
Chapter 34

Ryder stood up, looking around the mansion before feeling a chill rush over him, a cold wind guiding him to the side of the staircase where he saw another path.

It led behind the stairs, revealing another set of stairs leading down below the earth into darkness, the cold air coming from there.

This was where he needed to go, he could feel it, whatever was down there was the key to ending this nightmare for good.

With a heart filled with determination he began descending into the darkness, the cold getting more and more noticeable with each step.

Frost began to form on the walls around him, on his armor even, this had to be it.

This had to be the source of the blizzard.

This had to be where the host was.

The deeper he went, the darker it got and colder it became, soon feeling as if death's icy grip had gripped ahold of him.

That was until he noticed a faint glimmer of light in the distance, just tiny enough to seem like a trick at first, however the more he focused on it the more prominent it became.

With each step it became more and more blinding until it blocked out his view entirely, his eyes having to adjust to the view.

Slowly the room came into view, ice coated the walls and floors, making everything glow with an eerie ethereal light as the magic flowed through it.

Towards the back of the room was one large ice crystal, inside was the host though she'd changed… her hair now being white instead of red and the magic supplying the blizzard seemed to be flowing from her.

This was it, this was the key to stopping the blizzard and reverting the area back to normal, he just had to set her free.

Yet he paused his approach, feeling something wrong with the area, it was too easy.

Big open room, clear enticing object, easy way to move things forward, there had to be some kind of enemy here.

However as he kept walking he didn't see anything, didn't hear anything, just felt this looming sense of danger with each step.

Then he heard it, a sound that made him freeze in place, ready to attack anything that moved.

A single step, just out of time with his, where had it come from?

It sounded close, too close, as if they were mere inches from him, yet no matter how hard he looked he saw nothing.

Everywhere around him was clear, even the area above him was clear… and then he realized the one place he hadn't checked.

Slowly and cautiously he looked down, seeing his distorted reflection gazing back at him.

In that instant the reflection's arm shoots through the ice, grabbing Ryder's leg and dragging him into the ice.

The feeling of being dragged through ice cold water washed over him, freezing him to the core as he emerged into a new area, a wide open cavern made of ice.

It was large, easily twenty feet tall and thirty feet wide at the very least.

This had to be the source of the blizzard as the cold was enough to freeze his very soul, seeping to the depths of his being as he looked around for anything.

Then he heard the sound of ice cracking, breaking apart and reforming behind him.

Quickly he whipped around, readying both sword and dagger for what may be awaiting him.

However he could not have anticipated what it was.

Emerging from the ice was an incredibly tall, humanoid, monster made entirely of ice.

Two bull-like horns sat on its head, sparkling brilliantly, four long and muscular arms were attached to its torso, and its legs were more akin to that of a goat's.

Lastly, where there should've been a face there was only a gaping void, oozing out a perpetual stream of dark smoke.

[Twelfth Daemon Lord]

[Bringer of the Eternal Winter; Reckham]

Right as his name and health bar appeared, Reckham held out his hands, forming ice weapons in each one.

An Axe, Sword, Spear and Hammer were the weapons of choice.

Each one looked like they could destroy Ryder in an instant, yet also incredibly fragile, as if hitting it in the right spot would break it.

Before he could even plan to attack, Ryder saw the spear heading right for him, it'd easily crush him if he didn't react.

With little time to react he jumps to the side, avoiding the attack and backing away from the Daemon.

How was he even supposed to begin attacking this thing? He was on his own, no back up and no one to create a distraction or to follow up his attacks.

[Are you truly alone?]

The black flame's voice spoke in his mind, echoing around him as the sigil formed on the hand holding the dagger.

Ryder looked confused before smiling, of course he wasn't alone, there was still the flame within.

Had it not been for that flame he might not have realized what the true capabilities of this power was.

"Right, then how do we go all out?" Ryder says, making sure to keep his distance from the Daemon.

[Call my name.]

"Your name?!" Ryder asks, barely dodging another attack in the process. "I don't know your name!"

[You do, it's been in the back of your mind this entire time.]

[If you truly wish to take this power for your own then you cannot hesitate any longer.]

[Reach into the depths of your soul and call me forth!]

[Let the flames of your soul burn away all who oppose us!]

Before Ryder could utter another word he finds the hammer hitting him in the side, having moved faster than he could react to and throwing him into the wall.

A deadly attack that drained his HP under half in one go, there was truly no way he could do this on his own.

Name, he needed to know the name of that damn flame if he wanted a chance at survival.

Weakly standing back up, his mind raced to find an answer as he kept his guard up, going through every possible name until one stuck in his mind.

It wasn't the best, but it was the only one that felt right.

Taking a deep breath he mustered up all the strength he had and yelled out, praying this would work.

"Devour him, Astaroth!"

As those words burst forth a devious laugh echoes through Ryder's mind as a new feeling rushes through him, it wasn't one of overwhelming power, sorrow, or anything else, no… it was something new.

He felt whole, complete.

Black flames exploded forth, surrounding him a pillar of fire, altering his appearance and coating both of his weapons in the flames.

Ryder's eyes turned an unearthly yellow, glowing with a strange might and determination, the whites of his eye turning pitch black as well.

His armor seemed to darken to where it was hard to tell if it was still silver, and his cape was now just free flowing black flames.

[Astaroth, one of the demons of the old world, a fitting title for one such as I.]

[Now then, my other half, let us show this Daemon why you gained this blessing.]

Reckham seemed cautious, but still charged in, trying to hit Ryder with the hammer once more.

However this time Ryder was prepared, leaping over the attack he used the sword to slice clean through the handle, destroying one weapon and surprising the Daemon.

He didn't give up however, instead using the Axe to hit Ryder out of the air, knocking his health further down.

[That was a nasty hit, you can't take any more damage or you'll fall here.]

"I get that Astaroth, but this thing is stronger and faster than anticipated…" Ryder remarks, forcing himself to stand back up. "If we focus on countering the weapons we're done for."

[Then don't, focus solely on cutting him down.]

[Use our combined power to get past his guard and knock him down.]

"Cutting him down… right…" Ryder takes a deep breath, focusing his power entirely on his weapons, increasing the flame's output before dashing in.

Reckham thrust the spear forward, attempting to pierce through Ryder, only to be caught off guard as he jumps up onto the spear, using it as a way to reach him.

Now being the faster of the two, Ryder lets out a violent slash, the flames from his sword cutting deep into Reckham's chest.

Then, after landing on the ground, Ryder uses the dagger to slash one leg and the sword to pierce through the other, causing the Daemon to fall back.

[Don't get cocky now, you have it in a prime position to be finished.]

[Just go for the head.]

Ryder dashes forward, closing in the distance and aiming right for Reckham's head.

However the Daemon quickly raised his hand, firing a barrage or icicles at Ryder, most seeming to miss but a few hitting him in the shoulder and stomach.

It was painful, but not enough to stop him as he powered through, putting all his might and emotion into this one final swing.

In that instance the Daemon's head was removed from its shoulders, the body collapsing to the ground as the room returned to normal.

Ryder, weak and now all out of energy, found himself standing in front of the host once more, her icey prison now within reach.

With a loud clanking sound he let his sword fall to the ground, just keeping the dagger on him, hoping it would be enough to free her.

The black flame danced weakly among it, seeming to match Ryder's own health and energy right now.

Silently he reached up, putting every last ounce of remaining strength into it, barely piercing the ice.

It was enough though, as the ice cracked, letting her free as Ryder collapsed to his knees, vision blurring as he watched her wake up, her eyes lighting up in recognition as she gazed at his bloody and beaten form.

She was shocked and worried, yet he couldn't help but feel happy she was free, why was that?

There was something more than just the soul melding, what was it?

What was this sense of Deja vu?

Why did he know her name?

"Alice." her name softly left his lips as he began falling forward, only to be caught by her as she gently held him.

Softly she took his hand in her own, a tear streaming down her face, her mind wracked with the same sense of deja vu.

A bittersweet nostalgia overtaking her mind as she smiles a little.

"You came to find me again…"

Ryder let his hand intertwine with hers, a sense of relief washing over him as small black flames began to circle them.

Both as a safety net and to enact the ritual once more.