
Ashura: Reincarnated As A Parasite

Hanagaki Youji, a dojo owner and a black belt Taekwondo expert was shot on the nape by an unknown killer leading to his miserable death in the streets, but then he finds himself as some miniscule monster that can be called a parasite in a different world. With a young female human as his host, how are they going to cooperate in this life? Disclaimer: Art is not mine. All other things such as characters, plot, stories and places are mine. Like any other novels I am to make, it's connected to the Azaverse. Author: If you liked my work, then don't hesitate to vote and or comment. It's encouraging seeing people actually read my novel. Please take into mind that it's my primary source of motivation to provide you with new chapters amongst my pile of work.

Okamura_Clodwal · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Ashura's Incarnation Arc - Chapter 6: The Real Challenge Starts Now

Our journey lasted for half a day, the road was long and seemed like it would stretch forever, however this world's hikes seems to be alot better than my previous world. My biggest guess is because the ozone layer of this planet was perfect compared to the former.

Speaking of the heat, I remembered my resistance or in a simpler term, Asura's body.

As I have devoured the monsters from last night, I gained stats from what I saw. But during that time I was in the middle of surviving the monster's attack so I couldn't check it out properly. I should check it out now.


Name: Fake Ashura

Host: Asura

Race: Mutated Heracles Worm

Constitution: 215/215

Mana: 290/290

Granter: Clodwal Okamura

Skills: [Physique Optimization], [Martial Arts], [Mind Invasion], [Telepathy], [Observer], [Skill Share], [Memory Space], [Matter Conversion], [Detect Life], [Power Boost], [Self Evolution], [Self Regeneration], [Layout Perception], [Fire Resistance Lv1], [Fire Magic Lv1]

Special Skills: [Monster Book]


Not only has my stats increased, it looks like the information has been updated as well.

The name 'Fake Ashura' however seems inappropriate since someone might see it and I would probably be in trouble if they did.

"Hey, I think we're here!"

Seven apprised vigorously as we entered a dead end, she was in the lead afterall. It looks as if we're in a cliff and she's fixedly watching the scenery from below.

"Look down."

As Seven instructed, Asura looked down and what I saw surprisingly took my breath away.

Below the cliff just a few kilometers away was something I assume to be a wide city within a large biome of grassy plains.

"I think I'll be leaving you there, Asura. I hope you'll be fine by yourself."

Asura's attention shifted to Seven and the latter smiled affectionately in response.

Her beauty really is stunning, I bet even girls would be head over heels for her.

Strangely though, Asura doesn't have much reaction. Does this girl lack a sense of anything other than fighting?

"Thank you..."

Asura lowered her head to Seven to express her gratitude. Since I can feel Asura's emotions vaguely I could tell she's grown slightly close to her.

"Before leaving, I'll accompany you until it's safe. Please allow me this, I'm just worried something might happen to you on the way."

I could tell from her words that Seven is the type to be very cautious and careful which is a good quality of young ladies. Back in my world, the young ones there lacked this sort of etiquette.

Asura nodded her head enthusiastically and Seven stroked her hair.

"Good girl, good girl... So adorable..."


I really should always turn this sensation sensor off unless I'm in a battle. Being touched by a girl feels as if I'm betraying my late wife.

Through a ridged path that lead down, we started to descend this forest by foot that turns out to be in high altitudes. It wasn't at all boring as I was deeply engrossed of taking in the scenery from below.

"Seven-san... It's been 4 hours since we started going down. Can we lay back for a bit?"

Exactly four hours.

Asura was panting and drained out of stamina by now, she's been holding it in for this long despite her legs going numb already.

"Ah, you're already tired? Alright then. Let's rest for a while."

Seven didn't look like she was tired at all. Is her body just that strong or something? Even I in the previous world would atleast break a sweat if I walk for four hours without rest, however, she didn't even sweat let alone look a little weaker.

So this is how different the humans are in this world and mine. They're really super humans made to conquer monsters like the vicious beast I fought last night. One of those things could literally mess up my hometown back on Earth, I was only able to beat it because it killed itself. No, to be accurate I wouldn't have been able to beat it that time.

There were no passersby as we resumed our rest and we stayed like this for half an hour until Asura's body recovered it's strength.

After what seemed like two more hours, we've finally descended the mountains and had arrived to the grass plains. The spectacle of the city we've seen was captured right before our very eyes. Nevertheless it's still many kilometers away and it was now fully hidden by it's towering walls.

"I really can't..."

Asura's knees gave and she fell on her knees, I was experiencing the same fatique as she was so I could tell she didn't hold back or acted lazy. I can't blame this young girl to be unable to do crazy stunts like ones I know of.

"Asura? Are you tired again?"

"Y-Yes... I'm sorry..."

"Mhm, it's alright."

Seven sighed and crouched on the ground.

"Asura, you can ride on my back if you're too tired to walk."

"I-It's embarrassing."

"I don't mind. Actually please ride me."

After a few moments of hesitation, Asura eventually gave in and rode Seven on the back.

And now that there wasn't anything to hold us back, we continued our way to the city.

"The line isn't that long, let's go quickly."

Seven sped up and sprinted towards the city's guard post where entry was given. It's amazing how she can run this fast while carrying us and not getting exhausted at the same time. She has the perfect physique I've always wanted all my life!

Then again, Seven is a human. And my host is no ordinary one, an Ashuran that can repeatedly get stronger without any limits unlike humans. With enough perseverance, I can make this girl the strongest creature in this world.

"Your divinity, are you there? You've been quiet this whole time."

All of sudden, Asura's thoughts caught me off guard. It seems she's been worried for a while now since I haven't spoken for hours.

「I am, I'm just mediating on how I'll make you a war machi- I mean a strong warrior in the future.」

"Is that true? Thank you very much!"

「Anything for the sake of my people. You have the duty to rescue your kin afterall.」

"Mhn, mhn."

Asura nodded her head repeatedly that made Seven surprised slightly but she didn't bother asking.

"Alright we're here."

We've arrived last place in the line. It's short so the ones in front of us were only ten or twelve people, some riding horses or carrying goods.

Their attires strongly resemble merchants or commoners from the fantasy films my son used to watch on the television.

"The people from this place seem to dress poorly compared to the people in the Star Continent..."

Seven muttered which was enough for us to hear. We waited for our turn patiently in line.

"Entrance fee of 500 Gryles please."

"Holy shit, I knew it's going to be like this."

Upon hearing one of the guards at the front say what I think is the currency of this nation to a person farther in the line, Seven rudely cursed and ran off somewhere, leaving me and Asura alone in line.

It was after less than three minutes that she finally came back. By that time we were already next in line.

"Okay I got it, sorry for leaving you out here."

Seven came back and tried to rejoin the line but she was stopped by someone from behind us.

"Hey, don't cut in line."

"I've been here first. What are you on about?"

"Liar, just shut up and wait at the back."

Seven and Asura looked from behind him and what we saw was a line longer than earlier. Atleast fifty more people are in line now.

"I swear I was here already, I just went to do something important and came back. I even left my companion in my place."

Despite the rudeness the stranger displayed to Seven, she still acted politely and sincerely unlike last time where she went to fight almost immediately.

"Hey you, are you really her companion?"

Asura nodded after being asked by this person.

"You leave a line and come back like nothing happened? Are you telling us the people at the back, to wait longer because of you?"

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Now now, don't be rude. I'm just saying the obvious."

"Obvious my ass, are you trying to pick a fight or something?"

The man smiled as if this was what he wanted all along. Seven was indeed looking like she'd lost her cool already. But a few seconds later she closed her eyes and that expression faded almost immediately.

"Alright I'm sorry, I'll go wait at the last line."


Before Seven decided to leave, she gave us what seemed to be five golden coins that all had the head of a dragon engraved as it's design.

The man looked perplexed, he was too stunned to speak after hearing Seven's response as she walked off towards the last place in line.

She avoided a fight, but now we have to wait for her too, I think I would have preferred she'd fight back but there's also the possibility that she might get arrested if she harmed a civilian in this territory. This might have been what she had in mind.


Said Asura quietly in her head.

「Should we teach him a lesson?」


Asura answered obliviously and I took that as an approval of me using her body again.

A cavity appeared at the face of Asura's palm where more than thirty tentacles emerged.

They more than resembled a human's arteries so that made me worry if these were Asura's arteries.

With these freakishly vile things that descended towards his feet, I succeeded on tying his shoes' strings closely to the other.

By the time it was our turn to enter, the person behind us who offended Seven tripped on his feet and buried his own face on the ground.

"Agh... Damn it... Who tied my shoes together?! Show yourself!"

Asura and I giggled as we paid the entrance fees and entered, Seven was looking satisfied from afar.

"Fufufu, serves him right."

Seven caught up to us eventually and accompanied us through the bustling streets. This place was brimming with economy, it was as if I'm in a market with how many stalls and people there are in one street close to the gate.

"For now let's find you a lodging."

Seven suggested and we searched together for a place we could use as shelter. Since this was the first time for the three of us to enter this city, we knew nothing of where this and that was and resorted to exploring by ourselves or asking people around.

"Just like you, I started off having no place to stay in so I went to an inn. I think I'll take you to one too until you get a permanent place to stay."

Finally we've reached a place that looked like the suburbs of the city. This location was more spacious and lively than the places we've been in the city till now.

Seven ran off to ask some people for directions and came back to fetch Asura.

The place we entered was an inn with a signboard with two crescent moons overlapping with the other. As the revolving doors opened, a certain sound of a bell came from above us but there wasn't any bell there except for a fancy jewel attached to the ceiling.

The interior of this building had firm wooden walls, a sparkling bronze floor and a bar like style where there were four handsome bartenders and many female staff that I didn't bother counting.

As expected, even those handsome guys got captivated by Seven's looks easily. And even those girls? Now I'm starting to wonder what's wrong with Asura. But I guess I can't convey that to a fourteen year old girl.

A few minutes of negotiation at the bar counter, Seven returned to us gleefully.

"I'm back, Asura-chan. I already paid for your rent here worth a month so it should be okay for now."

Our kind benefactor gave Asura a key with a tag on it that had the number "43" engraved.

"Thank you so much, Miss Seven."

Asura gratefully lowered her head to Seven again.

"During that time you should find a job that pays you well."

"I will."

"And your highness, please take care of Asura from now on."

Seven sniggered.

That word was definitely not meant for Asura but to me. She already knows my guise as this world's God Of War. Plus, there was a hint of sarcasm in the way she addressed me just now.

"Don't worry, nothing too bad will happen even if I'm gone. Take care of yourself, Asura. You only have one body afterall."

Seven turned her back and headed to the exit but suddenly stopped in her tracks for some reason.

"Ah, and let's see each other again someday if destiny permits it."

Seven sneaked a wink before finally exiting from the revolving glass doors of the inn, leaving only me and Asura in this place crowded with unfamiliar faces.

Asura was feeling very uncomfortable due to this. Especially when Seven just left. I have to break this tenseness of hers one way or another before it damages her mentally.

「We ought to check on your room, Asura. Move, let's go.」

"Ah... Y-Yes, your divinity!"

Because of that young lady, it seems like it'll be easier for me to start developing this girl's growth now.