
Assassination Kingdom

Follow Rokuza a sixteen year old boy and his friends as they find out the truth about the nation of Hoiteron and its corrupt kingdoms and how they plan to eradicate the corruption.

Squidslayer23 · Fantasía
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30 Chs

On The Run

 Leaving the hideout at full speed I made my way towards Ventess. It took about ten hours to reach Ventess even while traveling at full speed. Finding an Inn to rest at I organized my belongings and found a letter addressed to me. The contents of the letter were as follows "Rokuza, I snuck this letter into your bag to help you survive the next couple of years. There is a small group of assassins that are allied with us located in Ventess. I would like you to make contact with them and help them with their mission if possible. Izett is their leader, she usually stalks the market around noon. She is the only person who usually hides her face so she is easy to spot in a crowd. I wish you the best, Saekeya.".

 After reading the letter I burned it before heading to bed for the night. Waking early the next morning I spent a couple hours mapping out the city. Drawing the roads and alleyways in a small journal to serve as a map. It was almost noon by the time I finished the map so I made my way towards the market keeping a close eye on the people I passed. I noticed a woman glancing at her surroundings before walking down an alley. I followed her slowly until she reached a dead end. I slowly approached her with my hands in full view and called out, "Izett, Saekeya told me to help you.".

 I suddenly felt a hand around my throat and noticed Izett was not in front of me. Using my ability I ran to the other side of the alley. As soon as I stopped I felt her hand on my throat again. She said, "I can kill you instantly if I wanted. How do you know Saekeya?".

 I answered, "I am helping him take down the Foract kingdom but I screwed up on a mission and got discovered and came here to Ventess.".

 Seemingly satisfied she took her hand off my throat and asked, "Anyone chasing after you?".

 I answered hastily, "My father Izune Korizaguya, he is probably the strongest knight out of all nine kingdoms. I got a three month head start before Saekeya was gonna leak my whereabouts to get him out of the Kingdom.".

 She hastily said, "Follow me.".

 Following behind her we made our way towards the slums. She led me to what looked like a maze of random buildings. As we made our way I noticed a few people in hoods starting to follow us. We arrived at what looked like a courtyard with a staircase leading down in the middle. Following her down quickly she led me to an empty room with a table and chairs with a lone girl sitting on the far side. She introduced herself, "Name's Adeliz.".

 Izett said, "She can change the way you look and hair color so no one will recognize you.".

 I said, "That's an amazing ability and super useful. Wish we had you back in Foract.".

She walked over to me and put her hands on my face and said, "Close your eyes. It'll only take a few seconds.".

I felt a warm sensation going across my face when she cheerfully said, "All done! Take a look.".

She had a mirror held up in front of me. Taking in my features that were now sharper along with my black hair and brown eyes. I complimented her work before Izett gave me free roam of the courtyard. I noticed three groups posted around each entrance watching me closely. Making my way toward the group that looked the easiest to talk to, I introduced myself, "Name's Rokuza. I'm a new recruit for whatever your mission is.".

The shorter girl bounced around excitedly before introducing herself, "Name's Tilly, nice to meet you.".

 She threw her hand out and almost hit me in the stomach in the process. The girl next to her said, "Name's Aliz. I see you met my sister Adeliz.".

 I shook Tilly's hand and she started shaking hers rapidly. She kind of reminds me of Emelia. I talked to them for around thirty minutes before Izett made her way over to where we were. Tilly and Aliz shifted into a more soldier-like posture and saluted Izett. Izett said, "Gather in the meeting room in ten minutes.".

She then walked toward the other groups. Tilly grabbed my hand and yanked me toward the stairs. Reaching the room Tilly told me to stand by the chair at the front of the humongous table. Before following her request I gathered my belongings from the inn and returned back to the meeting room. The rest of the guards and Izett arrived and took their seats. Izett took the seat next to where I was standing. One of the boys that walked in was protesting, "Why are you standing beside the leader?".

Izett said, "Evrat, Rokuza here is here to help with our mission. He is stronger than everyone in this room.".

Evrat pulled his sword from his hip and pointed it at me, "Prove it!".

I went top speed punching him in the face making sure to pull my punch so I didn't kill him. I returned to Izett's side. As time returned to normal Evrat's jaw collapsed and he did a flip in the air before hitting the ground. Everyone turned towards me with dumbfounded looks. I said, "I made sure to hold back most of my strength. He's not dead but he might not be conscious for a while.".

Izett said, "If that was holding back, I can't wait to see your full power.".

I said, "I can show you sometime but what's this meeting for.".

She finally pulled down her hood revealing white hair and I got a good look at her eyes which were gray. She said, "Each of you will be in charge of assassinating one target each over the next week and Rokuza I have six high ranking knights for you to kill that are guarding the targets. I'll write down everything I know about them and hand it to you later. For now, you are dismissed.".

Everyone but Izett and I were left in the room. I asked, "Is your last name Sayate?".

She turned around and gave me a surprised look and said, "And how would you know that?".

I answered, "A member of my squad has the same hair, eyes, and last name. His name is Arrion Sayate.".

She started tearing up and said, "He's alive. Arrion is my nephew. He went missing thirteen years ago along with his parents. Thank you for the good news.".

I left silently with my things and went to find Tilly who was standing at the top of the stairs. I asked her, "Is there a room for me to stay in?".

She trotted joyfully while I followed her. She led me into one of the bigger buildings and stopped in front of two doors and said, "Choose one door.".

I said, "The one on the right.".

She said excitedly, "So you want to stay with me.".

I said, "I don't mind but maybe after getting to know each other.".

Opening the other door I entered and sat down with my stuff laying down on the bed. I ended up drifting off to sleep.