

In a world where magic abilities mean everything Arthur was born with body abilities and no magical abilities. even with all his weaknesses he strives to the best. THIS IS MY FIRST BOOK BARE WITH IT!

Vasfly · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Why is everything going down hill?

The frail old man backed up slowly and tripped on a crumbling stone wall


Arthur, with eyes filled with worry, stretched out his hand in reassurance but little did he know that this had the opposite effect, in the old man's eyes he saw a looming purple shadow wrapped around Arthur, and as soon as the old merchant saw the eyes of this creature he had a sudden pain in his chest

"Old man!" Arthur said

The old man, grasping at his chest, looked up at Arthur only to foam at the mouth and collapse on the floor

SYSTEM: You have killed Tier 1 human

SYSTEM: 5 Exp gained

Arthur looked at his shaking hands in horror. 'I-I wanted to save him, but all I did was make it worse.'

Arthur let out a few teardrops but he did not sob for long as if he stayed there any longer someone could spot him and label him a criminal. Arthur pated down the two bandits taking what looked valuable and then headed off towards the nearest city, but first, he headed towards a river nearby to wash off all the blood staining his body and stripped down to only his pants as his clothes were covered in blood. As he started walking to the nearby city dawn fell and he was overcome with a sudden thought

'Shit if I go to the city now and someone has an investigation skill I will be arrested for murder. The only way I can get around this is if I join an origination that can cover my trail and justify the murder'

Arthur bit his lip he did not want to join an organization that restricts its members too much but it looked like had to do that. Arthur then thought of a different solution to his problem he could wait in the forest for a week until most of the skills that can detect the murder of a human lose their effectiveness all he would have to do is make sure no one comes to the village in that span of time.

"Dam it, I guess I need to stay"

Arthur went to the village, the scent of blood still in the air, and entered his old home only to see his mom's corpse burnt to a crip.

Tears started flowing down his cheeks as he thought

'it all happened so fast if only I could have saved you.'

Arthur started digging graves and buried the bodies he found, then Arthur picked up flowers and laid them on his mother's grave

"mom I could not find dad but I will at least try to bury all of the remaining villagers"

At that tearful remark, he starts going through the ruins of the houses and burying all the bodies he found

On the 6th day Arthur was carrying one of the bodies to a grave he heard a shout

"What happened here!"

Arthur Looked over and saw a group of 4 people around the same age as him, 3 men with well-built bodies and iron armor and 1 girl in cloth armor who looked like a witch

'New adventurers huh well the day of the tower was 2 days ago so it should be expected'

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ALL OF THESE PEOPLE!" A blond man looking to be the leader said

"My village was massacred by bandits a weak ago I have been burying the bodies of my village since then"

Another man stepped up, this one was a bit shorter with heavy Iron armor and short black hair "Are you the only one who survived?"

Arthur's eyes sharped at that remembering his missing dad and sister

"Yes I am the only one who survived"

The group of 4 looked at each other and then looked back at Arthur unsheathe their weapons

Arthur with a confused look asked, "what are you doing?"

The girl replayed "we came here to hunt down some bandits and seeing as you are the only one here and are carrying a saber with a yellow handle that bandits have been spotted to be using in this area so you must be our target!"

Arthur was astonished at the stupidity of these adventurers if that was the case then why would he be burying the bodies and why would he have stayed?

As soon those words left her mouth the two men in front lunged forward as the last man sunk behind some bushes. Arthur was not worried about any magical attacks because at tier one the best someone can do was a small fireball or a weak gust of wind.

Arthur jumped back and unshelved his saber "I am not a bandit I swear!"

The men did not even respond before swinging their swords aiming straight for his head and heart

Arthur rolled out of their attacks and started sprinting into the village he did not want to kill them nor was he planning to, his skill Conquers Will triggered at that moment, and his speed, which was already quite fast, doubled as he sprinted into the forest.

Once Arthur was out of range the group of 4 started discussing what they were going to do

The leader of the group said"We can't let him get away like that I say we chase after him"

"Are you stupid? You saw his speed he is probably a tier 2 wind magic user!" The Short man said

The man with the dagger who was quiet the entire time spoke up

"I think it's for the best if we just leave the bounty up to some of the stronger adventures"

As the group was talking Arthur was spriting until he was sure no one was chasing him he then slowed down and headed to his secret hiding spot, the big oak tree.

Arthur used his strength to carve a hole in the tree and rested there.