
Atona: The Missing Vale

Atona knows there is something missing in her life. Love, battle and family show her what is truly missing.

Jdholland · Fantasía
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30 Chs

Chapter 29: Norvinia

The messenger ran into the Main Hall, badly out of breath. He stopped in the middle of the room. Catching his breath, he finally notices, the Queen is not alone. The Captain of the Guard, the Chieftain of the Orc Tribe, the Shaman of the Goblin Tribe, and a band of very disputable cut throats were all standing in attendance to the Queens summons.

"I'm sorry Madam but very urgent news."

"Well, get on with it, and quit sweating on my floor."

"Yes, madam. Sir Ridale has been killed. Lady Sylvia was captured and killed. The heirs to the thrown are lost."

"What! You imbecile! Where are they? Where did they go?" Norvinia screamed.

"We don't know, we raided the village on your orders. Last night in the dead of the night. They are gone. The babies, the princess Atona, the Princess Andrianna, the Prince Jaden, and the Prince Ambien. As well, as all their friends. We tried to free Lady Sylvia, but they killed her before we could."

"Gentlemen, our plans just changed. We must find them. Atona must die. You, Kabukuk had your chance, and you screwed up by trying to make a stew out of her. This time, I want you and the Orc Chieftain here to take your tribes and attack everyone and everything that travels the roads between the three kingdoms. They must never find the clues. We just might get lucky and kill them after all. You, Shindibar, you and your cut throats are going to do something special. You are going treasure hunting. We know that one of the clues was the Smiling Jester. Ridale, was able to remember seeing that when she left her flask behind. So you must find him and get the rest of the clues. Do not kill him. He may be really useful. Just take him to Castigate. The will get answers out of him. Winthrop, you will need to prepare the guard. A war is coming, not tomorrow but soon. Dismissed."

Everyone left the room, but she remained seated. She worked too hard to get this throne. She wasn't going to lose it now to a little whelp that didn't know about it a year ago. She sat on the sidelines for years, watching her brother rule the kingdom. Not taxing the people, and giving them gold when they wanted it. Building on to the castle rooms which no one has ever seen except those who have built them. No one can gain access to them without a special key.

He treated his people as though they were his friends. The nobles disliked him, because he was too kind to the peasants. He taxed the nobles and not the peasants. They viewed kindness as a weakness. So they practically begged her to do something, to talk to him. Every time she would have him convinced that they should tax everyone equally. His bride would tell him that it was not equal and fair to tax those who do not even have enough to feed their families. The more she tried to get her brother to see the ways of the Nobles the more his wife would work against her. Finally, his wife had her thrown out of the palace.

Then they had their first child, what a brat. They named her after her father, Atona. How many times had she arranged for that child's death? More than she can count on both hands. It was always Daddy or Clouthel to the rescue. That is why Clouthel is in Castigate with all the other faithful followers of her brother. Then they were expecting another child. Pushing Norvinia even farther from the throne. But tragedy struck and that baby was born dead.

A strange occurrence happened, a baby was left on the stairs of the palace for the Queen, but no one knew who put it there. Could it be that was just a rouse to make her and the nobles believe there was only one heir. No, her brother wasn't that clever. Besides someone would have mentioned it by now. She finally got tired of being second best. So she got with some of the nobles and arranged for the Queens' death. How unfortunate that her brother died protecting his family. That just made her take over easier.

They were supposed to bring the children to her. The children had hidden and they didn't have time to search five miles of Canyon with the elves on the way. The elves arrived and the children were lost forever. She had hoped. Then Ridale had come along with her daughter Sylvia and told her of Atona and the rare ring that she wore on her hand. If Ridale hadn't went and told Atona of the clues, she might not have this problem. Atona is clever like her mother, and she has the help of the Elves and the Westons. From what Ridale has said she is good with the sword too, just like her father.

"She will never take this throne. I will kill her and her precious babies."