

A man lost everything while on earth......He thought after reincarnation he will live well....but....he lost everything.... How will the man change.....what will he do..... "I will turn into Asura....and wipe out the enemies who took everything away from me this time" Will he find peace?...Will he find love in this cursed world?... Legend of Asura Di *the whole book is free* *This is a fanfic* *All character except oc belongs to heavenly silkworm potato.*

Dex_Titan · Cómic
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8 Chs

Flashback(Long tian's tomb and his inheritance 1)

As Tian Huang walked with his teacher, he found the barren land become green with grass and small plants growing and then they gradually entered a forest, it was like a large tropical forest with trees so tall as if they are touching the sky, it contained many big and small birds and animals, which according to Long Tian were all magical beasts, ranging from tier 1 all the way to tier 9, which shocked him because Tian Huang knows what a tier 9 beast means, like human cultivation realm magical beast also have a cultivation realm ranging from tier 1 to tier 9(tier 10 beast is myth now), and tier 9 beast is equivalent to a Dou Saint, Tian Huang thought in his heart, 'teacher is really strong, to have tier 9 beast in his realm as if keeping a pet in his garden', but while they were walking, he did'nt see any tier 7 or above beasts, there was a river in the forest, magical beasts gathered on its shore, some drinking water while some resting. After walking for about 4hrs, while Tian Huang was wondering how long they should walk, he found that at some distance the forest ended and then as they got out of the forest he saw a huge dome shaped building. As he looked he found that the building was in the middle of the forest.

" This is my tomb. I made you walk the entire way so you can become familiar with this place, come with me". Long Tian said, Tian Huang followed him and as they approached the tomb, the huge door of the tomb opened automatically. As Tian Huang entered the tomb he was shocked. The interior of the tomb was huge, it was in square shape with corridor on all four side, which contained many doors, he could see that they were doors of certain rooms and in the middle of the tomb there was a room which was quite different from other rooms, so the whole interior of the tomb is like a larger square surrounding a smaller square, the smaller square being the room in the middle.

Long Tian watched Tian Huang's reaction seeing the tomb and said, "As you can see this is the interior of my tomb, the various rooms on the left contains many cultivation techniques, medicinal materials and battle techniques collected by me over the years." Long tian took Tian Huang to different rooms on the left and showed him what it contains, each room had a nameplate which showed what it contained, as Tian Huang went inside the cultivation technique room with Long Tian, Tian Huang was shocked. The cultivation technique were floating in the air and they were inside of a protective dou qi bubble, but what baffeled him was, any cultivation technique he picked up were atleast Earth class and above, it even contained 6 to 7 heaven class cultivation technique, Tian Huang remembered that his family's main cultivation technique was only low earth class, to see so many heaven class cultivation technique together was really something unbelievable to him, because even a high earth class cultivation technique was like a treasure in the outside world let alone a heaven class cultivation technique. Seeing Tian Huang going through the cultivation techniques Long Tian said, "Only after you reach dou practitioner and condence dou qi cyclone in your dantian can you cultivate following the dou qi cultivation method, and it is very important what class of cultivation method you choose, since it is related to your progress, the highest dou qi technique here is mid level heaven class, so you dont need to look much because I have something better with me, I was previously thinking of giving you what I used to cultivate", saying that Long Tian took out two dou qi cultivation techniques from the space ring he brought out of nowhere, one was golden in colour while the other was golden red in colour, " this golden one is the technique I cultivated, its name is Golden Flame Mantra and it is a High Heavenly rank cultivation technique and the other one is a mysterious technique, it is called Divine Chaos mantra and it is only a low yellow(huang)level cultivation technique".