
Asura the eternal god

In ancient era, the asura god was betrayed by his friends, loved ones; he was besieged and was killed. In present era there is a teenage boy name xiuluo who is blind and get crippled. He gets the remants of the asura god and ask to take revenge for them . What destiny awaits for the boy, will he take revenge for them, will he be against the fate?

Xiuluo · Oriental
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37 Chs

Killing immortal sect disciple

When Xiu Luo heard that the people from mortal world are disappearing he became silent. But after sometime he faced to the girl and said in cold voice.

"That is the mortals affairs why are you interfering in their life." Xiu Luo said coldly. Hearing this the girl stared at Xiu Luo like she is seeing the cold hearted person.

"Sir the mortals reported that they were unable to find the cause and requested us and they suspect it was doing of evil cultivator as the empire powerful generals were also gone missing." But the girl replied because it depends upon her answers whether their life will be spared or not.

"Did they not suspect it was the doing of enemy kingdom." Xiu Luo asked

"Sir we asked the same question but they told that they want to live in peace with the other kingdoms as sir may not know that there was a war two ...." the girl was trying to elaborate the mortal affairs but the latter stoped her midway .

"War..." Xiu Luo muttered the word war as he continued walking toward the immortal sect disciple.

Seeing that the latter is moving is towards her senior brother the girl got horrified, just now she gave the answers to questions he asked her but the latter was going towards her senior brother so she get up tried to stop him.

"Sir..." the girl was trying to stop him but the latter cut short her speech by saying.

"If you say a word again you will die." she didn't say anything again. Seeing her shutting down Xiu Luo chuckled as the saying goes one's life is more important than the other. She pleaded for her senior brother's life but when he said she will die if she says anything she shut down.

"Brother ..brother sob brother please forgive me i won't do the same mistake." The disciple cried and slaped himself begging for his life. His good appearance look hedious as he is covered in blood and face got swollen because of his heavy slaps and nose is also leaking. Its good Xiu Luo can't see anything. Xiu Luo sat down face to face with the man.

"You don't need worry brother, I won't let you make mistakes again." Then Xiu Luo cut his neck and disciple died. Xiu Luo took his storage bag and slowly walked towards the girl. 

"Yours..." Xiu Luo said extending his hand, she passed her storage storage bag as she know what he is saying. The girl has bloodshot eyes and tears are rolling under her eyes as she glared at Xiuluo because he is the one who has killed her loved one. 

"What is your name?" Xiu Luo asked the girl.

"Sir Xu Mei." The girl replied but her voice doesn't have any emotions just plain words.

She has same surname Xu but Xiu Luo thought in vast world there are many people who have same surname without same origin. 

"You can go, but if you turn back...." Xiu Luo words were plain but this much is enough for her to be frightend. She turned and walked away. 

Xiu Luo observed the girl as he spread his sense range and after some time the girl can't be found in the sense range, he didn't remove the sense range but checked again as he moved in his vicinity trying to find if there is no one present other the Xu clan boy. 

After sometime he retracted the sense range and kept it two hundred meter radius. Then he went towards the boy and kicked the latter. 

The boy woke up but he doesn't have any strength and he remembered that he was pointing his sword to the blindboy but the latter attacked without giving him any time to react and got crushed to boulder. Then he moved his face upward to see who kicked him and he saw same blindboy. 

"You..." the boy is quick-witted so he understood the situation what may had happened as he saw the dead bodies of two people in his surrounding. Then he stare towards the blindboy.

"What do you want from me?" The boy said as he thought that the latter had left him alive to get something from him or would have already killed him.

"It's good to talk with quick-witted person." Xiu Luo replied in satisfaction. 

"How do you know about beast fire." Without beating the bushes Xiu Luo interrogated the boy.

"Our clan patriarch is at the peak core formation stage and he fought against the fire beast deep in the forest and both of them got injured. Patriarch loves his son so much and he told the young master Xu Yuan about it and young master Xu Yuan took two servant without informing the elders as he came to the forest and I followed him with my senior brother." The man replied without changing the expression.

"You told you followed the latter but you came here faster than your young master how can you explain this.." Xiu Luo also interrogated him without changing expression. Like this is a battle of wits.

"This..." the boy tried to hesitate to answer.

"What you know tell honestly or else...you know.." Xiu Luo said while slowly bend downward and kept the sword on the boy's neck and cut the skin under neck which started bleeding.

"I tricked young master Xu Yuan and with his arrogant nature it was easy and I came here faster than him." The boy said.

"But how do you know about Young master Xu Yuan, did you met the him." The asked to Xiu Luo.

"Oh because I killed him...heeehee . He sent me out of the inn when I was eating so I have to pay back to him. Am i right?" Xiu Luo first laughed heartily and then showed innocent expression as he asked the latter while staring at the boy.

"You... " this time the boy was even more horrified as he was stared by Xiu Luo He can't see the blindboy's eyes due to blindfold but he was terrified because of latter gaze.

"Are you really blind." The boy asked in disbelief because of the latter's earlier stare.

"What do you think?" Xiu Luo asked him wihout any expression. 

"Hard to say..." he earnestly replied, to this Xiu Luo didn't reply, let him think whatever he want as he don't care about others thoughts.

"What type of beast is that one." Xiu Luo asked the boy.

"Fire lion" the replied 

"Hmm.." Xiu Luo went in deep thought before he asked again.

"Well the last question, what do you know about the Blood swallowing cultivation method." XiuLuo asked the man. The latter dropped his jaw as he looked to Xiu Luo.

"Ha...this is the cultivation technique our patriarch got from the tomb two years back. As he suspects that the cultivation method is not good so he gave it to others to cultivate it to see what results he could get. The people who cultivated it till spirit gathering realm their power increased tremendously, in one year they reached peak stage of spirit gathering realm and they are stronger than the fellow cultivators of the same rank. Seeing this patriarch cultivated the technique but he got backlash. The cultivator who cultivate this technique has the urge to devour others blood and qi and they can't control their urges. So he only gave this technique to the servants to cultivate it as to increase the strength of the clan." The boy told the story 

"Then he kidnapped the people from the mortal world and tried using their blood for the cultivation method right." Xiu Luo continued after the boy stopped . This time the boy just stare towards Xiu Luo but there is no expression as he got used to him.

"Yes, on patriarch order the fellow clansmen started abducting people." The boy agreed .

"What is your name?" The boy asked Xiu Luo when he saw the latter had removed the sword from his neck and took the stance to kill him.

" " Xiu Luo didn't replied and slash the boy's neck and killed the latter. Then Xiu Luo colected the storage bag of him and picked up the spear and stored in the storage bag. And he burn the three bodies leaving only the ashes.

"Fire lion i hope you are really injured." Xiu Luo muttered as he went deep into the forest. 


Xu Mei came outside the forest and turned back, she didn't turn back during this whole time as she was too frightend of Xiu Luo . Now she is biting her lips her beautiful appearance replaced by the anger and her eye were bloodshot .

"I will kill you blindboy, i will take revenge for my senior brother. Hmm...Xu clan." The girl declared that she will kill Xiu Luo. And she muttered Xu clan name before leaving.


Xiu Luo came deep in the the forest and he didn't know that the girl Xu Mei he had left alive had decided to kill him . 

Xiu Luo is searching for the fire lion as he tried to search the surrounding, but he didn't find the fire lion. But Xiu Luo didn't get disappointed and he sat down under the tree removed the storage bags of the burning flame immortal sect disciples and as he expected there is the spirit grass and many bottles to store the refined spiritual liquid or pills but he get more excited because he found a furnace which looks normal in appearance but for Xiu Luo it is better to have something than nothing. 

He brought out the golden fire in his palm.

"If you want the beast fire of the fire lion you better refine these spirit grass, if you won't be able to do then i am going to feed you to the fire lion." Xiu Luo said teasingly to golden fire but the latter really got frightend as it stopped jumping on the palm.

"Cough.. well now start refining." Xiu Luo said as he raised his palm and the golden fire start emitting from his palm and the spirit grass start melting. And in an hour all the sprit grass melted and he stored it in the bottles and stored it into the storage bad and drank some bottle of spiritual liquid and it quickly recovered his spiritual sea. 

Xiu Luo was happy with the results as he had prepared these spiritual liquid to confront against the fire lion when his spiritual sea will become dry.