
Ashes Of Heaven: Book One

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/AMRahi This is a somewhat satiric xianxia story, mainly focusing on mystery solving, absurd humorous situations, and cultivation politics. [ Synopsis ] The universe gives some of us gifts that we may utilize to achieve our goals, reach the highest peak of our vision, holding an edge over every competitor. The universe also takes away taken-for-granted abilities from some of us, restricting us at every step we take forward, bombarding us with obstacles, and rendering us incapable of touching our aspirations in life. How would YOU lead your life, had you fallen among the latter minority? Across the vast Macrocosms of Man, the world of cultivation continues to demonstrate its brutality, its hazards, and its never-ending cycles of conflicts. One day, we find ourselves becoming conscious of the truth of our world....and that's where our story begins. As someone meant to be a weakling, you need to think of sources of power other than pure cultivation- and that's what our protagonist, Han Xuhan excels in.

MentalDemonkiller · Fantasía
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304 Chs

Chapter 239: The Prophecy Fulfilled

"What? How?!"

Shen Mi's astonishment was understandable. Han Xuhan didn't keep her in suspense and explained immediately.

"Leng Qing predicted that there would be NINE members of the invasion team from my sect, not four."

Shen Mi's eyes widened. Indeed, she hadn't given any thought afterward to Leng Qing's prediction. But when Han Xuhan and his team revealed themselves, there turned out to be only four of them, corresponding to her own prediction.

If she was the one with the correct prediction, how did Leng Qing's prediction light up two floors on the Mouth of Destiny?

"You're saying that Leng Qing cheated?! By some unknown method, he manipulated the Mouth of Destiny?! Impossible!"

Her shout alarmed the dozen disciples who had gathered in her yard. Han Xuhan's mysterious smile got wider.

The Mouth of Destiny was one of their most revered treasures! It was nearly inconceivable to them that someone would be able to manipulate its evaluation according to his will.

But the facts of the circumstance proved to be pointing in that very direction. Despite giving a false prediction, Leng Qing had been able to get the recognition of the Treasure.

One of the sharper disciples immediately argued back, though.

"Leng Qing didn't lie about the second part, if I remember correctly. We are really colluding with you in a sense. So why would he need to lie about the first part?" she said. Her words were logical, earning her nods from both her peers and Han Xuhan himself.

"That's the brilliant part of his plan. He was trying his best to weaken your faction. But he knew that a mere prediction would not have much of an impact. He needed attention from the entire sect. He needed the trust of every opposing faction here. And he needed a catalyst to cement the concept of the Phoenix faction's collusion in everyone's mind! So that was why, despite not being an experienced stargazer, he joined the competition 'to have fun'. He used your predictions as a springboard, not only proving you wrong by manipulating the evaluation system, but also using that falsified momentum to throw out his real trump card, the accusation of collusion. Hahaha!"

His explanation stunned the disciples of the Phoenix faction. Slowly, they began to whisper among themselves, exchanging wary, meaningful looks.

"If you think about it, even the phrasing is suspicious. Is this really a collusion, what we're doing? I'm helping your faction out of my goodwill, without asking for anything in return. I'm helping your sect get its talented disciples back, hopefully. So, why would any disciple of this sect label this as a collusion? That's a pretty odd word to choose, out of so many options, is it not?"

When one's own interest was in danger, their visions would narrow. Han Xuhan was using this principle to its utmost degree. These guys wouldn't care too much about tiny logical loopholes and alternative explanations when a scapegoat for their failures has been found.

In actuality, the reason why he found Leng Qing suspicious was because he had managed to detect the existence of the foreign entity hiding inside his dao tower, one of the prisoners of the burning planet.

Even if Fang Xie hadn't forced him to target Leng Qing, Han Xuhan would have investigated him. He didn't believe that a mere cultivator at the fifth layer had the ability to trace what was hidden inside his dao tower.

He was trying to hit two birds with one stone. Not only would Fang Xie's orders be taken care of, he could also figure out how Leng Qing knew of his not-so-apparent possession.

It didn't take much more convincing to make them believe that Leng Qing really harbored some evil intention. Perhaps even Feng Jun had warned them of hidden enemies in the sect last night in his secret message. Seeing their steely look, Han Xuhan nodded to himself with satisfaction and asked them to lead the way to Leng Qing's cabin.

"Fellow cultivator Xuhan, I think we should clear some things up before we confront Leng Qing about his misconduct, as well as whatever scheme he might have behind it," Shen Mi said from his side as they walked by the edge of the outer ring island.

"Sure, sure. Go ahead, speak your mind." Han Xuhan was in his most agreeable mode.

"Just because Leng Qing might possibly be scheming against our faction doesn't mean we can simply apprehend him with the accusation. Even if he is, he hasn't committed any crimes other than manipulating the result of the Mouth of Destiny. So I believe we should talk it out with him, first of all. Brother Feng Jun also explained in his message that he isn't sure whether Leng Qing is the mastermind or someone else has been using him as a front to attack our faction. Regardless, we cannot attack him over factional disputes when there's no proof of major crimes."

Han Xuhan hadn't expected much more than that, in all honesty. He was happy enough to have a dozen strong cultivators accompany him on the way to Leng Qing's house. He hadn't actually planned to use their abilities in the upcoming confrontation with Leng Qing anyway.

"It's okay. I understand your position. I'm also hoping that the meeting doesn't turn violent. To make sure that Leng Qing doesn't misunderstand anything, all of you should stay hidden outside while he and I meet. Even if he's guilty, he won't admit anything if he's surrounded by his opponents and can be overpowered easily. With just me, however, he'll be a lot more relaxed. I'll do my best to dig out whether he's truly the culprit or who the real mastermind behind him is." Xuhan explained the plan to them in a light tone.

Shen Mi and her team looked quite touched by the sheer length he was willing to go to help them.

"Fellow cultivator, I really do not know why you'd be so selfless, doing your utmost to help us when you have nothing to gain..." One of them spoke in a heartfelt tone.

Han Xuhan cursed her in his mind. The way she put it might just raise any sharp-witted person's suspicion.

Laughing woodenly, he quickly dispelled any seeds of doubt that might have sprouted among his dozen followers.

"Don't get it wrong, fellow cultivators! I'm merely investing. I do expect returns, just not now. I have great faith in Brother Feng Jun's capabilities. If we can get him out of that world fragment, I'll have a great ally here in your sect. The gratitude of an entire faction of a famous sect like yours is nothing to scoff at!"

His words did little to downgrade their view of him, but it was just enough to make them not find his unknown motives a source of potential danger. When someone spoke so clearly of his impure motives, not even the most unsuspecting man would be in any doubt of his suspicious character. But at this point, the arrow had been shot. They needed a place to start the investigation from, and Leng Qing was their only lead. Whether Han Xuhan had other plans in mind took the backseat in their list of concerns.

With that issue resolved, they reached Leng Qing's cabin. The door turned out to be ajar, signaling that unlike most of his fellow disciples, Leng Qing had not left to seek glory in the heart of the archipelago. Seeing the opportunity from a distance, Han Xuhan stopped in his stride.

It was truly convenient. In fact, Han Xuhan distinctly felt that it was a little too convenient...how everything had worked out for him so far.

Finding the sight of the open door suspicious for some reason, he shook his head and gestured at his dozen companions to stand guard outside.

"Suppress your auras. Only come in if I shout for you to. Otherwise, don't reveal a single trace of yourself, no matter what! The situation inside might get heated. Do you have any ways to peek at what's happening inside without alerting him?"

What Han Xuhan actually wanted to know was whether any of his actions inside the house could be sensed or seen by these fellows.

Two of them nodded. One of them apparently had a cloaking technique to turn himself invisible. It made peeking through windows and doors rather convenient.

The other youth said he could track living organisms inside a limited area around his body. He would be able to sense anything they did inside the house as long as he could stand close to the house.

The others would just rely on their enhanced auditory capabilities to eavesdrop on them.

Han Xuhan let them pick their positions. Now that he knew who were watching and how they were watching the spectacle, he could act out his plans properly.

Just before entering the yard, he summoned Tun Shi Tian and called the guy who claimed he could track all living organisms inside the house.

"Can you sense this owl skeleton?" he asked.

For a brief moment, the disciple seemed to put all of his focus on Tun Shi Tian's body. Confusion appeared in his eyes soon.

"It's...very vague. Almost like a shadow. Strange!" he muttered in wonder.

"Can you sense him?" Han Xuhan repeated himself.

"Almost, but not as clearly as a regular living organism. If I don't focus on it actively, I won't be able to sense it or keep tracking the bird's movements."

Han Xuhan nodded gratefully and carried Tun Shi Tian on his forearm, stepping inside Leng Qing's yard brazenly.

The game began at that very moment.