
Attack of the Lewd Monster Harem

On Vacation till January 1st 2025. Have a Merry Christmas everyone! James Keller is summoned to an alternate Earth where a rift opened allowing nightmarish creatures to roam free. Ninety-nine percent of all men have been killed fighting these beasts leaving behind millions of women and children. Large walls made of iron or stone have been erected around each of the twelve remaining kingdoms. These walls have lasted for decades against even the toughest monsters. In this new world men have now become so valuable to society that they are all treated like kings and have huge harems of beautiful women. To even become a slave to a man is still considered a privilege. Now James must survive in a world filled with monstrous beasts straight of his nightmares. Meanwhile he must navigate through a world where every beautiful woman desperately wants to have his babies. Can he survive and become the legendary hero the world needs to stop the apocalypse? Will his little friend survive being tapped by hundreds of voracious and desperate women? Find out in the dark fantasy story of Attack of the Lewd Monster Harem! ************************************** I update twice a day. Once at noon and once at 7pm. Rewards: 1 Luxury Car = 1 Bonus chapter 1 Dragon = 2 Bonus chapters 1 Magic Castle = Mass Release of 10 chapters 1 Spacecraft = Mass Release of 20 chapters 1 Golden Gachapon = 10 chapters per day for 1 week ***Discord is open!*** https://discord.gg/cR2KY2R4sF

HaremKing777 · Fantasía
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266 Chs

ALMH Chapter 4: The Trial of Fertility 18+

Sasha leads James along the iron wall, their eyes scanning the lifeless bodies that litter the ground below. Sasha and James peer over the edge of the wall and take in the carnage below. The lifeless enemies litter the ground like rag dolls, their limbs twisted in contorted positions. Sasha explains how the archers and soldiers are moving the bodies around, covering them in white sheets. She wonders why these creatures have never been seen before, and how they were able to scale the walls.

James joined Sasha and wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Have you ever seen anything like this before?" James asked as he stared at the lifeless faces of the fallen soldiers.

James and Sasha exchange a look as they see two of the dead beast creatures that managed to climb the wall. "No, I've never seen anything quite like this before," Sasha breathed, her heart hammering in her chest. "I'm just glad we're safe..." she adds with a sigh.

"Yeah," James agrees as they move past the two corpses.

"I never realized how vulnerable we really were up here..." Sasha added, her voice wavering slightly. "This has been a wake up call for all of us." she adds, grim but determined.

Sasha and James are startled by the sound of a horse neigh and thundering hooves just down the iron wall. A female soldier on horseback calls out to Sasha, "General Heldeer, the king has requested your presence in the throne room immediately!" Sasha and James exchange a look, and Sasha nods to the soldier. "It seems our audience with the king has been moved up," she says, her voice cool and collected.

Sasha and James follow the soldier down the zig zag staircase. After reaching the bottom they wind their way back through the streets and find their way to the castle.

Once inside they are lead up to the throne room, where the king is waiting for them on his golden throne. James' attention is immediately drawn to the female soldiers and the other women gathered around the king, but Sasha seems unfazed. The king looks up as they enter the room, his expression darkening.

"General Sasha Heldeer, Mam," the soldier says, bowing curtly.

"Thank you soldier. Come forward." King Herod ordered.

James watches, feeling his stomach churn as he takes in the tense exchange. He can't help but wonder what the King will ask of him. He tries to catch Sasha's eye, but her gaze is locked ahead, her expression blank. She offers no indication of how she feels about the situation, and James can't help but worry that she may be feeling similarly anxious.

Just then, he notices one of the female soldiers staring at him, a curious look on her face. Her gaze moves across his face and then down to his crotch. The longer she looks at him the more her cheeks blush and she seems oddly drawn to him.

James is taken out of his thoughts when the King clears his throat and gestures for them to come forward.

King Herod looks up at Sasha and James with a grave expression, seeming lost in thought for a moment. "These creatures..." he murmurs quietly, his eyes shifting to the window facing the wall. "What were they? Tell me." The king asked while staring down Sasha.

"These creatures were new your highness. Unlike anything we've seen before. Their impressive size was equaled by their poisonous thorns and powerful scaled tail. They scaled the walls and managed to kill several of our soldiers before we brought them down." Sasha explained, gesturing to emphasize the large scale and movement.

"This is the third attempt this month. I fear with each wave they grow more powerful." He pauses for a moment, gathering his thoughts.

"Double the guards along the wall," he eventually says. "Constant patrols day and night." Sasha nods in agreement and steps back.

The king shifts his gaze to James and James reacts by straightening up his posture and pushing out his chest.

"How are you faring, James?" the king asks, turning to face James. James's expression softens. "This day... has been challenging," he admits.

"... but I do have a few things that have made up for it." he continues, exchanging a playful smile with Sasha. The King observes this exchange with a slight grin.

"Very well then," King Herod states and motions for the guards to escort them to their quarters. "I have scheduled your trial for three in the afternoon tomorrow," he says to James with a grave expression, adding, "I do hope you are prepared?" James and Sasha quietly exchange a look, feeling their stomachs sink. "He is, your majesty," Sasha says after a long moment.

James nods, putting on a brave face, but his heart is pounding in his chest at the thought of the mysterious "trial." Sasha is visibly tense too, gripping his hand tightly. James' mind was racing with a host of questions, but the guards are leading them away, through a maze-like series of hallways and staircases, until they finally reach their quarters. They slip past the guards and shut the door behind them, releasing a tense breath as they take in the opulent suite of rooms. Sasha leans against the door and lets out a nervous chuckle. "Well..." she says, "At least this place is pretty."

James and Sasha take a look around the many rooms connected by ornate dark wood doors. They walk into the bedroom and take in the opulent tapestries lining the walls and plush furs covering the floor. To James' relief, there is also a large bed with red satin sheets, which he quickly collapses onto. Sasha sits on the edge of the bed, watching him with a bemused expression.

"Well, I guess this is where we're staying for the night," she says, her voice light and cheerful. She reaches out to stroke James' head, her fingers lingering on his soft hair.

Sasha crawls on top of James and lets her silky raven locks fall below her shoulders. A few strands of her hair brushing across his cheek. Sasha playfully circles her finger through his chest hair and gives him a warm smile.

Sasha's touch sends James' heart pounding, his body tensing slightly. Their gaze meets and James' breath catches in his throat. There's a spark between them and it seems to only grow as Sasha continues to stroke his hair. He's never experienced this kind of connection with anyone before, and it feels both invigorating and unnerving. Sasha's gaze falls to his lips, and for a moment James feels himself lean toward her.

Sasha doesn't hesitate, she leans in and gently kisses James' lips. The moment their lips touch, there's an electricity between them, and James' arms automatically sweep around Sasha's back and pull her close. The kiss grows more passionate, and suddenly James is feeling like there's nothing else in the world, just the two of them and this moment. Sasha finally pulls back and takes in James' face, breathless. "That was..." she says, her voice shaky.

"Amazing!" James finished her sentence staring deeply into her smoky grey eyes.

Sasha and James slip under the covers, keeping each other close as they start to drift off to sleep. Their hearts are still racing, the kiss still tingles on their lips as they hold one another tight. Sasha curls herself around James and whispers. "Good night, sweet prince," she says, her voice soft and sweet. James replies, "Good night, sweet princess," and the pair drift off to sleep, their arms intertwined and their hearts full.

James laid there in her arms, sniffing her hair and taking in the sweet scent. He had never been with a woman like her before and for once in his life it felt right.

His first day in the world of Erodus was full of danger, love, and mystery. So he wondered what his next day might hold.

Sasha shifted and nuzzled into his neck and the warmth made him slowly fall asleep.

The next morning Sasha and James wake up with their arms tightly wrapped around each other, James pressing his face into the nape of Sasha's neck as he breathes in her scent. They lie there for a few minutes, enjoying the moment together before eventually unwrapping themselves.

Sasha stretches and yawns, then sits up on the bed. "Good morning, my prince." She whispers to James, who smiles at her affectionately. "Good morning, my princess," he responds. The pair exchange a few more words before falling silent, enjoying the presence of each other.

The pair sits in comfortable silence for a few moments before Sasha breaks it, smiling shyly at James. "Do you know what I'm most excited about today?" she asks slyly. James looks at her curiously, trying to guess.

"Uh, your trial?" he says, his tone playfully teasing. Sasha smiles mischievously and nods. "Among other things," she says, her voice quiet but full of meaning. James nods, understanding what she means, and feels his heart pounding in his chest.

Sasha looks at James longingly, her eyes fluttering as she takes in his handsome face and muscular figure.

She gently traces her fingers along his arm, taking in every inch of his body. As she reaches his chest, she pauses, and slowly brings her finger to his chin. She gently strokes his chin while locking eyes with him, her warm breath tickling his forehead. Before he even realizes, he finds himself moving closer, his own expression full of desire. He leans forward and softly brings his lips to hers. Their mouths meet and their tongues dance, their hands clinging together tightly.

Three knocks startle the couple and they look towards the front door.

"Time already?" Sasha groaned, not ready to let go just yet.

They pull apart, panting. Sasha runs her fingers along James's cheek, a small and serene smile on her face. "Maybe we can continue where we left off? Maybe a bit later."

James gave her a mischievous smile and said "I'd love to, I need another good look at that ass of yours." James admitted while gently running his hand over her plump rear.

"Why wait?" She asked, matching his mischievous look with one of her own.

She rose from the bed and let the sheet fall slowly off of her soft skin. She let James take in her perfect form and bent over to show how sexy her ass was. She stood back up and looked over her shoulder.

"Get dressed, we have company to entertain."

James didn't hesitate and stood up out of bed. After getting dressed they opened the door to reveal a short woman in ceremonial robes accompanied by two armed guards.

"Morning General Sasha, James." She nodded as she spoke. "I take it you found your room to your liking?" She added glancing around at the opulent décor.

"Yes, yes we did." James answered nodding his head enthusiastically.

"Well, good. I hope you slept well because we're here to escort you to the ritual. You'll need to wear these." She instructed.

She laid on the couch a luxurious white robe with a sky blue satin sash around the waist.

"These are really soft. I love them." James thanked her, raising his hand so she could shake his.

She studied his hand with a peculiar focus on its form. She eventually reached out and clasped his hand at the wrist as they did in the medieval age.

"You're most welcome James. Please get dressed in these robes and join us when you're ready." She explained.

She and the two guards bowed and left the room.

James begins to change out of his clothes and Sasha takes a keen interest while watching him. She places a hand on her hip and enjoys the view of James's body as he takes off his boxers. Sasha smiles at him as he watches, and once he's dressed, she gently leads James outside and meets with the three guards.

Sasha's arm wraps around James's waist and she nods to the guards. "We are ready." She says calmly, squeezing James's waist tightly. The guards nod and begin leading them through the busy streets. As they walk, James can't help but notice the lustful looks from the women lining the streets. Some wink at him, while others simply ogle over him. Sasha glances at them and smiles, her eyes on James as her fingers wrap around his arm, making sure he's safe. They continue walking for a few moments and arrive at the ancient temple, James's mind spinning with what awaits him.

"This is the temple of fertility. You will find the priestess waiting for you inside those double doors. Good luck James." The guard in ceremonial robes explained.

"You're not coming with me?" James asked, looking to each of the girl's.

"No, this is something you must do on your own. We will be waiting for you here when you return." The ceremonial guard explained while resting a hand on his shoulder.

"Thanks." James thanked her and then turned to Sasha. "You'll wait for me here?"

"Of course. Now get in there and make me proud." Sasha reassured him, pushing him from behind so he had to take several steps forward.

James Keller walked into the ancient temple and he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder. The place was bathed in a warm glow and there were erotic statues and paintings all around him.

As soon as he stepped into the main chamber, he knew he wasn't alone. The big breasted priestess appeared from behind a statue, her smile wickedly seductive. She walked up to him, her hips swaying in a way that made him want to melt.

Her hands reached out and took hold of his waist, pulling him closer towards her. Her lips met his eagerly, their tongues dancing together passionately. She pressed herself against him, grinding her body against his while moaning softly into his ear. His hands moved slowly down her back, caressing every inch of skin they touched.

She pushed him onto the table gently, and then climbed on top of him, straddling his lap. Her eyes locked with his as she began kissing him deeply again, her tongue exploring his mouth hungrily. She ran her fingers through his hair lovingly, pressing her body against his tightly.

He could feel himself getting lost in the moment, slowly losing control of his mind. She leaned back and smiled widely, running her finger down his chest.

Then she leaned over and gave him another passionate kiss. When they separated, she asked shyly "Can I ask you something?" He nodded silently, waiting patiently. "Do you like my breasts?" she inquired curiously. "

He blushed slightly but didn't hesitate to answer honestly. "They're beautiful!" he exclaimed sincerely. "And yes...you have great tits." He paused briefly, thinking carefully about what else he should say next. "But there is one thing that really turns me on about them..." he added after a moment.

"What would that be?" she asked curiously, leaning closer so he could whisper in her ear. His heart skipped a beat when he heard her reply "Your nipples are perfect too."

"I'm glad you like them," she said coyly, cupping her breasts in her hands and gently rolling her nipples between her fingers. "Do you want me to show you something else that turns me on?" she asked softly, licking her lips seductively. "

"Sure" he replied eagerly, pulling her down onto his lap and kissing her passionately. They were soon lost in their own world of pleasure, oblivious to anything else around them.

She smiled widely, blushing slightly. "I'm glad you like my breasts," she whispered shyly, running her fingers through his hair. "I've been told they're quite something," she added playfully, biting her lip provocatively. "

He smiled widely, looking up at her with a gleam in his eyes. "Well, if you're going to show them off like that, I think I should take full advantage of them!" he declared passionately, pulling her onto his lap and kissing her deeply once again.

She giggled mischievously, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck as he continued to explore every inch of her body with gentle yet firm touches. Soon enough, the two lovers found themselves completely enthralled by each other's passion.

They continued to kiss and undress each other slowly, taking their time to explore every inch of each other's bodies. He ran his hands along her smooth back and shoulders, pressing his palms firmly against her perfect breasts as they kissed hungrily.

The priestess kneeled before him and took his throbbing member into her soft hands.

She began to stroke his cock gently at first, then with increasing pressure as her desperation grew. She loved the feeling of his throbbing member in her hands, rubbing her thumbs across the broad head of his dick as she looked up at him with lustful eyes.

Her voice trembled slightly as she spoke softly, her words tinged with desire. "Mmmh... Mmhh..." she whimpered, continuing to rub his shaft slowly but steadily."Such a good boy, getting harder for me." She cooed while stroking his throbbing member.

She did exactly what he wanted, wrapping her large breasts around his thick shaft and teasing it mercilessly with her nipples. "Ohhhh yessss!" She moaned pumping his shaft a bit faster.

"Oh fuck!" He cried out in pleasure.

She smiled mischievously, looking back at him with an innocent expression that belied the fact that she knew exactly how much pleasure "Relax and enjoy yourself, James." she whispered seductively, continuing to tease his sensitive fleshy tip with her tits.

He closed his eyes tightly, trying desperately not to cum too soon. Her touch felt incredible, sending waves of ecstasy through his entire body. He could barely think straight anymore, moaning uncontrollably. "Ahhhhh!! Y-yes! That's right! Keep going!"

"Such a good boy for me, I can tell you're so close. You're going to spurt out all of your seed soon." She teased.

She has a mischievous smile and asks if he is ready to cum for her. He nods and moans loudly in response.

"Yes! F,fuck yes! I'm gonna cum!"

She begins to lick under the head and teased his tip. She teased and brought him so close to coming. James placed his hands on her head and tries to force her to suck him off.

She smiles and stares into his eyes with lustful delight. She begins to suck his head and increases her speed until he can't hold back any longer.

"I'm coming!!!" James shouted in pleasure.

He cried out loud, bucking wildly against her face as wave after wave of pure bliss washed over him. When he finally came down from heaven, he opened his eyes again and saw her smiling wickedly up at him. His breath caught in his throat when he realized just how powerful this woman truly was.

She seemed to revel and moan in ecstasy from the sweet taste of his seed. Finally she swallows his cum and follows it with her finger tip down her throat and into her toned stomach.

"Such a good boy coming so much for me. You have the best seed I have ever tasted. I just might have you make me yours so I can taste this every single day." She teased, caressing her breasts as she spoke.

Suddenly it dawned on her that none of the seed went into the chalice.

"Oh no! We need some of your seed for the chalice. Perhaps there is a little left in there." She hoped, looking at his half hard member.

She brought the golden chalice to his tip and began to squeeze the last few drops into it.

She then waved her hand over it and recited the ritual words.

"Lilldek as Sodum!"

The chalice began to glow white then golden. The priestess stepped back in awe as the realization came to her.

"By the gods, you have the most potent seed I have ever seen. It is like that of a god!" She exclaimed.

"A god?" James asked incredulously.

"Yes, you will certainly become King of a large kingdom. Perhaps the largest in the entire world." The priestess admitted taking a seat next to him.

"I don't believe it. It can't be true." James argued.

"Trust me when I say that you truly one of a kind. Every woman in this world will want you, desperately need you to be their lover. And I want to be first in line." The priestess wished, wrapping her arms around his neck and planting a passionate kiss.

"Well, you might be the second in line. Sasha has the hots for me." James corrected.

"Fine! Second in line and don't forget it James. I will not let you go!" The priestess ordered while kissing the nape of his neck.

James put his clothes back on and joined the priestess out in the street.

"How did it go?" Sasha wondered.

"We must speak to the King, it is urgent he have an audience with us." The priestess expressed gesturing to the castle.

"Why? What's happened?" The ceremonial guard asked.

"I cannot speak of it here in the open. Others might be listening." The priestess whispered keeping her eyes peeled on her surroundings.

"Then we must go now, I will inform the king!" The ceremonial guard commanded turning around.

The group of them walked slowly down the street keeping careful watch on their surroundings.

A familiar hooded figure walked out from behind a house and smiled from beneath her cloak.

"Walk away now James Keller, but soon you will be mine!" the hooded figure professed staring him down.

The hooded figure vanished into the shadows without a sound.

Who or what is she and why does she want James Keller? Find out tomorrow in the next episode of Attack of the Lewd Monster Harem!

***Thank you so much for reading this and I hope you all enjoyed it. I love talking to my fans so I hope to see you down in the comment section. Have a great night and see you all tomorrow for more sexy fun! :P ***