WARNING: First of all, English is not my primary language and there will be spelling and writing mistakes! Oh, and I don't have an Editor, so there are wording mistakes! Synopsis: Reborn as average Clan Member Xiao Long tries to be as average as possible, but things start to derail when you awaken a system. After all, when you have a system you are the MC. Regardless, of the system, Xiao Long will try to continue to be what he always suppose to be...just an Average Young Master
After a successful test, Xiao Long proceeded to upgrade his sect.
First, he went to the core area and proceeded to switch to secondary power.
As someone who knew that he would be upgrading the specs of his place, he made sure he could just switch over to secondary power.
The magic of this is quite simple, honestly, he is still shocked at how simple it is to hack the very reality of this place with specific tools.
'Well, this universe wasn't ready for an average Joe from Earth with a system.'
The easy way to upgrade, he even prepared an easy way to upgrade the Profound Core, as it holds all the information, while the arrays and Formations can adjust.
So when he turned off the primary formation he simply picked the old core and placed the new Monarch one with a space formula inside of it.
Once this was done he simply restarted the formation. Since only a few seconds passed the formation restarted in a few short seconds right after.
'Though it will take a while for Space Profound Energy to appear.'
The moment he was done with the very core formation Xiao Long proceeded to change the other ones. Like the one responsible for the Profound energy currents, and another one for the shielding.
Even the ones in the Cultivation towers and Waterfall were replaced.
The Young Master walked to the source and he saw that the speed of creation of the Purple Veined Heaven Crystals has increased.
In truth, it became extremely rapid…
'I see… the resistance has somewhat dissipated and the speed of water dropping went up, the absorption of power went through the roof.'
Since this was the case, Xiao Long swiftly went over and changed the solidification formation. He added more compression once he was done he swiftly turned it on.
What he got made him grin from ear to ear. The crystals turned much darker. This was an indication that these were not simple Heaven crystals but Divine ones! The higher tier is the same tier he originally acquired from the ground next to his hometown when he was just a small brat.
'The very same crystals Phoenix Empire waged war for in the book.'
With a large amount of this stuff, he could technically achieve Divine Origin.
But that's something that comes naturally as he will make his sect just leave the star and cultivate in a different place and achieve Divine Origin with minimal difficulty.
And this is quite good as he was thinking of starting to start building a warp cannon, and that thing will need a lot of energy so the upgraded crystals appeared just at the right time.
With this done Xiao Long finished the last upgrades on the other islands before walking back to the city and starting looking for the best spot to place the cannon.
Though after walking all over the city he floated out and inspected it from the air.
'No, at the surface level, it will make it vulnerable. Then what about just under the ground and at the edge? It would be like a super weapon which only comes out when it is needed for a big fight.'
The moment he came up with this he floated out and looked at the edge.
His eyes widened for a second as he sensed a bubble of some sort starting to form around the sect.
At that moment the islands started to fly, like truly flying.
Xiao Long needed to quickly return to the bubble as he would end up smashing into the island.
The air stopped resisting the island, so the island can fly at the optimal speed. Which is quite a bit! To say the least. Xiao Long looked at the swiftly changing surroundings. Hell, they are flying as fast as Overlord, close to Monarch even!
That's fast! They would reach the Supreme Ocean Palace in a few short days!
'I need to make a few adjustments and then we are good to go.'
The Young Master frowned for a bit. He needs to make another artefact. Something which will stop the flying the moment they arrive.
Maybe some extra security as well?
The thing was before the speed was quite slow so they could stop the island quickly and almost leisurely.
Now one will need to be aware all the time as they fly fast.
So he quickly went to inform his grandfather of the changes and now they need to station some watchers who watch where they are going all the time.
This means adding a stop button.
"...So you are the mother of Brahma Monarch Goddess." Xing Rouyu addressed the mature looking blonde.
"...And you are the…Ex-Star God Empress." The blonde nodded with acknowledgement.
"That is correct, you can address me as Xing Rouyu since I am not Empress anymore."
The other blonde nodded elegantly, she then proceeded to introduce herself as well.
"Then you can call me Yan Qing'er, I was one of the concubines of Brahma Heaven Emperor." The blonde introduced herself.
"...Curious you were not of Qianye Clan?"
"...I am related by blood, but it's far too diluted, that's the only reason why I was a concubine and not the Empress."
Sure enough, the pair talked for a bit before the subject reached a critical point and things started to get south.
The mature blonde went all defensive about her daughter while Xing Tong's mother went all offensive about what happened to her son thanks to the Goddess.
Though this was not like their daughters. Nope, these two are far too refined. They won't snap at each other. Though something similar to aggressive jabbing is very much possible.
"Then you shouldn't have raised such a…eager son. Even if my daughter was not interested in him."
"And you should have raised a daughter who is honest and tells it to their face."
The pair stared at each other, some sparks were flying at each other. Though the pair were smiling pleasantly.
It was as if it was a normal conversation. The pair were not alone, their daughters were next to them. They were looking in awe at how their mothers are dealing with this!
This was jabbing at their level. None of them are losing their cool at the same time they still looked friendly enough!
"Regardless, I have heard that you will bring him back with Young Master Xiao's help."
"Indeed. His help will be invaluable, I will be forever grateful for his assistance."
"...Hmm, I hope that is true since I don't want him to stare at my daughter, she is, after all, to be married to the Young Master."
Here was another jab towards Xing Su and his silliness which killed him off. Qianye Ying'er smirked internally. This jab was well-placed. After all, Xing Su being alive once again will make her annoyed. It's like that annoying neighbour's dog.
"Don't worry about that. He will be raised properly this time."
"I hope so. Though this time around he will have more motherly figures to watch him over and make sure he grows up properly." Yan Qing'er said with a brush of her hair, it was nearly identical to how Qianye Ying'er does it.
Xing Rouyu frowned, and this made her pissed internally. She had no idea how stupid was her son's actions were after her death. It appears he kept on embarrassing her until she makes sure this time around he is not an idiot like he was before.
Though they got interrupted as Xia Qingyue with a bowl of fruits simply strolled into the living room.
"Hmm? So you are the blonde's mother." The beauty noticed the pair of blondes, the girl was dressed quite simply this time around.
Qianye Ying'er swiftly informed me who this girl was. The pair could sense that something was off with her.
"Yes. Lady Xiao."
"Great. So this means I will have someone who can give me some more advice because I am just feeling weird. I want to eat. Though normally I don't even need to eat at all."
Sensing that this will be a great opportunity the pair of mothers decided to help this mother-to-be.
"Well, this is because—"
The mature gold and red proceeded to start telling about the stuff she will be experiencing in the future.
'Impressive it appears mother is using every single opportunity she can.' Qianye Ying'er sagely nodded after seeing this. The same was with Xing Tong who had stars in her eyes. This was how it should be! Her mother is the greatest there is!
However, that impression quickly deflated as the pair were brought over for this conversation as well.
While Qianye Ying'er nodded at every single word and took notes for this as she is planning to be a mother as well the same can't be said about Xing Tong who was embarrassed to the point that she wants to dig a hole and hide there.
Why does she have to listen to this!? She won't be married for a while and she doubts Xiao Long will make her pregnant for years. As far as she is aware she won't be that high on the harem totem pole.
However, she had to listen to the whole thing to which Xia Qingyue looked extremely serious while listening to it.
'No…can we talk about something less embarrassing!!!'
Never again will Xing Tong rush at something. This is just cruel punishment for her. All she wanted was for her mother and brother to be back. But it was different than she thought. Her mother was disappointed in her and forced her to listen to this whole lecture.
~~~~~~Xiao Long~~~~~~
I looked at the pair of blondes in front of me. This was Qianye Ying'er and her mother, the name I still don't know.
"Many thanks for listening to my daughter's selfish desire to bring me back to life." The more mature beauty bowed similarly to Xing Rouyu, the same way her tits jiggled. I am starting to feel deja-vu about this situation.
"It was fine. There was another reason to bring you back and figure out what happened and the circumstances of your death."
"...I see. The circumstances were simple. I was no longer needed and I would interfere with my daughter's cultivation. So Qianye Fantian removed me."
The mature blonde explained with an extremely simple tone. She even expected it.
"...This…Master Long. Can please allow me to deal with that man?"
Before I can say anything the older woman smacked her daughter's head. It was amusing in a sense.
"Ying'er. What did I tell you?"
The Goddess deflated instantaneously.
"Don't pay attention to her desires. To ask anything of you my daughter has to have certain achievements in your harem. Otherwise, you are doing a favour. Isn't it right Ying'er?"
"...Yes…mother… I will ask this later when I have done something to make you proud of me, Master Long." The younger blonde looked like a subdued kitten.
'How fascinating. Truly mother's daughters.'
This gives me some idea why one should have both parents when raising kids. This is the best kind of example. The moment the key figure is back then stop being these crazy ladies.
"Fine. We can talk about the Brahma Monarch Star Realm when we have adequate power to do something." I said with a sigh before looking at the more mature blonde.
"You still haven't introduced yourself."
"My apologies. My name is Yan Qing'er. I was one of the concubines of Qianye Fantian the Brahma Heaven Emperor.
As you might realise I am no longer related to him and I would like to offer myself to your services." Once again she bowed and showed how her assets can jiggle.
"Very well. Since you have experience you can help two of my wives who are pregnant at this moment."
"Of course, I am already giving them advice." She smiled at me. From the looks of it, she is already planning to sneak into my 'services'.
That gaze is quite identical to Qianye Ying'er when she is radiating her desires.
"Good to hear."
After talking with the pair, the Goddess took her mother to show the Sect around. Though the mother of the Goddess was already a peak Monarch, she doesn't need many resources until we reach the Realm of Gods.
For now, though, I will start working on the warp cannon.
Though on my way there I was ambushed by a pair of sisters.
Chu Yuechan and Chu Yueli.
"Master Long."
"What can I do for you my dear fairies?"
The pair smiled a little bit at me before walking over.
"Nothing substantial, we simply decided to help you in any way we can. As both of your wives are busy now, it's up to us to make sure the Young Master is always rested and ready for action."
For a second I thought about what she just said. The fairy sounds like a schemer. Is she spending too much time with the blonde?
I do remember telling Qianye Ying'er to speak with Frozen Beauty. Did she take it to heart and went to speak with her?
Curious development, indeed.
"Fair enough. I do have quite a bit of ladies so I will use that. Follow me, I have something to do."
"As you wish."
I swiftly ended up hugging the pairs of waists as I am walking towards the location where I will be building the warp cannon.
"...so where are we going?" Chu Yuechan ended up pushing her assets into my side as she was enjoying the hug from me.
Who would have thought how much this aloft fairy will change after breaking that frozen heart?
"To the location where I will build something that will help us reach the next continent."
"Oh right. You haven't bothered to stick around the meeting I had with other girls."
The fairy looked somewhat a little bit angry before snorting at me.
"As your woman, my job is to be by your side when you need me. In my free time, I cultivate. There is nothing more to it." The older Chu said with a simple tone, and she is quite right. The Beauty next to me is my lover, who aims to be a wife. I am pretty sure she is here for that regular seduction session.
"As Chan'er says now let's walk…"
As I said, I took them close to the centre of Xiao Island and opened the hole with my hand motion. The ground opened up and showed the entrance to the core formation.
"Follow me you two, I doubt you two saw this before."
The pair of sisters followed me as we descended into the tunnel.
"Isn't this place where the formation keeps the island afloat?"
Chu Yueli asked me as we landed on the ground.
There is a tunnel in front of us and one behind us.
"Correct, but you can sense how potent is Profound energy don't you?"
"...Yes. Far greater than I expected, maybe even more potent than at the tower?"
"No. You think that because it's constantly flowing. This is one of the tunnels. Follow me."
As I said that I motioned to follow them as we proceeded to walk north towards the centre.
Few short minutes of walking we arrived at a massive hall.
This is the core formation. It's carved out into a square hall with six by six columns, though most of them are at the sides making the middle empty.
"You saying this simple carving on the ground keeps this whole place afloat?"
"Indeed. Though it's not a simple carving as at the moment the formation is fully sealed in the ground. As you probably guessed, the core is one of those Formation Cores."
"Fair enough, now it's more believable. That it's just a simple formation."
"You do realise that the whole underground of the island is a formation. Where we are at this moment is just a core area.
Anyway, follow me."
He pulled their pair back to the south tunnel and went all the way to the end.
"...There are openings?" the pair were shocked for a moment they didn't expect there to be holes in the sides?
"Yes, energy needs to be gathered from somewhere, however, these holes are not visible from the outside."
As I said that I put my hand in front. Instead of sticking out to the sound I touched a barrier wall.
"From where it looks like there is nothing here and one could jump but in truth there is a very powerful barrier wall.
I made this for those who would try to use these tunnels to escape the island. If you try to force yourself to leave you will knock yourself out."
"...Wouldn't it be easier to just fly out?"
Clueless Chu Yueli asked me.
"If you want we can try it out," I suggested with a joking tone.
"...No, I can feel there is a trap."
"Oh, there is. The whole archipelago has a bubble shield. It can be erected at a moment noticed by any elder and above.
The moment we find a traitor or an infiltrator and he tries to run for he will end up like a fly slamming into a wall." I explained to her while looking at the rapidly changing surroundings in front of me.
"Oh, I didn't hear that from Mistress."
"I doubt that is on her mind nowadays," I said with a snort. I can bet all my wealth on this. There is one thing all these females want nowadays.
The pair for a second blushed as they heard the tone of my voice.
"S-So is this what you wanted to show to us?" Chu Yuechan swiftly wanted to change the theme of the conversation.
"No. Of course not."
I rolled my eyes as I turned to my right and placed my hand on the wall.
Moments later a new tunnel started to be carved out of the dirt.
It was time to make room for the warp cannon. The pair followed me into the darkness as the room would take some space.
For advanced chapters(5 chapters +17 chapters of lemons ) my pat : pat reon.com/DragonsFics
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