
Assistant Hero

Death was always close to me, and death only proved to be the beginning as I awakened to a reality far more sinister than the one I left behind. Assigned the title of the 'Assistant Hero', my destiny is bound to a chosen savior, a hero who does not have knowledge of my existence. My purpose? To serve the selfless role of helping him from the shadows while he's oblivious to my existence. I must aid them from the shadows, ensuring their success while remaining hidden, for revealing my existence would make me a target, just like the hero. ***** Disclaimer: Disclaimer: This novel contains depictions of various views, beliefs, and ideologies that are solely for fictional and narrative purposes. They do not necessarily reflect the personal views, beliefs, or opinions of the author. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real events, persons, living or dead, is coincidental. The author's intent is purely to create a work of fiction and not to endorse or promote any particular viewpoint or belief. ***** Created a Ko-fi account: Any dono is appreciated: ko-fi.com/perseus_silver

PerseusSilver · Fantasía
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66 Chs

Chapter 38: Bat

Perseus POV

After a short resonance process, I can feel where Elpis is at all times, it's like some sort of mental connection, and when I brought up the system, she could look at it, though she can't interact with it.

A-san can even hear her, so that's useful.

"A, what would the reaction of the people around us be if there were a fairy flying around me?"

[A: The reactions would likely be mixed. On one hand, there would be widespread fascination and adoration for the fairy, as they are often seen as symbols of magic, beauty, and enchantment.]

[A: People might gather around to catch a glimpse or interact with the fairy, expressing joy and wonder at its presence.]

[A: However, on the other hand, especially among the nobility, they might see the fairy as something or someone to possess and control for their own gain. They may attempt to coerce or threaten the person with the fairy, using any means necessary to obtain it, even if it means harm or violence.]

"What should we do now? We can either go and give Cedric his sword early or hide here for a while."

"I believe that the choice is yours." Elpis answered

"I'll hide till I'm 13 then, I'll just hide in the 5th floor's forest and build a camp there...I would love to see the old man right now, but the empire will keep an eye on him, going back would only get him killed...I'll just hope that my letter will make it to him safely and have him read my farewell."

"Why don't you claim your sword?" Elpis asked curiously as I stored both of the swords in my storage spell

"I already did."

"But it looked the same...unless that's your desire."

"No...you'll see."


As I descended to the 5th floor, I was once again surrounded by darkness. Though it wasn't as dark because there was a large opening on the other, there was a vibrant grassland, bathed in the soft glow of an unseen sun. In the distance, I could make out the outlines of a town and some other buildings...that's where the other adventurers are.

But as I walked forward, trying to locate the boss, a sudden barrier of shimmering blue light materialized behind me, sealing off the entrance and also the exit toward the grassland, trapping me within.

And the cavern became darker, only being somewhat lit due to the shimmering barrier, and then, from the shadows emerged a pair of glowing red eyes, fixated on me with a growling hunger that sent shivers down my spine.

Before me stood the 5th-floor boss, a colossal flesh-eating bat, its massive wingspan casting a shadow over me that made the room even darker.

"At least the bat is more honest with its wanting to eat me...well the people's hatred of me is also outright honest, but this bat at least looks somewhat ugly enough to reflect its hatred."

"I don't think that we have time for quippy comments." Elpis commented

"How good are you at fighting?"

"I can heal really well, and I can't die unless you do."

"Does that mean I can use you as a shield?" I said as I activated the powers of my eyes.

"I'm this small, I'll also feel the pain and my body would take a while to become like this again if I were to be deformed by the attacks...if it comes to it, I'll let it chew me to bits and keep its jaw occupied."

"Fun." I said as the bat lunged at me.


With lightning reflexes, I dodged its razor-sharp claws and darted to the side, narrowly avoiding its vicious onslaught for the past couple of minutes, but the bat was relentless, unleashing a barrage of attacks with its shadowy tentacles. 

I dodged them and took out my sword, which could cut them like butter, causing them to scream in pain. Giving me an opening, and my sword...I claimed it and imprinted both my blood and mana as instructed, but since Elpis did say that each weapon would become a weapon that the wielder desired...

That would also mean that each individual weapon would have special unique powers to accompany it...however...in my mind...I desired a versatile weapon, swords, spears...so there's nothing better than a weapon that changes shape and powers according to my will.

I then morphed it into a shield to help block many of its attacks. My magical and physical prowess may not be good, but an overpowered weapon should be good enough to make up for it.

"Close your eyes!" Elpis shouted

Elpis then cast this super bright flash bang, with the bat momentarily stunned, I charged at it it and humped to stab my sword into its chest. But the bat was quick to react, its massive wings beating furiously as it attempted to evade my attack.

With a twist of its body, it narrowly avoided the full force of my strike, the sword grazing harmlessly against its thick hide. The bat soared through the air and swooped down, its jaws gaping wide in a fearsome display of aggression.

But just as the bat closed in for the kill, I saw my opening. I applied a burst of wind to my feet and hurled myself forward, I then sliced it up from chest to stomach, the sword was just too good. The bat let out a deafening screech as it crashed against the wall.

I charged at it again and turned my weapon into a spear, I was letting out a loud roar as I stabbed my spear into its eye and pushed it deeper into its brain. With a final, defiant cry, the bat collapsed to the ground.

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

The bat's corpse then dissipated, with only a large fang remaining.

"Man, the shopkeeper was wrong, I did that pretty easily. Even got here alone...well, you and A-san included, so not that much alone."

"Of course, you're the assistant hero, you're stronger than you think." Elpis replied