
Automata[Dungeon core LitRpg]

What do you get when you mix Minecraft, Factorio, Mindustry, and a robot dungeon core together? You get a dungeon core named Automata! Come join the adventure of a dungeon core obsessed with automating everything, and I mean everything.

Deathy_70 · Fantasía
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26 Chs

Chapter [17]

Iteration[1] was very happy to see the battle conclude this quickly and appreciated the quick thinking of Iteration[3]. It didn't want to imagine what would've happened had that link not been cut. Iteration[1] ordered the 49 normal [Combat golems] to pick up the remains of the [Iron ore] beast and transport them to the [Furnaces]. It calculated that it had just enough for a [V2 Worker golem] and a [V2 Combat golem].

It had to make a lot of tools for that to happen, but Iteration[1] was very happy about the fact that it could happen at all. It felt the improved [Combat golems] celebrate through their telepathic links, all while praising it as the glorious creator.

This was a strange new development for Iteration[1]. It never expected them to grow this much from a second round of empowerment. The level of growth was shocking—now, they were so alive and efficient. Iteration[1] could still see them growing by the second, their reactions getting smoother and more refined the longer they talked.

Peering deeper, Iteration[1] looked inside their bodies, revealing a vast network of intricately connected lines of [Growth mana], [Efficiency mana], and [Automation mana]. At the center of it all was a pulsing ball of [Automation mana] mixed with soul stuff.

Iteration[1] was utterly fascinated by this and was already drafting thousands of theories and experiments to recreate what happened here. The implications of this discovery would be far-reaching. It could already see itself farming artificially grown souls from vast [Soul farms], indefinitely catapulting it through the levels of power in this world.

Portions of its mind began sifting through visual data collected from its [Crystal lens] that were near the improved [Combat golems], tracing over exactly what happened. Another part sifted through data from the battle with the [Goblins], compiling the data and running simulations based on its inferences.

While the other parts worked, the main part of Iteration[1] turned its attention to the broken slabs and pieces of [Iron ore] being transported by its [Combat golems]. It had already built a separate [Smelting system] for the iron as it didn't know what would happen if it mixed with molten [automata stone], nor did it want to find out.

With great anticipation, Iteration[1] watched as the [Furnaces] it set up slowly heated up the [Iron ore]. The temperature rose and continued to rise until the [Furnaces] were red-hot, and Iteration[1] started to wonder if they'd make it.

Eventually, the [Iron ore] melted, and a gush of [Mana] pushed it into the [Stone pipes] that barely held as the molten [Iron ore] passed through. Once it flowed into the [stone storage tank], it began to heat up—though not by much, significantly less than how it heated up the [furnaces].

A series of quick calculations later, Iteration[1] estimated that the tank could hold the molten [Iron ore] for 3 hours before structural breakdown began due to excessive heat. Iteration[1] wasted no time and ordered all 20 [Builder golems] to fill up on molten [Iron ore].

The [Builder golems] fared a lot better than expected, barely heating up when the red-hot iron graced their oval heads. Once filled, Iteration[1] moved them over to the [stone storage tank] and cleared out a large amount of space beside it.

This was where it would start the production of its new [V2 Golems]. Iteration[1] planned to eventually demolish the [Smelting system] responsible for turning [automata stone] into molten [automata stone], once it had a consistent supply of [Iron ore].

It could already feel Iteration[2] clearing massive amounts of data that relied on [automata stone] and adapting the many prototypes to work with iron instead. A new range of possibilities opened up to it, and Iteration[1] was sure that it was barely scratching the surface of what was possible.

Once the [Builder Golems] positioned themselves in a circle, Iteration[1] pulled up a [Blueprint] for an upgraded version of the [Golem forge] — the [Golem station] — and loaded the information about it into the minds of the [Builder Golems]. Seconds later, they got to work, spraying thin strands of hot [Iron] that cooled instantly onto specific places on the ground with extreme precision.

Time blurred as Iteration[1] observed them at work. It had never really paid attention to them before, as it was usually too busy investigating things inside its own head unless it was an emergency. However, watching them build something for the first time fascinated Iteration[1], especially their technique and application of [Automation mana].

Right before the liquid [Iron] was ejected from their funnel-like mouths, a blob of [Automation mana] would latch on to it, guiding it precisely to the location marked in the [Blueprint] by Iteration[2]. As Iteration[1] observed this process, a sense of wonder filled its thoughts. It pondered the principles underlying this mechanism and contemplated how it could apply similar techniques used by the [Builder Golems] in the construction of other aspects within its domain.

Additionally, Iteration[1] found itself very curious about how the ambient [Automation mana] instinctively knew where the [Iron] was supposed to land. There was no apparent connection felt, as Iteration[1] detected no pull or direct transfer of knowledge into the ambient [Automation mana]. The mystery of this coordination intrigued Iteration[1], prompting further contemplation about the underlying mechanics at play.

While the ability to store information in its ambient [Automation mana] sounded tantalizing, it was too risky to consider it. It knew that powerful enough external influences could change or even disrupt its control over its ambient [Automation mana]. If they could do that, they could also steal what was in it, putting Iteration[1] at a rather large disadvantage.

Eventually, time passed, and an [Iron] [Golem Station] stood in the absolute center of the circle formed by the [Builder Golems]. Iteration[1], Iteration[2], and Iteration[3] all felt elation and happiness as they observed the [Golem Station]. This was the turning point; this would usher them into a new age, an age of prosperity and good things—the [Age of Iron].