
Ashes Of Heaven: Book One

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/AMRahi This is a somewhat satiric xianxia story, mainly focusing on mystery solving, absurd humorous situations, and cultivation politics. [ Synopsis ] The universe gives some of us gifts that we may utilize to achieve our goals, reach the highest peak of our vision, holding an edge over every competitor. The universe also takes away taken-for-granted abilities from some of us, restricting us at every step we take forward, bombarding us with obstacles, and rendering us incapable of touching our aspirations in life. How would YOU lead your life, had you fallen among the latter minority? Across the vast Macrocosms of Man, the world of cultivation continues to demonstrate its brutality, its hazards, and its never-ending cycles of conflicts. One day, we find ourselves becoming conscious of the truth of our world....and that's where our story begins. As someone meant to be a weakling, you need to think of sources of power other than pure cultivation- and that's what our protagonist, Han Xuhan excels in.

MentalDemonkiller · Fantasía
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304 Chs

Chapter 89: Business Is Easy With Backers

Contrary to his expectations, sect master Xuan Zi gave Han Xuhan a look full of approval upon hearing his proposal.

"Child, you have a great aptitude for business, it seems. Not many can get past their inhibition regarding their personal cultivation techniques. Few would be bold enough to sell their hard-earned cultivation manual to their peers. I like children like you the most; kids who can see past their narrow vision, overcome the superstitions of their era, and catch the opportunities floating by! This is a commendable mindset. Keep it up!"

Enthusiastically, he patted Xuhan on the head and promised to sign the application.

A bit dumbfounded, Han Xuhan left the sect master's mountain in a daze with Mu Ran and Yuen Zhou alongside him.

All three of them had been through way too much excitement in the last couple of days. It was time for some rest and recreation. Bidding each other goodbyes, the three left for their own huts on different parts of the Black Sheep mountain peak.

Their lessons on cultivation were not as frequent as in the initial period since most of them had grasped the basics. So they hadn't missed any during their mission outside. With the small amount of free time ahead, Han Xuhan planned out what he was going to do in the next few days.

He had to visit the infirmary to get his current weakened body examined, as well as attend a therapy session to eradicate possible mental demons. He also had to make sure Zhanxian was not freaking out in his recently redesigned dao tower. That skeleton was really a disgrace to the undead race.

After dusting off his room and getting another couple of hours of sleep, Xuhan woke up, famished and weak in the knees. He didn't have the heart to visit the sect's kitchens. Fumbling around a bit, he found half a piece of dried, salted fish and some not-so-fresh vegetables. He had bought them just before they had left for the mission.

Well, as long as they did not give him diarrhea...

Using the expensive spirit stone fuelled stove in one corner of his hut, Han Xuhan cooked some soup and gulped the gruesome result down without hesitation.

Food had a certain taste added to them when cooked by oneself. So it wasn't that hard to feel immensely proud of himself, satisfied with the quality of his meal afterward, basking in the afterglow and letting his thoughts wander peacefully.

It was time.

Han Xuhan got up, cleaned his face, took the stack of papers Mu Ran had given him, and walked out of the hut with determined steps. On his way, he passed by Mu Ran's hut and asked him to tag along to the archives to file their application. Mu Ran waved a hand at him, seemingly busy contemplating something complicated.

"I'm in the middle of an enlightenment, underling. I'll go there once it's finished. My vast experience tells me that it should last for only half an hour more."

Feeling a familiar stuffy sensation all over his heart, Xuhan took his leave.

He had thought of some issues that might crop up in the near future. And he had never been the sort to wait for shit to happen before he made his move. Acting passive in a xianxia world was something only protagonists could manage. As a nobody, Xuhan had to stay active and prepare for misfortune ahead of time.

The sun had gone downward by a notch, signaling the approach of the evening. Han Xuhan's emaciated figure drew quite a large amount of attention in the daylight as he walked over to the archives confidently.

"Look, isn't that brother Xuhan from the Bullshit mountain peak?"

"You're retarded if you think the reputation of the Black Sheep Peak is gonna stay the same with a talent like sister Zhou and that weirdo Mu Ran. Better stop with the name-calling before you get punched in the face."

"Brother Xuhan was only gone for a couple of days. What happened in the meantime? Look at his face!"

"Did he meet one of those legendary succubi and gave into its seduction?"

"Yeah, now that you say it, it does look like he was sucked dry out of his yang essence."

"What is this 'yang essence' thing, brother? Is it just a fancy way of saying cu-"

Han Xuhan's eyelids twitched non-stop as he heard similar conversations taking place wherever he set his foot on.

Meeting a succubus and having his yang essence sucked out?

It was apparent that most of these fellow brothers and sisters of his had never faced the terrifying word hiding outside the sect. Once they began taking up problematic missions as well...hehehe.

But his skin was thick enough to completely ignore such whispers. With an expressionless face, he searched for the senior who was in charge of managing the archives. It wasn't difficult to find him. The older disciple was hiding under a mountainous stack of papers and scrolls, busy copying them carefully.

"Good morning, senior brother. I'm here to file an application."

"No charity here, kid. We don't give freebies." The senior did not spare him a second glance.

Han Xuhan knew not to feel insulted, as he had faced many similar situations during his time inside the sect.

"I'm not asking for freebies. I'm here to sell a cultivation technique to the archives," he replied calmly.

The disciple looked up, startled. Giving Han Xuhan an appraising look up and down, he seemed to come to a realization.

"Ah, you look like you've been through some troubles, junior brother. Did you incur too much debt?"

"Well, I am indeed in some debt, but-"

"Tsk, tsk, brothelmongering at an age so young. Of course you would be in debt." The senior disciple wore a very judgmental look on his face.

Han Xuhan truly wished to spew a volley of insults ranging from a sophisticated litany of idioms to the classic 'your-mom' card. But this was a senior disciple holding a good position in the sect's management field. It would be unwise to give into his base temptations in a dealing so crucial to his future.

"I have some connections in the upper ranks of the sect, senior..."

"Call me brother Lin."

This time the senior disciple's tone was more polite. He didn't waste time spouting unnecessary comments.

With a rather fake smile, Brother Lin handed a scroll to him.

"Fill the form up. If you've got a copy of the cultivation manual with you, attach it to the scroll with the seal on the table. Once you're done, I'll send it to the authorities to get it evaluated. You're gonna have to wait for at least a week or so before it gets approved. After all, we can't let any random technique be sold on our archives."

Han Xuhan nodded and carefully read the entire scroll full of questions, with blank spaces provided for the answers. There were lots of legal terms involved, as well as a bunch of contractual conditions...

His previous experience with such forms was not pleasant, to say the least. He started filling the blank spaces with answers as carefully as he could, making sure he didn't miss any loopholes or traps. Every time he found himself unable to understand a professional term, he made sure to ask the senior disciple in front of him, who explained them rather patiently, a knowing smirk on his face appearing from time to time.

In simple terms, Han Xuhan chose to sign an agreement between himself and the authorities of the archives that described the terms and conditions he had to abide by in order to get his cultivation manual some exposure. The sect would pay him according to the evaluation his cultivation manual received.

The rates were quite clear. For cultivation manuals that could only be displayed on the first floor of the archives, the maximum price was five thousand spirit stones.

For techniques worth displaying on the second floor, it was around eight thousand.

For the third floor, the price could easily go up to fifteen thousand. The prices mainly depended on the elders' evaluation of the technique, with small room for negotiations.

As for the floors above that, Han Xuhan's application form did not provide any information other than stating that those had custom rates.

There was also a small amount of commission for the provider of the technique every time it got sold.

Compared to the number of spirit stones he would receive for selling the technique to the sect, the commission was negligible. But Han Xuhan wasn't so dumb as to ignore it or fall for a certain juicy offer that stated that if he handed over the rights to his commission and title of ownership, the sect would pay him double the price of his manual.

Long-term benefits were a much better option, especially considering how easy it was to get robbed of his wealth in this dog-eat-dog world.

Further down, he had to fill in the blanks with the background of the technique and the personal information of the seller of the manual, in other words, he himself. And this was where Xuhan executed his next maneuver, filling the blank space with two names rather than one. Now it read:

Provider(s) Of The Manual:

1. Han Xuhan

2. Mu Ran

Han Xuhan then proceeded to fill up the next parts with both of their personal information, as well as naming Mu Ran as his partner in business.

With this added, it'd ensure that no greedy bastard would get away after messing with him during the deal. Mu Ran was not someone anybody could walk over!

Giving Mu Ran a share of the money was something he had planned originally to begin with. Firstly, he felt a bit bad about manipulating Mu Ran into giving him the technique, even though he somewhat deserved a compensation. To Xuhan, taking advantage of smart, cunning opponents was not an issue to be mentally disturbed about, but taking advantage of a dumbass like Mu Ran left a bad taste in his mouth. It felt like stealing a child's toy.

Ever since Han Xuhan had seen that proud look on Mu Ran's face when he was handing the manual to him, Xuhan's conscience had been going through some struggles.

In the end, he had decided that since he was receiving the benefits of being an underling, he would return the favor as long as it wasn't too difficult. Saving Mu Ran and Yuen Zhou in the Holy Land of Laws was something he would have done regardless of his job as an underling. So it did not count as much of a favor.

For the current Xuhan, a few thousand of spirit stones meant nothing but some lengthy cultivation sessions. If it got rid of the uncomfortable feelings in his heart, it would be worth it.

"I wonder if my grip on that golden thigh named Mu Ran will get even stronger after I do this..."

Shaking those insidious thoughts out of his mind, Xuhan focused on filling up the application form. Sometimes being able to scheme was not a boon. Even though he had put Mu Ran's name in the provider list out of his goodwill, he couldn't deny that a small portion of his mind had approved of this maneuver only due to the security and extra benefits it brought. It made him feel slightly pissed at himself. But at the end of the day, this was his true self. He couldn't change that.

By the time he had finished filling up the entire thing, Mu Ran appeared in the distance, just in time for the signing.

"How did your enlightenment session go, boss?" Xuhan asked him curiously.

"Mm, I comprehended another small technique. I shall soon reach the peak of the fourth layer of the physique transformation realm, it seems. Might need to venture out again for some experiences and resources if I want to break through soon," Mu Ran replied off-handedly.

This was it! This was his chance to strike! Indeed, when it came to a protagonist's need for resources, the heavens would surely find a way for them to fall on his lap, one way or another.

With a dashing smile, Han Xuhan handed the application form to Mu Ran.

"Take a look, boss. I don't think there is any need for you to take such massive risks again. How can I call myself a good underling if I cannot solve some minor financial problems for you?"

Stunned, Mu Ran ran his eyes over the application that included the contract papers and the terms of the deal. His eyes froze over his name under the manual provider list.

"...Underling Xuhan, this is- "

"Do not refuse, boss! This is as much for your good as mine. I cannot accompany you outside within a short period of time. But at least I can delay your departure till I recover some of my strength and boost our cultivation bases slightly. This technique originally belonged to you anyway. Do you really think I, your underling, would stoop so low as to leech off you?"

Han Xuhan's words were dripping with heartfelt emotions. It was almost a replica of the situation two nights ago where he had been busy mending the cracks in their wonderful, mutually beneficial relationship. Mu Ran was disarmed in seconds.

"Alright, I can accept that," Mu Ran said with a sigh. His eyes now shone with faint gratitude every time he gazed at Xuhan.

After they handed the application form over to the senior disciple who examined it thoroughly, Xuhan finally heard the words he had been waiting for.

"Okay, everything seems to be in order. Wise decision choosing the commissions, I must say. Most desperados who sell their cultivation techniques usually go for the double-priced deal. Now you need to wait for a few days for the elders to evaluate this technique. I'll send it for evaluation right now."

Finishing his lecture, the senior disciple did that cool trick that had amazed Xuhan on his first day as a disciple. The scroll vanished in the air with a fiery burst, carrying the application form with it to the elder who would instantly receive it via the technique.

"Mm, your work here is done. I'll send somebody to summon you once the papers get sent back. Wait for about a week-"

The senior disciple stopped midway, distracted by the appearance of a fireball appearing in front of him out of nowhere.

A scroll dropped from it and the fireball receded into nothingness.

It was a very familiar-looking scroll.

"I don't remember sending out any scroll before this..." the senior disciple muttered with a confused expression on his face.

The corners of Han Xuhan's lips curved upwards.

As the senior disciple opened the scroll, the familiar application form tumbled out, now showing a colorful seal on it bearing the sect master's signature, as well as a paper containing the evaluation and payment details.

It was the sect master himself who had evaluated it!

The senior disciple's eyes widened in shock. He was by no means an idiot. It was impossible for it to have happened within such a short period of time.

This unassuming kid in front of him had personal connections with the sect master himself!

He hadn't fully believed Han Xuhan when he had first heard the boy boast about it. But it turned out to be true!

Sect master must have been aware of this deal and the technique involved beforehand!

Gulping audibly, the senior disciple forced himself to smile as he did his job and took care of the rest of the miscellaneous paperwork personally.

It was a golden opportunity to establish a friendly relationship with this well-connected young man named Han Xuhan. The senior made use of it more smoothly than Xuhan himself could have.

A young man experienced in the way of the real world- that was the impression Xuhan got from him.

By the time Xuhan and Mu Ran left the archives, they were calling each other 'brother' not just formally, but also affectionately.

"Goodbye, brother Lin," Han Xuhan shouted one last time, his hands clutching the sealed promissory note from the archives that stated that the treasury of the sect would have to hand out five thousand spirit stones to the bearer of the note.

"Goodbye, brother Xuhan," the senior disciple waved his hands at him cheerfully.

"That felt quite refreshing," Mu Ran muttered. Even he had noticed the change in the attitude of Brother Lin.

Han Xuhan nodded slowly.

"Of course, boss. Showing off is super satisfying."