
Automata[Dungeon core LitRpg]

What do you get when you mix Minecraft, Factorio, Mindustry, and a robot dungeon core together? You get a dungeon core named Automata! Come join the adventure of a dungeon core obsessed with automating everything, and I mean everything.

Deathy_70 · Fantasía
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26 Chs

Chapter 26

[Automata] unfurled his senses as he assessed his domain with newfound clarity. It was as if a veil had been lifted from his sight, and practically everything buzzed with information, waiting to be automated. Even the thick columns of smoke his furnaces constantly spewed out seemed to be part of this intricate network of potential automation.


With a flex of its vastly improved will, [Automata] pulled up his [Stat sheet].


//Automation mana generator v1.000 [Online] [Fully operational] [Output: 200AM/H]//

//Mana storage crystals v1.000 [2/???] [Stored AM [100/300]//

// Iterations: [3/3]

//Mana level: [5/???]

//Units: [175/???]

// [Maintenance golems] [5]

// [Builder golems] [20]

// [V2 Combat golems] [130]

// [V1 Miner] [20]

// [Guardian] [True] [Rank 2]

// [1/1]

//Major concept [1/1]: [Automation] [True concept]

//Crystal lens [25/???] v0.002 [online [Fully operational]//

//Central core v3.000 [online] [Fully operational]

// Mana outlet V1.000

A multitude of changes greeted [Automata] as he perused his [Stat sheet]. A section for his name and [Guardian] had appeared, and various elements were either modified or entirely removed. [Automata] found this development intriguing. The most crucial limitation, however, had been lifted—his cap on the number of units he could have. Now, the only constraints were the abundance of resources and his knowledge of what he desired. This realization pleased [Automata] greatly, as it meant he could genuinely begin to scale up operations without being hindered by the limitation of hands at his disposal.

His [Central core] and its other components were massively upgraded, likely due to the power of his new name and the amount of [Souls] he had consumed, the rest of his components weren't as upgraded as his [Central core] but were in no way inferior, the ambient [Automation Mana] in his domain was thick and rich with the concept of [Automation], [Growth] and [Efficiency].

The limit on the amount of mana crystals was now nonexistent, although [Automata] still lacked knowledge on how to produce them or the crystal lens. However, it was only a matter of time until he automated the task, rendering it a non-issue. The rank beside his name and [Guardian] intrigued him—was it a denotation of strength? Most likely, but it could also signify progress or something else. The section labeled [True] also captured his interest, but he decided to delve into it later, as it was time to refocus on the ongoing battle, which was on the verge of conclusion.

Through his link with his [Guardian], he accessed footage of the events that unfolded since he went dormant—an entire day ago. Significant changes had occurred during that time; the terrain was now warped beyond recognition, with ice dominating every inch. Small hills of ice had emerged, reaching the top of the cavern he belatedly realized he was in. The Mana storm had previously obstructed his vision, preventing him from seeing beyond the chaotic mess. However, with his upgrade, he could now easily bypass the impediment by switching to seeing light rather than mana.

There wasn't much light to be seen, and the only sources were the glowing blocks and magical ice crystals that bathed the entire place in a spectral blue glow. The spectral goblin proved to be a nasty and tricky foe, persistently healing and proving difficult to deal with. Although his [Guardian] had sustained significant damage, the spectral goblin was in worse shape. It no longer healed and appeared very faded, almost transparent. Its time was drawing near, and there weren't many more tricks it could pull. [Automata] hoped there wouldn't be a final unexpected move; it would be truly bothersome if the spectral goblin had one last trick up its sleeve. [Automata] wasn't sure if his [Guardian] could handle it.

The battle progressed slowly as both forces aimed to conserve as much power as possible, choosing to move only when absolutely necessary. Through a mental command, 200 units of [Automation Mana] swiftly traversed their link and streamed into the [Guardian's] body. This influx of mana worked to heal most of the serious and near-lethal wounds that had accumulated over its iron frame. The [Guardian] sent a wave of surprise through the link, along with its thoughts.

(Creator! You're back, I am happy. Congratulations on your ascension, great one! Watch me finish off this vile goblin!)

With that, the [Guardian] charged, moving with blinding speed. Its scythe vanished in a puff of rusted dust as its body straightened mid-air, initiating a rapid spin. The spiked-tipped head grew sharper as it accumulated [Automation Mana] in its head and feet. It shot off, breaking the sound barrier, accumulating velocity as it sped towards the spectral goblin.

Within a second, the [Guardian] was already halfway to the spectral goblin. The distance rapidly closed between them as nothing could impede its progress. It smashed through ice wall after ice wall, only accelerating instead of slowing down as the spectral goblin anticipated. The spectral goblin barely managed to shift out of the way before the [Guardian] impacted it. However, the [Guardian] had anticipated this, and with a quick command, its spiked-tipped head detached and flew into the moving spectral goblin, slamming into its blue core and shattering it to pieces.

With a painful howl, the spectral goblin faded away, becoming faint and shattering into tiny glass-like shards. It then transformed into pure frost mana, eagerly consumed by the mana storm. As soon as the [Guardian] was certain the spectral goblin was defeated, it collapsed onto a pile of ice, reverting instantly to its base form as it succumbed to its numerous injuries. [Automata] sensed it entering a deep hibernation-like state as it began the process of recovering from the damage inflicted upon it. He attempted to channel some [Automation Mana] through their link, but it proved ineffective. It seemed whatever process the [Guardian] was undergoing had to unfold naturally, with no external intervention. [Automata] dispatched some [V2 Combat Golems] to retrieve the body, but unfortunately, over half of them froze, and only one managed to return before succumbing to the freezing conditions as well.

His [V1 Miners] and [V2 Combat Golems] weren't suitable for the current environment, it was time for a new unit.