
Aslin’s Daydreams

All this time I felt like living in the middle of the ocean with a knife stabbed in my chest. The freezing water steadily consuming me while I bleed to death. I was ready to give up and fall into my despair Until he showed up... He gave me hope. He made me feel loved. I cherished him more than anything in the world. For once I had the desire to swim across the ocean just to witness even a glimpse of him And yet once again, the world has defied my desires For I can't have this man. It's impossible How can I reach you if you don't even exist?

itslux · Fantasía
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6 Chs

My Half is Unknown

We arrived at the mall a while ago. We're sitting at a restaurant right now. Everyone looks like their doing good, except me. I still feel anxious. Something doesn't feel right. They never invited me anywhere. I would just tag along and tail them wherever they went and I would either be told off or mostly ignored. This is the first time they directly invited me. This should be a good thing, so why do I feel so anxious?

This group of friends was supposed to be perfect. Not too popular but also not kind of people that you can easily brush off. The only issue here is their terrible personalities

Naih Wilson, a daughter of a famous fashion designer. Her looks is probably her main weapon, she's an attractive woman and has a curvy body. She's also a model. Not a famous one yet but she will be, no doubt. It's her main goal once graduates. Although, she lacks academically and her personality is certainly terrible, she's excellent when it comes to looks and fashion. a huge company wouldn't hesitate to hire her, even now. But she refuses them all because she only wants to model for her family's company.

Then there's her cousin Joana Wilson. More or less their personality the same, they both have rotten spoiled attitudes and if you put them on an island together they will certainly get along before they both die of starvation or freezing to death because their servants wouldn't tend to their needs. They get along just fine and would both agree on a lot of things except for one,fitness. The fact that Joana has no intention of becoming a model already disappoints Naih, but seeing her enjoy eating a full course meal and huge portions of food is almost painful for her to watch.

Despite everything, I'm certainly no better than them. I investigated on their personal lives and even had the audacity to judge them. A pathetic person like myself. But I couldn't help but to get wary of choosing the certain people I'd consider as 'friends' because of what happened to me in the past. I won't deny that what I did was wrong and illegal tho.

At first I didn't want to choose this group because I knew they wouldn't treat me like a friend. Well, no one would, but I'd rather be an unwanted friend to a group that'll actually be useful and a bit more friendlier. Their personality sucked and their public profile itself is uninteresting. Plus they stand out sometimes because of Naih.

But I reconsidered once I discovered that Venice was a part of this friend group. Venice Smith, Is one of my childhood friends back when I lived as poor as a church mouse. I remember it vividly, Her father was a kind man and would always bring the street children food every Sunday after visiting a church nearby. He also gives everyone a wise advice every time he visits and even lets us play with his daughter. A lot of the kids including myself looked up to him and respected him. we wanted to treat Venice like a princess but she refuses whensoever we give her special treatment. With her beautiful smile she would always say "we are all equal". I admired her a lot. I calmed down and felt nostalgic. Those were the days. Me and my friends would always wait for them outside every Sunday. But then suddenly...

They stopped coming...

I glanced at Venice and frowned. I don't know why she doesn't remember me. I mean, there were a lot of kids she got along with but If I remember it correctly, we were a bit closer. I wonder If she actually remembers me and is just pretending not to know me. That's right it must've been embarrassing to be friends with a person like me back then. Or maybe she actually doesn't remember me? I do look a lot different from before. I don't have the courage to tell her who I was. I don't plan to tell anyone about it. I rather be known as a naive daughter of an unknown well off family.

The President's identity s hidden from everyone at my school. Even the teachers don't know him and they only know a little about the old hag since she also keeps a low profile for now. If people knew who my stepfather was It'll be a disaster. The media will go crazy and it's possible that my past to spread. That is the last thing that I want to happen.

In the eyes of the people around me, I am just an average girl that was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.

There is always two sides in a story. Half of it is what the society sees you, and the other half is the real you that not many people should know. Only family and trusted friends will acknowledge this other half of your story. But for me it remains a secret, not by choice but by circumstance. There's just simply no one to tell this side of me. No trusted friends, and I don't consider that woman or the President as my family. I'm certain that they feel the same. These words came from my own mother afterall, so I have no doubts.

My half is unknown....

it's better this way. It makes me a bit sad that she can't recognize me after all we've been through.

In hind-sight, we will never go back as we were back then. Although I do have a personal attachment to Venice, It'll be nice to just stay as her Acquaintance.

"Hey, you look troubled. What's the matter?" Naih asked. I flinched and tried to relax my body

"It's nothing" I smiled reassuringly. She raised a brow at me and then suddenly smiled wickedly making me even more nervous.

"If you say so" she took her her fork and started to feast on her salad still not taking her eyes off me. It's very uncomfortable but I managed to keep my smile plastered into my face "Eat up, you're going to need it"

Need it? What does she mean? I let my guard down, I forgot my situation here. What are they planning to do. I look at Naih with confusion and as if she read my thoughts she spoke before I could even ask "Don't tell me you were only planning to eat at a plain restaurant on a Friday?And on Venice's birthday at that? Wait, don't tell me you didn't know that It was her birthday? What kind of friend are you" She faked a gasp

My eyes widened I glanced at Venice who looked like she couldn't care less "Happy birthday, Venice. I'm sorry, I wasn't aware. If I would have known I would've bought you a gift" I can't believe I forgot! And I was supposed to give her at least a small gift as a token of our forgotten friendship but couldn't find a reason for me to give it to her. This would've been a great opportunity.

"Naih, don't tease her so much. Of course she wouldn't know, she just transferred to our school a few months ago. Isn't that right Aslin?" Joana chuckles as she took a huge portion of the cake making Naih cringe

"Y-yeah. Next time I won't forget" I said cheerfully and smiled.

"Aslin's so thoughtful" Joana mimicked my smile.

They're being suspiciously nice to me today. Seriously, what are they planing? Venice is also awfully quiet. What in the world is going on?

"But where are we going? I have to go home before dinner. that old ha— I mean, My parents will get worried" I bit my lower lip. I almost called that woman an old hag infront of them! That would've been a mess! I looked down trying my best to hide my disgust from the word parents. Worried about me? Yeah right. If I suddenly didn't come home that woman would probably celebrate. I cursed silently when I felt a pang on my chest.

I already accept the fact that she will never care about me again but sometimes I get hurt. They say that when you feel lonely and alone you can always come home and pour your heart out to your family. But what if that said family doesn't want me? Where do I go? Where is home?...

I sighed and smiled bitterly "They will get very worried and I might get in trouble" I kept my head low. These leis make me feel so awkward.

"Hmm? Then should I call Mr. Clarkson for you?It's a Friday night with friends. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if we borrow his lovely daughter for the time being"

I gasp when I heard what Naih said. W-what?

My hands started to tremble and my breathing went heavy. I raised my head slowly to look at them but they were already gazing at me. Their cold stare felt like daggers

I spoke hesitantly "You know m-my father?"

It was quiet. We all just stared at each other as cold sweat drips down my face for a while. Naih gave me an intimidating stare before smiling widely

"You mean your stepfather?"