
Avatar Legend Of Korra: Two At Once

Kai was transmigrated into the Avatar World, where bending the elements was a common sight to see. But Kai was incredibly special, incredibly might not be even the right word because it's too small to describe his circumstances. Watch as Kai becomes the strongest in the world and maybe create a small harem for himself in the process.

some_writer · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
11 Chs


(I apologize for not using technologies that are appropriate for their time period.)

"You actually did it....." Lee whispered to himself Kai sat in front of him, unharmed and unfazed. The only thing that's harmed was his dusty clothes full of ashes and dirt.

"I told you I'm capable. Now let's move on to the next hideout quickly. One of the weaknesses other than the Sons of Anarchy being unorganized is that their communication is poor."

"Telephones are a new thing after all, only the army and some of the citizens have access to them. But before we move on, I have to come clean to you, Kai." Lee sighed and sat up straight. Kai raised an eyebrow at the drill sergeant.

"I...Have told one of the higher ups about you." Lee muttered. Kai sighed and shook his head.

"Everything?" Kai asked. Lee nodded solemnly.

"Everything. I was forced to, since he asked me about you. I didn't dare to lie in front of him." Lee replied. Kai was curious, just who is this person that made the drill sergeant tell the truth.

"He's someone that everyone and their mother knows. He is related to the royal family. He's—" Lee stopped talking as he and Kai both heard knocking on the door.

"Actually, I think he might be here already." Lee whispered before gulping.

"Come in." Lee muttered before the door opened. Kai widened his eyes, immediately recognizing who that person was.

"General Iroh." Kai whispered as he stood up straight and saluted him. Iroh, named after his maternal great-granduncle Uncle Iroh, is the general of the United Forces, the son of Princess Izumi and the grandson of Fire Lord Zuko.

"General Iroh." Lee saluted respectfully while Kai kept silent while looking Iroh's serious demeanor.

"Sergeant Lee, I take it that this is the person you have told me about." Iroh looked at Kai who was staring into Iroh's golden eyes. Lee nodded.

"Yes, general. He has just returned from destroying the Sons of Anarchy's headquarters here in Shuhon Island. He did it all by himself, general. And ss you can see, he's suffered no injuries." Lee reported as Iroh nodded, visibly impressed by Kai's skills.

"To do so at a young age is truly impressive. I must admit, I myself wouldn't be able to do such a feat if I was put up to the task. But what I fail to understand, is how the recruitment team failed to realize that his Identification Card was fake?" Iroh looked at Lee.

"Care to explain? Sergeant Lee?" Iroh asked politely. Lee gulped a little before nodding and showing Iroh a card.

"Yes, General. This was his Identification card when he first entered the Army. We double checked it and there was no error at all. It was a perfect copy of the real thing."

"I heard from Sergeant Lee that you were once amongst the ranks of the Sons of Anarchy. You were taken in by them as a child, and you rose through the ranks and became the secretary for their leader before you secretly quit after arriving here at Shuhon Island. Am I wrong?" Iroh asked as he turned to look at Kai who shook his head.

"No you aren't, General." Kai replied without adding anything. Iroh shook his head and held up his hand.

"Relax soldier, I am not here to arrest you. In fact, I think you could be a great asset to the Fire Army in destroying the Sons of Anarchy once and for all."

"You were once their secretary meaning that you personally knew their leader. Knowing that means that you know where he's currently hiding which could prove extremely useful." Iroh then narrowed his eyes.

"I don't know if you know about this, but the Sons of Anarchy are responsible for 5 bombing incidents for the past 5 months. That's 1 incident per month. All the locations they bombed were all government offices."

"We don't know where their next target is and we do not want to find out the hard way. We can deal about your forgery case later, the safety of the Fire Nation comes first and foremost." Iroh then walked towards the door and locked it.

"Both of you are being assigned a mission from me. You are free to speak your mind." Iroh looked at them before Kai opened his mouth.

"It's just the two of us against the Sons of Anarchy? They're all over the Fire Islands, we can't get to them all at once." Kai commented. Iroh nodded.

"That is where I come in, with my soldiers and your vast info about the group, the Fire Nation will be rid of the terrorists once and for all in a month." Iroh declared confidently. He then looked at Lee.

"Sergeant Lee, you will keep him in check, make sure he doesn't go AWOL or find the leader by himself." Kai raised an eyebrow at Iroh's words.

"What makes you think I'll go off on my own? I thought I made it clear where my loyalties really lie?" Kai asked. Iroh shook his head.

"Sorry, I don't mean to question your loyalty but I'm just making sure is all. We need to take the Sons of Anarchy down all in one planned and preemptive strike."

"Taking them down one by one will gather the leader's attention and he will be the one striking back. We do not want that else we risk endangering the lives of the people. We must attack when he least expects it." Iroh determinedly explained. Kai nodded and looked around the room.

He found what he needed on a cupboard. He went to retrieve it before he put it on the table. It was a map of the Fire Nation and the United Republic of Nations. Iroh and Lee gathered around him, curious at what he was doing.

Kai grabbed a red marker pen before he started marking random places on the map. "These are the hideouts the Sons of Anarchy has around the Fire Nation. There are a total of 11 of them, there are only 10 now because I destroyed the one in Shuhon Island."

"All of these hideouts are either privately owned warehouses far away from the cities or wooden bases in the jungles. Every hideout always has a supervisor and at least ten or twenty guards guarding it."

"You and your men can sort that out." Kai looked at Iroh who nodded back in response.

"Meanwhile, the vice leader of the Sons of Anarchy is situated right here." Kai marked spots on the map by circling it. Iroh narrowed his eyes.

"You just circled and lined them up, them. Why?" Iroh asked, sensing a difference between the normal hideouts and the vice leader's hideout.

"Because like the leader, the vice leader doesn't keep to one hideout. He moves between multiple ones once per week. His hideouts are within the cities of Yu Dao, Laoshan, Taku Seaport and Hu Xin. He is hiding in one of them as we speak."

Iroh then noticed something.

"These are all territories of the United Republic of Nations....How far does their reach extend?" Iroh whispered, his heart rate increasing at the how intense this situation which was once small in his eyes, has become this problematic.

"The last time I talked with the leader, he planned to extend the Sons of Anarchy's reach to the Earth Kingdom. He plans to infiltrate the Dai Li and bring it under his control. Doing that, he can topple the confederate's rule and making it possible to kill the Earth Queen, making the Earth Kingdom a 'Son of Anarchy'."

The Dai Li is the elite secret police force of Ba Sing Se who work to capture, interrogate, and imprison political dissidents.

The organization was founded by Avatar Kyoshi with the aim of 'protecting the cultural heritage of Ba Sing Se', effectively protecting the Earth King's interest against subversive individuals and groups.

"We're not going to let that happen, that's I'm certain of. The question is, where is the leader hiding?" Lee asked while looking at Kai who sighed and cracked his knuckles.

"His movement is much more complicated than the vice leader's. General, can you give me the locations of where the terrorists attacked?" Kai asked Iroh who nodded and was handed the red marker pen from Kai.

Iroh marked the locations with the pen. "These are the five locations the Sons of Anarchy attacked. They used dynamite so powerful that it brought down buildings." Iroh explained while Kai hummed as he studied the map.

"I might be the only one seeing this, but if you line these five locations together, you would get a pentagon." Lee commented. Kai nodded.

"Yeah, it does make a pentagon. But that might just be a coincidence...." Kai whispered before he looked back up at them.

"Here's something you might wanna know, when the Sons of Anarchy carry out important operations like these bombings, the leader will oversee it in secret."

"Well why didn't you say that sooner." Lee grumbled. Iroh shook his head.

"That just leaves more questions than answers. What is the Sons of Anarchy's next target?" Iroh wondered. No one replied, not even sure themselves.

"If we get rid of his subordinates. He would have no choice but to either run away and start over or be desperate and attack." Lee muttered. Kai sighed and put the marker cap back in it's place.

"I'd much rather he do the second." Kai whispered, making Iroh look at him warily.

"Are you that willing to risk the lives of civilians to get rid of him?" Iroh asked, Kai palmed his face.

"That wasn't what I implied, General. The leader is rarely desperate or reckless. If we destroy his operations all in one go, we will be surrounding him in a corner. He might be smart, but that doesn't mean he's a good commander."

"A good commander would never let someone that was close to him, someone that knows his operations head to toe, go off scot free." Kai explained while pointing at himself. Iroh nodded.

"Then let's attack like we said. We will have a month preparing for the coordinated strike. At the last day of the month, the Sons of Anarchy will go down."

"Heh, you are true to your word, General." Kai whispered with a smirk on his face, remembering Iroh's confident declaration a few minutes ago about getting rid of the terrorists once and for all in a month.

"And I would like you to eliminate their vice leader. Hearing that you, his ex subordinate eliminated his number 2 would definitely get a reaction out of him."

"Oh it will." Kai whispered. Iroh headed toward the door before he stopped.

"Oh and by the way, what's your name again?" Iroh asked Kai.


"It's an honor to work with a talent like you, Kai. I wish you great success in the Fire Army." Iroh smiled a little before he walked out the room. There was silence around the room for a while.

"Hey, do you think his voice sounds like the voice of Fire Lord Zuko when he was younger?" Kai asked. Lee's head immediately snapped towards him.

"The hell are you talking about?!"

"Hey, I'm just saying. There's a lot of rumors about it running around."

"I.... Don't know.... Just go train or something soldier."

To be continued...

(How powerful do you think Kai will be when the story ends?)