
asoiaf singers of the forest

disclaimer it is not my characters, I don't own it in asoiaf before the first man arrived as a children of the forest it is only for giving people idea's so I am not going to write the rest.

Harikrishnan_B · Derivados de obras
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asoiaf singers of the forest

I was reincarnated as a child of the forest or as we like to call ourself singers of the forest. I was called hari in my previous life but here my name is green. I was way before the canon started and i was okey with it as I will not let the winter king be born or let the first man kill any of us. I was born with ability to speak our language. I try to watch others do magic such as warging, planting and craving faces on weirwood trees. When I was ten I could do that too but I wanted more. As I wanted to help our race become greater than it already is. I started to experiment with getting closer to animals without needing to warg and getting the plants grow stronger and faster other than the weirwood trees. I created wards to keep other races away from us when I was 20. Then I wanted to travel as I wanted to know when the first man was coming and the place where dragons are to get them to come with me Or get some of them to bind with me as I was loved by all animals with using my magic. I told my parents and they allowed me to travel. Our people are not overly attached to each other but loves each other without any reservation. I taught other of my findings and helped them to learn it before leaving. With them helping to grow food the giants help to guard us from predators. I even created some spells to change our skin to our surrounding to sneak around without anyone seeing. I was 40 when leaving as a long lived species I was still young. When I reached Dorne I created illusion to make my self look like a dornish and blended in. After some mind reading I was able to guess that they were not planing on moving any time soon so I travelled to valeria as it it now ruled to the ghicari I was abled to sneak around as they have no magicians. May be some soccer's here and there but they were not a problem. I was able to locate where the dragons were. They lived nere the volcanos and I couldn't move them all to live with me as they were just like any other animal but with more magic, power and a little more intelligence. So I wanted to bond with some of them to bring them to North. I spend ten years with some newborns and some adults as they don't see me as a threat. When some of them having trust with me I warged with 10 of them and we were ready to leave. By now I could warg and keep my consciousness. With the help to dragons I was able to return faster. I wanted to create a place like Hogwarts to teach and create our own soldiers to protect my people and create an empire of North with my people in the top. I know that the human will win in the long run as us, gaints, dragons all have low numbers and the humans have more numbers and tenacity to survive. I with the help of gaints, dragon fire and my people created a gaint castle with magic to increase the size inside it and the defense to protect it from anything. It was warded to protect the singers of earth or as I called ourselves elves. I know we are not the usual elves but we love plants we look good if I asy so myself. After 30 years of hard work we finished it but will continue to modify it as the new ideas comes. After some time i created a detection spell when I bonded with the weirwood trees to find magical people with the castle as a medium. I was now practically immortal as the elves bonded with weirwood are more long lived than others. After the detection spell was turned on it will run on its on with the magis power in the castle and the interconnected weirwood trees. I and some of the elves I trained looked for magical children. The ones we picked up were those in ages 10 or under and were abandoned. we did not want attention on us as a war with them will mean reduction in my species number. We will create the soldiers who are connected to us with loyalty spells they willingly took. As I wanted the soldiers to be loyal I created a loyalty spell to bond them to the castle through us and then when they try to betray us their magic will kill them. They were trained in spell casting and their martial ability to better protect them. Apparition was created so with its help the magical soldiers help people people and go to other places to create orphanages to collect children who nobody need. The people without magic are also taken in as warriors are also needed but only the children who have more talent are taken in others are taught to read and count. With them as a base we first created a village with the giants dragons elves and humans in one place. They were not afraid as we are the ones that taught them and they see the elves as parents. It was growing as more are sent to us with the infiltrated soldiers collecting them and sending them here.