
ATG Redux: 'Average' Young Master

WARNING: First of all, English is not my primary language and there will be spelling and writing mistakes! Oh, and I don't have an Editor, so there are wording mistakes! Synopsis: Reborn as average Clan Member Xiao Long tries to be as average as possible, but things start to derail when you awaken a system. After all, when you have a system you are the MC. Regardless, of the system, Xiao Long will try to continue to be what he always suppose to be...just an Average Young Master

Dragon15681 · Derivados de obras
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91 Chs

Dragon God Trials, Sorta

As Xiao Long landed on the ground, he lowered his wife and let her stand on her own.

The pair then proceeded to walk over to the pair of Flood Dragons.

"This is the part where we offer to join us. It's part of the etiquette. But seeing that murderous look, I think you two will decline."



"We will never join humans! You, humans, are all the same! You will kill us and take our Profound Cores!"

"Right. If I wanted to kill you, you would be dead by this point."

At that moment, Xiao Long's cultivation surged, a crushing force of the middle stages Overlord descended and slammed into the pair. 

The pair of Flood Dragons couldn't even move anymore.

"As you can see, I could kill the pair of you without even trying." The Young Master said with a dull tone.

"T-This doesn't mean we will join you! You humans have killed our child!"

"That's horrible." Xia Qingyue said with a small frown. She was already getting attached to them. Xiao Long noticed that it was quite cute; his dearest wife would have a pet to take care of.

"I guess, but those should be dead by this point." The Young Master said while looking at the cave behind the pair of Flood Dragons.

"Most likely."

"Regardless, you two will join us." As he said that, his eyes glowed as he proceeded to invade one of their souls.

It was time to use his newly achieved Pseudo-Divine Stainless Soul.

Well, he needs to get some wisps of Primordial Energy to finish the transition to proper Divine Stainless Soul.

One moment Xiao Long was standing in front of a Flood Dragon; the next moment, he was in some sort of white-ish realm with a sea of some sort underneath him.

'This should be the sea of consciousness.' 

As the Young Master was looking around, he could hear the thoughts of the Flood Dragon. 

It was a furious rant.

*Once this King is out of this hold, I will crush that bug of a human! Higher cultivation or not! He will turn into meat paste!*

*Or maybe not…*

*I am kinda hungry; some tender bird meat would be nice.*

'Right, his thoughts are as random as one could get.'

Xiao Long thought with amusement as his ring glowed and runes started to manifest. 

Once he had the Thoughts Altering set of runes ready, he made them drop into the sea of consciousness. 




The beast's random thoughts stopped for a bit.

Seeing that his work was done, he pulled out after blinking; he realised that he was standing right next to his wife.


"I am fine. I just tested out something." As he said that, his gaze went to the flood dragon.

"Well, did you change your mind?"

"You humans are annoying, but I will join you." 


"What are you saying!?" The other flood dragon roared angrily and then looked at Xiao Long.

"What did you do to my husband!?"

"Nothing excessive; I simply gave him a couple of suggestions." After saying that, he looked at the female Flood Dragon and repeated the same actions.



It took a few seconds, but the beast calmed down.

"What just happened?" Xia Qingyue was curious; one moment, they were all feisty and ready to resist even in front of superior cultivation; the next moment, they were all obedient. 

"Spirit-based suggestion runes. I went into their soul realm and placed a few of those."

'It's a good test run; a similar style of runes will go into the future rings.' Xiao Long thought the last part to himself.

Spirit-based stuff is so non-existing here that it sometimes mind-boggles the Young Master. One could abuse the shit out of this to the point that one could rule the universe in just a few short years.

It's only a matter of morals.

"Oh? You can do that now?"

"Yep, it's just purity of soul." He exclaimed with a shrug before looking at the Flood Dragons.

"Are you two ready to join us?"

"You humans are stupid or what? I already agreed though I expect good food." 

"Since my husband agrees, so will I, though I will be watching."

Xia Qingyue snorted when she heard the comments; these two were amusing.

"Right. Darling, you know what to do?" Xiao Long asked her.

"Yes. I read about it before. I need to drop blood between the area where it's considered the eyebrows?" 

"Yes, just above the eyes."


Soon enough, the pair had their new pets.

The black-haired Future Sect Mistress walked over and showed her a new tattoo on her right hand. She compares it with her husband's. 

She didn't pay attention to the Western Dragon one or the Phoenix.

Instead, she looked at the same Flood Dragon one. 

"Yes~ this is very good. Qingyue is pleased that we have something in common like this!" She said that with an almost gushing tone.

"I am glad you like such a simple thing."

He pulled her into a hug while saying that he stroked her beautiful long hair.



After making sure everyone is busy, cleaning the area of Profound Beasts and collecting whatever they can find. Xiao Long proceeded to do what he originally came here for.

The Dragon God Trials.

As he entered the cave, the space warped, and a pair of massive and majestic azure eyes appeared. 

"Finally, I thought those two would keep everyone away until my soul ceases to exist.

Human, it has been hundreds of years since anyone visited this place; this one's name is Primordial Azure Dragon!

Do you wish to partake in my trials and become the successor of my legacy?"

"Dragon God, what if I propose for you to join my Sect?"





"Haven't laughed like this for Eons! You are an amusing human!

Fine, I will consider it if you pass my trials!"

"Hmm, fine, I expected this; Phoenix said the same thing."


Xiao Long lifted his hand, and orange flames erupted from his hand.

"I made the same deal with the Phoenix. Now she is reborn, and in the form of an egg, she will hatch soon."

"Interesting, You wield flames similar to Phoenix, yet, you don't have her blood. You have piqued my interest, human. Finish my trials, and then we will speak more about this."

"Very well, start then."

The surroundings changed from a dark cave to a wasteland of some sort.

"First Trial! The Dragon Stone Guards! Destroy them to pass the trial!"

Azure Dragon's voice spread through the wasteland as a warrior made from stone with the helmet of a dragon appeared in front of him.

This thing was [Eighth of Tyrant Profound], and its height was over 2.5 half metres, maybe even more. But it was tall compared to Xiao Long!

The Young Master simply waited for it to walk over; the thing was holding a huge ass stone sword, and the moment it was close to him, it swung at him.

All Xiao Long did was simply raise his hand and catch it.

There was no look of discomfort or anything like that. The teen was simply holding the sword, and the stone warrior tried to pull the blade away from him.

The next moment, he was cut into small cubes.


"Star Slaughter God as well? You are full of surprises."

"Brahma as well." 


The Azure Dragon tried to make sense of how he had those legacies as far as he remembered; Mo E's followers made their legacies which would be inherited once they were dead, far away from this place.

This simply doesn't match what he knows!

Once he killed one, another two appeared. Not that it matters, Xiao Long once again cut them with the simple motion of his fingers.

After those two, then it was four, then eighth, then sixteen.

All of them died with the simple motion of his finger even when their cultivation increased to [Ninth of Tyrant Profound].

Thirty-two turned into sixty-four, sixty-four turned into hundred twenty-eight, and lastly, the last batch was at two hundred fifty-six.

Which were destroyed with a horizontal brush of his finger; after this, the last being to spawn was Dragon Stone General, who had a [Sky Profound] Weapon in his hand.

This things cultivation was at Monarch.

"Your last opponent of this trial! Show me your might!"

The General walked forward, ready to cut the human down. However, Xiao Long pointed his finger at the general's top and then brushed his finger down. 

At that moment, the statue was cut cleanly in half with a vertical slash. 


The Azure Dragon was out of words; this was beyond what he was expecting.

He doesn't sense any proper legacy from this human; all he can sense is opposing elements, potent blood and pure soul. 

This makes this human have impressive potential but nothing like he should be seeing.

How can this human use Slaughter's powers like he has the legacy!? 

The Primordial Azure Dragon Soul is trying to make sense of what he is seeing!

"To start the next trial, pass through the portal."

As the dragon soul said it, the portal appeared not far from the Young Master's location.

Xiao Long nodded. He collected the Heavy Sword and proceeded to walk through the portal.

The teen didn't even use the time to rest, which made the Azure Dragon frown. The soul feels that the human is looking down on his trial!

"Second Trial! You have to kill 499999 Profound Beasts, which are stronger than you! You have half a year to do so!"

"Sounds about right."





Thousands of roars spread through the areas, and the earth shook, and beasts started to rush towards his location. 

Xiao Long simply raised his right hand; the ring glowed gold as a tower started to be built behind him. 

Moments later, walls started to manifest as well, growing more and more real. 

"Thou one must pass these to reach his prey."

The words were like gospel to the Profound Beasts as these words were embedded into the labyrinth.

Sure enough, they proceeded to calm down and started looking for the proper entrance.

'This human, how can he use True God Language in such a simple fashion!?'

The Dragon God's soul has not heard this language in millions of years. It has been so long that he forgot about it.

Only now, he started to recall it!

Regardless, Xiao Long has created a choking point and proceeded to 'slaughter' the beasts.

Walls would morph and create spikes or swords with Slaughter aspect and just squeeze them to death.

Mind you; these are Late Overlord and Early Monarch beasts.

Their size is like small mountains, yet the spikes are like hot knives killing them in just a few short moments.

Once dead, they are pulled aside.

While this automated process is happening, Xiao Long is recovering his Profound Energy at his leisure. 

'Hmm, it looks like there are more of them than I can carry.'

A small frown appeared on his face when he realised that.

'In that case, I will have to reach Monarch.'

A few hours later, after recovering his Profound Energy, he descended to the ground from his tower and went over and collected a Monarch-realm Profound Beast.

He then floated back to his tower and proceeded to work.

'What is he doing now!?'

The dragon soul was quite pissed, as he didn't think that this human would create a labyrinth the size of a city!

Not any labyrinth but a self-sustaining one with a KILLING Formation inside of it! 

As the soul thought about this ludicrous situation, he saw how the human proceeded to make a pill! 

'This brat!!! He is going to cultivate inside of the trials!?'

Sure enough, that's what Xiao Long has been doing; he drained the blood out of the beast, then purified and refined the core of Monarch Beast and proceeded to make Monarch Awakening Pill.

Technically one could reach Monarch if he is to eat this pill when he is at the realm of Throne.

And soon enough, the Young Master will have enough power to collect all the Monarch cores; he will have enough cores to make his harem and some of the core elders into Monarchs while upgrading his Sect to the next level!

Sometime later, Xiao Long was holding the pill he just made; he used the same technique he used to make Earth and Sky Profound Awakening pills. 

Nothing has changed. Only the amount of 'juice' there is in the blood and the Core.

After inspecting it, he dropped into the lotus position and swallowed the pill.

Soon enough, the pill's power erupted and started to spread through his body and flow into his veins.

The process was in layers, so this means it was increasing at a steady pace.

His cultivation surged and reached seventh, eighth, ninth, then [Tenth of Tyrant Profound].

Continuing to grow at the same pace even through the gaps continues to magnify at each small realm.

Eventually, his cultivation surged, and the aura thickened to a huge degree; space cracked and warped around him.

This phenomenon signified that he has reached [First of Sovereign Profound].

Though this was not the end, as his cultivation continued to grow until it finally stopped at [Second of Sovereign Profound], the effect of the pill was finally over.


"So this is it? The power of a Monarch?"

As he said that, he slowly got up on his feet. Crimson aura surrounded him as he proceeded to build a weapon from barrier walls.

Dragon God, who was observing this at that moment, felt it!

He could FEEL God's essence! 

It was Star Slaughter God! It wasn't a normal legacy or some inheritance! No, it was the original deal! This should be utterly impossible! Mo E and his minions were long dead! 

That moment the silhouette of Slaughter God manifested behind Xiao Long.

"Star God's Brilliant Annihilating Slash!"

A Crimson horizontal slash was released from a single swing of the blade, which instantly disintegrated.

The slash destroyed a large group of Profound Beasts which tried to enter the labyrinth.

"Hmm, something is still lacking…"

Xiao Long said to himself as he inspected himself. He just used True God's soul essence as a boost. Though something was missing, a substance of some sort?

For a second, he thought about what to do. How to improve this? 

"Right. My tattoos, I guess I can use that as a conduit."

At that moment, he cut his left sleeve away. He was showing an array of tribal tattoos.

'What are those!?' 

The Dragon God focused on the left hand. He could sense echoes of True Gods on these!

The teen then brought his right hand to the tattoos; the ring proceeded to grow, and runes started to manifest around him.

"Thou your true power shall be revealed through this anchor in the living world."

The specific part of the tattoo glowed, a large amount of Profound energy which Xiao Long had simply disappeared; he just used the Language of Gods. 

The Dragon God is still trying to catch up with what is happening.

All he knew was that this kid, for some reason, had Slaughter God's actual Godly essence, which should have ceased to exist Eons ago.

And now, with some magical method, he attached to some tattoos which have godly residues, the godly essences.

'What is going on!? Why can't you just be a normal trial-goer and just try to finish the trial!?'

A Crimson aura erupted from Xiao Long as an extremely solid Slaughter God manifested behind him.

'Did he just short-cut himself to having Divine Manifestation at [Sovereign Profound]!?'

The Young Master once again created a blade from barrier walls; this time, it was sickly red, reeking of blood and death.

"One more time! Star God's Brilliant Annihilating Slash!"

Arcs of Crimson shredded through thousands of beasts as Xiao Long just showed power beyond that of [Second of Sovereign Profound].

"Wonderful! Though I think I will run out of beasts to kill if this continues." 

Xiao Long exclaimed with some sadness as he descended and landed on the ground.

The beasts finally realised that their prey was no longer in the labyrinth but outside it.


Primordial Azure Dragon God had no idea what to say in this situation.


The next couple of weeks were quite basic; Xiao Long killed all beasts except for one. The reason for that is that the trials will end, so he keeps one beast alive so that he can collect the remaining corpses and cores.

Once that was done, he just flicked his finger, and a hole appeared on the beast's forehead.

"Aren't you going to collect the last one's core and the corpse?"

Tired Dragon God said with a sigh.

"Hmm? You will allow it?"

"There is nothing else to do so."

"Cool, you are far more interesting than the Phoenix Trials; I finished those and remade them after; truthfully, it became boring after I was able to do it. Yours, on the other hand, I felt a certain amount of thrill; there was a need to get stronger."



"What is it?"

"Nothing. I think it's pointless to mention that it was a life and death situation?"

"It is? I am an Alchemist, we don't die, and even if I die, I won't die."

"You are contradicting yourself."

"I can't because I am the owner of the Samsara Mirror, Big Blue, my friend; I can't die. I even made Slaughter God's essence my minion because I visited its death place between life and death." He showed his tattoos, and the Slaughter God almost shimmered into existence behind him.


The surroundings changed, and they were in the cave.

"No third trial?"

"...No need. You would break it someway; I don't even want to know."

The Dragon God said with a dull tone. He just got a reality check by this weird-as-hell human. 

"Sad; I wanted to know if you would use only my wife or the whole harem this time to kill me." Xiao Long asked the Dragon God curiously.



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