
Astral Mage

With the humans' desperation to rid the world of magic, Friesha left the perfect hiding place she and her late mother had to pursue the path of becoming an Astral Mage - a title given to magicians who have surpassed the realm of reality towards what is known as universal magic. However on her path, she encounters a young human boy who has the intention of capturing her for the purpose of becoming king. Friesha's hatred for humans have always been very strong ever since the death of her father in the hands of these vile beasts, yet never had the intention of hurting those who serve her no threat. Despite Friesha being already a powerful magician, and the boy's airheadedness and humiliating loss against her, he continues to pursue her through continuous stalking and spying, as well as randomly attacking out of nowhere. Aside from this, she must also alone fight the forces of humanity who would stop her from being an Astral Mage. How will Friesha achieve her goal on her journey. What will Friesha's encounter with the boy be of purpose?

Nirinia · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
82 Chs

Entering (Friesha's note 50)

Outside the mayor's mansion were more than two thousand people, perhaps even more. From a distance, the three of us, watched closely to see how the enemy reacts.

"Wahh! There's really a lot of people opposing the mayor," Gloria placed her palm above her eyes and was looking left to right.

"Now we just have to wait for the signal to enter the mansion. If the mayor doesn't buy this..." he has to. It's the only way we could allow ourselves in. As someone who won straight for twenty years with the opposition remaining silent will surely have to see the commotion done by plenty of people outside his mansion.

As we observed from above on a clocktower, the people below were shouting some things which I do not know about, they were doing their best to be noticed by the residents inside, yet...

"Hey, nobody is budging inside the mansion," I was getting worried. It didn't occur to me the possibility that the mayor might neglect the outside commotion.

"Oi, what should we do Friesha... Will Dave and Mark be able to give away the signal?" Felgard squinted his eyes over to the mansion.

"Miss Friesha, should we still wait?.." Gloria was getting worried, I was too.

"We just have to wait a little longer," it was our only choice. I couldn't possibly imagine them being caught by the guards. It would spell trouble for us.

Even the people rallying outside the mansion were surprised the mayor didn't show up. The guards inside the mansion wouldn't even answer the people outside 's questions and demands. Everything inside was entirely silent.

Dang that Myorlin, could he have analyzed this situation? If so, this was all for naught then?..

"Ah, that guys ability, huh.." Dave knew Myorlin's power, given the fact that they had that battle before. "It's quite simple actually."

"I already had a hunch but explain what you know of him," I said.

"Deep analysis, that's what that person's powers were. The power to analyze someone's next move depending on the current situation," Dave explained.

"In other words, prediction through analysis, huh?" I confirmed.

"Yes, exactly," Dave nodded.

"But isn't that basically a simple accurate assumption?" Gloria was right but...

"It's more than that. He was always accurate in predicting my next move. I only managed to win by having two attacks at the same time, where I could choose which attack to do based on his reaction..." Dave explained.

"I knew it, so in other words, he can read the situation entirely, so we need two plans executed together, or by doing something entirely unexpected..."

That second plan was to be executed by Dave and Mark. But there seemed to be response from them. The only choice left is to do something completely unexpected. Should we just attack out of nowhere? No, that could be what Myorlin would expect us to do after this uneventful plan. Dang it...

As I was over thinking things, I noticed the blonde lady in glasses was looking at me from below. After about a minute of staring, she turned to look at the people and shouted...

"Everyone!!! It would seem like we are being considered as nothing by our mayor!!! That is completely rude!!! He should at least listen to our reasons!!! But he did not!!!" she then turned towards the mansion's huge gates. "I have read a certain quote saying 'If the fruit doesn't come down from the tree, you climb it up yourself'. Everyone ready?!!"

Huh? What're they going to douououwoaahhh! All of them began pushing the mansion gates as lead by blondie glasses there. They all began forcing their way into the mansion, the whole lot of them. Some even went over past the brick walls and successfully got inside.

"Whoa!!! Look at them go!!!" Felgard was really enjoying himself.

The soldiers inside tried stopping them by force but of course, they were not allowed to harm them, as they were civilians.

"The p-people are much more brutal than the soldiers..." Felgard's eyes were sparkling.

"Are they allowed to do this? Aren't they trespassing?" Gloria spoke the truth.

"You two! Let's hurry!!" I called out to them as I ran towards the clocktower's exit. "This is our chance!!! We mustn't slip this one through!!!"

"Heeeehh? What do you mean?!!" Gloria then followed Felgard who immediately followed me first.

"We're joining them! Step one Distraction, has now become step two Entering!" we then dived into the river of people continuously entering the mansion. "This is quite unexpected..."

"Link Ring!!" I activated the spell I used on all six of us before we separated.

"Now, show me your ring finger everyone and lets place them near each other," we then formed a circle of ring fingers. "This is important..."

"Why? What is this about?" Mark asked.

"It looks cute," Shamili bashfully blushed.

"Link Ring!!" I then casted a connection spell which will lead us together once we'll get separated. Just then, tiny magic circles appeared on our pinky fingers and connected to each other.

"Waah! Pretty!" Gloria shone her eyes in delight.

"This surely will find our path together again," I then applied concealment on the magic circles to hide them.

As the spell was activated, I could see a small bluish ray of light connect mine, Felgard's and Gloria's finger together. It also extended towards somewhere inside the mansion where the rest are potentially located. Only those who were connected by the spell could see the tiny ray of light's so there were no worries in relation to others finding out.

"Let's go! Forward!" we pushed ourselves through the river of people and passed some soldiers doing their best to only apprehend them.

"How about joining the fight then?" Felgard was about to take out his wooden sword when I punched his head down. It was to have him dodge a soldier trying to get him, and for the purpose of just silencing him. He only got up and eventually joined us.

"Where could Dave and Mark be now-ahhh!" Gloria was suddenly grabbed by the shoulder by a soldier.

"Stop kid-guhuaaack!!!" he was immediately hit by another random citizen.

"Are you okay Gloria?" I grabbed her arm and passed through the crowd.

"Mmh, don't worry. Ah, where's Felgard??" she halted as she was looking around.

"Oi! Wait-ah!! You.." Felgard following from behind was grabbed by a soldier, yet he managed to punch him away and joined us.

"The ray of light is pointing towards inside that door. Let's go!" we then went inside the mansion and closed that door shut. It wasn't the main entrance door so it was easy to close.The three of us let out a huge sigh and fell to the ground with our backs on the door.

The ray of light was pointing further towards inside the mansion hallway. We then stood up and continued going further. Passing through paintings and decorations, Gloria looked happy looking at those magnificent works of art as she freely fluttered her wings from item to item.

"Careful Gloria, you might break something," I warned just in case, yet she was busy enjoying herself. "Man, what a pain, this mansion..."

"It's eerily quiet..." Felgard took out his wooden sword.

"Indeed, it truly is too much of a silence..." I too began chanting a spell just in case.

Just then, a huge sound was heard behind us as me and Felgard immediately reacted with a, "WAAAAAAAHHH!!!!" and began attacking nothing at random. After about three seconds, Felgard and I looked behind us and saw Gloria broke a small vase.

"Oops..." she gave off a very embarrassed smile as we both looked at her with disappointment.

As we continued walking past rooms, upstairs, more rooms, it felt very weird why we didn't encounter anyone else inside this mansion, as well as why only the three of us were able to enter. That was when I thought, "A spell is being casted here, and a pretty strong one too..."

"Eh? Seriously?! W-w-what spell?.." Gloria hid behind Felgard.

"I'll check..." I then closed my eyes and started sensing the realea around me. I analyzed it's components and structure... mind element inversed, antisenses, space element... illusion, no... concealment!! I opened my eyes and two faces were next to each other staring at me just a nose away.

"What're you two doing?..." I was kinda pissed off for some reason.

"Nothing," Felgard just whistled away his excuse.

"You looked so serious Friesha," Gloria smiled.

I took a deep breath, sighed, and spoke, "A concealment barrier is currently active around the mansion."

"Concealment?" Gloria looked all over the place.

"Indeed, see outside?" I then went to a nearby open window and so did the two. "The commotion is still there but not one of them entered the mansion. Only us."

"Hee? Why?" Felgard then suddenly screamed. "Ooii!! Up here!!!"

"That's impossible, they won't hear you. It's because of the antisenses element blocking the basic senses of a person. For the people down there, they have a purpose for barging in and that is the mayor. However they won't be able to see nor get near the mansion as if they are being controlled by a ghost. They don't even know anymore that a mansion existed here."

"But how come we weren't affected and were able to enter?" Gloria floated and poked outside and noticed some kind of ripple in the space outside the window.

"They probably installed it the moment we got in..." I walked a few steps forward looking at the place filled with beautiful things and gorgeous architectural design.

"Eeeh?? Wouldn't that mean..." Gloria's hunch was right.

"Indeed, they had their eyes at us the moment we entered the mansion," I stated one thing I was afraid of, but true. Dang it. That Myorlin installed this barrier? Quite impressive for a faker, still... Ah, I don't care, "Let's move on you two..."

We then continued tracing the ray of light and found ourselves in the main entrance hall. That was when we heard a loud laughter from above the center of the staircase. We looked up and saw Myorlin with Claymara behind him, as well as the mayor.

"Welcome you three! Thank you so much for coming here today!" Myorlin was raising his hands in joy, I think. "Although, you are quite late..."

Just then, soldiers began emerging and surrounded us completely. Behind Myorlin came soldiers with Dave and Mark in chains.

"Dave!!! Mark!!!" Gloria went to fly towards them but I immediately stopped her by grabbing her leg. "Let go Friesha!!"

"No! Calm your head down," I stared at Myorlin seriously. "I got a feeling he's not like he used to..."

Yay! Thanks for the ten thousand plus views! New Special Chapter coming soon.

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