
Aura Lucy

Aura Lucy is our main character and she has been given her another chance to live. What will she do with her new life? She suffers and she laughs. She runs and she fights. But most importantly, she gets the job done. Disclaimer: English isn't my first language! There is swearing!

WhyAmILikeThisssss · Fantasía
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4 Chs


I start panicking and open my eyes. I see trees around me and start shaking, last I knew I wasn't anywhere near a forest. I very quickly stand up, away from the wet and cold forest floor.

A million thoughts are running through my head. Did I fall asleep and get kidnapped from my bath? Or did I drink too much wine? There is no way I could have gotten through the entire city naked without somebody calling the police.

I felt absolutely terrified. I look around searching for a person or a house, so very slightly hoping that I did get kidnapped and that I'm not just all alone in a forest somewhere, but I found nothing. Only some more goddamn trees in my way and ridiculously tall ones at that, ones that I have never seen before.


I have been walking now for a little bit in a random direction. I decided that moving somewhere is better than waiting.

I really am hoping for a road of any kind, please and thank you ahead of time god. I have also been yelling every once in a while hoping for a response, but I haven't gotten any.

I am trying to keep myself as calm as possible, but I can feel myself only getting more panicked and worried. I have no idea what to do if I don't find a road or something. Im a goddamn city girl through and through, what the hell do I know about surviving in a forest.

It's been a little bit now. I am absolutely freezing and have lost all hope.

When I woke up here the sun was just starting to shine, now it's starting to set and my feet hurt like hell.

I have also accepted the fact that the animals in the forest, the plantlife and the bugs are nothing like they should be in a forest. They look too wacky and weird.

There is no way that even I haven't heard about a weird ass animal that looks like a rabbit and an owl had a baby and also some kind of a plant that starts glowing in the dark and hurts like hell if you step on it. 

Where in the absolute fuck am I ?!?


After my very tiny freakout I have now literally given up and am really fucking terrified. It's night time now and I am slowly losing my mind, I have to be.

Because I'm from the city and have raging insomnia, like you do, I have just slight trouble sleeping, so I usually listen to the sounds of the forest from my phone and I kid you not when I say that in the ten goddamn years that I have done that, I have never ever heard these sounds that I am hearing right now.

They are absolutely terrifyingly loud and sometimes even weirdly disgusting, plus just to add insult to injury half the fucking forest is glowing, yeah not even gidding. 

After sitting for a bit, freezing my ass off and finally crying for a little because if not now then when.

I'm back on the road again in this impossibly dark forest and you might be thinking, like me, shouldn't the glowing plants help you see? Well apparently not, I can only see their light greenish glow and pure darkness.

I am pretty much just slowly inching forward with my hands straight ahead of me like a zombie and because I'm pretty much blind I keep falling and stepping on stuff and it hur-