

Astasia was once known as the most powerful woman in the planet of Aether. Truth to be told, she actually came from Earth, a more advanced world in terms of technology. However, coming back and being summoned by the dumpster wasn’t easy until she encountered Kai. An odd yet typical romance between the two most powerful people begins to blossom, while also facing problems that could possibly be a threat to earth.

carmillia · Fantasía
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23 Chs


Astasia woke up with Kai embracing her small body, causing her to scream mentally. It wasn't because they were cuddling, but because of them cuddling, NAKED. Just what in the hell did she do for them to be naked?

"Ah! I-" Astasia covered her mouth when the memories from last night played in her head. Not only that, but it was even painful to move for her, "I can't believe I had my first time... Drunk," she sighs to herself, laying back down and hugging Kai as if she was some kind of giant teddy bear.

"Does it hurt?" Kai woke up, sliding his fingers up her private area, causing Astasia to let out a small gasp, "Hey! No touching ! It still hurts like hell you know"

"Just one time"

"H-hey! I said no!"

Kai was half asleep as he was touching Astasia, but he woke up when she slapped his cheeks while covering her body with the white and thin blanket. The sight of her just turned him on more. Then, it went up and grew bigger. It was quite a sight to see for Astasia, so she couldn't exactly look away from it, "Fine. I'll help you. Sit back," she blushed while frowning.


The couple made their way inside the building while holding hands, "How many women have you done it with?" Astasia suddenly asked out of nowhere, making Kai laugh mentally. If he were to laugh now, she might destroy the elevator.

"Don't be so jealous. You're the only one" he smiled, gripping on to her hand more tightly.

"Haaaah? That's such an obvious lie. You? A virgin? With that face and skills in bed like yours?"

"Just because I'm good in bed doesn't mean I've done it already. Besides, I don't go around sticking it in other people. I have more respect to myself than that,"

"That's a lie! There's no way someone who's skillful like you in bed can be a virgin. No way, no way!"

As the two had a conversation about such thing, the elevator opened and a man watched them bicker more for another two minutes until he finally felt uncomfortable listening to the conversation, "Excuse me," he started, "I am Harvey, the president of Korea's hunter association. What may be the reason for your unexpected visit?"

Considering their reputation, Harvey couldn't be careless with the two. After all, the two most well-known hunters from America was standing before him. Kai, who can easily outrank any hunters in the world and Astasia who can raid double S rank dungeons by herself... It was indeed a powerful pair that will be hard to destroy.

"Bring me to the elf. I want to see her," she says.

"The elf? I'm sorry, but regardless of who it is, she strictly stated to not meet with anyone," Harvey bowed to show his sincerity as well as a signal for peace despite the disagreement, but Astasia didn't care about that, "If you don't lead me to her, I'll force my way through," she threatened, but obviously, Harvey didn't back down.

"Please don't be impatient. She could allow you to see her one day, but not any time soon."

"Bring me the elf or I will kill you and that damn elf that you worship so much," Astasia purposely let out her deadly aura, causing Harvey to grow pale. He knew she was dangerous, but experiencing it for himself was certainly far more terrifying than mere words could describe.

"Astasia, please spare the guy. He is merely following my orders," the elf appeared. Her presence made Harvey bow down in respect, "Lady Mara! Please forgive me. These people are-" Mara, the elf, raised her palm to indicate for him to stop talking, so he did.

"Mara? What kind of name is that, hahahaha! How have you been Nora? Do you like earth?" Astasia hugged the elf in a friendly manner. Both Harvey and Kai were shocked to witness the scene, because for one, Astasia is NEVER friendly. Two, the elf was like a god in the eyes of Harvey, yet she's being treated like a mortal.

"Oh? Who are you? You're really handsome," Nora stepped closer to Kai and eyed him up and down but Astasia stood in her view, "Don't you dare try to take him away from me or I will kill you. He's mine."

"Yours? Asti, since when were you interested in guys? You never gotten close to any men that I started to think you had a phobia but look at you! I'm a proud best friend," Nora pretended to cry.

Harvey watched from the sidelines, amazed by Astasia. Not only was she terrifyingly strong, but even her connections were admirable. She stood on equal footing as the elf he has been worshiping for a while, yet to Astasia she was just a friend, "You still haven't changed. So, tell me, what made a princess like you come to earth?"

"I'm sure you've heard, but Aether is falling into the hands of Demigods. One demigod is already a handful to handle and we don't have enough strong soldiers to fight back against them. Then, someone told us that the mana on Earth is denser, so everyone in Aether thought they could invade this dimension for the mana but it wasn't easy to consume such a heavy mana. Not to mention, word got out that you were the ruler of earth."

"Denser mana? I knew it. It's no wonder why my progress is slow but my damage is stronger than before. Okay, prepare the elven soldier in secret,"

"Prepare? For what?"

"For war honey. We're going to war," a smile formed on Astasia's face, a hint of excitement visible. It's been a few years since she had last gotten herself to war, and the idea of going into one sounded exciting.

However, curiosity also formed inside of her.

Denser mana's are harder to consume and control, so not many people can take it, but even if they can control it, then it's not guaranteed that they will live long enough to grow as powerful as Astasia. Which explains the reason why the hunters on earth were so weak. They didn't know how to properly circulate the mana within their body.

"Nora, you're going to lead the war. Okay?"

"Me? But that's so exhausting. I just want to lay down and use my phone all day."

"Stop complaining and just do it. Unless you want me to send you back to Aether"

"On second thought, I think leading the army is fun."

As the two ladies spoke, Kai and Harvey simply watch the foreign people. Harvey couldn't keep up with the bizarre conversation they had while Kai listened intently. Seeing new sides of Astasia was the most entertaining thing that could ever occur to him, so even if he remained silent the whole day, it was enjoyable to watch her.