
Dungeon Massacre

Third Person POV…

"Hello, I'm the God of Reincarnation."

"What the Fuck," said Leon.

"What don't be surprised now since you're dead you will be reincarnated into the Dan Machi Universe."

"Wait Wait slow down. Ok, so the Dan Machi Universe I watched that anime I guess it would be fun. I don't want to be reincarnated, can you transmigrate me?" asked Leon.

"I guess, I don't usually do this but I'm sure the God of Transmigration won't be too mad at me. Ok, now what species do you want to be?"

"Wolfman with the ability to transform into one and also hide my wolf features," stated Leon with a smile.

"Ok finished your powers will be a surprise. Good luck," said the God.

"How is that fair?"

"It's not."

I then blacked out.

Leon POV…

Waking up I look at my surroundings, 'It's really dark where am I, why do I feel so weak.' Using the rest of the strength I have I look to my right and see a bunch of bodies, blood puddles everywhere around me. Mauled bodies, rotting flesh body parts all over the place.


Shifting my eyes, I see 3 Minotaurs feasting on 2 bodies. One of them shifts its eyes to me and begins to walk over to me. 'Shit, am I really about to die within 1 minute of coming to this world.' The Minotaur came closer and closer until it roared and charged at me. 'Shit Shit Shit.'

Suddenly my vision went black, and text appeared in my vision. (Avatar System Activated)

'What, Avatar?'

(Skill Obtained: Gamer Mind): Keeps the host calm when there is a sudden spike in emotions.

(Skill Obtained: Fire Bending): Be able to Control and bend Fire.

(Subskill Obtained Fire Shot): Shoot a Fireball in your hand.

The text disappeared and my vision returned to the Minotaur funning toward me, and my panic came back to me.

(Active: Gamer Mind)

My panic disappeared. I used the rest of my strength to raise only my hand off the ground towards the minotaur.

My eyes sharpened as heat began to gather in my hand. A fireball formed in my hand, 'I Won't Die Here,' I shot the fireball. At the speed of a bullet, it flew and hit the charging minotaur in the face.


A big impact was heard as the fireball collided with the minotaur. Its skin began to heat up and melt until there was nothing but hot blood and its monster crystal. Immediately the other 2 minotaurs looked over to see the death of the other minotaur and changed me as well.

A sudden wave of exhaustion came over me as I struggled to even think. 'What is this.' A message appears in my vision.

(Out of Mana)

Right as my consciousness was about to fade I suddenly hear, "Flare Burn."

I fell unconscious.

Riveria POV…

'On one hand, I'm glad that this expedition is over however I now have to return to our goddess Loki. Overall, the results of the expedition are good as several of our Familia members leveled up.'

"The last of the minotaurs should be up ahead," said Finn.


Everyone immediately focuses as they turn the corner and see a bunch of death and 2 minotaurs.

'What happened here there are so many bodies.' Looking 20 yards away I see a boy on the ground bloody with one hand pointing towards a puddle of some boiling liquid. 'I have to act fast.'

Raising my staff I begin a chant, "Flare Burn." A giant flame bursts and explodes the 2 minotaurs and the boy passes out.

Third Person POV…

"Nice shot Riveria," said Tione.

"Yes, that should be the last of the ones that escaped," said Finn.

"What the hell happened here is smells of massive death?" Bete said, covering his nose.

One person from the group moves forward and stops and squats in front of the unconscious boy.

"Ais, what are you doing," said Lefiya approaching Ais.

"This boy is still alive," she said poking the unconscious boy.

Feeling the urge to bite his thumb, "We should investigate what happened here and take the boy with us to Rivira."

Everyone spread out to try to find out what happened. Lefiya gave some potions to the boy to put him in stable condition.

30 Minutes Later…

Gathering back up they told what they found.

"It was a big battle I counted over 20 bodies, no other survivors and I can't identify them," said Gareth.

"The smell of death goes back over an hour ago so the battle must have been long," said Bete.

"And I found over 30 minotaur crystals on the ground," stated Lefiya.

"A massacre," said Finn. "Ok, what did we find on the boy?"

"When I gave him the potions, I heard constant bone cracking. He must have had a lot of broken bones," said Lefiya.

"I found a puddle of boiling blood with a monster crystal in it ahead of him. That was most likely that impact we heard before, some kind of magic."

"So, he's the only survivor in a Familia battle with over 30 minotaurs," said Finn.

Ais raised her hand to her head level. "Yes Ais," Finn said as the executives looked at her.

"The boy doesn't have a Falna."

A look of shock filled some faces while the executives' eyes squinted a little. Looking over at the boy Finn made a decision. "We'll take him to Rivira and resupply for the return journey and once he wakes, he can provide more information about what happened here.

Nodding everyone got back in formation and made their way to Rivira.

Leon POV…

Feeling soreness all over my body, I recall the battle. 'Avatar System, I was a big fan of the TV show. I even suffered through the movie. So, I'm starting with fire bending I wonder if I will get lighting bending or combustion bending.'

I open my eyes and see what looks like the inside of a tent. I turn my head and so no one but I immediately know who saved me because of the giant Familia logo on the inside of the tent. 'The Loki Familia, this is bad I don't want to be involved with anyone from the main series to much drama and trouble. I need to get out of here.

Willing myself to get up I struggle to stand from the soreness I peak out of the tent. To one side are Lefiya and Riveria talking. 'Shit this is bad,' (Gamer Mind: Activated). It's only those two, the rest of the Familia must be somewhere else. Wondering where I am I look up and immediately know, 'Rivira, so I'm on the 18th Floor. I need to go somewhere else and get my bearings.'

I opened the tent and due to me being part wolf my steps made no noise and I successfully sneaked away from the Loki camp.