
Atona: The Missing Vale

Atona knows there is something missing in her life. Love, battle and family show her what is truly missing.

Jdholland · Fantasía
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30 Chs

Chapter 11: Family

She stayed outside for a long time crying and rocking herself on the bench her momma had in her garden. Once she finally had gotten herself pulled together she heard someone ride up on horses, and knock on her mommas door. She couldn't hear them tell her who they were, but she heard them walking on the path towards her. Then she remembered what Ambien and Jaden had said. she looked up and all the stars were out and she knew that's who it was. When she seen Ambien come around the corner, she stood up and smiled. She was happy to see him. He smiled at her and came to her with open arms. Once he got to her he pulled her into his arms and kissed the top of her head.

"I'm sorry. I was going to be back but after my talk with Ridale I just had to sit out here and think to myself."

"No dear, don't apologize. We understand what happened. We were in the tavern and Ridale came in there throwing a fit about how a woman like you could dump him in your condition. Darling, I hope you told your mother, cause if not the whole town knows now."

"Yes, I told her."

"Told me what? I brought you all a spot of tea. We thought we might come out and join you. It's such a lovely night, and the baby is asleep. Is that ok dear?"

"It's ok with me momma. This is Jaden. He was the one I was telling you about that came back to the vale with me."

"Oh. It's nice to meet you. You are every bit as handsome as Atona said you were."

"Well, Thank You. I am pleased to meet you." Jaden said kissing her mothers hand.

Such politeness, she hadn't seen it outside the elven communities. Made her wonder if there was something about Jaden that she didn't know.

"What were you all talking about when I came out? Something about telling me." she said taking a seat on the bench beside the roses.

"Yes, momma they were just telling me that Ridale went straight to the tavern and was blabbing about how he didn't know how a woman like me could dump him in my condition. So the whole town knows now momma, I'm so sorry if I have shamed you in any way." She said looking down at the ground like she used to when she was little.

"My dear, don't worry about all that. You could never shame me. I am just as proud of you today as I was when they brought you and your sister to me. As for Ridale and the town, if Rozelle and I knew what he was doing behind your back, then everyone in town knew what he was doing. There isn't a soul in this town that doesn't admire you for everything you have done for this community."

"Besides that everyone knows that we would be in full fledge war with the dwarves right now if it hadn't been for your quick wit, and sharp tongue." Ambien said trying to cheer her up.

"I'm not sure if my sharp tongue stopped the war, but it sure put a damper on some male egos." She said smiling.

"What did I miss?" Rozelle and Jaden said at the same time.

"It's a really long story, but the shortened version is that when I found Balfor, the men were all ready to go and get some elven heads. Since the trap that he got himself tangled up in was an elven one. Anyway, I told them that if he hadn't been trying to be such a macho man then he would have seen the trap there because it was out in plain sight. I told them it was a orc trap, and to catch a orc you don't have to hide the trap." Atona said trying to hurry with the story.

"Wow. You said all that to a bunch of dwarves they could have torn you apart." Rozelle said sipping her tea.

"Yes, but the thing about it is if you have enough bluster in your butt then the dwarves accept you for one of them. Only a dwarven woman would talk to them like that."

"My how pretty the stars are tonight." mother said looking up.

"Yes, they are. A perfect place to pick a name tonight." Ambien said taking her hand into his.

"Have you thought about names for the baby?"

"Actually, I have. Your sister requested that if I had a little girl I would name her after her. But I'm beginning to think that would be confusing. As much time as I spend around your house." She said smiling.

"I named my little girl after you Atona." Rozelle said with a big smile.

"You did? Why would you do that?"

"Because she has the same attitude you do. Nothing in the world bothers her as long as she is around the ones she loves." she said laughing.

"Her name is Justine Atona Weston."

"Wow that is so pretty." Atona said "Hope she keeps my attitude. You going to let me teach her to swing a sword."

"You know I will. But I don't know if her father will allow it."

"Weston? From the kingdom on the western coast?" Jaden asked snapping to attention when Atonas' sister mention the name.

"Yes, Do you know them?" Rozelle asked looking closer at Jaden

"Yes, What is your husbands name?" Jaden asked

"Jerimiah, You look really familiar, where have I seen you before?"

"In the Great Hallway, I would be the last painting from the throne." Jaden said looking happier than he had all day.

"Jaden, you are the son of a king?" Atona asked shocked and very confused all of a sudden.

"Yes, Jerimiah, is my second oldest brother. He is second in line to the throne, I miss them something terrible sometimes. My brothers and I used to hunt a lot together."

"They were all worried sick about you they thought you were dead." Rozelle said getting up and giving him a hug.

"Rozelle, you must write to your husband and tell him to come visit now. You will have to tell him that you have found his brother." Mother said with great joy in her voice.

"Atona, darling we need to get back before mother sends out a search party. She was worried about you before we left. We better not make her wait." said Ambien

"Your right. Mother we need to go, but I will be back again. Rozelle how long before you will be going home? "

"I'll be here for a while. My husband went to the south, he was going to come here on his way back to our house."

"OK I'll see you later then. I'm getting sleepy anyway, and we got lots of work to do tomorrow." said Atona.

"Why don't you ladies come to the palace tomorrow for dinner. Then you can be our honored quests just like Atona, and visit with her as much as you would like. Provided she isn't running errands or such. The baby would love it there. There are other little ones her age there, and they would all have so much fun."

"Oh that sounds marvelous. But are you sure your mother would be ok with that?" asked Atona's mother.

"Are you kidding she would be ecstatic. Having you close enough to talk to on a regular basis, and having another small one in the house. She would love it"

"Very well then. We will pack a few things and come to the palace tomorrow around mid day. I know you all will be working, but that will give us time to get settled."

"Ok. See you tomorrow momma." Atona said giving her a hug, and kiss on the cheek. They left the house and headed down the street. They were all quiet, each to their own thoughts. As they got closer to the tavern she could smell the ale, hear the camaraderie of the men, and even hear a bard singing a sad song of dragons in love.

"Gentlemen, I think I need to talk to a bard." She said as she headed for the tavern.

"Oh no you don't" Ambien said as he pulled her back. "That is no place for you tonight. You need to stay clear of there. If you would like to talk to the Bard wait till tomorrow he will be entertaining us at dinner."

"Well, that will just be perfect. I have a little tale I would like him to sing. One I think would impact the area."

"Atona, don't start something you are going to regret." Jaden said.

"Not me." She said trying to look very innocent. They continued down the path back to the palace. It was very eerie, there were not the usual sounds of the night animals. It was so quiet, and really disturbing. Atona looked around hoping to see something in the trees that might have scared off the animals. She couldn't see anything, except stars and shadows.

Atona stopped dead in her tracks, the hair on her arms and the back of her neck was standing up. She could feel someone watching her. It was a different feeling than having the elven guards watching her, this felt evil. Someone or something horrible was about to happen. She jumped off her horse, and pulled her sword off her horse. She started turning in circles in the defensive stance that Ambien had taught her. She was looking into the woods looking for some signs of movement. She could hear Ambien and Jaden pull their swords, then they had their backs to hers. Circling with her and watching the woods, then she seen a shadow dash between the trees not twenty yards from her.

"Do you feel it too Ambien?" Atona asked real quiet.

"Yes, Do you see anything?"

"I seen something about twenty yards out."

"I seen it too, not a dog, and too big for a cat. What is it Ambien?" Jaden asked

"I'm not sure but it is closing in on us." It jumped out of the woods right at Atona.

Long nose, sharper teeth, and red eyes. The red of blood, its claws were long just like a wolf. She slashed at it, as it flew towards her. "Atona, get down. You don't need in this fight." Ambien yelled at her as he turned around to face their foe.

"Forget it." she said getting ready to strike again. The creature swiped it's front paw at Ambien, snapped its ugly mouth at her. She heard Jaden mumbling something in a strange language. A bunch of little sparks flew past her head and pounded into the creature. Making it roar in anger, and jump back.

She circled around to one side of the creature. Ambien circled to the other side. Jaden had it face on, babbling gibberish. Atona lunged at the creature trying to get close enough to sink her blade into the creature's thick fur. It didn't seem like her blade was doing any good what so ever. She couldn't even cut the creatures thick skin. Ambien was slicing it regular, he had blood all over his blade, himself, and the ground in front of him.

Jaden was pounding the creature with spells, and his sword. It looked as though the creature was finally getting wore down. In the distance they heard an eerie howl, it made the little hairs all over her body stand up. The creature stepped back, howled back, turned and ran off into the woods where it came from. She watched it go, wanting to chase after it and finish it off, but didn't want to leave the safety of her friends either. She turned around and headed back towards her friends.

"I don't know what that was, but it was pure evil. I could feel it deep in my bones." She said as she put her sword back in her sheath on her horse.

"That my dear was a lone wolf. Not evil, but very rare. Wolves normally always travel in packs. This one, seemed different somehow. That howl at the end, was very different." Jaden said, climbing back on his horse.

"That just means that there are two of them that are prowling alone. Like you said Jaden, very unusual. Males, do not generally travel together. Well, let's get home and get cleaned up. I will tell the palace guard to be on the look out." Ambien said trying to wipe away some of the blood. They started heading back to the palace. It was still really quiet in the forest, and it seemed a little darker than it used to. She probably just had the after fight jitters or something. It was a really creepy feeling, to think evil had entered the one place that she once thought no evil could get near