

A man lost everything while on earth......He thought after reincarnation he will live well....but....he lost everything.... How will the man change.....what will he do..... "I will turn into Asura....and wipe out the enemies who took everything away from me this time" Will he find peace?...Will he find love in this cursed world?... Legend of Asura Di *the whole book is free* *This is a fanfic* *All character except oc belongs to heavenly silkworm potato.*

Dex_Titan · Cómic
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8 Chs

Flashback( Becoming disciple of Heavenly saint Long Tian and start of cultivation journey)

It was after 2 or 3hrs that Tian Huang regained his conciousness.

"Ugh! My head hurts!". His head was hurting, but he also found that something in his body has changed, as if there was some hidden power in his body. The old man was standing at a distance and watching him, seeing the old man he asked, " Old man what did you do? I loss conciousness at first then waking up, i feel my body has changed."

The old man did'nt mind Tian Huang calling him old man, looked at him and said, " well, I went a bit overboard with my probing, hence you lost conciousness, as for the changes in your body you have already broke through 4star dou disciple."

The old man stopped talking and looked at Tian Huang.

"Oh! But my parents said that only after I became 5years old can I start cultivating".

Tuan Huang did'nt understand what it meant to breakthrough so quickly.

The old man was surprised to hear Tian Huang's answer and a smiled. He found that Tian Huang was a very simple and Honest child and he was not the type to be overconfident, but still he did'nt tell Tian Huang that he is a genious because he is after all a child, so he did'nt want him to be too proud of himself and lose his path in cultivation.

" Well, but since you have already started, we can't do anything about it, but before that, what is your name child?". The old man asked.

"My name is Tian Huang.", answered Tian Huang.

"Tian Huang, a name befiting someone like you, now let me introduce myself properly, my name is Long Tian, although I am a remenant soul now, when I was alive I was a peak 9 star Dou saint and also a 9 star alchemist."

Hearing what the old man said Tian Huang was shocked, a peak 9star dou saint or a 9star alchemist, he is knowledgeable enough about these terms, they are the most powerful people in the continent today, and from what he heard from his parents, there are less than 10 people at that level and to be both 9star dou saint and 9star alchemist, he did'nt know if there are any in the continent.

Seeing that Tian Huang was shocked and quiet, the old man looked at the sky and continued, " well but I am just a remenant soul now waiting for someone to accept my inheritance, and I guess I found someone worthy of my inheritance.". Long Tian became serious looked at Tian Huang and continued, " child do you want to be strong?".

Tian Huang listened to the old man and when asked if he wants to be strong he suddenly fell in a trance....he remembered what happened to his parents, his family....(gloomy aura radiating from his body)....does he wants to be strong?....he remembered his parents last words...he hating himself for not being strong....him not being able to do anything for his parents....he remembered the last moments of his mother.....he losing everything again in his second life.....the culprit who took everything away from him....his pledge.....he cleched his teeth.

'Soul palace.....'

'Boom'...murderous aura started radiating from him..... a murderous aura containing all his hatred, he looked towards the old man and said, " I want to be

strong...stronger than anyone in the world...so that I don't loose anything again anymore." Tian Huang said word by word.

Long Tian looked at Tian Huang, he was shocked to find that such a simple child who is only 4yrs old can have such a terrifing hatred against anything, that murderous aura is something that is impossible to find in a 4yr old child.

'What did this child face? What did he go through before coming here? His determination to become the strongest in the world is something even I did'nt have'. Long Tian thought to himself.

"I will not ask for your circumstances now but if you want to be strong, if you want to accept my inheritance, you have to become my disciple. Child I did'nt have a disciple when I was alive and did'nt have anyone to carry my legacy.....Child do want to be my disciple?". Long Tian looked at the boy and said seriously.

Tian Huang looked towards the old man, this was a heaven sent oppurtunity for him, to be taught by an entity who was both a peak 9 star dou saint and a 9 star alchemist, he then knelt, touched his head on the ground and said, " Disciple Tian Huang greets teacher".

Long Tian was very satisfied and raised Tian Huang from the ground and said, " today onward you are my Long Tian's only disciple.....but you are not allowed to go outside, only when you are ready and are strong enough can you go to the outside world".

" I will listen to what teacher says", said Tian Huang.

"Come with me.", said Long Tian and took Tian Huang in the deeper parts of the realm, starting his cultivation journey.