
Ash: The Untouchable

Addicted_69 · LGBT+
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26 Chs

22. Capital City Shoya

I was reading the report Alystar gave me and when I finished I turned my attention to the letter he sent me. I picked it up and tried to feel out the content. Just as I thought, they were probably IDs. After confirming it, I saw Astra coming down with his usual set of clothes and tools like me.

He sat opposite to me and started eating what he ordered after it came. " Where are we going ? " he asked when he was done chewing. " Up, " I said and handed him his ID card. " Remember it's information " it will be suspicious if they ask for our date of birth and we wouldn't know. So, knowing your ID cards, basic information is a must.

After we were done eating, I went to wisut Alystar one more time before going out. we went east and stopped somewhere in the middle of the Zephyr Empire.

There was a village next to forest elves that aren't that hard to get along with since thayre gentle and kind but they are also extremely arrogant as well as some are digusted with us humans since we kidnap they'res and our own kind and sell them as slaves so only some are ok to be friends with.

We made our way to the station where an airship was almost full. When we wanted to bord the it we had to pay the entrance fee, and it was hell everything was so damn expensive.

We had to pay for a room too and the room wasn't even pretty and it was still really expensive. If I didn't have the treasures from the ruins, I would be broke !

' Well, since I paid so much, I might as well look around. ' With that, I walked out of the room and down the halls.

The board was full of people, and most of them looked expensive. That doesn't really suprise me. No wonder most of the people of floating icelands never touched the ground thay don't even have money to fome here.

I walked to the corner and looked down and I could see the elven forest covering everything. I wonder how the view is from the top of the palace. I heard that the top of the Zephyr palace is the highest point in Aurora continent.

It was soon evening. Astra and I moved to the dining hall. The dining hall was spacious and full of nobles, making it look like a banquet.

I sat down at the long table full of people, and Astra sat next to me. We started eating when a noble lady approached us. I didn't pat her any mind and continued eating.

" How rude of you not to greet me, " she said as she was eyes me. I didn't want any problems, so I said " Hi " and continued eating, " Do you know who I am ! " fuck what is this some cliché moment I don't have the nerve to deal with this.

" No, and you interrupting my meal. Go away. " When I said that, she didn't react really nicely well. What did I expect from an entitled bitch. She started going on about how I don't know my place and that she wants to sit here and I was heaving enough of it.

" The may I know who I offended? " I asked with a polite tone she hrumped and said, " I'm Amelia Kartiego " I took a mental note of her as later when I arrive I will go visit one of the managers there and tell him her name so thay can make sure their family suffers.

" ok, " after repling, I didn't pay her any mind further. I covered my ears with mana so I couldn't hear her. Completely deleting her from my world.

After a while, I heard a tap on my shoulder and turned around, and saw a guard that belonged to the ship. He pointed at his ear, and I dispersed the mana around my ear, making me able to hear everything.

My look switched between the guard and the lady. Then I reached out to my pocket and pulled out a ticket with a number corresponding to the seat.

I was a bit worried that the guard would still be on her side and that this little thing would continue to unfold. I can't even show them my family emblem as the word would spread quickly, not to mention Astra would know who I am, and i would like to postpone that. I know my identity will be revealed sooner or later.

I dont have to worry about the dark elves trough. Back at the dark elfs village, the guards kept thayre mouths shut, and I'm sure they will continue to do so. Dark elves are sensible. That's why our family is quite close to them.

Thankfully the guard understood the situation and it seems he has been dealing with a lot of entitled bitches over the years of his work experience.

At an early morning of 2am, we arrived at the capital city of Zephyr Empire called Shoya. Astra and I parted ways as he went to get a room in an inn, and I went to the manager of this information branch. Most managers are also captains of strong assassin groups, but there are exceptions like Finn, but they get protected by strong captains too, and that's Emily's job.

The manager here works in an old clock shop I a corner of the back ally. I walked in, and when I opened the door, a bell rang. It was beauty heard as various watches and clocks were making noises. The shop looked old but welcoming. It smelled like wood. When I got to the counter, I took off my mask, and the manager behind the counter looked startled.

He didn't know me personally, but as a manager and a captain, he must know my face at last from papers. " Hello, you must know who I am right, " I said in a monotonous voice. " Yes, may I have other proof ? "

As expected of a captain. It would be stupid o di a favor to anyone with black hair and silver eyes if they looked like me. I complied and took off my glove and released a bit of my black mana.

" Thank you for your confirmation." After thanking me, he continued, " What can I do for you ? " he asked.

" First of all, a lady named Amelia Kartiego, I want you to make her suffer for a bit. Second, I want you to get me an invitation to an underground auction house that is happening this month. I want to go somewhere where I can buy the best slaves. Also give me a lot of money. " I handed him my family emblem since I knew he dosnt have that much authority. If anyone else heard this kind of request, then it would still be a mercy to be called crazy.

He looked at the emblem and took it. " I will take great care of it, your majesty, " he said. " I hope you will. " After that, I walked out of the store and headed to the inn Astra, and I decided to sleep in.

After asking the receptionist, she handed me the key, and I went to my room to sleep as it was already morning and I'm tired.