
Ashes of Tomorrow: The Rebirth Chronicl

xMimik · Ciudad
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31 Chs

Chapter 2: First Steps

The dawn of the second day found John venturing deeper into the remnants of the city. His first priority was to find sustenance and shelter. The skeletal remains of buildings offered little in the way of refuge, but they did provide a grim form of guidance through the labyrinth of destruction.

He came across a convenience store, its windows shattered, its contents looted. Yet, amidst the chaos, John found a can of beans and a bottle of water—his first meal in this new world. He savored each bite as if it were a feast, allowing the simple flavors to ground him in the present.

Shelter proved to be a more daunting task. The instability of the structures made them death traps rather than safe havens. Eventually, he settled on a partially collapsed subway station. It was damp and dark, but it was also solid and secure.

As night fell, John took stock of his situation. He had food, water, and a place to rest. But he also had a gnawing sense of vulnerability. He was alone, unarmed, and unsure of what the next day would bring. Sleep was fitful, filled with the echoes of distant memories and the ever-present threat of the unknown.