
Astral Mage

With the humans' desperation to rid the world of magic, Friesha left the perfect hiding place she and her late mother had to pursue the path of becoming an Astral Mage - a title given to magicians who have surpassed the realm of reality towards what is known as universal magic. However on her path, she encounters a young human boy who has the intention of capturing her for the purpose of becoming king. Friesha's hatred for humans have always been very strong ever since the death of her father in the hands of these vile beasts, yet never had the intention of hurting those who serve her no threat. Despite Friesha being already a powerful magician, and the boy's airheadedness and humiliating loss against her, he continues to pursue her through continuous stalking and spying, as well as randomly attacking out of nowhere. Aside from this, she must also alone fight the forces of humanity who would stop her from being an Astral Mage. How will Friesha achieve her goal on her journey. What will Friesha's encounter with the boy be of purpose?

Nirinia · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
82 Chs

River Monster (Friesha 's note 11)

Morning came fast if one sleeps. Like skipping time, one closes one's eyes for a second and wakes up in the next, specially if one cannot dream of anything. Or perhaps, I forgot the dream I just had? In any case, it's morning. I awoke to the sound birds singing to each other as if to greet one another. The scent of cool dawn breeze waft in my nose as I rubbed my eyes to clear off my drowsiness.

I looked around me and found myself in isolation. I traced my mind and remembered something bothersome, "Ah, he was here last night!" I immediately got up and gathered my things in preparation to leave until I heard sounds of wood clashing coming from the forest. Curious, I went to where the sound was coming from and there he was.

With his wooden sword in hand, he was hitting a tree with force and speed. Sweat was forming on his face and neck, dripping some of it on the cool ground in every move he made. The tree silently accepting his attacks could only shake its trunk, reverberating throughout the canopy as its leaves sway from left to right. Seeing that he was sleeveless, I could see his arms are quite sturdy and thick despite his age. The rest of his clothing merely observed him from a distance.

"Felgard was it?" I remembered he introduced himself last night, which I did so in return. "What was his last name again?" I couldn't remember anything else happened after, not like it's important. I silently turned my back and left without a word (and care).

Finally alone again, I basked myself under the warm morning sun as I walked humming to myself. Truly solitude is the best for me. But then again, it was ruined by a voice coming from behind me shouting, "Wait!"

"Seriously?" Without even looking back, I ran forward with all that I can, hoping to lose him this time. I then remembered before that he managed to catch up to me. In fear that he might do so now, I held my staff in front of me as I ran and casted a wind spell, "Fly!" I then rode on my staff and flew up the air.

"Oi! That's not fair!" was all he could say as I was already high up in the air. "I told you to wait! Fight me!"

"Is fighting me all in this guy's head?" I then continued my way through the air. However, I shouldn't be flying for long, as I am very visible to creatures down below, specifically humans.

The moment I got farther, I went back on the ground and walked like usual. As I was walking, I heard a stomach growl of hunger. I then looked around to see if he was here hiding behind the bushes again, only to find out after the next growl that it was my own (yes, it was humiliating). I felt myself blush and started looking for food as the forest was always a good source.

I closed my eyes and felt the realea of around me as I walked slowly. Just then, I felt the realea of a small moving creature a few distance away. I quietly tiptoed to where it was and peeked behind a bush. There stood a hairless hare near another tree's root, nibbling on acorns. It's ears flopping as its head tried to notice it's surroundings, probably sensing my presence. Based on an animal book I once had, hairless hares are quick in noticing predators nearby, thus I have to be swift on capturing it. I held tightly on my staff and , "Flame Burst!"

Now with a freshly cooked hairless hare on hand, I started query hunger bite per bite. It wasn't as good as those lizards last night but it was fine enough for nourishment. Food cooked through magic always tastes less delicious than normal cooked ones. "I think the rock mountain mouse would've tasted better than this," I then remembered that pouting face and chuckled to myself silently.

After I ate, I suddenly got thirsty and noticed my water bag was almost empty. I opened it and found out it was already empty, thus I stood up to look for water. Again, I closed my eyes and felt the realea around me. I could find any form of water through reading the realea in the air if it carries water realea particles. About half a minute, I managed to find water realea particles north from here. I then took my things which were placed on the ground and went to where water was located.

After about ten minutes, I arrived at a small river. Well, it must be a river since it's long and slender. Only that, it wasn't moving. A still river perhaps? However, what mattered at that time was for me to drink and to refill my water bag. Still, it was weird specially that there were no signs of any living creature around. The silence this time was eerie, and quite disturbing. I then placed my things down and as I was about to scoop water using my hands, I somehow saw the water tremble a bit.

Just then the supposed to be water went up on its own as if to stand. It took a great height towering over me.

"Could this be a..." gathering my thoughts on what it might be, I remembered one monster book mention about beings which take the form of ordinary things, and could even pretend to be a certain area. "Slime?!"

Based on the book, slimes can completely convert their realea according to what they will transform into. "But aren't you a little bit too big?!!" it would seem that things aren't really as accurate from books unlike seeing it up close.

I hurriedly took my staff and stood in a fighting stance fully prepared for its attack.

"Hey, wait!" suddenly a small voice like that of a child shouted from behind me. When I looked back, there a little boy about the age of five.

"Don't hurt my mother!"
