
Avatar Legend Of Korra: Two At Once

Kai was transmigrated into the Avatar World, where bending the elements was a common sight to see. But Kai was incredibly special, incredibly might not be even the right word because it's too small to describe his circumstances. Watch as Kai becomes the strongest in the world and maybe create a small harem for himself in the process.

some_writer · Cómic
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11 Chs

New Face

Kai yawned as he woke up. He sat up on his bed and looked around him. He still couldn't believe that he was living in this apartment now. Some would say that the apartment looks mediocre, but with the way the old Kai lived, he considered this a luxury.

Kai got up and performed his morning routine, after showering and getting dressed, he approached his living room where he saw a letter on his dining table.

He picked it up and read it.



"So my new training ground is a forest?" Kai wondered as he looked at the letter in his hand. The letter he is read contained directions towards his new training ground where he will be meeting his lightning bending master.

"I mean, it's secluded so it's a pretty good idea since no one else would get hurt. Where is he though?" Kai muttered before he cursed a little. He forgot that there exists a chi sensing technique.

'I need to train in my chi control. It could probably reduce my chi usage when I firebend, maybe I could also use it to increase the power of my physical attacks. No one's ever tried it, so I will take the pleasure of doing so.' Kai thought as he ventured into the giant forest.

'I'm near a volcano too, maybe I can practice earthbending or something. If I am to learn and master an element, I might as well master it's sub elements too.' Kai mused as he jumped up a little before he fire jetted himself onto a tree branch.

"Who's the strongest Avatar again? Ah right, Avatar Kyoshi with her most incredible feat of carving out a section of the Earth Kingdom like it was made of chocolate cake." Kai whistled to himself. Surpassing the Founder of the Kyoshi Warriors was one of his main goals, along with getting a wife....or two.....

"Where is my master though?" Kai finally asked after he was jumping from tree branch to tree branch. There was no sign of his lightning bending master anywhere.

"Ah, that must be him." Kai narrowed his eyes as he landed on the ground and slowing approached the old bald man sitting on a large rock. The bald man was wearing yellow robes fitted with a red sash.

'Strange. He's wearing air nomad clothing. Is he an air acolyte or something?' Kai wondered as he studied the man silently.

The Air Acolytes are an order of monks and nuns who reside on Air Temple Island and in the four original air temples,which was the thing that weirded out Kai right now.

'Does he know that he's in the Fire Nation and not on Air Temple Island of any of the four temples? He must be a firebender who's an Air Acolyte because there's no way the army is having a non bender teach someone lightning bending.' Kai mused.

"You got here quick." The old monk commented asehe opened his eyes to look at Kai. Kai clasped his fists together at him.

"Greetings, mister. I am Kai." Kai introduced himself politely. The style of greeting Kai was using was known as an ancient Chinese style of greeting in his old world.

In this world it is a formal greeting used between master and student. The old monk nodded and got up.

"I am Gyatsu. And as you can tell, I am a member of the Air Acolytes but I am also a Firebender. I was sought out by the Fire Army to teach you in the arts of lightning bending and improve your firebending to new heights."

"I cannot say no to helping people, so now I am back here at my home country, ready to do the best I can to strengthen you, Kai."

"I am ready to learn, Master Gyatsu." Kai replied seriously. Gyatsu nodded and rubbed his long white beard.

"I can tell. But lightning bending is an art that is difficult to learn and master. There is a reason why by the end of the Hundred Year War, the only firebenders who had demonstrated the ability to generate lightning were Princess Azula, Iroh, and Fire Lord Ozai."

"It requires extreme control of your emotions and peace of mind. If you are emotionally unstable and attempt to generate lightning, you either get severe injuries or you die, simple as that. I hope this does not discourage you."

"No it doesn't. Why should unstable people be given power that they can't even control in the first place?" Kai replied. Gyatsu nodded.

"Precisely. You don't control lightning, you guide it. What is the use of lightning bending if you don't have the required emotional discipline to utilize it?" Gyatsu added. Kai looked down.

"Yeah, but I plan to change that." He whispered to himself but his words were heard by Gyatsu who chuckled in response.

"I see you have big goals. Then we shall not waste anymore time. Let us meditate." Gyatsu declared as he sat back down on the rock. Kai blinked.


"Yes, we meditate. You must locate your chi reserves first before you begin learning how to bend lightning. Lightning bending can be taxing on one's chi reserves, I plan for you to be able use it like how you casually use firebending."

" Seems like you have big plans too, Master Gyatsu. Who am I to say no to more strength? Let's get started then. "

"Very well. You can sit on the beautiful grass. After all, one is in peace of mind the most when he is interacting with nature."



"Do you feel something? " Kai heard Gyatsu asked while he was meditating. His eyes were closed and there was little to no movement coming from him, it was like he was truly one with nature.

They have been meditating for hours now, Kai wasn't complaining. He wanted to find his chi reserves ever since he transmigrated here.

"Maybe. I can't tell if it's my chi reserves or not."

" What do you feel?"

"I feel that it's going everywhere around my whole body. I do feel something at the bottom of my stomach. That's my chi reserve isn't it?" Kai asked Gyatsu.

"Yes. That is exactly it. Now you shall learn how to channel it. Please, stand up with me." Gyatsu got up and so did Kai. They stood side to side before Gyatsu pointed at Kai's stomach.

"Redirecting lightning deals with the flow of energy in one's body and turning an opponent's own energy against them. When you redirect it, you must create a pathway from your fingertip, up the arm to the stomach, and up and out the other arm." Gyatsu explained before pointing at Kai's heart.

"It is essential that the lightning pass through the sea of chi, which is your stomach and only through your stomach. You must not let the lightning pass through your heart or damage could be lethal."

"Sounds easy when you say it." Kai whispered.

"Words containing instructions are supposed to sound essy. That is why we're going to practice now Not only does this train you how to flow your chi, you learn a lifesaving skill at the same time."

"What are we waiting for then?" Kai smiled and got into his horse stance. Gyatsu smiled at him last student's enthusiasm.

"Yes, let us start now. Control your chi like you are collecting water from a large well, take a set amount of water one at a time."



"Haaaa....." Kai sighed as he drank down all pf the water from his bottle in one go. Training in chi was hard and he expected it, the focus required to channel it was insane. To do it for hours took his exhaustion to the next level.

[Chi Control: Rookie (20%).

5% less chi used in any bending style.]

'Worth it though.' Kai thought as he grabbed Gyatsu's outstretched hand before he was pulled up by the monk.

"Do not worry if you feel exhausted, that is normal since you've never trained in channeling chi before in your life. Tomorrow you will feel like a new man, I promise you."

"How so?" Kai asked him.

"Your body right now is adapting to this new usage of chi. It feels like an update so to speak. Your firebending will be stronger as you will learn how to use chi more effectively. Your mind will strengthen too. You will experience this yourself, do not worry."

"Thank you for your teachings, Master Gyatsu." Kai thanked gratefully while clasping his fists today, bidding farewell to Gyatsu who did the same to Kai.

"I look forward to our next lesson tomorrow, Kai. Now go back and rest."

"Will do, Master Gyatsu. Sse you tomorrow!!" Kai shouted before he fire jetted himself onto a tree branch and started jumping through the jungle.

Gyatsu watched as Kai disappeared with a small smile on his face.

"I sense that his intentions for gaining strength are somewhat pure, that is alright. I will never train a student who uses his powers for evil."



Kai was walking home, thinking about what he should eat for dinner. The streets were somewhat empty, with only a few cars passing by him. It was dark after all, no one wants to be out in the dark.

From what Kai remember from his old self's memories, this was usually the time where the gang he used to be with starts operating.

'And we have one of their operations right here.' Kai thought as he looked into the alleyway. There were two men harassing a frail old man.

"Give us your cash and we'll leave you alone old man!" One of the men shouted.

"I t-told you, I don't have anything on me right now." The old man replied shakily. The other man narrowed his eyes and raised his knife before pointing it at the old man.

"This'll be on you soon if you stop lying and show us your wallet!"

"I told you, I don't have—"


The gang member holding the knife to the old man's neck was suddenly blasted away by a small bright fireball.

"What the—KAI?!" The only gang member conscious at the moment shouted in shock at seen the 13 year old who had his fists on fire.

"Yeah, hi." Kai replied before someone appeared behind him and started choking him with his forearms.

Kai narrowed his eyes. This was why he wanted the chi sensing or the seismic sense technique under his belt. Sneak attacks wouldn't do shit if he had them.

Kai ignited his whole right arm on fire before he elbow the person choking him from behind in the gut.

"UGH!" The person grunted out in pain from the powerful hit and the pain the flames dealt. Kai turned towards him before he delivered a roundhouse kick to his head, sending him crashing into the wall.

The man stumbled back a little. Kai was about to knock him out but he dodged a few fireballs from the gang member near the old man.

Kai grabbed the stumbling man before he threw him towards one of the incoming fireballs. The man crashed into it, knocking hin out and creating a large burn injury on his chest.

"Shit!" The gang member cursed as Kai fire jetted himself and arrived in front of him within seconds with his fists glowing and on fire.


The gang member spat out blood as Kai punched him in the solar plexus with his fire gand, creating a small explosion that sent him flying straight towards the wall.

Kai saw the person crash into the wall, leaving small cracks on it before sliding down onto the ground. Kai looked at the old man looking at him in awe.

"Call the police, sir. Would you like me to bring you home?"

"Y-yes please....Y-you were amazing out there!"

"Thank you, now let's call the police and get you back home."

To be continued.....

(Gang names for story please)