

In a world where magic abilities mean everything Arthur was born with body abilities and no magical abilities. even with all his weaknesses he strives to the best. THIS IS MY FIRST BOOK BARE WITH IT!

Vasfly · Fantasía
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4 Chs

The beginning

"1004...1005...1006...1007" Arthur was swinging his sword at a giant living oak tree on the outskirts of a forest, the dent in the tree was clearly visible from the number of times it's been stricken.

As if it was done thousands of times before the boy named Arthur let out a sporadic flurry of slashes using the last bit of his energy before collapsing on a small dirt patch. He was so exhausted he passed out on the ground next to a tree and let his guard down.

*cricket* *cricket* slowly Arthur opened his eyes and was instantly shocked

"I SLEPT TILL SUNSET!? I have to get home, my parents and sister will be worried about me". Picking up his wooden sword off the floor and dusting off his dirty shirt he headed off in the direction of the village.

Stumbling home after his long training session he had his eyes on the floor and his sword dragging behind him. He could barely see from the darkness of night but something caught his attention, a small spark of fire drifting and landing on his palm filled with calluses.

Looking up he was dumb stuck with terror, his lovely innocent small village was getting burned to a crispt by men in cloth armor and steel swords. Blood flowed into his face and his legs moved without him noticing.

He rushed to the outskirts of his village where his home resides. It was a small wooden house with holes in the roof and broken windows and as he neared closer he rushed inside, nearly breaking the wooden door with the strength of his body alone.

"Dad! Mom! Ray! Where are you! The village is under attack!"

Quickly turning the corner he spots his sister and mom quivering in fear behind the dresser.

"Mom Ray, we need to get out of here, where is dad?"

"H-He went to fight the bandits!"

Arthur shot a worried glance at the photo of his dad but he quickly snaps out of it

"We gotta get off here right now if we don't want to be killed!"

Carrying his sister on his back and holding his mother's hand he sprinted out of the house and tried to run away from the village but before he could even get out of the house the roof caved in and a storm of flames crashes down on them

Acting swiftly Arthur used his body to block the rubble from hitting his little sister but he couldn't do much about his mom



The rubble collapsed over her in a gruesome mess of blood and wood.


Coughing blood from the smoke and cuts lining his back he tried to grab her hand but before he could his mother said, "Arthur run away from the village with your sister, and please promise me you will protect her."

When she finished her last words Arthur turned from her with a determined face filled with hatred he then picked up his crying 7-year-old little sister and ran full speed to the tower leaving a trail of blood and a piece of wood lodged in his back.

*Pant* *Pant* *Pant* Running nonstop while carrying his sister he nearly fell due to the blood loss and pain from his wound but did not give up and continued to run.

Out of nowhere, a wind bullet flung past him making a faint buzzing noise.

"Dammit, I missed!" a ruff-looking bandit said in horror

Arthur turned around and saw 2 men riding a gust of wind approaching him at an alarming speed, Arthur knew his end was near because there was no way he could fight 2 cultivators in his state.

Hell, he would die if only one of them fought him! Only caring for his sister he pushed past his limits making his legs pop with an ominous noise

'Only a little bit more if I can just make it to the tower of god I can shield myself inside!'

Seeing the looming base of the tower in the distance he was still not fast enough he needed to go faster but before he could everything went downhill when a wind bullet pierced his leg making him roll into a ball to protect his sister

"BROTHER!" his sister shouted in terror.

The old-looking bandit came up to them and with an eager smile said "Well lookie here two youngin's running away from us"

The bandit pushes Arthur's head with the butt of his sword

"you think a normal peasant trash trying to run from us nobl- I mean bandits!"

"Lord keep your tongue under control if word gets out that we are noblemen we will be executed in the town square!"

"it's fine we can just kill the boy and take the girl"

Arthur's eyes flashed with anger and he grabbed the bandit's leg and squeezed hard fracturing his bone Arthur then screamed


"Don't touch me peasant scum!"

With a wind-fused kick, Arthur was sent flying in the direction of the tower landing on some hay nearby. Barely holding on to his conciseness he crawled his gravely injured body to the tower somehow with pure willpower alone he reached the tower and put his hand on the door.

SYSTEM: the user is under the age of 16 the changes to your body can leave you crippled


SYSTEM: entering the tower