
Atona: The Missing Vale

Atona knows there is something missing in her life. Love, battle and family show her what is truly missing.

Jdholland · Fantasía
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30 Chs

Chapter 4: Jaden

Jaden stood near the door for a few more minutes not knowing whether to go up to her just then or to wait. She looked as though she was having a very serious conversation with the barkeep. From what he could hear she was wanting to pay her bill, but the barkeep was telling her that the bill was taken care of by her friends. Jaden wasn't from this area, but from the Western Coastline. Jaden was a prince but not close enough in line to have to worry about staying home and wait for the throne to be vacant. His brothers were all doing a good job of that. He was the youngest of a family of four boys and one sister. His father wanted to be sure that the throne didn't fall to anyone outside of his bloodline.

How he hated his father's lust for the throne, and the power, it gave him. His brothers all inherited his same traits. He however took after his mother, and she didn't look down on anyone else. She just wanted to treat them all as if they were part of the family. He could remember Dongguan, his father's advisor, standing beside his father's throne. Smirking when his father dealt out the severe punishments. How he hated that man, for everything he had done to the good people of the village.

He finally pulled himself out of his thoughts and noticed her heading over to sit by the fire carrying a glass of wine. He pushed himself off of the wall and started to walk over to her table by the fire. She enticed him with the way she walked and thought of everyone else first. Her face had the same straight lines and cut features of a human, but her ears, when she didn't tuck them under her hair, were pointed. She wasn't elven but held the frame of an elf, wasn't human but had some of the human features. She was remarkably beautiful. She was so much like his mother, and his mother would really like her. She was watching the fire so peacefully he hated to bother her. But he just couldn't resist the chance to spend a little more time with her.

"May I join you?" He said standing with his hand on the chair waiting to pull it out.

"Of course. Where have you been?" she asked looking up at him with those deep green eyes that he wanted so badly to make smile again.

"We went on a couple of errands for Ambien. I came looking to find you still in bed. But you are looking great."

"Thanks. I missed having you around to talk to. I slept well, and they fed me about five meals a day."

"Well, I'm glad you were well-taken care of. I was worried about you." He said looking at the fire quickly and silently hoping that she would have missed that last comment.

"Did Ambien leave with you, I haven't seen him in nearly a week?"

"No, he went home for a few days to prepare for your arrival. I guess he is really excited to have you stay with him. I bet he missed you a lot, you seem really close." He said without looking away from the fire. He felt his stomach twinge when he thought of her staying in the same house as the elf. He felt his skin warm from the rage that was coursing through him at the thought.

"Good. It must have been really important stuff to get ready for him to not come and say goodbye. But I guess that was really big news that I sprang on him too. I was hoping he wasn't mad at me over it. When he didn't come to say goodbye, I figured he was." She said starting to look very unhappy. She was in deep with the elf, he knew it from the first time he watched them talk together. He could see the sparks fly from across the room, and he was just denying the fact. How can he get away from feeling like this around her and just remain friends?

"You shouldn't be so hard on yourself, he had to hurry back, he got a message from his father. He needed to tend to some matters before you arrived. He stopped by to tell you goodbye, we all did. You were sleeping, so we left you to rest." Why did he say that he could have left her believing that he was a rogue. That he didn't want to come and say goodbye. That he was upset about her news.

He knew why, the hurt in her voice made him say it. He couldn't stand to see anything so pretty look so sad. He was accused many times of being a ladies man. He was never accused of hurting a woman for his own gain, however. He loved women, loved to watch them and learn from them. He thought about that for a minute. A plan started to form, a way to stay close to her, and keep it looking like friendship. He could get her to teach him some of the great things she knew.

"Atona, what are you doing this week?" He asked, waving at the barmaid to bring them another drink.

"I figured I would rest a few days more. Then I would pack up my stuff and head for the Vale. You are going to escort me aren't you?" She asked looking at him pleading with him to go with her.

"I plan to as long as nothing comes up at the last minute. I was wondering if you would mind teaching me some of the stuff that you know while we are together."

"That would be fun." She said setting her cup down on the table. "Good night Jaden. I will see you for breakfast." She leaned over kissed his cheek and went to her room.

The next morning, she awoke to a raucous outside. She went to the window to see what was going on. It seemed to be an argument over a horse. How familiar that was, she guessed it doesn't matter where you are. All towns are the same. She started packing up her things. Just a few of the things that she wasn't using or didn't need. There was a knock on the door. She figured it would be Jaden, coming to get her for breakfast. She walked over and opened the door to find Ambien standing there with daisies in his hand.

"Ambien, it is wonderful to see you. Are those for me? You're so kind." She tried to keep the anger out of her voice but it slipped out anyway.

"Good Morning. These are for you. It's wonderful to see you up and around again." He said, entering her room and giving her a hug. "Forgive me for leaving so quickly. I needed to get back and talk to father."

"Come on in, I was just putting things away that I won't need for a while. Jaden will be by shortly, for breakfast. You are forgiven. Would you join us?"

"I would love to, my dear. But I'm afraid that won't be an opportunity. We need to get a really quick breakfast, then get on the road. There are some pressing matters in the palace that I must attend to." He said with an urgent look on his face.

"I'll just have Anthony, the stable boy, take my things to the mare he found for me." She said, putting all her stuff by the chair so that it would be easier for him to find. She tried to put on her sword belt but it hurt once she got it buckled. She took it back off and just put her dagger scabbard on her ankle. "I guess I will have to put this on the horse."

"I think it will be fine there. You won't need to fight, Jaden and I will be there. Besides there isn't anything meaner than a momma hen on the trail." He said with a smile. "Let us see if you can get your breakfast to go. My father needs me to sit in council this evening."

"I already got breakfast. They fixed us up some honey bread and milk." Jaden said coming to stand beside Ambien.

"Great let's go." Ambien said, grabbing her things, and carrying them down to the stable. At the stable Ambien and Jaden were putting her things on her mare, getting their horses ready, and checking supplies.

"Ambien, why are we taking so many supplies? The vale is only a four day ride?" Atona asked looking into the saddle bags.

"When mother heard I was bringing you home, she got all excited and insisted that I pick up some extra supplies to make sure we had enough."

"She doesn't need to go to all the trouble. How's the trade negotiations going?"

"We have begun to trade for lard, flour and other essential things. One is milk. We have several babies that have lost their mothers to the raids. So they are drinking the cows' milk and doing great."

"What raids, Ambien?" Jaden asked.

"For several years the elven village to the East has come to raid our village. They sometimes steal jewels from our people. Sometimes they steal our babies, and sometimes they even steal our supplies."

"Have you asked the dwarves for help?" Atona asked still thinking of a way she could help. She knew the dwarves would help protect the elven community if they could.

"Yes, but they won't speak to any of us. Their clerics believe it is a curse put upon us since you left. You were their ray of sunshine." He said as they started to ride out of town.

"Maybe with me home everyone will get along, long enough to get the trade agreements in place. I just don't understand why everyone was so proud of me. I was just like all the other kids my age."

"No, you weren't. You showed more compassion for other things and other people. Remember when you saved Balfar? You did it because you cared what would happen to everyone involved. Not just because you saw him hanging there cursing. You didn't want a war to start over a dwarf trying to prove he was man enough to make his first kill. You do everything because you care."

"I never thought about that." They rode in silence the rest of the day. She noticed that Ambien was taking them to the Vale by the western entrance. This entrance would take them by the dwarves community first. The sun was low in the sky, and starting to turn the clouds to ribbons of pink. They reminded her of her room in the palace.

Ambien's' sister had decorated her room with various colors of the sunset sky. It was beautiful, but when she got older she took another room in the palace and decorated it. Now, Atona stayed in Andrianna's' old room. They stopped at a small clearing, and started to make camp before the sun dropped too low. They helped her off of her horse. She tried to stand up and couldn't. Her legs had fallen asleep hanging off the horse. She was still weak and it angered her. She wanted to be healthy like she used to be. Ambien carried her to a log that was sitting by the water.

"Here sweetheart, sit here and watch the water. We will take care of the horses. You stretch them legs out, and when you feel you can walk you can help by gathering the wood for the fire." Ambien said, setting her down, and kissing her cheek. The small tingles that radiated from that kiss on her cheek throughout her body, reminded her of every time they touched. The feelings they shared were unique. They could never share their love, but the dreams of being able to do so kept them both.

"Thanks Ambien. It makes me angry, that I can't even take care of my horse."

"I know. Take it slow. You have been through a lot. Your body isn't adjusted yet. Give it time alright." he said, patting her shoulder, and walking towards Jaden, to help him finish with the horses. As they were leading the horses to the water, she was able to stand up, and started picking up sticks and small limbs to get the fire started. Once she got enough, she headed towards camp to find Jaden laying some river rocks in a circle. She laid the wood down next to the rocks, and went after some bigger logs, that would keep a fire burning all night. Ambien was setting up the saddles and getting the bed rolls ready for everyone. Jaden had the circle ready and was starting the fire. She returned with five logs, and a few sticks.

"Atona, you shouldn't be carrying that much. Those logs are too big, for you to carry." Ambien said, rushing towards her. He grabbed the top four logs, and took them to the fire.

"Ambien, I'm fine. They weren't heavy. I made sure. There a few logs over there that would burn all night, however, if you would want to get them. They are by the pine tree." she said, setting down her load and sitting down. "What do we have to cook with?"

"We have a few carrots, some tomatoes, some potatoes, an onion, and some celery. That will make a nice vegetable stew." Jaden said, digging into the saddle bags and carrying the vegetables to her.

"Jaden, why don't you get the logs, and Ambien you us a rabbit, please? I would love to have a good rabbit stew." she said, taking the vegetables from Jaden. She started on the vegetables, peeling the potatoes, and cutting them up.

"You are starting to feel better. She is giving orders, and getting feisty. That is a good thing." Ambien said, smiling and shaking his head.

After eating they waited till the fire burned down some, and put one of the bigger logs on the fire. Then they nestled down for some sleep. No need for anyone to keep watch as the trail was a safe one.