
Aslin’s Daydreams

All this time I felt like living in the middle of the ocean with a knife stabbed in my chest. The freezing water steadily consuming me while I bleed to death. I was ready to give up and fall into my despair Until he showed up... He gave me hope. He made me feel loved. I cherished him more than anything in the world. For once I had the desire to swim across the ocean just to witness even a glimpse of him And yet once again, the world has defied my desires For I can't have this man. It's impossible How can I reach you if you don't even exist?

itslux · Fantasía
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6 Chs

The party

"You mean your stepfather?" Naih smiles wickedly.

My whole body froze

What is happening? She knows the President? No, this can't be happening. There must've been a misunderstanding?!

"Why do you look so surprised?"

I feel nauseous. Like one of those fever dreams. I want to wake up. This has to be another nightmare, right? This can't be real. I—

"You have a stepfather, Aslin?" Joana asked. She seemed confused as well. Naih hasn't told them yet?

I absently nod my head and glanced at Naih who was still grinning from ear to ear. So she hasn't. That's a relief

"Yeah, and he's quite an interesting person" Naih spoke assertively. How much does she know? and how did she get this information?! She even knew his business name and quoted that he's an interesting person. Did she send someone to investigate on me? That can't be right. even if she did a background check on me the President's identity wouldn't be easily acquired.

"Looks like you don't like talking about him. You look pale as a sheet" Venice raised a brow. Was I too obvious? This isn't good. She's quietly observing me. I smiled brightly and shook my head

"No, it's nothing like that. I was just a bit surprised" I'm glad that she is also clueless but it worries me that she isn't completely uninterested with this topic.

From my peripheral view I saw Naih smirk. First, I need to calm down. If I keep acting like this their suspicion will grow. However, I'd like to know where she got the information from and how much she knows about him. I can't just ask her about it all of a sudden, Joana and Venice will get strange ideas. I took a deep breath to calm myself and faced Naih

"I'm actually a bit curios. how do you know my stepfather? Our family keeps a low profile" I tilted my head and gave her an innocent look. I have to act natural even if my knees were shaking and I felt like I was about to gag

"Hmm? I wonder. That's not important right now. The point is you can be rest assured that I can contact him whenever I please. There's no need to worry so come with us, okay?" She gave me a meaningful look

"Yeah, you have to come to the party Aslin!" Joana cuts in. Only an idiot wouldn't realize that they're luring me into the party. For what reason must it be? They're trying really hard. Naih even threatened me. What are they planning?

"I don't know" I scratch the back of my head and sighed. Their really cornering me into a tight space here. I can't think of another reason to not attend except for the rotten gut feeling that I have right now.

"Don't be a buzz kill. Like I said, I know Mr.Clarkson

and think about it, if you don't come with us there might be a really strange rumor that'll spread around. Now we wouldn't want that, would we?" Naih grabs my shoulder and stared at me eye to eye. that was an obvious threat. what little patience she had was waning fast

"Rumor?" Venice asked

"Oh, what I mean is her not attending your birthday party! What kind of friend wouldn't attend the celebration of her friend's birthday?" Naih explains right away. I chuckled nervously and averted my eyes. So she's planning on dropping his identity if I don't come? She's really persistent. How much does she know? I'm getting really anxious. If its just his name it wouldn't be too much of a problem, but if she also knows his job or worse if she knows about that old hag?

"I'm still not sure. My parents are quite strict. Naih, do you know my father's personality? You see, He's a bit protective at times" What did you find out. I need to know.

"I wonder If I do?" Naih grins again which made me shiver. Is it because I asked her a careful question? Her answers are just empty and useless. She's doing this on purpose!

What do I do? If I don't come she'll tell people about the President. Even if I'm not sure of what she knows I can't risk it! and If I come, what do they plan to do to me at that party? They're acting so suspicious!

I looked at Naih and her grin never made me feel this sick before "Well? Are you coming or not?"

You're not really giving me much of a choice here.

Is there really no other way?