A world in its dying days, the end of the world being held back by a powerful lord, death and decay slowly overtaking the world. That was the premise for the new full dive game anyways, one inspired by rpgs of the past. An interesting enough premise to draw people in, yet little did they know this would likely be the last game they ever played. Magic and mystery awaits, who will survive and who will become the one true lord? Only time will tell.
Upon opening his eyes Ryder found himself in a rather curious space.
Tall buildings made of concrete and metal reach up to the heavens, bright neon signs illuminate the otherwise dark streets and reflect off the pools of water on the ground.
The smell of hot metal and smoke hanging in the air as various commercials ring out from all sides.
There was no doubt about it, this was his home, he could recognize every street corner and neon sign with ease… but why was he dreaming of it now?
All of his dreams so far had been tied to that kid, or he simply didn't dream, that was all that happened here.
[You're here because I figured this would be the place to put your mind most at ease.]
Ryder looked behind him, seeing the Black Flame figure standing before him once more, now more serene and calm in appearance.
Something about its voice soothed Ryder's weary mind as he looked it over, something felt different.
[I could tell you had many questions, and though I have not fully awakened yet, I will do my best to answer them.]
For a moment Ryder pauses, trying to think about what he wants to say. "Alright, well what is this place then?"
[A reconstruction of Neo Atlantis, built from your memories and how you picture the floating city.]
It didn't seem like a lie, everything about this place was how he remembered it.
"What are you?"
[I am a Black Flame, a shard of what you all know as The Slumbering Chaos, we exist within our hosts and grant them access to the primordial flame, however we must harvest fuel from our hosts.]
"The emotions?" he asks, his curiosity now raising as he crosses his arms.
[Yes, though currently I cannot fully harvest due to still only being half way through the awakening.]
"This Awakening, what exactly does it entail for us?" his voice slightly shakes as his eyes sharpen a bit.
[Nothing horrid, I gain a true form and your power skyrockets as your Black Flame becomes second nature to you, so much so that powers the likes of which only four others have gained will become available to you.]
"And these powers aren't dangerous to me or my friends?" Ryder pauses, now trying to imagine what those powers would even be.
[It will only become a danger if you can't handle your own emotions, for if your own emotions take control then the flame will run wild.]
Before Ryder can even get his next question out the flame answers him, seeming to read his mind.
[In order for the awakening to complete you need to give me a name along with letting me fully manifest… and yes, I can read your mind, we're that closely linked.]
"Fully manifest?"
[You are too afraid of me right now to let a full manifestation happen, that is why I'm stuck in this form.]
[Though fear might not be the best way of putting it… it's more like you don't feel like you can be trusted with this power, as if you don't deserve it.]
Ryder couldn't even argue against the flame, feeling trapped in place as he listened to its words.
It spoke nothing but the truth, able to read Ryder better than he could read himself.
This was an outsider in his mind, in his heart… yet it wasn't being hurtful, only honest.
It's voice held a truth that he didn't want to face, yet knew he had to eventually.
[If you don't, then you'll always be shackled down by your own mind, and I will always remain incomplete.]
The Black Flame stares directly into Ryder's eyes, the glowing yellow orbs seeming to gaze through his very being.
[The choice is yours, stay shackled or begin to take the steps to become your true self.]
As the flame says this it sputters out, vanishing into the night, leaving Ryder with only one last thing.
[If you ever need me, call me.]
Now, with the flame no longer there Ryder gazed among the empty streets, feeling an intense nostalgia and emptiness overtake him.
Silently he began to walk the streets as a rumble was heard overhead, a storm brewing above yet he didn't care.
This place, the memories and feelings it held, all of it felt like a weight on his shoulders.
Something he wished he could get rid of yet wanted to hold onto, afraid that he'd have nothing left if he cast it out.
Soon enough the rain began to pour, the feeling of it hitting his head and soaking him to the bone was all too familiar.
How many times now had he just aimlessly wandered the rain soaked streets like this? Letting himself be drenched to the bone as he searched endlessly.
Searched for anything.
The answer to why he felt like this.
The reason as to why the world was this way.
Yet no answers were ever found as he kept walking.
Walking solemnly through the downpour, the rain being his only companion.
Soon enough he made his way to a very familiar park, making him stop and stare.
Memories flooding back at such a rapid rate.
Tears begin to flow as a figure begins to form in his mind.
The only person to give him some kind of answer to all this.
But before he could fully see them, he was ripped from the dream, being shaken awake by a scared looking Melia.
"Melia?" Ryder groggily asked, sitting up now, his head feeling like it was being ripped apart as he looked around, seeing there was no one else there. "Where is everyone?"
"I don't know, after you passed out we hit the docks and a fog rolled in, it made me tired and I couldn't stay awake… when I woke up, everyone was gone, even Teach and the other NPCs." she says hastily, trying to stay calm but failing horrendously.
Without wasting a moment Ryder quickly shoots to his feet and runs up to the deck, looking for anyone yet none remained.
There was no evidence anyone had been on the ship at all as it sat docked against the pier.
No sounds outside of the ocean waves could be heard, and whatever town awaited them was drenched in fog, a fog so thick that nothing could be seen through it.
Ryder took a deep breath as he tried to figure out what was going on, he knew this couldn't be normal.
"Melia, stick close to me." he says as he makes his way to the boarding platform.
"Huh? What are you doing?!" she asks him with worry as she follows behind him.
Ryder pauses, looking back to Melia.
"We're going to solve this and find our friends."