
Astral Mage

With the humans' desperation to rid the world of magic, Friesha left the perfect hiding place she and her late mother had to pursue the path of becoming an Astral Mage - a title given to magicians who have surpassed the realm of reality towards what is known as universal magic. However on her path, she encounters a young human boy who has the intention of capturing her for the purpose of becoming king. Friesha's hatred for humans have always been very strong ever since the death of her father in the hands of these vile beasts, yet never had the intention of hurting those who serve her no threat. Despite Friesha being already a powerful magician, and the boy's airheadedness and humiliating loss against her, he continues to pursue her through continuous stalking and spying, as well as randomly attacking out of nowhere. Aside from this, she must also alone fight the forces of humanity who would stop her from being an Astral Mage. How will Friesha achieve her goal on her journey. What will Friesha's encounter with the boy be of purpose?

Nirinia · Fantasía
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82 Chs

Against A Strong Faker (Friesha's note 53)

Now with Shamili and Dave free, we have more fighters with us now. However for me, that kick was too painful, still I need to fight back. Everything is slowly going to our favor. Truthfully, I wasn't expecting the plan to go this well, even I who planned it thought there might be a flaw so I was going to just fight. However, seeing how things worked out, I think having people to help you is okay sometimes.

"Curses, you brats played the fool on me! How dare you!" would you look at that. It's feels nice to see boastful faces ruined.

"Of course, your someone hard to defeat!" Dave then took a fighting pose. "Prepare yourself! Or it'll be worse than last time."

Myorlin stepped back a few steps, but then, suddenly, "Khuee hehe hehehehe, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Don't get ahead of yourself, kid. I'm no longer the same as I was!!! It's you who should prepare your prayers to die!!!"

Myorlin then suddenly dashed towards Dave, piercing is staff towards him. However, Dave took a huge leap backwards before kicking back. As the staff and kick made an impact, there was a slight spark on the staff. Dave realized this and immediately was about to leap back when...

"No escape!!!" The tip of the staff exploded a burst of lightning to Dave which made him scream in pain before managing to leap back. "Hahaha!!! How'd you like that?" he then continued swinging his staff to Dave as Dave desperately dodged despite having electrified. This resulted to him falling down on the ground and as Myorlin was about to hit him directly, Shamili did a powerful headbutt to Myorlin's right hip, throwing him down the lowest floor.

"Don't neglect me," Shamili looked exactly like some kind of a handsome kid. Despite that, the staff was still on Myorlin's hands tightly.

Behind him was Felgard and Claymara still fighting. They paused for a while, looked at Myorlin, then went back to fighting. I guess those two are quite the same.

"How dare you... How dare you. How dare you. How dare you?!?!" He stood up in rage. I can feel realea surrounding him strongly as he breath heavily. "You dare have me fall to the ground?!?! Unforgivable!!!"

Myorlin raised his staff and called forth a huge cloud of thunder. He them summoned a water element, and have it fed towards the huge thunder cloud.

"Yes! Come forth my magic!!! See my magic!!! I can do magic!!.." the giant thunder cloud then seemed like it came to life as it took form of a humanoid figure. This creature started smashing things and throwing them away with great power. "Yes! My creation! My magic!! Attack them!!!" Myorlin pointed at us and the creature looked.

It then slammed his hand at us, producing thunder sparks as it almost destroyed the stairway. Well, we were able to avoid that attack via random means. Dave immediately jumped fast towards Myorlin but was stopped by thorny vines that emerged from the ground, wrapping his little body with thorns. He screamed as the vines got tighter, further piercing the thorns on his skin.

Shamili jumped down and wrecked the floor she landed on. She then dug a hole in the ground. She was secretly swimming in land underneath Myorlin but, "You digging mole!!" he slammed his staff unto the floor and the ground rose up like huge thorns, throwing Shamili up in the air, letting out a scream of pain.

I then jumped up of Myorlin, drew a circle below me and hopped on it, making a jelly fish-like thick layer of space fall unto Myorlin's head. It covered his face making him unable to breath. As he desperately removed the thick fluffy space covering his face, he threw it on the air and made it into a burning butterfly before it attacked me. I produced a barrier around me, yet it just won't cooperate that it became a wind sphere surrounding me. Although it cancelled the flame attack, it spun around making a tornado.

"Beautiful magic clashing at each other!!! What beauty!! Splendid!!" he's being a creep. He then made the thundercloud monster grab it and it successfully devoured the tornado. I then undid the spell of Dave and caught him as he fell down.

As Shamili looked up, the thundercloud monster was hovering over her, launching a powerful punch from above. There was no time for her to dig so I casted a barrier over Shamili, just enough time for her to dig underground before the barrier cracked and vanished.

"Curses! Where are you fools!!! Why haven't you come back yet?!?!" Myorlin seemed to be referring to the soldiers he deployed. Even I wondered what happened to them. Well, as long as its on our advantage, that's be great. The fewer the enemy, the better the chance for victory. Still, Myorlin has indeed become so strong. We need a way to get rid of that thundercloud monster.

"Dave, Shamili, let's go!!"

"Yeah!!" the two responded quickly as the three of us attacked Myorlin. Since I have the magical capabilities, I should deal with this monster. "Bind!" I had wind whirl itself around the monster then, "Barrier!" The wind became a wind barrier trapping the monster inside. However, it was too destructive and strong that it broke my weak unstable barrier. Dave leaped up while Shamili dug down, to confuse Myorlin. As they both attack, Myorlin had realea burst from him which blew the two away. He then slammed the tip of his staff on the ground and a pillar of ice emerged from the ground. It then broke into pieces, each flew towards us. In a hurry, I only barely managed to protect myself with a barrier. Dave dodged them using his flexibility while Shamili just dig down the ground. Ice, that's it! I've been stupid! I looked at the thundercloud monster and grinned, "Bind!" and wind again whirled around the monster.

"Fool, you know it won't work!" Myorlin then summoned a fireball and threw it at me. Yet a ground debris rose up and blocked the fireball. Behind it was Shamili sticking her tongue out.

"Mind your own business!!" Dave came from above with a kick which was blocked by Myorlin with his staff. "Your business is us..."

Little does he know, the wind I used this time was cold wind with water vapor in it, "Freeze!!!" By that, the air around the monster froze, freezing it as well. Despite of that success, my hands were frozen, too. I really need a staff of my own. "Dave! Shamili! I'm immobilized. Destroy the frozen beast!!!"

"But it's too big!!!" Dave complained. Well it really was...

"Leave it to me, just be sure to not let the enemy do anything to it," Shamili immediately dug down.

"H-hey..." Dave was already too late as she was already gone. "So I'll just keep on attacking him then..."

"Hah!" Myorlin pointed his staff towards the giant block of ice. "I'll just unfreeze it easy!!"

"Nope!" Dave kicked a small rock upwards then kicked it towards him. A perfect hit on the head. "I can do with bigger rocks if you want..."

"D-don't get cocky you brat!!!" Myorlin then shifted his attention towards Dave.

Anyway, I think someone else is here, I looked at my right and saw Claymara still smashing the ground while attacking a mosquito.

"Oh yeah, you're here too. I forgot..." I just looked away after.

"Oi! That's mean! Ahh-" he just continued his fight. Well, he's keeping one enemy at bay...

Suddenly, the ground shook for a while and then Shamili emerged from the ground near the iced monster. "Mission complete..." she then tapped the ice monster once... and the ground below it broke. The humongous ice pop fell towards a deep hole and broke into pieces.

Myorlin got enraged, "I won't lose!!" he began levitating on the air and summoned three space element magic circles. "Eat this you brutes!!!" the three magic circles fused into one, it then spun around, creating cracks on space. Eventually the three magic circles bursted, creating a void which sucked anything into it.

"Tssk... We really need to break that staff..." I looked up at Mark. He looked like he's itching to join the fight.

"Emeralda, let us leave..." the mayor the held Mark by the hand but he took it back. I shook my head to warn him of what he was about to do. "Emeralda, we should leave-"

"No!" I guess he snapped? "Ah, I mean... We should watch him destroy our enemies right?"

"But he might hurt us too-" the mayor was desperate, however...

"I said no..." Mark looked like he's going to eat him so he stayed put.

I then called out to the two, "Dave, Shamili, I may be totally be incapacitated after this so, defeat him you three..." before the two could respond, I dashed and leaped towards the void.

"Friesha!!" the two called out, but only I could do this.

"What are you doing you fool?!" Myorlin smiled.

Without a staff, this is very hard. It's another one of my own creation skill.

"Deep Sea!!" the moment I was about to be sucked inside, the space around me expanded like a bubble with the void inside it. The space then shrunk towards my palm with the void shrunk in it the size of a ping pong ball. "Destroy" I grasp it tight and it vanished completely.

Even with a staff, it gave a me short headache, I wonder now...

"AAAAAACCKKKKHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" My head hurt so much, I didn't even feel the pain when I fell down near the hole Shamili dug. It was truly excruciating.

"Friesha!!!" the stupid fool had to look back to me, he got caught by Claymara. "Ah, I messed up!"

"Ahahaha! Got you now mouse!" Claymara was grinning with joy after finally capturing it's prey.

"Felgard!", Dave turned to look at Felgard, which was a mistake. The ground suddenly grew thorny vines and wrapped around him.

"AHAHAHA!" Myorlin smiled devilishly at the sight of Dave in pain. "This is the best..!"

"Everyone!!" Shamili was shocked that she was left alone when suddenly some soldiers returned and pointed their bows at her.

"Don't move! Or I'll shoot!!" a bowman shouted.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!" Myorlin laughed so hard out of joy. "See that? Since the beginning, you fools had no chance of defeating me!!! No one can stop me now!!!"

Suddenly a hand grabbed his hand which stopped him from laughing.

"Ah? What do you think your doing?.. Emeralda?.."