
Asoiaf :The Rising Son

A secret hidden right under their noses A young Jon Snow realises his worth in the world and vows to make something of himself. People always did wonder what unknowns existed west of Westeros.... Author: DerkAndFullOfErrors AO3 . . https://archiveofourown.org/works/15845781/chapters/36904053

Pantless_Ninja · TV
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39 Chs

A Day to Remember 3


Two days later...

Every passing hour that went by where his brother didn't walk through those northern gates was another pound of pressure added to him. He really wanted Jon to be here for his big day, the raven he'd sent to Castle Black nearly a week ago should've arrived there in only a few days.

And hopefully Jon had received it and was on his way back.

He sighed as he walked along the battlements that faced northbound, he'd been looking out for half an hour in the hopes of catching a glimpse of his brother.

He walked down stairs and headed across the yard towards the great hall. The guests that had arrived for the occasion were currently being feasted by his parents, in the hopes of keeping them distracted from the wait.

A wait his mother was pressuring him more and more to end.

He could understand why she wanted the wedding to happen now rather than later, the longer the guests waited, the more they ate into their reserves for the winter.

Winter is coming after all.

But he couldn't help but be selfish, it wasn't a crime for him to want Jon there and Alys really wanted him to be there as well.

The warmth and noise hit him as he opened the door to the great hall, Greatjon Umber's bellowing laughter filling the room as he laughed at his son cough up his ale for whatever reason. The giant of a man and his son had turned up along with Lord Karstark's retinue.

He reached the high table where his seat in between his father and his betrothed was currently stolen by Arya.

"Shift thee." He said to her as she got to her feet and grumbled something.

He sat down in his seat and gave Alys' hand a squeeze as she looked at him.

"Any sign of him son?" His father said to his right, the bruise around his eye had lost its black colour and currently had a sickly-looking yellow hue to it now.

He knew there was more to it than him just walking into a cabinet, Jon's abrupt departure just made him even more certain. He thought.

He sighed as he shook his head "Nothing, starting to get dark out there as well." He said.

"We can't wait forever for him Robb." His mother said as she poked her head into the conversation.

"I know I know. Give him till tomorrow at the latest and if he's not back then we'll just have to proceed without him." He said as he gave Alys a sad smile.

"By tomorrow lunch time at the latest, gives us enough time to prepare for the ceremony and feast later in the day." His mother almost demanded as she returned back to her conversation with Sansa without a second look at him.

C'mon Jon, don't let a brother down mate.

The rest of the night went in a faze, the only thing he remembers was Arya throwing a spoon of mash at Smalljon's face after he unwisely called her an 'annoying little lady' after she'd accidently knocked his drink out his hand.

Greatjon had laughed the loudest he had that night when all was said and done.

A few hours passed and he found himself tossing and turning in his bed in an attempt to get back to sleep, based on the little light that was coming through the window slats, it was way too early to be getting up.

He'd be too tired to make it through the wedding night.

He managed to get back to sleep as he thought of his future wife.

He woke up with a start a few hours later, the morning rays creating a glow around his window. His chamber door was currently being knocked on.

"C'mon Robb, it's my son's big day." He heard his mother say from the other side of the door before she knocked again. He groaned as he rose from his bed.

The morning went in blur of movement and chatter around him, the whole castle seemed to be at work, servants heading in and out of the godswood where the ceremony would take place.

And before he knew it, it was lunch time.

And Jon was nowhere to be seen.

His disappointment was immeasurable.

He talked to no one as he ripped through his food, the only interaction being his father squeezing his shoulder in comfort.

"He'd have tried his best to get back in time son." His father said. He didn't say anything in return.

He needed to get out of this mood before tonight so he did what he always did when he was in a bad mood, he sparred.

With a dummy.

He must have hacked and slashed at that straw prick for nearly an hour, releasing all his pent-up anger and disappointment, leaving a fresh mind for when he said his vows and became a married man.

"That supposed to be me." He heard a familiar voice say.

He turned around in a flash and saw Jon with a small grin on his face as he leant against a wall with his arms crossed.

"Bloody idiot..." He said as he chucked the blunt sword on the ground and pulled Jon into an embrace.

Jon chuckled "Not too late, am I?" He asked as they separated.

He shook his head "Just in the nick of time." He replied. "When did you get back?" He asked with a smile on his face as he returned his training sword. They made their way back towards the main courtyard and away from the quiet corner he'd been stewing in.

"Just now, would have been earlier if it wasn't for the mess at the gates." Jon said.

He looked at him in confusion "Mess at the gates? Has something happened?" He asked.

Jon shook his head "Not really, guards wouldn't open the gates for anybody. Not allowing anymore guests or something, I wasn't listening properly. Ended up bored with the conversation and found a spot to scale up the wall to get in instead. Lord Stark will have to be warned that there's cracks that can be used as footholds on the western wall, I could've been anybody." He said.

"Don't tell Bran, he'll have a field day climbing up and down that." He japed, Jon smiled in return but it didn't reach his eyes.

He furrowed his brow "You alright?" He asked.

Jon shook his head and smiled at him "Don't worry about me, I'm fine. You should be more worried about your wedding than my mug." He answered as they walked towards his chambers.

He sighed "I'm not worried, I'm just nervous that's all. I was rather upset when I found out you might not be here for the whole thing, hence the act you caught me in." He replied.

Jon put his arm around his shoulder, he sometimes forgot who was the older brother between the two of them "Listen, you'll be fine. You adore Alys, I've seen the way you look at her, and Alys tolerates you so your marriage won't be all that miserabl...ahaha." Jon said as Robb tried to get him in a headlock for that last comment.

He playfully shoved him away when he failed to get a hold of him, Jon turning around and walking backwards as he smiled towards him "C'mon, up your pace Robb. Gotta get you ready for your bride, wouldn't want Alys marrying a stinky Stark...especially her second favourite of the Stark brothers." He cheekily said.

I'm gonna bollock him. He thought amusingly as he caught up with Jon and thumped his arm.

He chuckled as he remembered something, something Sansa had told him "I think you'll be too busy to be worrying about my wife, a little ginger birdie told me something the other day." He said in a secretive tone.

Jon was still smiling but had a confused look on his face "Oh yeah, do tell." He asked.

He gave Jon a wicked grin "Sansa told me that Jeyne likes you. Apparently, she thinks herself half in love with you and she's already started coming up with ideas and designs for the dress." He said, the last part about her being in love and designing a dress he lied about just to see his brother squirm.

Jon's eyes went wide and his smile morphed into a cringe.

Mission successful .

"I've barely spoken two words to the girl!" Jon exclaimed as they finally made it to Robb's room. He entered and Jon followed him inside.

He shrugged his shoulders at him "Don't shoot the messenger, probably those silky black curls on your bonce, or those thick eyelashes you like to bat at her." He said. He was japing of course but he'd missed this type of thing with Jon.

Jon gave him a sly grin "Or maybe it has something to do with my looong, thiiick..."

"Don't finish that sentence." He interrupted.

"...beard." Jon finished as he smiled at him.

He shook his head as he grinned at him "Fuck off." He muttered. Jon laughed at him before telling him he was gonna drop his stuff off in his chambers and get himself ready.

"I'll see you later...brother." Jon said before closing the door behind him.

That was hours ago, now he was stood in the godswood under the Winterfell's heart tree. The cool evening breeze sending a refreshing chill up his back as he stood ramrod, waiting for his bride to enter the grove.

Everybody was in the grove to witness the ceremony, his father would be officiating the whole thing, his mother was stood with his siblings on one side with a smile on her face as she looked at him. Greatjon, his son Smalljon, Ser Rodrik, Jory, Theon and everybody else were stood on the other side, including Jon and Jeyne. The former rolling his eyes as he caught his gaze, Jeyne wasn't being subtle with how close she was standing next to Jon.

Robb grinned and looked at the ground.

He heard someone clear their throat, he turned and saw that his mother didn't look impressed at all as she sneaked a look at Jon.

She couldn't take a break from it for one day, even on his wedding day.

Before anything could be said, his father cleared his throat and nodded towards the entrance to the godswood.

His breath caught as he saw his future wife.

She looked beautiful in her white gown, a light grey pelt laid across her shoulders and a marriage cloak in the colours of her house hanging across her back. Her father was escorting her towards them.

A smile bloomed on his face as he realised she would be his wife very soon.

In no time at all, the vows were taken and sealed with a kiss. The people in attendance cheered and congratulated the newlyweds as the whole procession made their way towards the great hall for the feast.

On the way there he caught a glance of his father trying to talk to Jon as they walked, surprisingly his brother completely blanked him as he took Jeyne's arm and escorted her away from their father. A huge blush emerged on the girls face whilst his father looked troubled.

At least there was no heated words between them, he wouldn't forgive them for causing a scene.

The feast went without a hitch, he spent the majority of it holding hands with his wife, chatting away blissfully whilst giving each other shy smiles. They both knew what was to happen later tonight and their nerves seemed to show within those smiles.

The dancing was interesting as well, he had the first dance with Alys and didn't step on her toes once. Afterwards, he passed her off to her brother and went to sit down. He noticed Jon finishing his dance with Arya before being dragged into another dance by a rather tipsy looking Jeyne. The tight smile on Jon's face was priceless as he danced with her, clear discomfort to anybody who knew him properly.

After all the dancing was done (Sansa must have danced the most by his accounts), the bedding ceremony was called for as Greatjon Umber bellowed out the request.

There were a few men trying to paw off his wife's dress off as she was lifted in the air. Thankfully, his brother was there to send a few elbows into their ribs to cease their bawdy actions.

He himself was escorted to their chambers, a few giggling girls pulling fabric and copping a feel as they moved through the castle.

He was pushed into the chambers by the women, Arya had managed to sneak into the group of girls and ended up kicking him up the arse, sending him barrelling into the room. He could hear her laughter as he closed the door behind him.

He turned around and looked at his wife, she was stood there at the end of the bed in her ivory shift and her white wool stockings. She blushed and looked down when she saw the heated look he was giving her.

He gulped as his breeches became tighter.

She turned around and crawled up the bed towards the head board, giving him a view that left little to the imagination.

His breeches were off in a flash.

She laid back against the pillows and looked at him, she looked excited but still a little nervous as she looked down at his tenting smallclothes and bit her bottom lip.

She's trying to kill him.

She slowly looked back up to his face and locked eyes with him "Come to bed my love." She whispered out.

Robb had never moved so fast in his life.

We're about 2 chapters off the tourney, where things are gonna heat up.

With that being said,

Enjoy the chapter :)

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