alerting the beacon towers outside the city. They can only hope that the governor's vassals do not interpret this as another childish prank.
Upon being asked to identify themselves, a lone rider sallied towards the closed gate. With a giant watery moat surrounding the city, the man can only speak while shouting.
"My name is not important! We serve under no earthly lords or deceiving spirits. Open the gate now!"
The governor is not amused. He yelled at the audacious man riding the ostrich-horse, chastising his lack of loyalty as a citizen. Since most of this army appears like a disorganized mob of peasant, unarmored and likely poorly trained, this gives some confidence to Ji Gongsheng.
"Treason!" the governor bellowed loudly, denouncing these ragtag rebels. "How dare you make demands against me! Don't you recognize that I am the governor of-"
"You are not the ruler of this land!" the rider declared boldly. "This land belongs to the righteous Master, the embodiment of the Eternal Balance. This city of false idols shall fall before the army of faithful standing right behind me!"
The governor glanced at the pathetic army composed of peasants. There are thousands of them. Except for a few dozens of warriors who are donned in what appears to be leather armor, the rest of them are dressed in simple rags. As expected, farming tools are the common option for makeshift weapons. Peasant armies may be numerous in number, but many can be easily quelled. The walls of Hao Jing along are enough to deter a lengthy siege.
"If you refuse to submit to the Master and abandon your idols, we shall impart the righteous punishment onto the city of Hao Jing!"
This statement is followed by wild screams and roars from the malnourished army behind the man. Instead of demanding food and opening the city's granary, the peasants are instead ordering the destruction of all statues and temples dedicated to the spirits. They also seek to demolish the ancestral halls and any relics of worship, a bizarre demand that the governor would not accept.
As the governor became confused by their surprisingly abundant confidence, another soldier near him spoke up. The officer is behind the guard captain, who is unsure how to adequately prepare for a possible siege.
"My liege, these rebels do not seem to have any supplies," he said. "The beacons have been lit. As long as we prevent them from entering Hao Jing, we can either starve them to death or wait until we perform an encirclement with allies."
"Good, I hope that Marquess of Shen would be the first to arrive, his army is always quite formidable."
Of course, many are aware that other armies from the state of Shang all returned to their fiefs. They likely wouldn't answer the call on the same day, assuming the beacon as another humorous trick to amuse a concubine. Regardless, the officer remains confident that the lack of supplies will be decisive in fending off this army of peasants.
"They have no siege weapons," the officer continued. "Not even a ladder, no logs to cross the moat. It's as if they are not ready to besiege us at all."
Even the most inexperienced peasant uprising would understand that they need something to overcome the city's fortification. An enemy that appears unprepared may be good news, but certain facades are not a welcoming sight for more experienced commanders.
"T-then this is great news!" chimed the guard captain nephew. "We don't need to fight at all! They can't cross the moat. They can never get in!"
Except for the one officer, the governor and the other soldiers on the gatehouse felt a sense of relief. Since the drawbridge has been lifted, the attackers have no way to cross the water. Anyone falling into the moat would be carried away by the moving current. Since Hao Jing is built next to a giant river, diverting some of the natural stream is useful in reinforcing the defenses.
"Do not folly yourselves!" yelled the rider at the head of the army. "You may have swords and spears, but the power of our Master can shatter any mighty walls and shackles! Disbelievers like you should repent and kneel before the righteous and faithful! With the power of faith, all things are possible!"
The governor dismissed their enthusiasm. But it came as a surprise when he heard that the attackers also demand the release of Mo Xi, the old man presumed to be nothing but a troublemaker in the city's slums.
"You are all in league with that peddler?" Ji Gongsheng exclaimed. To think that a mere old man in rags has connections with a rebellious army, it felt too absurd. But it was too late to realize this until the wall defenders noticed the chain of reaction. Amongst the besiegers, many became visibly incensed by the governor's mild remarks about Mo Xi. They are maddened like uncontrollable beasts, chanting in unison out of anger.
"How dare you disrespect a prophet chosen by the Master!" the leader bellowed with indignation. "Those that slanders the Eternal Balance shall be put to the sword!"
Even the most casual words are enough to induce rage into this army of peasants. Gradually, the soldiers on top of the walls realized that these people are not normal at all. They appear starving, but not enough to dampen their fanatism. Not a single one felt fear towards the more heavily armored men manning the battlements of Hao Jing.
"Your false idols and oppression of the faithful shall end today!" declared the rider at the head of the peasant army. He waved his spear, signaling all his followers to attack.
The besiegers raised their weapons, rusty farm tools and spears taken from old battlefields. As they gradually marched towards the wall itself, the governor hastily ordered his troops to act.
"We still have a ritual to complete, the ancestors would not be pleased if these lunatics disrupt the procession." Remaining confident in Hao Jing's defenses, Ji Gongsheng decided that they shall kill these unfilial revolters like fish in a barrel. Stationary siege crossbows and archers across the walls are ordered to aim at the unarmored peasants closest to them.
"Fire!" an officer yelled.
A barrage of arrows unleashed themselves. Unprotected flesh and bones are impaled. Many peasants died on the first round of fire. Yet, these mere peasants did not falter. Their morale remains undisturbed, some even chanted louder to commemorate their fallen, rising their eagerness to assault the walls of Hao Jing. Some archers even saw men crawling up from the ground after being pierced through the chest.
"For the Master! Destroy their idols!"
Another round of arrows answered that cry of utter faith, but the conviction of the besiegers still did not break. Under normal circumstances, the mere thought of flesh being torn apart by flying pieces of metal is enough to drive the enemy off from the battlefield. The governor grew with unease. If the arrows cannot scare them away, then perhaps something heavier will.
The siege crossbows on towers shot their projectiles. Like spears, each impaled and even skewered multiple advancing peasants. The guards operating these dangerous weapons despaired when the mob of peasants did not grumble at the sight of such potent weapon. Usually, seeing their fellow allies killed by such mechanism alone is enough to destroy morale.
Many guards on the walls are still confident. Surely, the moat will stop the enemies.
The rider examined the barrier, and soon ordered his followers to act.
"The Master will open a path for anyone who believes in him! There is no greater virtue than fighting for the manifestation of the Eternal Balance! Soon, all of you shall witness and inherit the Heavenly Kingdom established by our glorious and ever powerful Master! Anyone who dies to further this righteous cause shall be rewarded with the Master's eternal adoration!"
Like naive children, many peasants hurled themselves into the moat at a whim. Many guards on the wall grimaced by this act that no one in Hao Jing anticipated. The governor himself stood in shock as countless sacrificed themselves in groups, filling a section of the moat like rocks being pushed into the river. Bodies stacked on top of each other, forming a giant fleshy blockade that impeded the moat's moving current. Obviously, the people at the bottom of this amalgamation drowned first. This display horrified even the most experienced defenders.
The sudden but effective method managed to create a path to the wall directly. The moat dried up, allowing the besieger to swarm at the bastion's base. As archers continued to shoot at any incoming peasants, vague orders were yelled amongst the attacking force. Before anyone can react, the peasants gathered to the gatehouse, once again using their own bodies as tools to surmount any obstacles. They piled onto each other, forming a collective mesh that is growing ever higher against the wall. Without siege weapons, these fanatics have already frightened the defenders beyond their wits. The lack of self-preservation is evident as they use their own bodies like scaffolding, allowing others to climb up. Any dead ones shot by arrows simply remained there as stepping stones to reach the battlement.
Being slow to adapt, it didn't take long until soldiers on the battlement are forced to confront screaming peasants crawling through the crenels. Despite this unexpected method to scale the fortification, the unprotected bodies of the attackers are not enough to defeat the more heavily armed city guards. With steel spears piercing through malnourished flesh, not even sheer fanatism is enough to overwhelm a phalanx of iron.
"Formations!" the officer cried as the guard captain cowered inside a wall turret.
The soldiers on the walls fought hard to maintain control over the battlement. The governor evacuated, running back to the procession with a handful of bodyguards. Citizens and merchants within Hao Jing can hear the intense sound of fighting outside the walls. Many demanded an explanation that will ease their sudden sense of urgency. Instinctively, travelling merchants are already packing their stalls, preparing to escape when the opportunity reveals itself.
Ji Gongsheng didn't shout out any orders at first. Surrounded by his ministers, the governor is at a loss by which advice should be considered. Some proposed to continue the fight, others suggested negotiation. All these wisemen and officials are completely caught off guard by the unknown raiders who seeks to destroy Hao Jing.
"W-what exactly did I do to them that have warranted such reprisal?" the governor asked.
The ministers surrounded him. They all discussed near the ceremonial procession, which still isn't disbanded. Without the governor's order, the ritual offering to the ancestors cannot be stopped. But it seems that the calamity predicated by fortuneteller Meng has already manifested.
"My liege, these raiders seek the destruction of your ancestral halls. If they also wish to desecrate the ancient tombs of your ancestors, then they must be punished!"
"But there is so many of them!" another minister chimed in. "There aren't enough guards in the city if they managed to break through!"
"Nonsense!" Ji Gongsheng roared. "You think the walls of Hao Jing are so fragile, that it would fall to a bunch of peasants? My nephew and his men will make sure not a single one would get through!"
While the sudden attack on Hao Jing is indeed concerning, the city's garrison is more than adequate to repel it. The enemies outside may be numerous, but the wall is still a formidable defense that shall balance out the difference in numbers. No matter how much zeal those peasants may have, simple flesh cannot protect from sharp iron.
"This is unprecedented!" Ji Gongsheng exclaimed. "Today is supposed to be a day where we make ritual sacrifices with friends and guests. Speaking of which, where are our esteemed visitors from afar?"
The ministers suddenly became hesitant, uncomfortable even. The silence broke until one of the older officials revealed that the men from the west have already departed.
Soon, the governor noticed the greyish airship ascending to the skies. Unlike most merchants, those men from afar can easily traverse out of the siege, a freedom that few can ever enjoy in this chaotic world they live in. Everyone else within Hao Jing is trapped, unable to use the only gate that connects them with the world outside.
"Governor," a calm young voice said. "Will my family still be compensated for my trouble?"
It was the young girl who is about to be sacrificed. Knowing the ancestor's reprisals, Ji Gongsheng assured her that so long she remains seated on the sedan, her family members will be showered in boundless wealth. Not even the more rational warning from a few levelheaded ministers is enough to derail this sacred procession. But aside from this individual, the governor is then swarmed with worried merchants and citizens in the city. Of course, Ji Gongsheng tried his best to assure the lucrative traders who treasures Hao Jing's status as a place of commerce. In times of war and chaos, any settlements that attracts merchants is far too valuable to lose, but having the reputation as a safe location is even more paramount.
"It's just a small peasant riot," Ji Gongsheng assured them. "Ungrateful subjects and instigators."
Despite obvious signs that many merchants are packing up their caravans, the governor and his advisors remained calm, trying to convince the remaining crowd that the city is not in peril. As so, the governor aims to pacify their unease with a rousing speech.
"The spirits of the ancestors are with us! Anyone who wishes to disrupt the annual ritual will be met by their wrath. Even if you do not believe in this, everything in the city is more than enough to convince you of their power. Look at the temples and flourishing markets, all of this is created by those that came before us. The great walls of Hao Jing alone are enough to testify the wisdom and blessings of our ancestors. Which is why that I, as the current ruler of Hao Jing, simply asks for your patience and understanding." Ji Gongsheng also channeled the strength of the city garrison and the loyalty of lesser lords across the state, who are supposedly eagerly marching to this city in a hasty rescue mission. "The strong warriors of Shang is more than enough to deter those ingrate troublemakers outside. Once this is all over, I will make sure they are all thoroughly punished, death by a thousand cuts!"
They scanned the crowd for their reaction. The speech is somewhat effective. Masks of uncertainty is preferrable over outright panic. Before the ministers can propose more options for this unexpected threat, a large mob of men in rags gathered near the back of the gatehouse. At first, many assumed them to be beggars who are startled by the assault against the city. Considering that the slums within Hao Jing contains numerous people, it is not unexpected to see a whole crowd conjuring in one place.
Armed guards began barracking the wooden gate. They can hear the sound of fighting above. But so long as the garrison maintain control of the walls, no one can enter Hao Jing. The renegade besiegers are also foolish enough to not bring any siege weapons, not even a single batter ram.
An officer directed his subordinates to reinforce the barrier, blocking the entrance with large wooden logs covered in animal hide, a tactic used to counter fire and Earthbenders at the same time. As men lifted these obstacles one by one, they gradually noticed the crowd of beggars behind them, all with blank stares.
"You all!" yelled the officer as he marched right up to them. "If you are not here to help, I expect you scoundrels to leave and allow us to work!"
The crowd in mucky clothing didn't say a single word, prompting the officer's anger. Before any further reprimanding is committed, a shard of rusty metal is thrusted into the senior soldier's neck, straight between the helmet and lamellar vest. The veins teared open, blood spewed out as the officer dropped to the ground. The soldiers barracking the gate instantly realized that a new calamity has struck Hao Jing, this time from within.
"Treason!" one of the guards yelled.
One man amongst the unorganized crowd of beggars picked up the officer's sword. After unsheathing it, he pointed at the gate and the guards that protects it, roaring in a slurred screech.
"Today, we are proud acolytes of the Eternal Balance, not slaves to the disbelievers of Hao Jing! The Master has showed us the truth that shackled our chains, he has provided us hope in a purposeless world that does not have light. You fools, how dare you ensnare and slander our beloved prophet Mo Xi. Scoundrels like you shall never inherit the Heavenly Kingdom that will manifest upon the world!"
Such words are not something that simple slum dwellers should be speaking. Regardless, the guards have no time to ponder their motives. Since it is expected that the besiegers will only trying to scale the walls directly, there are not many guards allocated to block up the entrance. Only a dozen stands between access to the gate and a mob of traitors. Never in a million years would these guards consider that Hao Jing's slum dwellers would suddenly turn against the city garrison.
"Onward, for the Master!"
A swarm instantly charged at the gate. As the fighting take place on the walls themselves, majority of the city defense is too distracted by the diversion outside. Although properly armored, the guards near the entrance itself are simply overwhelmed. After a brief and futile resistance, the gate of Hao Jing is opened from within, much to the terror of everyone else.
The besiegers cried in voices of praise to their venerated figure, declaring the opening of the city gate as another divine miracle. Filled with faith and vigor, they charged through the compromised gatehouse after their leader blows a ram horn. Chaos quickly escalated as the attackers surged into the city, and the once vibrant streets of Hao Jing turned into a battleground. Citizens and merchants alike were caught in the crossfire, desperately trying to escape the violence unfolding around them.
"Stop them!" the governor cried frantically.
A contingent of Earthbending soldiers began to rush towards the gatehouse, attempting to block the breach but to no avail. A constant stream of fanatical men poured in. A ruthless battle in the streets ensued as residents and merchants fled for their lives, heading to the city's center. In the midst of the fray, the leader of the attacking army created a large platform in the center of the street, elevating himself for a loud proclamation.
"Fellow acolytes! This city of idolatry and everyone in it must be offered to the Master under the curse of destruction! All the bronze, iron, silver and gold belong to the Master! You are not to leave even one person alive in any cities that the Master is about to give you as an inheritance. You must completely destroy the statues, temples and mausoleums just as the Master commanded you, so they won't teach you to do all the detestable things that they do for their spirits and ancestors! If you do what they teach you, you will rebel against the Master and the promise of the Eternal Balance! Just look at what they are about to do to that innocent girl, they are about to kill and sacrifice her to false gods! Such is the foolishness of those who do not venerate the true Master!"
The swarms of faithful peasants erupted into a thunderous war cry. Lacking in neither armor nor fear, they charged straight into sharp spears and crushing boulders. The death of one frail acolyte was replaced with ten more. The city's garrison are not fighting mere humans, they are facing swarms of beasts that somehow do not fear death.
Indiscriminately, these screeching peasants devoted the city to their figure of veneration. By the sword, no living thing was spared in their path. Not even wandering cattle or stray dogs are spared from their wanton destruction.
The city's citizens are further horrified when the main bulk of the garrison is completely annihilated on top of the walls. Being attack from within the city itself, the defenders lost control of the stairs leading to the battlement. Flags bearing obscure symbols are raised on top of pagoda towers as the acolytes overran many positions on the fortification. Any remaining troops are engaged in a futile struggle.
With the outer wall of the city fallen, the leader of the attacking army issued new orders despite the rather loose organization. Immediately, nearby statues are targeted. Ropes tied around the necks of stone figures are pulled tightly, toppling them. The governor can only watch in agony as his personal guards failed to stop those hooligans.
"Destroy every temple that espouses teachings which does not come from the Master!" yelled the nameless leader. "Save our esteemed prophet Mo Xi! Kill those that insulted him!"
The battle across the streets is fierce. While the spears and armor of the governor's most elite troops are superior, they are too outnumbered to offer any resistance. Despite all the carnage, the governor remained indecisive. As the guards delayed the onslaught, the ministers quickly ushered the sovereign into the carriage, hastily escaping back to the city's center while flanked by his bodyguards. They didn't even bother to disband the ritual procession before taking flight, and the acolytes exploited this.
The shamans at the front of the procession are the first ones to be cut down by a mob of uncontrollable peasants. Other servants carrying ritual objects are also not spared. There is deep hatred in the eyes of these acolytes. With only farming tools and makeshift weapons, they did not care who they butcher or what statue they desecrate.
The girl sitting on the sedan chair remained still, too afraid to move in fear that she too would be killed. Despite these acolytes outwardly abhor ritual sacrifices and those that performs the ceremony, it seems they have no plans of sparing the person serving as the offering.
"All that is unclean and deviant from the Master's righteous teachings must be culled!" yelled one of them.
Without even trying to reason, they brandished their blunt blades in an attempt to slash the girl. She recoiled in fear. But surrounded on all sides, her only fate is hoping that death is swift and painless.
"The Master has shown the world that we must remain pure and in yoke with the Eternal Balance. The propagation of the true veneration shall ensure that the Heavenly Kingdom will manifest across the world. It shall be the only Kingdom where faithful acolytes can live in harmony and not fear persecution!" Just as the acolyte is about to swing the blade at her, a flash of green quickly pummeled his face. The wielder of a glinting golden metal then fought off the others, swatting and slicing, jabbing at their limbs until all fell to the ground.
"Are you ok?" Satchiko asked. She quickly parried another incoming blade, all the while the sacrificial offering stood stunned. "What are you waiting for? Run!"
Satchiko quickly delivered a painful strike to a pursuing acolyte before leaving together. The two traversed across the street, heading for the city's center like all the inhabitants.
They passed through an area where they can see the local temples. Blaze consumed the roof tiles, people are pulling down and smashing statues of venerated figures. Like hordes of ransacking bandits, these renegades can be seen carrying out crates of treasures and piling them onto carts. But it is not the destruction of the temple that disheartened her. Everywhere she looked, there is suffering, fear, and death. Everyone fled their homes, seeking shelter in the governor's fortified estate just to save their lives. It is a sight that is deeply demoralizing.
The Kyoshi Warrior stopped, realizing that an arrow is shot into the girl's leg, causing her to fall to the ground. It was the rider, the one that commands this invading force of fanatical peasants. It didn't take long before some archers formed behind the exact leader.
Acting quickly, the Kyoshi Warrior positioned herself between the girl and the attackers. With only a single fan, Satchiko struggled to deflect every incoming arrow. She hissed in pain as one arrow managed to graze the lacquered part of her arm.
A few acolytes rushed forward, trying to impale the defenseless girl with crooked spears. With a desperate cry, the Kyoshi Warrior dodged a flurry of arrows until she forcefully disarmed and subdued the assailants with some well-placed punches.
"Stop firing!"
The line of archers halted their shooting. A man on the ostrich-horse slowly moved forward, seeing multiple faithful warriors paralyzed to the ground. Unexpectedly, he demanded that the Kyoshi Warrior surrender herself to the Master and the Eternal Balance.
"The Master is peaceful and merciful. In his glory and wise ways, he is willing to forgive any sinful transgressions against his faithful acolytes." The rider delivered the message with boundless reverence to his figure of veneration. "However, anyone who refuses to submit to the divine and holy Master is therefore an idolator who adheres to the falsehood of evil spirits. We, the Acolytes of San Bao, shall fight the unbelievers to the last of days!"
"Submit?" Satchiko said. "What makes you think a Kyoshi Warrior would ever yield?"
"Ha! Avatar Kyoshi is weak and powerless, anyone who worships her are therefore also weak because of such falsehood. Our Master's greatness is so vast, you cannot ever comprehend. He is the truth, the compassion and the forbearance of this fallen world. Yet, everyone else foolishly venerate mere idols made from rocks and wood. Only the Master can bring light and establish a Heavenly Kingdom that shall quell all chaos."
The young warrior glanced at the dead citizens nearby, some are even little children. She has never seen dead children before. Before her mind is completely overwhelmed with pure grief, one statement cannot go unspoken.
"Your Master is not worth following," she uttered simply. "And people like you are weird and stupid."
Such basic insults are only capable for a warrior who lacks the scholarly eloquence of her father. But Satchiko did not anticipate the immediate rise of fury. All those men reacted to her remark with pure anger, scrawling faces bearing murderous intent. She is not amused at all. For Satchiko, these people do not have a right to be angry in the first place.
The rider issued a new order. The front row of the horde raised their bows, preparing to shoot at Satchiko and the girl behind her. The Kyoshi Warrior gritted her teeth intensely. No one would accept unreasonable demands from demented fanatics, but no one can easily stop a hail of arrows from thirty people at once.
She readied her lone metal fan, knowing that the girl behind her can no longer run. But trying to deflect so many arrows at once is simply impossible. It was at this vital moment that the Kyoshi Warrior fully regretted not mastering Earthbending. Simply raising the ground in front of her is likely enough to create protection.
"Those who rejects the Master stands in opposition to the inevitable fulfillment of the Eternal Balance. We shall fight such foul sinners to the last of days!" The leader of the invading horde rallied the archers behind him, and all of them aimed at Satchiko, determined to unleash a lethal volley that cannot be deflected. "With the Master's blessings, your shots shall be powerful and true." He raised the right arm to direct the archers with a loud scream. "Now, fir-"
As Satchiko braced for a likely death, the leader's right arm is suddenly cleaved off from the body. Another dash of green ambushed the mob from above, performing a vertical chop on the leader before sowing chaos in the line of archers. The blade moved swiftly, maiming anyone that stood in the wielder's path. With one timely attack, a whole line of enemies is decimated.
"Big sis!" Satchiko cried in relief. Instantly, Mayumi arrived by her side. "I am so sorry, I just wanted to-"
"You will be punished after this ordeal!" Mayumi insinuated with a glare. That unimpressed expression felt so remarkably similar to Akahana, Satchiko felt her mouth became too dry to speak.
The two of them faced the replenishing enemies. The nameless leader, who is still riding the ostrich-horse, shouted out orders while fighting his own pain. Not even a severed arm can quell his urge of vengeance. Several armed acolytes are now charging at their foes, aiming to fight for the Eternal Balance.
Although the duo is young and lack the experience of their much older peers, it does not change the reality that they both trained since birth. While these fanatical marauders may have the numbers and zealotry of their twisted faith, they are still just ordinary peasants with imbued bloodlust.
"For the Master! For the Eternal Balance!" The acolyte at the very front of the mob roared with vigor. The confidence faded as a flying blade penetrated his leg, forcing him to drop the spear and kneel. Others rushed pass without hesitation. Despite feeling empowered and unstoppable, many found themselves being hit by sharp projectiles. But the injuries remain inconsequential as the whole mob rush to replace any gaps in the line.
"Anything who dares to oppose the advancement of the Eternal Balance shall be-"
A flying kick silenced the man who is trying to raise the morale. Satchiko struck the acolyte across the jaw, a flurry of punches and swinging of the fan followed as the Kyoshi Warrior surprised them with a frontal attack. Before any of them can turn their spears to the young warrior, Mayumi charged in, maiming those who tried. Aside from using their weapons, decisive punches that paralyzed limbs terrified the fanatical followers. The duo can hear screams of confusion by the people who unwillingly dropped to the ground.
"Young ones! The Master can still forgive you. The likes of us are willing to plead for your mercy before his righteous throne if you choose to submit! You should be grateful!"
Mayumi disarmed and stabbed the fool who uttered that silly statement. Both sisters already agreed on one fact about these so-called Acolytes of San Bao, trying to reason with them is simply not possible. There are only two choices, either fight them or submit to the will of their 'Master'.
Satchiko evaded a blade's swing and counterattacked with a swift blow across the foe's torso. The surrounding acolytes are horrified when the man seemingly cannot stand up again. To most of the world, the art of blocking a person's chi still remains very elusive. But there is a special kind of fear in these people's frightful eyes, which is the superstition towards what they cannot explain. Yet, they managed to overturn this temporary hesitation with a surge of faith.
The now one-armed leader on the steed reminded his followers. Even if an acolyte falls in battle, anyone that sought to advance the Eternal Balance shall not perish.
"By the Master's powers, the enemies of the Eternal Balance shall scurry like the rats they are. Our mighty and faithful warriors will overcome any challenge that comes against them. This is a battle that shall test your faith. This is a battle that shall reveal your true love for the Master!"
Despite the endless tides, the duo managed to stall the invading force on this street alone. Frankly, many of them are simply surprised by the speed and evasive maneuvers performed by people with face paint.
Satchiko gasped, thinking that a hail of arrows is about to be unleashed while she is preoccupied fighting the enemies. Arrows unexpectedly impaled the acolytes around her, directly killing them. She looked up the roof of nearby buildings, realizing that the archers are some surviving city guards.
A loose phalanx soon formed behind them, advancing slowly towards the horde of fanatics wielding makeshift weapons. Many acolytes were impaled after failing to break the heavy formation of armored troops.
"I am going after their leader!" Satchiko yelled, much to Mayumi's dismay.
The Kyoshi Warrior remembered what occurred last time. Even though the leadership of these marauders lost an arm, she will not underestimate him. In a world where even the environment can be used as weapons, no one should be belittled.
It was easy to fight off those who tried to stop her. The metal fan deflected many incoming spears, swatting at deranged faces she felt akin to those of wild beasts. Ever since she fought the four renegades who tried to kidnap them, Satchiko always wondered why such people willingly chose to serve a man who asserts to be their undisputed master. What is merit of this Eternal Balance they speak so highly of? These marauding peasants are no different from the ones they encountered in the state of Yi, slim and malnourished. Yet they do not fear the city guards or the prospect of being killed.
The rider is within reach. Even in the fray, he is trying to cover the wound by tying a piece of cloth around it. Exploiting this distraction, Satchiko dashed towards him on foot, aiming to incapacitate him off the ostrich-horse. Even for someone who understands very little tactics, eliminating a figure in power will certainly sow confusion amongst the ranks.
With a fierce battle cry, she snapped open the glinting fan wider, remembering the mistake back on the island. Anyone of these cutthroats can be a Firebender, but their attacks will not be successful if one prepares themselves.
She saw the man forming a fist with his remaining hand, affirming her suspicion that he might be a bender. The rider noticed the Kyoshi Warrior, and Satchiko decided to use this opportunity to prove that she learns from her mistakes. Not even a ball of fire can quench the thirst to prove herself.
Satchiko's eyes watched the moving fist, anticipating a bright red streak of flame. Instead, the punch moved in an uppercut direction, and the ground before her shifted upward, slamming her shoulder with a pillar of earth.
With a painful hiss, she stumbled to the ground, forcing Mayumi to immediately intervene and deflect some arrows.
"He isn't a Firebender!" Satchiko shouted in pain.
"I can see that." Mayumi quickly pulled her sister away from an incoming boulder. Along with the injured girl, they hid behind a wooden carriage as the leader of these acolytes spurred into a frenzy. He relentlessly sent forth massive chunks of earth, killing city guards standing on buildings, crushing them. The wall of shields is broken when a large mass of earth simply bulldozed the phalanx, creating a deadly opening for the regular acolytes. The wooden carriage is pelted with earth, its structure ridden with sharp shrapnel that pierces unprotected flesh.
In the face of such potent display, the other acolytes praised his powers.
"By the Master's will and the Eternal Balance, the Purebender has assisted us in our mighty endeavors!"
The Earthbender riding the ostrich-horse immediately chastised the peasant who spoke those words. Despite being showered in praise, all the acolytes around him are being reprimanded. "Inept creatures, unworthy wretches like you should be fighting for the Master instead of wasting time. If you are lazy and unclean, how are you any different from those that reject the Eternal Balance?"
The rest of the acolytes lowered their head to the armored rider. Soon after, the marauding horde is ordered to kill the three individuals hiding behind the wooden carriage. Almost all of the city guards in the area are dead.
With Satchiko injured and another girl's leg impaled by an arrow, Mayumi tried to delay the incoming enemies with some well-aimed throwing knives. She fends off multiple acolytes with poorly built polearms, all of them urging her to surrender and submit to the one they called Master.
"Our Master is strong, and those that rejects the Eternal Balance shall be killed!"
Mayumi lacerated the acolyte across the chest. She then swung her sword forcefully, breaking multiple spear shafts at once, leaving their wielders defenseless. In a moment of desperation, they retreated back to the rider, who proceeds to levitate a large boulder.
At first, the Kyoshi Warrior assumed that it is meant to attack her. Upon raising the blade, she noticed that the Earthbender became very angry with the acolytes who chose to retreat. It seems that the excuse of losing their weapons isn't good enough.
"Scoundrels!" yelled the man on the ostrich-horse. "Don't you know there is nothing more shameful than fleeing a fight against unbelievers? The Master hates those who turns their backs to him in the direst moments! If you refuse to take up arms against those who rejects the Eternal Balance, then you are not worthy to inherit the Heavenly Kingdom that the Master shall soon create!"
The group of unarmed peasants grew mortified. But the under the pressure that their cowardice may displease their figure of veneration, they charged back at the foe, who did not anticipate this renewed confidence. They attack without weapons, throwing punches and trying to scratch with their nails. Before Mayumi can offer a response to such audacious attempts, a shadow enveloped the whole street. Mayumi and Satchiko looked up, noticing a sky-bison descending quickly.
"Cover your ears!" Mayumi warned the two hiding behind the wooden carriage.
A loud thunderous blast dazed anyone who was caught off guard. Many acolytes felt pain in their ears, including the man on the ostrich-horse.
The beast landed on the ground, off came the Khan holding the scimitar and a large round shield. The sky-bison then rammed straight through a large crowd of acolytes, killing many upon impact and flinging anyone who is unfortunate enough to be standing in its path. Some are even brutally skewered by the two horns, which can penetrate even the most armored men amongst the ranks of zealots.
"Airbender!" the rider roared in disgust. All the acolytes surrounding the leader all reacted in a beastlike manner. Upon seeing the Khan, they resorted to hissing and screaming frantically. "How dare you cultivate the power of air without adhering to the Master's teaching!" the nameless rider continued. "Such impurity cannot be allowed in the world which the Eternal Balance shall take hold! Submit and repent to the Master now or face the judgement of his righteous disciples!"
Mayumi joined Satchiko in cover, both somewhat confused by what that acolyte meant when he labelled the Airbender as impure. As for the Kheshig Khan, he is soon joined by multiple of his own warriors who arrived on another sky-bison. After being assured that the whole tribe has already escaped, Temujin acted a bit bolder. The chieftain challenged the cultists, clearly wishing to stain his blade with the purpose of vengeance.
"Batu?" Mayumi was shocked to see the little boy climbing out of the sky-bison saddle. "What are you-"
"He wanted to come with us," the hunter Jargal explained while drawing an arrow from the quiver. "Don't you ladies worry, me and big guy over here will make sure he doesn't get hurt."
The shirtless brute with the two-handed mace grunted in agreement, but the prospect of allowing a child into battle terrified the sisters.
"I don't think Khenbish and Saran would allow this," Satchiko stated the very obvious. Having spent some time with Batu's family, it is inconceivable to think they would send a little boy into a place of danger. But even more absurd is that Ganbaatar of all people would let Batu participate when he wouldn't even allow the juvenile to drink fermented milk.
"My Khan, your orders?" Ganbaatar asked.
Temujin looked at a heavily injured acolyte who is struggling on the ground. It is rather remarkable that this man even survived a charge from the sky-bison. The Khan immediately killed the straggler, incensing the crowd of acolytes. Without much more unnecessary deliberation, the two sides fought. Temujin slammed his saber at the ground, creating a huge blast of air that decimated the first crowd of charging acolytes. This created an opening where another brute came in swinging his mace, smashing skulls and carving out a path for other Kheshig warriors who are also on the path of revenge.
A team of archer shoots at the enemies from afar. Batu and a few other nomads remained inside a stationary sky-bison saddle, making sure that none of the acolytes would attempt to flank around the Khan and the other warriors. Some have tried to use the alleyways to circumvent around the street brawl. Although the nomads are successfully holding off the horde of fanatics, this still does change the fact that the besiegers had them completely outnumbered. With only a dozen of nomad warriors still remaining in the city, it is clear that the Khan isn't here to protect the settlement.
"One over there!" Jargal yelled, pointing at a group of dead guards.
Batu aimed his bow at an acolyte who is trying to loot a dead officer's sword. Despite being a juvenile, his proficiency with the bow is decent enough to hit the target by the leg.
They continued to unleash many arrows at the constantly replenishing force that is razing the city. The nomads on the sky-bisons are caught off guard when a cluster of acolytes leaped off a nearby building's roof, intending to ambush the archers by dropping onto the saddle.
"For the Eternal Balan-"
Jargal quickly pulled out a scimitar and stabbed one in the chest. He swung the blade sidewards, pushing back a few more with a quick swipe of Airbending. Those ambushers cracked their skulls on hardened earth. But not all of them failed in their endeavor.
One nomad is slashed across the abdomen when he tried to block a strike with a bow. The wood shattered, and Batu tried to intervene by latching onto the acolyte's spine, strangling the zealot's neck with bow string.
The acolyte positioned his makeshift knife at the kid behind him. Batu grimaced as the blade is drawing near his face. Mayumi quickly threw out one of her own projectiles, piercing the acolyte's hand and disarming him. Batu continued to strangle the ambusher. After a short struggle, the acolyte suffocated to death.
The kid dropped on the saddle's floor, then standing up as if not much has happened. Undisturbed by what he just did, Batu watched as Jargal and the other nomads threw the dead acolyte out. Satchiko cannot help but look at the little boy with a wary expression.
"Batu, did you just..."
She didn't dare to finish that question. Taking a life is a serious matter, but it shouldn't be something that a kid be allowed to handle.
"Stop being distracted!" Mayumi shouted at her sister. She helped both injured teenagers onto the sky-bison saddle.
Batu looked at the girl in ceremonial garb, questioning why Satchiko even bothered risk coming back.
"Not now, Batu," Satchiko replied with a tired voice.
"Get down!" a nomad screamed.
A hail of arrows struck the saddle. Satchiko looked at the street again, noticing that the nomadic warriors are slowly being pushed back. Temujin is seen ferociously slashing and bashing anyone who tried to attack him, but the sheer number of the acolytes forced them to gradually retreat. Even worst, it seems that more Earthbenders have participated the fight. Unlike the mobs of peasants who relied almost fully on their conviction, these benders have slightly more armor. Facing the power of earth, not even the finest warrior of the Khan is enough to stand against the unstoppable tide. Ganbaatar and others are soon injured, their swords and spears simply no match against moving boulders and shaking ground.
"My Khan, there is too much of them, we have to-"
"You think I am a fool?" Temujin retorted in fierce frustration. "Of course, I can see that!"
The Khan begrudgingly ordered a warrior to shoot out a signal arrow. The sharp whistling noise summoned two more sky-bisons to the area, serving as their escape route. As archers on the two giant beasts distract the enemies below, Temujin and the others make their retreat. Satchiko grew wary, noticing the strain on their group. Despite the nomads' vengeance-driven killings of acolytes, she questioned the purpose behind these actions.
"Take us to the city's center!" Temujin ordered, his voice reflecting fatigue.
"We are not leaving the city entirely?" another nomad inquired.
With no time for further deliberation, enemy archers from afar targeted the sky-bison they were on. Batu, true to his impulsive nature, stood near the saddle's edge and retaliated. Even as the sky-bison began ascending, the boy remained fueled by vengeance.
Suddenly, a long shard of earth hurtled toward them. Batu, seeing it too late, couldn't evade it. Someone else decided to push him aside but couldn't save herself in the process. The shard pierced through her torso, blood immediately gushing from her throat. Silent horror gripped everyone on the saddle upon realizing what had transpired, especially Satchiko, still struggling to comprehend the girl's reasoning.
"She's... dead," Batu uttered with a hesitant voice.
End of Chapter Notes:
-The golden mask of the shamans is largely inspired from the artifacts discovered in the bronze age 'Sanxingdui' archeological site
-Li Hei is a parody to the famous poet, Li Bai.
-The Deer Terrace Pavilion is a structure believed to be used by the last King of the Shang dynasty, providing pool of wine and meat hanging from trees.