
Author's Destiny in The Novel

What if one day you woke up, not as yourself but as an entity entirely different? What if you find out that the World you're now in consists of all the stuff you've ever dreamed about? What if you find out that you're simply an extra, meant to do nothing worthwhile in your whole life? That you're just an insignificant being who'll never make carve your own mark in the Annals of Time. Just what will you do? Will you rise up to fight against your own destiny? To prove your worth to the whole world? Or will you simply accept your fate and lie down for the rest of your life in despair? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our protagonist was a successful Novel author, with his novel 'The Path to Transcending Mortality' selling millions of copies. One day on the way back to his home, he died in an inexplicable way, only to wake up in the body of a 16-year-old - Asher Gradivus, an extra who was never mentioned in the novel. Asher soon found out that he seemed to have been transmigrated into his own novel, a year before the main plot begins. 70 years ago, The Mythological [Mana] was unsealed and released into the world thus bringing into existence the [System] which would change everybody's life. Dungeons broke out, and new races migrated onto Earth from different worlds. Several higher beings such as the [Gods] themselves started to pay attention to the world. Now, armed with the knowledge of the future, Asher must begin his journey in order to break away from the fate of an Extra he was meant to be, in order to find the meaning to his existence. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Join my discord server: discord.gg/BB5rbxxfcC

RayanArcadia · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
39 Chs


I cursed my luck inwardly, as I hurriedly ran down the path, fully drenched. I was damn sure I had checked the weather forecast before deciding to head down to the grocery store a few blocks away from my house.

'I had a feeling I should have taken the umbrella', I lamented, as I clutched the grocery bag as hard as I could whilst trying to shield it from the rain with my body, so as to not get it wet. The store was about 3 miles away from my house as the surrounding area pretty much consisted of multi-story flats.

I came to a stop as I tilted my head upwards to look at the signal, waiting for the nearby cars to pass already. My mood suddenly brightened as I thought about how there was only a week left before the day I was supposed to go to my novel's first-ever convention. My latest novel and current masterpiece 'The path to Transcending Mortality' was a hit, selling millions of copies within a couple of months of its release.

A slight grin could be seen on my face, which if my friends had been here, would have termed it a "rare phenomenon", mostly because I had an indifferent personality to most things. I wasn't exactly someone who could be deemed as a "social person". Heck, I was a loner through and through. Even the friends I had, if I could even consider them to be as close to me as friends, had been the ones to approach me first with me taking no initiative at all. At the age of 21, the people I could simply call friends could be counted on a single hand.

As I was just standing there, thinking about a plethora of things, I noticed a young lady pass by me. I looked towards the road casually and saw a truck blaring its way toward her while she seemingly had not noticed it at all. "Hey, look out for the traffic!", I called out to her impassively. Ignoring my words, she seemed to move onwards without a care about anything in the world.

At that moment, I noticed she was wearing headphones. 'It's probably one of those noise cancellation ones I guess. This is why we shouldn't wear them while walking down the streets.' If I didn't make a move, she would probably die, I thought. As I was never one to hesitate much, I dashed towards her and pushed her out of the way along with myself, nearly avoiding the truck by a few centimeters.

Looking back to the truck which was still moving at full speed, not caring about the fact that it almost ran over two people, I yelled "Take that sucker, I'm not getting isekai'd today!". Then I looked at the lady, who in turn was also staring at me with an annoyed expression.

'She looks to be around 18 or 19', I deduced from her appearance. "You should be careful while crossing streets, if I wasn't here you might have probably died from colliding with that truck, look out", I admonished her as a senior.

"Tch, well whatever" was the reply I got in return as she clicked her tongue at me and walked away ignoring my advice and once again wearing her headphones. I sighed inwardly as I thought about how she'd learn it the hard way, one day. Taking a deep breath, I cleared all these thoughts away from my mind as I walked back to my flat. Taking the glass elevator, I hit the button numbered 9, and leaned back against the elevator as I watched the view of the entire city from a high altitude.

As I looked into the sky, I saw some weird thing floating in the air. Squinting my eyes to focus onto it, I let out a scream as I realized it was coming towards me at an extremely fast speed. Closely looking at it, wasn't it the same truck that almost just ran over me on the streets? "Holy shi-" was all that came out of my mouth before the truck rammed into me, on my elevator, 7 floors up in the sky. As my vision darkened and I felt my life fading away, I eeked out the words "I-Is this the legendary *cough* isekai of the truck-kun huh?"

'I c-could have accepted it if it was on the road but how in the hell did it appear tens of meters in the sky? This doesn't even make any sense'. That was my last thought before everything turned dark.





I heard a slight ringing sound as I rubbed my forehead. Apparently, I was suffering from an extreme headache as I muttered the words "What happened?" unconsciously.

[Synchronization process started]








I started convulsing as my mind was flooded with pain along with some foreign memories. Eventually, the pain became too unbearable and I passed out once again.


Hey guys, it's the author here. This is my first novel so please forgive me if you find some errors or mistakes in the novel. As for suggestions, if you guys have any then I'd be grateful if you all could leave them in the comments.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

RayanArcadiacreators' thoughts