
Astral Mage

With the humans' desperation to rid the world of magic, Friesha left the perfect hiding place she and her late mother had to pursue the path of becoming an Astral Mage - a title given to magicians who have surpassed the realm of reality towards what is known as universal magic. However on her path, she encounters a young human boy who has the intention of capturing her for the purpose of becoming king. Friesha's hatred for humans have always been very strong ever since the death of her father in the hands of these vile beasts, yet never had the intention of hurting those who serve her no threat. Despite Friesha being already a powerful magician, and the boy's airheadedness and humiliating loss against her, he continues to pursue her through continuous stalking and spying, as well as randomly attacking out of nowhere. Aside from this, she must also alone fight the forces of humanity who would stop her from being an Astral Mage. How will Friesha achieve her goal on her journey. What will Friesha's encounter with the boy be of purpose?

Nirinia · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
82 Chs

A New Discovery (Friesha's note 56)

That day came to an end in the blink of an eye. After hearing what she just said, I have decided to pursue my journey even further. I bid goodbye to Nicole and the children where I received hugs from each of them. They were quite emotional but of course I wasn't affected, I mean it's just a goodbye, it felt nothing to me.Though they were quite sweet but, anyway!!!

The blonde lady in glasses, which I later discovered to be named Pruina, invited me to her house first to tell me about the Tomb of Origin. I never had any lead until now, she is the very first person to provide me information of its whereabouts. Therefore, I asked her more information where she only responded a, "Follow me". After about half a day of travel via donkey carriage...

"We're here," we all stopped at the entrance of a small gate. Pass through it was a small house enough for one person to live. "Just enter and all. I don't want you removing your shoes here, it's dangerous..."

We then entered the gates and into the house. It seemed very normal until the living room greeted us with the dust and spiderwebs to cough out.

"Oi, do you really live hear?" Felgard was coughing while asking. Yes, Felgard came with me. Unlike him, I had the space below my nose put in a small cleaning magic to only breathe clean air.

"Ignore this room and let's proceed to my room, here let's go," we then followed her upstairs and saw the second floor to be a lot cleaner than below. But when she opened the door to her room, it looked like the pile of books inside the room made me feel like a library. The room wasn't that small as probably it just looked like one because of the mess and dust. She then began flipping over some books and papers, rummaging on almost everything there was.

"Uhmm... Is there something we can do?" I felt bad just looking at her.

"Ah, okay then. Will you two please prepare our meal? Looking for those papers might take a while," her voice was fairly heard but I was able to grasp what she said (hehe, long ears).

"Then we'll go downstairs to do so," I grabbed Felgard by the arm and dragged him down with me. "You're coming too..."

"O-oi why should I-oooaaii! The stairs! Slow down!!" Felgard cannot complain after being forced down.

"Make it delicious!!" Pruina's voice got lower as we descended down the stairs.

Upon reaching the kitchen, I asked myself... "Is this really a kitchen?.." Everything was a mess! The pans and cauldrons were in complete disarray, where one cannot distinguish one from the other. The dishes and glasses were everywhere, even broken pieces. The corners were filled with dust and spiderwebs like only a small part was swept with a broom. To make matters worse, there were books too, piled up on the table as well as on two chairs. Papers were treated like designs for the floor in a disorderly fashion. At least the barrels looked fine, so maybe the food too...

"What?!?! These tomatoes looked like death itself left them to die!!!" I covered my nose from the smell which creeped through my nostrils. Felgard opened another barrel and immediately closed it after a second, turning his head towards me with a face of regret. "Ah, glad you're still alive..."

We went back upstairs to complain but, Pruina wasn't there. We came inside the room and found a note saying, "Currently in my secret room, don't look for me."

Felgard then looked at me, "Now what should we do?.."

"Eh?! Well, nothing but wait for her I guess..." I then sat down with the pile of books and picked a random one. I immediately opened the center page and... "KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!"

"Hue?! What?!?!" Felgard looked at the page too but failed to see it completely as I closed it immediately. "Oi, what was that all about?.."

I may be mature but I'm still ten years old... I better make sure to stay clean in both body and mind, "It's something not for you to see Felgard..."

"Heeeeee??! Seriously now I'm even more interested..." he made a serious face like, very serious as he struggled to get the book.

"No! It's not for children and airheads like you!!!" I too struggled to raise the book away from his curious hands.

Out of both our struggles, both of us laid down on a pile of books now completely messed up this time. Dust as well, rose from the commotion and we both ended up coughing. The magic seemed to have worn off so I chanted once more to redo it. When the dust finally rested, I was no longer holding the book, however, what caught my attention was the object that was behind more piled up books which became visible after the mess.

I picked it up to be sure, and was satisfied I did, "This... This is mage's staff!"

"Huee?! Really??" Felgard then came near and looked. "Well, it does look weird."

The staff was about the size of my previous one. It also was a lot bigger to grasp with my hand, yet was very light. The material tree used was the the same kind of tree I used to mold my staff. I held it long in my hand when suddenly, "You like it?"

"Aahh!! You're here!!" Pruina was at the door with some books and papers in her hand. "I'm sorry, I got carried away..."

"That's okay. I don't use it anyway, I mean I'm not a mage like you..." she then entered and placed the books and papers on top of her desk.

"Uhmm... Miss Pruina, might I ask... why do you have a staff?" she then wiped the dust off on top of her desk.

"It's not mine, I just happened to have stumbled upon it," she then sat down and began turning the pages of one book.

Well, I cannot conclude that she could be the one using it since humans can never truly do magic. It is only now that humans were able to do magic. They are starting to completely rid of us. In due time, mages might just be out of existence, our kind may become nothing but a tale.

"Here, come take a look," Pruina called out and I came to look at the book she had opened. "This is a book about ancient architecture, see we have the Temple of Ancients, or in other words, the Temple of Origin. It says here that the mysterious temple's location is unknown. However further down the page... states that they resemble to the Ancient Sacrificial Altars in the past. Take a look at the two images..."

I examined the images closely. The two looked like humongous towers. Although they weren't exactly the same, "You're right, they do look identical. It's just that the two have different artists. But, what's that got to do with the Temple of Origin being here?"

"These temples of Sacrificial Altars were constructed by nomads," she then began to open another book. "See here, these nomads were called Mahika. Doesn't it seem near to the word magic?"

"I have read about these nomads, but not that they made temples since my books back where I came from were limited. But it said that these nomads always leave their places after constructing an altar. I never thought the Altars were huge," I was amazed about what I didn't know.

"It could be that these people were mages in the past since there really was no record of what really happened why humans hate mages, the history books lack the details of creation until the age of Jhurai the god," she opened another book and skimmed through the pages. "Look, it says here that believers of Jhurai destroyed plenty of other temples in the past to show their power."

"I see, still I can't see the reason why you're telling me this," could she be wanting me to know about the Mahikas?

She then took off her glasses and wiped dust away from it, "This city is called Artial, do you not know? Well, the city's name isn't important but..." She put on her glasses and took a paper, "This is an article from Artial two years ago. It is said that a temple was found north from here. Jhurai believers immediately went and burned it down."

"Could it be that?.."

"Indeed, I want to tell you that this temple might be what you're looking for, or might be a step forward to knowing where it is... the Mahikas might be connected to the Temple of Origin."

I widened my eyes. Finally I'm not just going straight to the sun, I now have information relating to its whereabouts. Still I began to wonder, "Miss Pruina, why are you helping me?.. And what made you think I was looking fir the Tomb of Origin?..

There was a moment of silence before she answered, "I had a friend once, a mage... He's the owner of that staff..."

"A survivor?"

"Yes, I met him two years ago. He was very kind, too kind that he was stupid."

"Two years ago? The same year the temple here was discovered??"

"Indeed, he was discovered there, and was burnt along with the temple. I guess he used his magic which was why it didn't really burn all the way through."

"I'm sorry for your loss..."

"Don't be, he was just stupid... That was all. His stupidity killed him. That's all..."

"Did he want to find the Tomb of Origin??"

"Very much, that's why I knew you'd be looking for it too. He told me that based on the situation the mages are currently in, any mage would end up looking for the Tomb."

"I see," I felt bad about her loss.

"Now then, you'll be going there right?!" she then stood up. "Then you better be careful. Who knows what might be waiting for you there."

"Truly, I'll be," I've felt motivated more. I even felt like going there right now. But... my stomach just growled...

"So have you cooked anything?" Pruina placed her right hand on her hip.

"Aah... about that..." I didn't know how to say it. How was she living anyway?

"Well I already guessed there was nothing to eat... but" page then turned her head towards her right. It made me turn my head towards that direction and...

"T-th-th-the Foooool!!" my face turned red.

Felgard was curiously flipping the pages of that book!!!

I apologize for not posting yesterday. It's hard for me to post everyday now but I'll try my best. Thank you very much for reading! Please do give me a review or comment what you think. Thank you!

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