
Asura the eternal god

In ancient era, the asura god was betrayed by his friends, loved ones; he was besieged and was killed. In present era there is a teenage boy name xiuluo who is blind and get crippled. He gets the remants of the asura god and ask to take revenge for them . What destiny awaits for the boy, will he take revenge for them, will he be against the fate?

Xiuluo · Oriental
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37 Chs

Soul levels

Seeing the Elder Xu in daze Xiu Luo put the bottle in elder's hand.

"Are you not going to kill me." After some though Elder Xu asked Xiu Luo whether the latter will kill him or not.

"Elder Xu if I wanted to kill you, why would I waste the potion, elder don't you even know this much." Xiu Luo said as he made fun of Elder Xu and the elder's mouth twiched as he want to kill this demon.

Xu Mei also has the same appearance beacause she also heard the conversation. But she quickly adjusted her expression because Xiu Luo came to her.

"Now show me your worth so that I have to spare your life." Xiu Luo said. This time his expression is serious as he is not joking.

"Wh what do you want." The girl asked. Her voice is stuttering .

"Hmm...you are from Burning flame immortal sect, so tell me about alchemy." Xiu Luo pretended to be in deep thought beacuse the reason he spared her is just to ask about alchemy as the latter want to learn the alchemy.

"Alchemy is the..." Xu Mei continued as she told about alchemy the patterns, pills, fire level and the alchemy history of Xuan continent.

"Hmm you told soul level, what is that." Xiu Luo knows all the things that Xu Mei told, but he pretended he didn't know as he listened. Then Xu Mei start telling about the soul level which Xiu Luo also don't know so he asked the latter about it.

"I have heard from the elder that the soul level is devided into six stages which is different from the cultivation method and each soul level can represents the corresponding cultivation level."

"And the six soul levels are mortal soul, spiritual soul, profound soul, earth soul, heavenly soul and immortal soul. And each level has novice grade , intermediate grade and advanced grade." The girl told to Xiu Luo what she knows.

'Mortal soul represent the spiritual gathering realm 

Spiritual soul represents the foundation establishment realm

Profound soul represents the core formation realm

Earth soul represents the nascent soul realm

Heaven soul represents the hollow spirit realm

Immortal soul represents half immortal realm' 

"You told that each soul level represents corresponding cultivation realm so what about the immortal realm, half immortal emperor realm and immortal emperor realm." Xiu Luo asked the question. 

"Boy you are wrong, the immortal soul represents both half immortal and immortal realm." Hearing the conversation between Xiu Luo and Xu Mei, elder Xu told when Xiu Luo asked the question because he have to do somthing so that this demon really spare him.

"Hmm... elder you know about this." Xiu Luo asked the elder as he turn back. After saying he didn't wait for the reply and went to the Elder Xu and sat in front of him like a obedient kid who is listening a story.

Seeing the latter's action Elder Xu had a impulse to beat the latter but he held back with a deep sigh.

"After heaven soul, the soul level go into higher level that is yuanshen (immortal soul) which correspond the immortal realm as you will become immortal. Even if your enemy cut your body you will be alive due to yuanshen so if you want to kill the immortal realm cultuvator you have to cut their yuanshen. And there were many people who aren't able to condense their heaven soul to immortal soul , so to preach many people who can't overcome the limit due to their limited talent there is half immortal cultivation realm during which half immortal cultivators try to blend the heaven soul and start condensing the yuanshen and in immortal cultivation realm it will become perfect immortal soul and immortal soul doesn't devide into grades it will just increase." Elder Xu said to Xiu Luo because he want to leave the good impression to Xiu Luo.

"Hmm, then elder what is the difference between the nascent soul cultivation realm and soul realm." After listening to Xu Mei answer and elders explanation he doubted whether it is similar or dissimilar.

"The nascent soul cultivation will determine the cultivators growth it doesn't represent soul level and both are different." The elder explained as he stroke his beared in satisfaction after Xiu Luo asked him question. May he had left a good impression to the latter.

"Then elder how to measure the soul level." Xiu Luo asked as he want to check his soul level.

"Come here I will check." The elder called him to check Xiu Luo soul level.

"Senior i don't doubt you but your cultivation was crippled." Xiu Luo said because the cultivation realm is gone so how could he check.

"Boy remember soul power is different from cultivation base for example when someone depletes spiritual essenence they will be alive due to soul power but if soul level is damage the person either will be dead or become fool." Elder Xu told as there is some anger because the lattler had crippled him and now told the word cripple without hesitation.

Xiu Luo came to the elder carefreely as he pretended but he is cautious because the latter may be crippled but he was a top powerhouse before. 

Elder Xu put his hand on Xiu Luo's wrist and checked like checking the pulse of the patient and Xiu Luo stayed silent. Then Elder Xu left Xiu Luo's wrist with a shocked expression.

"Boy you are in a spiritual soul level." The Xiu Luo's cultivation is in the spirit gathering realm so he thought may be the latter is in the mortal soul level but he is in novice grade spiritual soul. So the elder was shocked.

"Elder you told that cultivation and soul level correspond each other , so how my soul level is higher than the cultivation base." Xiu Luo said as he wondered that the elder is lying.

"No there is no such thing because many people will have the high cultivation realm with low soul level and there are alchemist whose soul level will be higher than the cultivation base. And some people will condense their yuanshen in half immortal realm." The elder replied but Xiu Luo was shocked by the last sentence of the elder so he ask.

"Is there anyone who did it." Xui Luo asked excitedly as he faced the elder.

"Well generally normal people doesn't develop but there is no say that they can't be develop . But it can be commonly seen in special constitutes and bloodlines." The elder also replied excitedly seeing Xiu Luo excited. 

'Hmm then Ningxue will...' when Xiu Luo heard the special costitutes and bloodlines, the first he thought of Ningxue. 

Seeing depressed expression of Xiu Luo, the elder panicked. 

"Elder do you know how to extract the beast fire from the core." Xiu Luo asked as this is main objective of his in this trip.

"Hmm well the core will break due to changes when it come outside of the boy and it will release the fire and the cultivator will refine it into the beast fire." The elder said 

"Elder are you an alchemist as you know to much about it." Xiu Luo asked because the latter knows too much about alchemy.

"Well I am the pill master and can refine upto three pattern pills." The elder said as he looked at Xiu Luo. 

"Then elder do you have a fire." Xiu Luo licked his lip as he asked .

"Hmm yes, i have salamander demon beast fire." The elder said proudly and he removed the beast fire to show Xiu Luo. Xiu Luo can't see the fire but he observed with the spirit sense range method.

The fire is orange in colour and fire is taking the shape of the salamander with small fluctuation as it was the salamander demon beast.

"Senior can u give me I want to touch it as i can't see it." Xiu Luo asked the elder by pointing his blindfold.

"Oh yes yes why not ."the elder passed the fire when he saw the blindfold of Xiu Luo. 

When the beast fire came into Xiu Luo hand a shocking scene happened . The golden fire was released on his palm and it release the golden radiance which covered the beast fire and swallowed it. And went back to the Xiu Luo spiritual sea like nothing happened. 

Xu Mei was shocked and the elder's jaws dropped as he look dumbfounded. 

"You demon...give back my beast fire, give it back." Elder Xu shouted at Xiu Luo 

"Elder Xu you taught me many things about alchemy today, so if I changed my mind to kill you I will leave you a intact corpse. Thank you." Xiu Luo bowed to the elder as he said this with serious.

"Cough... " the elder spat mouthful of blood don't know whether it is due to previous internal injuries or due to Xiu Luo. The elder's face become pale and he fainted.

Xu Mei is also staring at Xiu Luo and blue veins could be seen on her forehead. Xiu can't see but he could the intents but he ignored her.

Xiu Luo lit up the bofire and started roasting the meat of fire lion as he was hungry due to exhaustion. 

After roasting the meat Xiu Luo kicked the elder and the elder woke up with daze expression but he recovered from the shock of losing his beast fire and came to the bonfire and sat down.

"Elder you should eat to stay healthy look how much blood you spat out." Xiu Luo said as he passed the roasted meat to the elder.

'You demon my injuries are due to you.' But he stop the urge to scold the latter because the latter will tell another thing that he can't bear. So he silently start eating the meat.