
At The End, I Find Love in your eyes

I believed that my king will be only my king but he betrayed me and trust me by bringing another woman into his life. First, they took away my title, then my pride, and then my dignity. I was dying every day and was being treated like a maid by my own husband and his wife. Everything changed when he suddenly came into my life and made me his queen and queen of his huge empire. Yet, those royal politics, war of crown, war of power, and pools of blood flowed over and over again. But he stayed and loved me like always, challenged me for my own good. A historical fiction, based on betray and greed for the throne, royal politics, and a promise of eternal love.....

EsiYung99940 · Historia
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12 Chs

Thanks to you, it was great

Yang Li was smiling like an idiot the whole time looking at the hairpin in his hand. Duyi Chao was confused to see his brother behaving like a lovesick puppy just in a few hours. Chang looked at Yang Li and then at Duyi Chao. Chang walked near Duyi Chao and whispered into his ear.

Chang- What happened to him?

Duyi Chao- Maybe got beaten by a mad dog of Rusa. You know, Rusa is filled up with mad dogs. Be careful.

Chang rolled his eyes.

Chang- You should be careful, you are the scary dog here.

Duyi Chao- Is that so? Then who was screaming seeing a butterfly/

Chang gave him an annoyed look and looked at Yang Li.

Chang- I am sure he is in love with a Rusa woman.

Duyi's eyes widen and he looked at his brother.

Duyi Chao- Do you think he is in love with that also at first sight?

Chang- You don't know when, where, with whom you will fall in love. It's decided by HIM.

He pointed at the sky and Duyi Chao gave him a teasing smile.

Duyi Chao- Did you ever fall in love/? I know you for 19 years but never saw you with any woman.

Chang smiled and looked at his hand. There was a blue bracelet.

Chang- There is someone I am waiting for, for 19 years now.

Duyi Chao- what? 19 years, you mean before you came for the General Camp of soldiers training in Peavalon.

Chang nodded and smiled at the bracelet

Chang- I hope, She still remembers our promise.

They all stopped in front of the Royal Gate of Rusa's Royal Palace. Yang Li put that hairpin in his pouch and got down from his horse. He started walking toward the royal gate with full face and might of his, followed by Duyi Chao left and Chang right. The guards bowed at them and the court ladies welcomed them with flowers.

Aiguo was standing in front of the Main Royal Gate of Party to welcome all guests. There were kings from all over the world, mostly from the rest half of the world as the half was being ruled by Yang Li. And in the other half, Rusa was the biggest and most powerful, enriched by rare stones, spices, silks, and cuisine. While Ailtics were known for their neutrality, swordsmanship, and craftmanship all over the world, in other words, they would be the second powerful empire if they didn't prefer to stay away from those power chaos.

Aiguo bowed a little while Yang Li also showed his respect.

Aiguo- I hope Emperor Yang Li didn't face any trouble on the way.

Yang Li- That was a great journey. I have to say Rusa has an amazing landscape.

Aiguo- That's great that you liked it.

Yang Li looked around him but found none of his queens. He was always interested to see the Princess of Ailtics but he never got a chance to see her. But little that time he knew, the girl for whom he fell, at first sight, was the Princess of Ailtics and Impartial Queen of Rusa.

Yang Li- Where are the two queens of Rusa? I was really excited to meet Impartial Queen and The Royal Queen.

Aiguo- Royal Queen is pregnant and is under royal medico care. So she couldn't come and welcome you.

Yang Li nodded.

Chang- And Impartial Queen.

Aiguo- she is on her way.

Suddenly the guards announced.


Aiguo- she is here.

Aiguo looked in the direction while Yang Li also followed his gaze. A beautiful woman around 20 was walking down, with a cream full shoulder gown hugging her body perfectly with a half coat over her chest. Her brown curly hairs were losen up with few hairs behind her ear, her eyes were cold like eyes but those were well enough to freeze the great Emperor Yang Li.

Fen Ju walked beside Aiguo and looked at Yang Li. He thought she would be shocked to see him but she wasn't. How would she when she didn't even recognize him from his royal looks? If she looked at his eyes, maybe she would have recognized them, or she won't, who knew that time.

Aiguo- This is my first wife and Impartial Queen of Rusa and Princess of Ailtics, Fen Ju. And Ju, this is emperor Yang Li.

Fen Ju looked at Yang Li and bowed a little.

Fen Ju- I hope Emperor had a nice journey.

Yang Li felt his heart stopped beating and he was sure it was the same girl he met in the market. Her eyes and voice were printed into his mind, and her face was painted though she was way more beautiful he painted her into the pages of his mind.

Yang Li- I had an amazing journey, thanks to you.

Fen Ju's eyes widen as she remembered that voice of the newcomer she helped as she was always good with sound. She looked at Yang Li properly and she was sure that he was the same one from the market.

Aiguo- Did you guys meet each other?

Yang Li just smiled at Fen Ju and then looked at Aiguo.

Yang Li- No, I just heard lots of good and amazing things about Impartial Queen. She is known as the Goddess of War in the East-West.

Aiguo- She was. She is no more a warrior.

Fen Ju- But I'll soon join back as a warrior.

Yang Li smiled and looked at Aiguo. He was looking furious for some reason. Yang Li just sniggered off, for that time he was busy admiring Fen Ju. While Fen Ju was also confused that why wasn't feeling uncomfortable by Yang Li's continuous stare?

Fate is weird right. Only God knows what will happen next that's why it's called unseen. Unpredictable and unexpected, full of surprises. The King of the half-world who always wanted to meet the well-known goddess of war in East-West met him unknowingly and also fall in love unexpectedly.

Soon The party started and Chyou entered. Until the time she came, Aiguo wasn't leaving Fen Ju. But once she came, he left Fen Ju alone. He walked toward Chyou and hold her hand softly and walked into the center. Fen Ju was feeling uncomfortable seeing them like that. More than that, she was worried about what would Aiguo do with Yang Li and what would he put on a bet?

She looked at Yang Li who was busy talking with other kings. He was smiling warmly at them and Chang was also with him.

Ailla- Emperor Yang Li is just like everyone said. Kind and down earthed.

Fen Ju- Also an idiot whose pouch gets stolen in a place like Rusa market.

Ailla chuckled seeing Fen Ju's pissed-off face.

Ailla- After all, he is a man and man loses things.

Yang Li and Fen Ju's eyes met for a while and Fen Ju felt her cheeks heating up by the intense stare of Yang Li.

Everything was going well until Aiguo spoke up/

Aiguo- Emperor Yang Li, why don't we have royal fencing.

All eyes were on Yang Li that time and Aiguo looked at Fen Ju with a smirk. It gave her some bad vibe, something was off. All knew in the room. that Royal Fencing was a common game among the kings if they wanted to take something from another king, more like betting for the sake of life.

Yang Li stood up and walked near Aiguo with a smirk on his face as if he was expecting something like this.

Yang Li- Looks like King Aiguo wants something from me in the name of Royal Fencing. Okay then. I am ready, tell me what you want me to put of bet?

Aiguo was a bit taken back that Yang Li agreed with him without any further questions. Which he thought was good but little did he knew, the greed of power would take away his peaceful nights with his lover.

Aiguo- Your East-West coast of Narvan.

The whole crowd grasped as they knew Narvan was always a huge point for any country for trading and also for getting nature resources like Coal, oil, and gas. Yang Li just smiled and looked down while thinking a bit.

Aiguo- What did you decide

Yang Li- And what are you putting on a bet?
