
Two Avatars are born

South Pole-Hispital

Screams of pain were currently coming from a secure hospital room. This special room was well guarded by multiple water benders. Because the current chief of the water tribe's wife. Is in labor with twins. Their future son and daughter. Korra and Draco.

"Keep pushing Senna. You are almost there. Just please keep pushing. You are almost there." Tonraq Did his best to comfort his wife. Even if his hand was being crushed in the process.

Senna huffs and groans in pain from the process. "You…You can tell me that…when you have…two children…coming out of you! You…BASTARD!"

After a few more minutes, the first child was born. A girl that they decided to name Korra. However as her second baby was about to be born. It seemed that time stopped all around Senna. And while everything froze, a sphere of light appeared in front of her.

And to her surprise the sphere took the shape of a naked anthropomorphic female Dragonoid. Floated in front of her with a smile of her face. Before Senna could say anything.The spirit silenced her with a kiss.

After what seemed like half an hour. The spirit stopped her mark out session. Allowing Senna to breath more easily again. And even though she was flustered right now. She couldn't say she didn't enjoy what just happened.

"My name is Natura. I am the Dragonic spirit of Wood, Metal, and Fertility. I have come here today, because of a vision that I had recently. A vision about your children and their future. And I was not pleased with what I saw. So I have come to rectify the mistakes the best I can. By having your soon to be born son as my host. Making him a new Avatar for this world. The Avatar of Wood, Metal, and Fertility." The spirit calling herself Natura spoke with a calm but firm tone.

Before Senna could say anything to stop her. The spirit became a sphere of light once again. And entered her womb. Causing her yet to be born son to glow. And his body to change before her eyes. Where he started to become more reptilian like. Just like the spirit herself.

After a few seconds had passed by. Time began to start up again. Causing Senna to scream out in pain as she gave birth to her second child. The child that will become a new type of Avatar.

South Pole-Chief home

Senna is currently in the kitchen washing dishes. To think it has already been ten years since her two children have been born. A pair of twins that should have been considered odd. Especially with how her son looked. But no one seemed to pay attention to his looks. Only what he was able to do.

As she washed the dishes, Senna contemplated on that. 'I still don't know why no one questioned Draco's appearance when he was born. Did the spirit have something to do with it? Maybe while time was stopped she changed something. Yes that must be it. She changed something about this world. But what could it have been?'

As she thought about that, she remembered that the house has a book. A book about the world's history. If anything did in fact change about the world. Then it might be in there.

Putting the dishes down quickly, the young mother rushed into the living room. And quickly searched for the book. When she found it, she quickly started looking though the pages. Hoping to find something that she knows. Was not originally apart of history.

And to her surprise, she had found it. A chapter of the book that read. 'Humans and Spirits' almost halfway through the book. As she read it, it talked about ho sometimes spirits will choose a human host. So they can help influence the world around them. And how the humans gained a similar appearance to the spirit. And gained the Spirit's abilities. It even talked about how several of those spirits. Helped Avatar Aang on his journey.

"So that must be what the spirit did, before coming here. She changed the past where humans became hosts to spirits. So that no one would question why he would look so different. And I'm the only one who can see the difference. Because I was outside of time, when she changed it." The mother of two realizing what had happened.

However sh stopped reading the book. When she heard the door to the house open up. Quickly putting it down, she saw who it was. Her son Draco, named for his Dragonic appearance. With his blue scales, horns, claws, tail, and Dragon head. Walking into the only place that he has ever called home.

Draco walked into the living room and greeted his mom. "Hello mother. Do you know when father will be coming home? I really want to show him, how my training. With my wood and metal bending are going. I have really been practicing like crazy."

Even though she still doesn't fully understand what this is all about. Senna simply smiled and patted Draco's head. Unable to really care why this is happening. That is until a strange sensation started to fill her body. The longer that Senna kept her hand on Draco's head. The more pleasure she started to feel. Until her pussy started to become wet.

And at that moment she remembered the spirit's full title. Wood, Metal, and Fertility. Meaning that Draco has the power of a sex spirit. Letting him increase the arousal and sex drive of others. And since this hasn't happened before. It must be a power that is just now servicing.

Thankfully before Senna could lose control of herself. A knock on the door broke her out of it. Acting quickly she ran to the door. To see who was there. And when she opened the door, and saw a member of the white lotus. She automatically knew something was wrong.

Training camp-Quarters

It has been a week since Senna and her family were given the bad news. Her husband Tonraq fell in battle. Stopping an evil group called the red lotus. That wanted to kidnap and kill Korra. Thankfully they were stopped and imprisoned.

But for the safety of their family, they were moved to a remote camp. Where Korra and Draco could safely train. Just incase anymore of the red Lotus. Tried to kidnap her children.

Senna was currently in her bedroom laying in her bed. Completely naked, playing with herself. Even though she should be mourning the loss of her husband. She couldn't get her mind off of Draco. And how her thoughts were also changing as well.

Her mind was filled with nothing but lustful thoughts. About Draco acting like a real Dragon. And taking her for himself. Having her strip naked in front of multiple other women. All also naked with collars around their necks. Ramming his hard reptilian cocks into her pussy and ass.

Claiming her like she was his property. And the worst part. The worst part was her daughter Korra. Was right in front of her. Also naked and looking eight months pregnant with his child. Rubbing her breasts and pussy to them rutting like animals.

She eventually came out of her thoughts. And lifted her left hand to her face. Showing that it was covered in her juices. Juices made from the thought of her own children. And the thought of her being dominated like a bitch in heat.

Unable to hold back any longer. Senna instinctively stood up from her bed. And not caring about modesty. Walked out of her room completely naked. And made her way towards Draco's room.

As she got closer she could hear the sound of springs squeaking. A noise she knows all to well. And when she finally got to her destination. She opened the door, and wasn't surprised at what she saw.

On the bed was a young women, a member of the white lotus. On all fours wearing only her hat and cape. Having her ass and pussy pounded by Draco. While the rays of the full moon bath them both.

"Who does this bitch think she is? Taking Draco's cocks all for herself. I'll show this skank how you really take cock. And then maybe I can show him how to properly dominate women." Senna balled up her hands into fists. And didn't even hesitate to walk into the room.

Within seconds she was next to the women, also on all fours. And using her ass, smacked the lotus women off of Draco's cocks. And when she saw them, her pussy was even more wet than before.

Both cocks were at least seven inches long, and as thick as her fist. And he wasn't even done growing yet. They were scaly like his body, with thick ridges on the top of his cocks. With eight pointy barbs on the rims of the heads. Most likely to hit the pleasure points in a women's vagina.

It only took a few seconds for Draco to realize what was going on. But his instincts to breed was stronger than his sense of reason. All that mattered right now, is that here is a fertile women in front of him. So he grabbed Senna by her hips, lined his cocks up with her ass and pussy. And thrusted straight into her.

Senna immediately felt like orgaziming right then and there. Not only was she being stretched out more than before. But just like she thought, the barbs on Draco's cock. We're hitting all of her pleasure points. Especially when they enter her womb. Making her mind go almost blank from pleasure.

Senna could feel her body actually start to change, the more Draco thrusted into her. She turned her head slitty and saw green energy. Flowing all around Draco's body and flow onto her. The energy started to make her feel even more pleasure. And actually change her body.

She could feel her breasts grow to a D-cup. Her ass become soft but firm. Her skin started to become more smooth and silky. And she could feel herself becoming more sensitive to the touch. And her hips became a bit wider. As if her entire body was being made for sex and breeding.

Unable to speak with words, Senna could only think about what is happening to her. 'This must be the fertility power that, the spirit gave Draco. He can use his chi, to modify a women's body. And literally make her into a breeding cow. My breasts feel heavy with milk. Even though I'm not pregnant, and my hips have become wider. To make it more easy to give birth. I'm literally becoming the perfect breeding cow. And I love it.'

As Draco rutted Senna like a dog in heat. Both were unaware that they were being watched. Outside of the room was Korra herself. Not fully understanding what was going on. The only thing she knew was that she couldn't stop touching herself. As she continued to watch what was happening right in front of her.

As Draco continued to have his fun. Unseen Green energy began to leak off of him. And started to spread all over the room. And effect Senna, Korra, and the female white Lotus women. Changing their mindsets, to make them more submissive to his commands.

Bringing forth a new age. An age where the Spirits and the Humans begin a new. The age of Natura.