
Attack on Titan: Ackerman's Destiny

Guy gets the chance to reincarnate in an anime world and chooses attack on titan. The most overpowered ackerman will be born and will cause a storm in the AOT world. Non-harem, Overpowered from the start, Wishfulfillemt I didn't want to write about a mc with a titian transformation so if you want one with a transformation this fanfic isn't for you. PS: I know you see this in like every synthesis but it's actually true. First time writing and if you don't believe me go to my original works this is my first time writing. The mc is going to be paired with Mikasa, I know insect, but Mikasa is best wifu in AOT :-)

JOESMO · Cómic
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4 Chs

New life

*WARNING SPOIL ALERT AHEAD if you haven't watched the new episode of AOT GO WATCH IT FIRST*

It had been a couple of days since I was transmigrated into this world as Yuto Ackerman, a six-year-old orphan. I quickly realized that I wasn't reincarnated as a baby, but instead, my consciousness was transported into this young body and I was grateful for it because I didn't want to experience being a baby again. It was still a weird experience, but I adapted quickly. I also realized that I was in the Shiganshina district. I lived on the edge of town near a forest. I lived in a one-story cabin that is actually nice-looking considering it is AOT. It has 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, 2 bathrooms and a little extra space for a living room. There was also a letter on the table which I assumed was from the ROB and I was right. The letter wrote I'm a six-year-old child named Yuto Ackerman. And is an orphan that lived alone my birthday was April, 24.

The first week was just me getting used to my new environment and learn how this society runs. For example, the currency in this world is coins such as copper, bronze, silver, and gold. 400 copper coins = 100 bronze coins = 25 silver coins = 1 gold coin. That is just one thing I found out during my time here.

Also, I found out that everyone is actually nice, well the majority of people in the town are, of course, there is the usual criminal and crime organizations out there but little to none in Shiganshina.

Anyway, it is currently half past 4 in the morning and I'm currently doing my morning training. I already mastered ODM gear, martial arts, assassination techniques, etc. But my body strength is still of a six-year-old so I'm working out to get my original strength. I used to do 150 push-ups, 150 sit-ups, 200 squats, 200 pull-ups, and a 15-mile run. And at first, it was hell but after a week my body completely adapted to the training so I decided to make a new really hard routine consisting of 300 jumping jacks, followed by 300 burpees, 300 push-ups, and 300 muscle ups. Then, 300 dips, 300 sit-ups, and 300 squats. Finally, I end the routine with a 20-mile run and this only going to increase as I age.

It may seem unrealistic, but I know that have abnormal strength due to my bloodline and I have to push my body to its limits to prepare for any challenges that may come my way. My body may ache, and my muscles may scream, but I know that this is necessary to survive in this world.

But despite my rigorous training, I still felt weary. I need to have more influence to change the story. I may have the Ackerman bloodline but I'm still aware that if I had to take on thousands of colossal titans at once, I'd die instantly, not from getting swatted or stepped on but due to the sheer heat they produce, I watched episode 1 of the actual final season and was so sad of what happened to Hange and I'll be dammed if I let that be her fate. I also plan to change the fate of all of the other survey core members that died.

If it's a one-on-one, I'm confident I could kill anything in this world but when it comes to the rumbling I still have doubts. I need to try to steer Eren away from that path and make allies and catch up paradis's technology with the rest world regardless what path he goes on.

This is because if I prevent Eren from doing the rumbling the Marleyans won't realize how badly they fucked up and peace through a common enemy will be impossible and there could still be a war then. But If I let Eren go down the rumbling path, a whole lot of people are going to unnecessarily die.


*Sigh* Let's worry about that in the future. I need to focus on catching up Paradis's technology with other countries. And thankfully I know just how to do it because I was not only honing my titan-killing skills during my training I also learned about technology and engineering during my stay.

I have a general plan, to hire contractors and mercenaries that have various skills and create something akin to a service agency. I will sign contracts with the people I'm doing service for and collect a fee at the end of the month, the contractors or mercenaries will then complete those services and bang! There you go an agency. (You can do this in real life to btw, It works) :-)

I will focus on gaining capital to start up other projects. Then, I plan to hire the best talent I can out there and put them to work developing whatever in the field I end up assigning them to. And from there I'll start to make individual companies ranging from vehicles companies that focus on things like trains and railroads and eventually things like navy ships and hopefully blimps like what Marely uses.

And, a weapon development company, which will focus on upgrading weapons and making new ones. Also, a general technology company that will make things like the radio and telegraph and other things that can help improve the quality of life on Paradis island.

But first I decided to take a stroll in town and see if I can meet a certain suicidal maniac.

*In Town*

Well, I've been walking for a couple of hours now and can't find him. I want to meet him and become friends with him to be able to guide him easier. Though when walking I couldn't help but think about what is the best move on the board, I need to start making my companies, and starting them here would be pointless due to the fact that the colossal titan will come and kick down the wall. I think after gaining Eren's trust and friendship I will move to another place to start them. Preferably the district near Trost. Well lets-


"Ouch! HEY WATCH WERE YOUR GOING," someone said.

I turn around to apologize but the moment I turned around I paused...

Brown hair... check, green eyes...check, long, yet rounded face... check and lastly bratty voice and attitude.. check. Well, he fits the criteria.

I turn around and reach my hand, "Sorry about that…

Umm helloooo, is there something on face?"

Eren took another second and came out of his thoughts and took my hand and said" No its fine and I'm sorry I kept staring. It's just you look really unusual. I've never seen a person that looks like you."

I gave a small smile and said, "Ah it's okay I get that a lot." I do have an unusual appearance with my black hair, black eyes as dark as night, and a gorgeous cute face. But is it really that strange?


Eren nodded and asked me. "Are you new in town?"

I nodded, happy Eren didn't think my appearance is weird, "Yeah, I just arrived a few days ago. I'm still getting my bearings."

Eren nodded, understandingly. "Well, if you ever need any help, just let me know. I've lived in Shiganshina my whole life."

I smiled. "Thanks, that means a lot. I'm Yuto, by the way."

Eren smiled and said, "Eren. Nice to meet you, Yuto."

Eren and I spent the rest of the day walking around chatting and making each other laugh. I actually am enjoying my time with Eren and can see myself becoming good friends with him.

By the end of the day while the sun was setting Eren and I sat down outside near some steps, laughing and chatting and eventually got to the topic of our dreams.

"Hey Yuto, what's your dream?", Eren said a bit nervously.

I was a bit confused about the lack of confidence when he was talking about his dream, in the anime he said it with such conviction but now he said it while being a bit timid.

I kept thinking about why he is so timid. But then it hit me; he must have not met Armin yet and doesn't know about the outside world yet. Well, I'm going to let Armin be the one to tell him about the outside world. Actually, now us because I plan to become friends with Armin. But I mean there is no pain in implementing the idea of joining the survey core in his brain now. I put on my best actor face with sparkling eyes and said, "I want to join the Survey Corps and explore the outside world."

Eren looked down, feeling embarrassed. "I don't have a dream like that. I don't even know what I want to do when I grow up."

I saw the embarrassment in his eyes, and said, "Why don't you join me in the Survey Corps, Eren? We can explore the outside world together."

Eren looked up at him, surprised. "The Survey Corps? But isn't that dangerous? And what if we don't even make it back alive?"

Yuto nodded. "Yes, it's dangerous. But isn't that what makes it exciting? And think about it, Eren. We've been trapped inside these walls our entire lives. We don't even know what's out there. Don't you want to see it for yourself?"

I could see the gears shifting in that brain of his and slowly his eyes widen and start to shine. Hehehehe and the oscar go to Yuto, I smiled at my acting.

Looking back at Eren I see my words worked and he is thinking about the survey core now.

Eren gave a bright smile and said, "Yeah, that does sound cool, maybe I will join."

I just gave him a small smile as we continued to watch the sunset.

A couple of minutes late Eren said, "Yuto, I have to go back to my house or else my parents will be worried."

I got up and gave a smile and said, "Yeah I understand and I should also get back too. I'll see you next time Eren."

"Bye Yuto!!" Eren said. While running back to his house.

I turned and walked back to my house. I was happy, I met Eren and became his friend. I truly saw him as a friend. But my gaze hardened. It was the eyes of a veteran killer and I had one thought, Eren I won't let you go down that path.