
Ash born with aura and psychic powers

Ash was playing in virdian forest when he was 5 years old and flock of spearrows attacked him but ended up saved by mew and awakened his aura and psychic powers. Follow his journey smart ash,op ash,mature ash and also in Kanto leadue he will face Tobias but to find out who will win read about it and he will not catch legendary Pokemon but make his normal to able to defeat them. And don't worry each chapter atleast have 4,000 to 10,000 words.

DaoistcRNLqo · Cómic
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15 Chs

First gym battle

It's been one day since Ash and Misty left Viridian City and started their journey to Pewter City. But to get there they have to go through Viridian forest… and that forest is filed with Bug type Pokémon… and Misty hates Bug types.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" screamed Misty after seeing another Bug type.

Ash sighed for what must be a hundredth time since they entered the forest yesterday. He turned around to see what it is now, and saw a Caterpie standing in front of Misty and looking at her.

After a few more seconds of looking at her, Caterpie gave a small smile and started moving toward Misty.

"AAAAAAAAAAAH, get away from me, I hate Bug types, I hate them, I hate them!" Yelled Misty and run away from Caterpie.

Seeing Misty yell like that and run away from it, Caterpie's eyes watered with tears and turned around to leave, but before he could Ash approached it.

"Hey, don't feel so bad about what she said, it's nothing personal, she is just afraid of Bug-Type Pokémon," said Ash to Caterpie and gave it a little pat on the head.

Small Bug-type Pokémon looked at Ash, and after a few seconds gave a small smile and leaned in Ash's touch. "Caterpie Pie Cater", said Caterpie.

"You don't have to thank me Caterpie, I just said the truth," said Ash with a smile before he asked.

"Hey, would you like to come with me on my journey?" Asked Ash. "You can help me to reach my dream of becoming Pokémon master and I can help you get stronger. What do you say?"

Hearing Ash's question, Caterpie gave a happy cry and nodded his head in acceptance.

Ash smiled and then pulled one of his empty poke balls, before he lightly taped Caterpie on the head making it get absorbed in poke ball. After one shake, it dinged as a sign that Caterpie was caught.

Ash got up and walked toward Misty. "Are you going to scream the whole time we go through this forest?" Ash asked, a little annoyed by how Misty behaves.

"I can't help it, I'm afraid of bug types," Misty scoffed! "Did you really have to capture that Caterpie?"

"Yes, I did. Now let's go," said Ash.


For the next two days Ash and Misty walked through the forest and made several stops so that Ash can train his new Pokémon's, much to Misty annoyance because she wanted to get out of this forest as soon as possible.

Right now they were having a lunch break, when Lucario caught sight of some Pokemon. He stood up and showed it to Ash.

"Oh, a Pidgeotto. Let's capture it," said Ash and called out his Charmander.

"Charmander, use Flamethrower on that Pidgeotto," said Ash.

Charmander quickly used Flamethrower, but just as it was about to hit, Pidgeotto saw it coming and moved away.

Pidgeotto got in the sky and started flapping its wings and sent a Sand Attack at Charmander, and then quickly went at him with Quick Attack.

"Charmander, use Smokescreen to hide yourself and then use Flamethrower," yelled Ash.

Charmander used Smokescreen, which caught Pidgeotto of guard and made it stop. It was about to use Gust to clear all that smoke, when a powerful Flamethrower went through the smoke and before Pidgeotto could react, it was hit and sent to the ground.

Ash quickly got one empty Poke ball, and threw it at Pidgeotto, who didn't even put up any fight and was quickly caught.

Ash took Pidgeotto's poke ball and released it so that he can treat all injuries that Pidgeotto has, and introduce himself and to it.

After treating its injuries an introducing himself, Ash and Misty resumed their traveling towards Pewter City.


It took them another two days to get to Pewter City, and during those two day's a lot of things happened.

Ash kept training his Pokemon, but this time even harder than before and there were some results from all that training.

Ash's Caterpie evolved into Metopod during one training, and then few hours ago, evolved into Butterfree, during his battle with this guy who calls himself Samurai. He already knew String Shot and Tackle as Caterpie and during training, and upon evolving he even learned some new moves like Sleep Powder, Whirlwind, Stun Spore and Gust.

Pidgeotto started her training as well. Ash had her train to increase her speed and endurance, and also learn new moves. Pidgeotto already new Gust, Sand Attack, Quick Attack, Whirlwind and Wing Attack, which was already quite a lot for a wild Pokemon who never had a trainer before, and during training she learned Steel Wing, and Air Slash. Now, with knowing all those moves, she only need's to perfect them all and bring them to the next level.

As for Charmander; Lucario and Alakazam continued to train her to increase her strength and stamina, but she has also started to learn some attacks. Since she was very young Pokemon, she only knew Smokescreen and Flamethrower, and now is learning Iron Tail, from Lucario, who already knows it.

Charmander, Pidgeotto and Butterfree are also learning Telepathy so they would be able to speak with anybody and not just Ash.

Now, Ash and Misty are going to a Pokemon center so that Ash can have his Pokemon checked before his gym battle.

"So, which Pokemon are you going to use in this gym match?" Asked Misty.

"Well, the gym leader is a guy named Brock and I heard he uses Rock type Pokemon, so I was thinking of using Butterfree, Pidgeotto and Charmander," replied Ash.

"But, Bug and Flying-Types won't be very effective against Rock-Type Pokemon, Fire-Type as well," said Misty confused with Ash's choice.

"I know, that's why I had Charmander learn Iron Tail and Pidgeotto Steel Wing. I know Charmander didn't perfect it yet, but I have no other choice," sighed Ash. "And with some luck, Butterfree might be able to put Brock's Pokemon to sleep with Sleep Powder."

"Why don't you use Lucario or Alakazam they are more powerful," asked Misty?

"Lucario, Alakazam and Pikachu are very overpowered from all the training we had in all these years, if I used them I could win every battle but that wouldn't be fair to my opponents, and also, my new Pokemon wouldn't be able to advance and become more powerful if I don't use them in battles where they have small chances to win," replied Ash.

"Oh, I see," Misty understood.

After about ten minutes, Ash and Misty got to the Pokemon center. Ash left all his Pokemon with Nurse Joy to be checked while he and Misty went to have lunch before his gym battle. They also rented two rooms since they will spend night here before continuing on their journey tomorrow morning.


When Ash and Misty finished their lunch, Ash went back to Nurse Joy and took his Pokemon from her before they both left Pokemon center and went to the gym.

Ten minutes later, they arrived in front of a building, made out of stone. Ash went to the front door and with a small push opened them, before they both entered inside.

The inside of a gym was pitch black and they could barely see anything, but because of his Aura, Ash could sense someone sitting on a chair on the other side of the gym.

"I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town and I challenge you to a gym battle," shouted Ash!

"I accept your challenge!" someone replied from in front of him, and then suddenly the light came on and lit the entire gym, showing simple rocky field.

Ash came forward and stood on a challenger spot, while Misty wished him good luck before she went to stand on the side.

When the judge came out of the other room he said. "This will be a two-on-two gym battle between Ash Ketchum and Pewter City gym leader Brock. Only the challenger can make substitutions."

Once the judge finished, Brock stood up from his chair and chose his first Pokemon. "Geodude come on out," yelled Brock!

"So, a Geodude," commented Ash. "Ok, then I chose you, Charmander!" Ash called his Charmander, who came out of her Poke ball and stood in front of Geodude.

"Charmander, Fire-Type won't be much effective against Rock-Type, you do know that," questioned Brock.

"We will see about that," said Ash.

"The challenger has the first move," said the judge. "BEGIN!"

"Charmander start this off with Flamethrower," said Ash.

"Dodge it Geodude and then use Rock Throw," said Brock.

Charmander took deep breath and then blew a large Flamethrower straight at Geodude. Geodude managed to dodge it and then showed his hands into the ground and when he pulled them out he launched several large rocks at Charmander.

"Charmander dodge them and use Smokescreen," yelled Ash!

Charmander managed to dodge most of the rocks, but several did hit her and put some scratches on her. Once rocks stopped falling on her, Charmander used Smokescreen and sent it at Geodude to block his sight.

"Great job Charmander, now use Iron Tail," said Ash.

Charmander went close to Geodude and after noticing that he can't see her, the flame on the end of her tail glowed white and Charmander slammed it right on Geodude's head sending him across the field where he collided with a wall and fell unconscious.

"Geodude, nooo!" yelled Brock after seeing his Geodude being defeated.

"Geodude is unable to battle, the winner is Charmander!" the Judge announced.

Brock sighed and then recalled his Geodude. "That was a good battle Ash, but let's see how you do against my strongest Pokémon, come out Onix," shouted Brock, and released his strongest Pokemon!

"So, your strongest Pokémon is Onix," said Ash and thought for a few moments about how to continue with this match, before he decided few moments later. "Charmander return," said Ash and recalled his Pokemon. "Pidgeotto, come to battle!" Ash yelled and his Pidgeotto appeared in front of Onix.

"Now it's a Flying-Type. Are you using Pokemon who have disadvantage against mine for some specific reason or is it that you just like to battle like this?" Asked Brock.

"Well, believe it or not but of all Pokemon that I have, only one would have a Type advantage against Rock types, but I don't want to use it in gym battles anymore," said Ash.

"And which Pokemon is that and why won't you use it in gym battles," Brock asked, very interested in knowing?

"It's my Lucario, and I don't want to use it because he is very powerful, and I want to use my new Pokemon so that they can became more powerful and gain experience. Lucario, Pikachu and Alakazam are my most powerful Pokemon and have been with me for years, so I won't use them in anymore gym battles because with them I can beat anybody," explained Ash.

"I see," said Brock.

"Well, let's get back to battle. Onix start with Rock Throw!" said Brock.

"Quickly Pidgeotto, dodge it!" yelled Ash.

Onix's tail started glowing and he whipped it towards Pidgeotto, who was still in the air. Hearing her trainer, Pidgeotto quickly dodged Onix's attack.

"Onix, keep with the Rock Throw and try to catch it and then use Bind!" yelled Brock.

"Pidgeotto, keep dodging it and then use Steel Wing combined with Quick Attack," said Ash.

Pidgeotto dodged Onix's attack few more times before she dived down at a fast speed towards Onix with both of her wings glowing white and quickly hit Onix with all her might.

Onix, after being hit by a very powerful and very effective attack, couldn't stand anymore and fell on the ground unconscious.

"Onix is unable to battle, the winner is Pidgeotto, and the match goes to the challenger Ash Ketchum."

"Great job, Pidgeotto," said Ash with a smile before he returned Pidgeotto to her Poke ball.

Brock looked at Onix for a few moments, before he sighed and recalled it. "You tried your best Onix, our opponent was just too strong."

Brock went closer to Ash and presented him the Boulder Badge.

"That was a great battle, Ash, congratulation's, you have earned this badge," said Brock.

"Thanks' a lot, Brock," said Ash and took the Boulder Badge from Brock.

"Congratulations, Ash, you really are great Pokemon trainer," Congratulated Misty followed by Lucario and Pikachu who both gave high five to Ash.

"Well, let's go back to the Pokemon center, we could use some rest," said Ash.

He and Misty started going towards the exit when Ash turned around. "Hey Brock, are you coming? You should check your Pokemon as well." Ash asked.

"Yea, you are right, Ash. Let's go," responded Brock.


It's been five days since Ash had his gym battle with Brock and won his second badge. Right now, Ash and Misty are walking toward Ash's next gym battle. Walking next to them is, of course, Ash's Lucario and Pikachu who, for a change, is walking, instead of riding on Ash's shoulder.

But, there is someone else walking with them, and that someone is Brock.

During their walk to the Pokemon center Ash and Misty had a talk with Brock. Brock told them about his dream to become the world's best Pokemon Breeder, but he can't leave Pewter City because his parents are not there and he has to take care of his siblings and be a gym leader.

After they got to the Pokemon center, Ash and Brock had their Pokemon checked, and when Brock was about to go back home, Ash told him that if he ever decided to go on a journey, that he can join him and Misty. Brock thanked him and then he left.

The next morning, Ash and Misty got up early and decided to have breakfast, before they continue on their journey. Right after they finished and were about to leave the Pokemon center, they heard someone calling them. Ash and Misty turned around and saw Brock running towards them.

It turns out that Brock's father just appeared out of nowhere and decided to take care of his family and gym, like he was supposed to, so now Brock is free to go on a journey with them.

To get to his next gym battle in Cerulean City, Ash and his friends had to go through Mt. Moon. When they got there, the group run into some guy, running away from a bunch of Zubat, led by a Golbat, chasing after him. When Ash saw this, he used his Pidgeotto to chase away all of Zubat, and then he battled Golbat, who he was able to capture after his Pidgeotto defeated him.

When all was over, the guy he saved thanked him and said that his name is Seymour, and that he is a scientist who is exploring Mt. Moon. He told them that those Zubat and that Golbat attacked him because someone has installed lights inside the cave in Mt. Moon and that those lights are irritating all Pokemon and even harming some of them.

Ash and the others decided to see what's going on in that cave and who has installed those lights there.

Inside, they discovered that it was Jessie, James and Meowth who put those lights there. They revealed that they were able to escape from prison, and are here to take the Moon stone, which is located somewhere in this cave, and capture the Clefairy that live here and are guarding it.

After a small battle, where Pikachu only used Thunderbolt, which caused an explosion and sent Team Rocket flying, the group took all the lights down and let all Pokemon live in peace.

When it was all over, a Clefairy shoved up and led the group to show them the Moon Stone. There, they saw a whole bunch of Clefairy dancing around it, and several of them even evolved into Clefable, after they touched the stone.

After that, they all said goodbye to Seymour and continued their journey, but not before Brock showed to Ash and Misty that he was able to catch a Zubat.

All that happened on Mt. Moon, was two days after they left Pewter City. For the next three days nothing much happened. The group continued to travel towards Cerulean City and Ash made quite a few stops to train his Pokemon.

When Brock and Misty realized how much Ash is training his Pokemon, and how much stronger they all have become in such a small amount of time, they decided to start training their own Pokemon as they realized that without hard training, they won't be able to achieve their goals, especially Misty and to a lesser degree, Brock.

"So, this is Cerulean City," said Ash as he stood on a hill overlooking the City bellow. Next to him stood Brock, Misty and Lucario, also looking the City, while Pikachu was on his shoulder, like usual.

"Yeah, I guess we finally made it," said Brock. "You sure don't look like you are in a hurry with all the training you are putting your Pokemon through. I mean, it took us five days to get here and normally it would take only three."

"Well, the Indigo League tournament doesn't start for another eleven months, so I don't have to hurry and could spend more time training my Pokémon," replied Ash.

While Ash and Brock were talking, Misty only stood there silently, which her companions noticed.

"Hey Misty, what's going on, you've been very quiet since yesterday?" Asked Brock.

Hearing Brocks question Misty looked at him ad said. "Oh, it's nothing don't worry about it."

"I need to go somewhere. I'll see you later in a Pokémon center," said Misty again after few seconds of silence.

When she left, Ash and Brock looked at one another before Brock asked. "What do you think is bothering her, she's acting strange since yesterday?"

"I don't know, we will have to wait for later to find out," responded Ash.

"Let's go, I need to check my Pokemon at the Pokemon center before the battle," said Ash, but stopped when he heard Brock say.

"Actually, why don't you go to the center to check your Pokémon's and get us rooms, while I go to pick some things that we will need before we continue towards next City."

"Ok. But if I'm not at the center when you get there, I'll be at the gym. You can look for me there, or you can do something else," said Ash, and then left with Lucario.

"Ok, I'll see you later then," shouted Brock after Ash left!


After the group split, Ash went to the Pokemon center to get rooms for Brock, Misty and himself, and to have all of his Pokemon examined by Nurse Joy. They were not hurt, but all of them had a lot of training for the last five days since they left Pewter City, and some of them are very exhausted.

When he got the rooms, and Nurse Joy examined his Pokemon he decided to go to the gym by himself since Brock and Misty are not back yet.

Ash got to the gym fifteen minutes later, and saw a large crowd in front of it. "Are all this people here for the gym battle," he asked to no one in particular?

Seeing that there is nothing else he can do, Ash decided to stand in the line and wait. While he was standing, he noticed that the line is moving much faster than it was supposed to which was good in his opinion, the less he has to wait the better.

Ten minutes later it was finally his turn.

"Good day, sir," greeted the guy that was standing in front of a gym. "How many tickets do you want?"

"What do you mean by tickets, isn't this a gym?" Ashasked, confused.

"Ohh, you must be here for the gym battle," stated the guy. "You are right, this is a gym, but it is also a place where three sensational sisters are performing a synchronized swimming show for the crowd. They are also gym leaders, so you will have to wait for the show to end."

"I see. Well then give me two tickets one for me one for my Lucario. I might as well watch this show while waiting," said Ash.

"Here you go sir, enjoy the show," the guy gave Ash two tickets, and Ash gave him money for them. "And good luck in your battle later," he added after Ash left.

When the show ended an hour and a half later, Ash went behind the stage to see the gym leaders and to ask for a battle.

"Hello there, are you the gym leaders?" Ash asked as he approached the three sisters.

"Yes, that's us, but who are you?" Asked the one with blonde hair, whose name is Daisy.

"My name is Ash Ketchum and I'm here to challenge you to a gym battle," said Ash.

"Oh, so you are here for the gym battle," said Violet.

"I'm really sorry, but we can't accept your challenge right now," said Daisy.

"Yeah, like, we just lost three battles in a row and all of our Pokémon's are exhausted, the only one we have left is this Goldeen," said the last of the sisters, Lily, and showed her Goldeen.

"Is that so," sighed Ash? "I guess I'll have to come later."

"Wait, if you really want our badge that much then here you can take it," said Daisy and clapped her hands, and a Seel with the badge in its mouth appeared giving it to Ash.

"You are just giving your badge like that, without battle or anything," said Ash.

"Well, you look like you are a good trainer, and if you are to use that Pikachu we would lose badly so there is no need to battle," replied Daisy.

"Hold it right there," someone yelled from behind Ash, and when he turned around he saw Misty standing there.

"What are you doing here Misty, I thought you said you are not coming back until you become the world's best water Pokémon trainer?" Asked Lily after she saw Misty.

"Do you know this girls, Misty?" Asked Ash.

"Yes, Ash, I know them, they are my older sisters," replied Misty. "And I didn't want to come here but he had to battle against you so I came with him," she said to her sisters.

"So that's why you were acting strange since yesterday. You didn't want to come here because you had a fight with your sisters," stated Ash.

"That's not important right now Ash. Now tell me why are you just giving away badges like that?" Misty yelled at her sisters.

"All of our Pokemon are incapable of battling right now, so we are giving him badge so that he doesn't have to wait for them to heal, he would probably beat us anyway," said Daisy.

"Well, if you are not going to battle him, then I will," said Misty.

"Come on Ash, the pool is over here," said Misty before she took Ash's hand and dragged him away.


"This will be a two-on-two gym battle between Ash Ketchum and one of Cerulean City gym leader's, Misty! Only the challenger can make substitutions while gym leader can't!" announced Daisy who accepted to be the judge of this match.

"Butterfree, it's time for battle," said Ash and released his Butterfree, who floated above the pool.

"Staryu, come on out," shouted Misty and her Staryu appeared in the pool.

"Let the match begin!" Daisy said.

"Butterfree, use Tackle on Staryu," said Ash.

Butterfree quickly used his enhanced speed, which he gained from his training with Pidgeotto, flew strait at Staryu and hit it in the middle of its body, sending it sliding across the pool.

"Staryu, get ahold of yourself and use Water Gun," shouted Misty!

"Butterfree, dodge it!" said Ash.

Staryu managed to stand up and fired a Water Gun which Butterfree evaded, but Staryu continued to fire several other Water Gun's and one of them managed to hit Butterfree who give a small cry and flew back toward the ground.

"Great job, Staryu," cheered Misty.

"Butterfree, get up and use Stun Spore," said Ash.

Butterfree flew back above the pool and above Staryu and sprayed the star shaped, water Pokemon with Stun Spore, after which Staryu got paralyzed.

"Staryu, dive in the pool and wash away that Stun Spore," said Misty.

"Butterfree, quickly use Whirlwind," Ash yelled.

Just as Staryu got out of the pool after washing away Stun Spore, it was hit by Butterfree's Whirlwind, which sent it flying around in a massive gust.

"Now Butterfree, finish it off with Tackle," just as Ash said that, Butterfree flew at Staryu and hit it with all its strength which sent it flying out of the pool and caused it to land on the floor, passed out.

"Nooo, Staryu," screamed Misty!

"Staryu is unable to battle. The winner is Butterfree!" Announced Daisy.

"Ahh, Misty lost her first Pokémon," whined Lily.

"Yes, but she was not bad. I don't think we could do better," said Violet, before she turned around after she caught sight of someone entering the gym.

"Hey, who are you, and what are you doing here?" Asked Violet.

"Oh, hey Brock, I see you came," said Ash after he noticed Brock entering the gym.

"Yes, I did came, but can you tell me why are you and Misty battling?" Brock asked a little confused by what he was seeing. "I thought you came here for a gym battle."

"Well I did, but it turns out that Misty is one of the gym leaders here and she wanted to battle against me," replied Ash with a little smirk on his face.

"Are we going to continue this battle, or are we going to spend here all day?" Yelled Misty frustrated from losing her first Pokemon.

"Sure, let's continue," replied Ash.

"Starmie I chose you," Misty called her second Pokemon.

Ash looked at Butterfree and saw that he was still good to go, but decided to use another Pokemon instead. "Butterfree return, Pidgeotto to the battlefield," said Ash.

Pidgeotto came out of her poke ball and looked at Starmie.

"Starmie, use Tackle," said Misty.

"Pidgeotto, dodge and use Whirlwind," countered Ash.

Starmie started spinning and flew at Pidgeotto, but Pidgeotto was fast and managed to evade Starmie's attack. Then, Pidgeotto started flapping her wings and used Whirlwind, which sent Starmie crashing in the wall.

"Noo, Starmie, quickly get up and use Hydro Pump," yelled Misty!

"Pidgeotto, dodge and use Wing Attack," countered Ash.

Starmie got up and fired a powerful Hydro Pump at Pidgeotto, but unfortunately for it and Misty, Pidgeotto was fast enough to dodge and then managed to hit Starmie with one of her wings, which sent Starmie strait into the pool.

"Starmie, noo," yelled Misty!

After a few seconds Starmie got to the surface of the pool, but it was already unconscious.

"Starmie is unable to battle, the winner is Pidgeotto, which means the match goes to the challenger, Ash Ketchum," announced Daisy!

"Return Starmie," said Misty and fell to her knees. She lost terribly, Ash was practically toying with her.

"Return Pidgeotto, you did a good job," Ash praised his Pidgeotto who gave a happy cry and returned.

"Nice job Ash, congratulations," said Brock after he approached to Ash.

"He's right father that was a good battle," this time it was Lucario who congratulated him, followed by Pikachu. They both used Telepathy so everyone was able to hear them.

"Thanks' guys," thanked Ash while rubbing the back of his head a little embarrassed from all this praising.

"Well Ash, congratulations, here is the Cascade Badge, you have earned it," said Misty and handed Ash her Cascade Badge.

"Thank you, Misty," replied Ash and took the badge.

After that, Ash, Brock, Misty and her sisters went to get a few drinks and talk a little. Misty told her sisters how she met Ash, and everything that happened after. She also said that she plans to continue to travel with him and Brock so that she can accomplish her dream to become water Pokemon master.

Several hours later, the group said goodbye to Misty's sisters and went back to the Pokemon center where they will spend the night and then get back on the road in the morning.

It was a fifth day after Ash, Misty and Brock left Cerulean City and started going to Vermilion City.

Like most of the time on their journey, we see Ash training his new Pokemon with the help of his old ones, but now, Brock and Misty are also training their Pokemon. They were probably inspired by Ash to start training them harder than ever, if they want to reach their goal in life.

And while Brock wants to become the world's best breeder, and he doesn't really need to train his Pokemon that hard, he still wants to make them more powerful because of his family gym, so he is training his Onix, Geodude and Zubat to make them powerful enough to eventually evolve.

Misty, on the other hand, wants to become the water Pokemon master, so she needs to train her Pokemon as hard as she can. After Ash wiped the floor with her in their gym battle, she realized that her Pokemon need a lot more training if she wants to become water Pokemon master.

As for Ash, he's preparing his Pokemon for his next gym battle in Vermilion City. Ash knows that Vermilion gym is an Electric Type gym, and with most of his new Pokemon being at least part Flying type he is at a disadvantage.

Because of that, he focused his attention on Charmander, while his other Pokemon are training with each other.

Charmander, who will be battling in the next gym battle, has been learning some new moves, which will help her, and is also increasing her speed so that she could, at least, keep up with Electric type Pokémon. She has perfected Iron Tail and Protect and by the time of the battle she will perfect Metal Claw.

"Hey father. How is Charmander's training going," asked Alakazam? Because of him being a Psychic-Type Pokemon, he wasn't of much help in training Ash's new Pokemon some new moves, but he can focus on improving their speed and reaction time, along with Pikachu and Lucario.

Ash turned around and looked at Alakazam. "It's going great. She has managed to learn everything I wanted her to, and her speed has increased greatly. I think she will be ready for the next gym battle."

"That's great father," said Alakazam. "The others are doing great as well. They have increased their speed as far as it's possible at this point, and are now focusing on new moves."

"Ok, after I'm finished with Charmander I'll see what new moves they can learn," replied Ash.

After few more hours of training and telling his Pidgeotto, Butterfree and Golbat what new moves to learn, the group continued their journey.


"Do we really have to go across this bridge," asked Misty, looking at the old bridge, that's only hanging by a few ropes and looks like it going to fall any day?

"I guess so, there is no other way around," replied Brock.

"Ok then, we should probably go one by one, so there won't be too much pressure on the bridge." Suggested Ash, and Brock and Misty agreed with him.

Ash went first, and after he was on the other side, he called his Alakazam from his Poke ball. "Alakazam, I want you to watch while Misty and Brock pass over the bridge, and if it starts to fall apart, help me stop them from falling down by using, Psychic." Ash said to his Pokemon.

"Of course, father." Said Alakazam, and then watched, as first, Brock, and then Misty passed over the bridge without any problems, and in the end Lucario came over last. After they all passed over the bridge on the other side, Ash returned Alakazam in his Poke Ball, and they all continued their journey.

The three humans and two Pokemon only managed to walk few dozen meters, when they heard a big explosion coming from somewhere nearby.

"What was that," asked Misty?

Ash closed his eyes and used his Aura to sense what's going on. Few seconds later, he snapped his eyes wide open. "There is some girl down there with a large group of Pokemon. They were being attacked by someone," Ash said, before he yelled. "Come on, let's go!" Ash started running towards the explosion with his Lucario running next to him, and Pikachu on his shoulder.

Brock and Misty exchanged worried glances before they run after Ash and Lucario.

It took them 15 minutes to get there because someone has placed traps all over the place and Ash and the others had to go around them.

When the group got there, they saw a bunch of people dressed in a black clothes with a large, 'R' on their chest, using a bunch of Zubat to attack a group of Pokemon, which were trying to defend themselves. They also saw two guy's, holding a teenage girl down to the ground and were ripping her clothes off, about to rape her from the look of things.

She was screaming and trying to push them away from here, but she couldn't do anything because they were stronger.

Just as Misty and Brock were about to call their Pokemon and send them to help the girl, they heard Ash's voice. "Lucario, let's go." Said Ash with a voice that sounded deeper than normal, and after Lucario nodded his head, the two of them formed two staff's, from their aura, and then started running toward Team Rocket grunts, and their Pokemon.

Seeing that Ash and Lucario were attacking them, Rocket grunts got over their surprise quickly, before they sent all of their Zubat, at them.

Ash and Lucario, now in full sprint, started to put them down like flies. Zubat's tried to attack him with their attacks, but it was useless, since Ash's and Lucario's Aura was protecting them.

When they were done with them, they went after Team Rocket members, who were about to piss their pants from the fear. In less than two minutes, several dozen members of Team Rocket and all their Pokemon were lying on the ground with broken bones and covered in blood.

The only ones left were one, green-haired guy and his Primeape, along with a blonde-haired women with her Raticate.

While all this was happening, all the Pokémon, who were attacked by Rocket members were now standing in front of the girl they were trying to protect. They were all looking at the mayhem, Ash and his partner were causing and couldn't believe that human is capable of doing something like this.

"Hey, are you Ok, what happened here, why were you attacked by Team Rocket," asked Misty after she approached to the group of Pokemon and the girl they were protecting?

One of the Pokemon that was there jumped in front of Misty and Brock and yelled at them to back away. That Pokemon is Bulbasaur, and he didn't trust humans. Because of that, he is protecting all these Pokemon and the girl who is taking care of them all.

"It's Ok, Bulbasaur, I don't think they want to hurt us," said the girl, and then got off the ground, while trying to cover herself with her hand because her cloths were torn apart in some places.

"My name is Melanie," the girl said. "I live here and take care of all these Pokemon. As for those people, they came here to capture the Pokemon that live here. When I tried to stop them they attacked me and then started attacking the Pokémon, who were also trying to protect me and themselves. We defended ourselves as best as we could but they simply overpowered us with larger numbers. That's when you people showed up.

"So, can you now tell me who are you, and what's with that guy over there," asked Melanie, and pointed at Ash?

"I'm Misty and this is Brock, we were passing by on our way to Vermilion City when we saw that big explosion and came to see what's happening here," responded Misty.

"As for that guy over there his name is Ash, and that Pokemon with him, is his Lucario, but don't worry about them, they can take care of themselves, we need to get you to safety and check all the injured Pokémon," said Misty, and after Melanie nodded her head in agreement the two of them and Brock took all the injured Pokemon and went inside of Melanie house.

"Wh…Who are y…you," stuttered the blonde-haired women from Team Rocket? She was on the ground covered in blood, that's leaking from several wounds that are on her body.

While Misty and Brock were talking with Melanie, Ash and Lucario continued to beat up Team Rocket members who were left. And there were only two left. The blonde woman, and her partner, the green-haired guy, who was now lying on the ground with both of his arms broken and a fractured skull.

Their Pokemon, Primeape and Raticate, were lying unconscious on the ground.

Ash didn't respond to her question, but instead went to her and placed his staff on her throat, and then said in a deep and menacing voice. "You know, I should kill you right now because of what you were doing here! Or maybe it would be better if I just do to you what those two idiots were trying to do to that poor girl!"

As Ash said that, the blonde woman started shaking in fear because of what Ash was insinuating. She knew exactly what those guys were about to do to the poor girl, and she didn't know if she would rather he killed her on the spot, or raped, but she know that she was fucked no matter what she chooses.

"Pl…Please, don't hurt me, I… I was just following orders," the woman begged, while looking Ash with moist eyes.

"Oh, I know you were just following orders, but that doesn't excuse you from what happened here, and I'm afraid you will have to suffer," Ash said to her, and then pulled his stuff from her throat. He kneeled in front of her and placed his hand on the place between her neck and shoulder, which caused her to start shaking in fear even more than before, but then suddenly her world turned completely black, and she knew no more, as she slipped into unconsciousness.

As the woman fell unconscious, Ash took a deep breath trying to calm down a little, and then felt Lucario's paw on his shoulder. "Are you OK, father?" Asked Lucario.

Ash looked at Lucario, and smiled at him before replying. "I'm fine, Lucario, don't worry."

Lucario nodded at him, satisfied by the answer, and then looked around at the Team Rocket grunts and their Pokemon who were all on the ground passed out. "What are we going to do about them?" Lucario asked after few seconds of looking around.

Ash thought for a few moment and then said. "I'll call father and tell him what happened so he can maybe do something about this place and all of the Pokemon that appear to be living her. I'll also call Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy to come and arrest these morons and treat all of the injured Pokemon."

As Ash said that, Lucario agreed with him, as it seems like the best idea. Ash then took out his Pokedex, which also works like a phone, and called his father.

While Ash was calling his father, Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy; Misty and Brock are in Melanie's hut, treating her and her Pokemon for all the injuries that they have.

After about 15 minutes, Brock was able to treat all of the injured Pokemon, while Misty was able to patch up some cuts Melanie had. "Thank you very much, Misty," Melanie said after Misty finished with wrapping the bandage on Melanie's hand. "You two, Brock, if it wasn't for you I don't know what would have happened with me and all of the Pokemon that live here."

"You don't have to thank us, Melanie, it was our pleasure to help, besides, it's not like we could have just walked away after what we saw happening here," said Misty.

"Well, if you really want to thank me, maybe you can go on a date with me, I mean, living here all by yourself must be pretty boring, and we can have some fun," said Brock after suddenly popping in front of Melanie from the other side of the room. It made Melanie sweatdrop, as it looked like he teleported in front of her.

Before she could respond to his suggestion, Brock was hit on the back of his head, and then pulled by his ear to the other side of the room, by Misty. "Drop it, lover boy, now is not the time for your stupidity," she said to a crying Brock after she dragged him away from Melanie!

After a few minutes, the door of the hut opened, and in walked Ash, with his Lucario right next to him, and Pikachu, who was outside all this time watching what was going on, on his shoulder.

He walked inside and saw everyone sitting on, either the bed or the chairs, which were in the house, while Pokemon were lying on the floor, resting, with Bulbasaur looking over them. He then said.

"I called my dad and told him what happened. He said that, he will call Pokemon League officials to come here and see what they can do about protecting this place. They should be here tomorrow morning," Ash informed everyone. "I also called Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy, and they said they should be here as soon as possible to arrest those people and see if the Pokemon are OK."

"Good," said Brock, and Misty and Melanie agreed. "But are you and Lucario OK, or do you need to be treated as well?"

"Don't worry, we are both fine," said Ash, and then he and Lucario went to some of the empty chairs and set down do have a little rest, because even though they were not injured, they are a little tired.


Just like Ash said, Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy, came later that day and arrested Team Rocket grunts and treated Pokemon for some injuries that Brock wasn't able to or simply missed.

After they left, Ash and his friends spent the night in Melanie's house, and the next morning Pokemon League officials and a Pokemon Ranger, all came very early.

Ash and the others had to explain everything that happened with Team Rocket attacking Melanie and the Pokemon that live there, and Melanie had to explain her role in all this and why were all those Pokemon living here, and not somewhere else in the wild.

After the entire day of explaining, what happened, Pokemon League officials and a Pokemon Ranger decided to place this whole area under their protection and mark it as a no capture zone, while Melanie was allowed to stay and take care of the Pokemon.

In the end, it was decided by the League officials, Ranger and Officer Jenny, who came back in the morning, a little after the League officials and rangers, to not press any charges against Ash, because everything he did was to protect Melanie and a Pokemon that live there, even if he almost killed several members of Team Rocket.

After everyone left, Ash and his group decided to stay for one or two days more to help Melanie clean everything and get things back in order. During that time Ash got really close to the Bulbasaur and in the end, Bulbasaur decided to join Ash's team, since now the area is protected, and he is no longer needed to protect all the Pokemon which live there. Now, he can go in peace, and finally try to fulfill his dream of becoming the strongest Bulbasaur ever, maybe someday, even evolve.

Two days has passed since Ash caught Bulbasaur and left Melanie's house after everything was back how it was before Team Rockets attack. The group is still on their way to Vermilion City and Ash's next gym battle, but now it appears that they have strayed a little of the main road.

"Do you guys know where we are, because I have a feeling we are lost," asked Misty?

"Hmm, I think if we continue down this path we'll be back on the main road to Vermilion City," answered Brock while looking at his map.

"Can someone tell me why we are using that map when my Pokedex has navigation installed in it," asked Ash, a little annoyed?

"Well, I thought it will be easier this way then to check your Pokedex every time," replied Brock slightly embarrassed.

After Brock said that, Ash sighed, and stopped. He then closed his eyes and tried to find if there is anything close to them. After about a minute, Ash opened his eyes and said.

"There is a Pokémon center a little away from here, I think we should spend the night there a then continue tomorrow morning."

"Ok then, let's go," said Misty.

Fifteen minutes later, while the group was walking towards the Pokémon center, they ran into a Charmander lying on the rock in the middle of the road. Finding that to be a little strange, and also seeing wounds all over his body, Ash decided to approach him and check him out.

"Hey there, Charmander. Can I ask what are you doing here lying on the rock like that and covered in wounds?" Ash asked with frown on his face, having an idea of what happened.

Charmander lifted his head a little after he heard someone asking him a question and saw a boy a little younger than his trainer and two Pokémon next to him.

"My trainer left me here after I lost a match and told me to wait him here until he returns," answered Charmander, but he wasn't really expecting that Ash would understand him.

After hearing Charmander's answer, the frown on Ash's face turned into an angry expression because he knew what that meant. This Charmander was abandoned by his trainer, and he didn't even release him and told him to go and be free, but just left him here to wait.

After a few minutes of saying nothing, Ash decided to tell Charmander the truth. "Charmander, I don't think your trainer is coming back. He has abandoned you and left."

Hearing what Ash said about his trainer, Charmander stood up and shouted. "You are wrong, my trainer wouldn't just leave me here. I know he will come back and take me with him."

Near the end Charmander's voice got a little quieter, it was like he was trying to convince himself and not Ash that his trainer will return.

Instead of Ash saying something after Charmander's outburst, it was Lucario who said with a stern voice.

"Listen kid, any good trainer wouldn't just leave his Pokémon on a rock like this and say he will return, especially if said Pokémon is hurt. And judging by what you said, how he left you here after you lost a battle, indicates that he did abandoned you and doesn't plan to come back."

After Charmander heard that, tears started forming in his eyes and then he burst out crying.

"Hey Ash, what are we going to do with him? We can't just leave him here with those wounds, and the flame on his tail looks like it will disappear any moment," asked Brock after he and Misty came closer to Ash?

"Charmander!" Ash called. Hearing Ash calling him, Charmander looked at him with tears still flowing down his face.

"Listen. There is a Pokémon center not that far from here, why don't you let me take you there and have Nurse Joy examine you and then you can decide what to do," asked Ash?

"Bu…But what if..." started Charmander but was interrupted by Ash.

"He won't be coming back!" Yelled Ash, making Charmander flinch a little.

"I think you already figured that out before we even came here, but you just seem to be in denial and don't won't to accept the truth." Ash continued his voice much lower this time.

Charmander realized that what Ash said was the truth, and that deep down, he knew that his trainer won't be coming back for him, especially after losing to a Grass type Pokémon.

After few more minutes of silence, Charmander wiped his tears and said. "Ok, let's go to the Pokémon center."

Ash smiled after Charmander said that, and then he came closer to him and took him in his arms.

"Don't worry, once Nurse Joy is done with you, you will be as good as new," Ash said with a smile on his face.

Charmander just nodded, and let his head down to have a little sleep.


The group arrived at the Pokémon center 30 minutes later and went to the front desk.

"Hello Nurse Joy. Can you check this Charmander, he's been abandoned by he's trainer and is pretty hurt?" Asked Ash.

"Oh my, he looks terrible," yelled Nurse Joy! "Give him to me, I'll get right on healing him," Nurse Joy took Charmander from Ash's hand's and took him to the other room to heal him.

"Well, I guess all we can do now is to wait," said Brock, and everyone went and sit down on one of the desk's in the center.

The group sat there in silence for several minutes before that silence was interrupted by some boys talking louder than they should.

"Wow Damian, you sure have a great collection of Pokémon don't you," said one of the boys who were sitting several desk's from Ash and the others, while looking at the collection of probably around twenty Poke balls.

"Hahaha, yeah! Of course I have great collection, all of these Pokémon have been picked by me, and they know they have to be powerful because if they are not I'll just release them somewhere in the middle of nowhere all beat up," laughed the boy now known as Damian.

"Wait, didn't you have a Charmander? Where is he?" Asked one of the boys.

"Oh, that thing," frowned Damian. "I left him on a rock several miles from here after he lost to some girls, Bulbasaur. The weakling kept following me even after I told him that I'm releasing him, so in the end I told him to wait me on the rock until I come back for him. That idiot is probably still there."

When he said that, all of them started laughing at Charmander's misery.

When Ash heard what Damian said, he got very angry, so he stood from his chair and walked towards him.

"Hey you." Ash called in a very low voice that sent chills down everyone's spines.

When Damian looked at him, Ash asked. "What did you just say about leaving Charmander?"

"Why do you care, and who the hell are you anyway?" Asked Damian after he stood up from his chair.

"I found a Charmander lying on the rock few miles from here. He was hurt and the flame on his tail was very close to dying out. Are you the one who left him there?" Ash asked getting more and more angry.

Damian frowned after hearing that but responded anyway. "Yes, I left him there because he was weakling who couldn't even defeat a Grass Type Pokémon."

Right after he said that, Ash released his Aura, before his right hand went forward and grabbed Damian by his throat, after which, he started to squeeze. The other boys that were there with Damian, quickly run away after they saw what Ash did, while Brock and Misty, along with Lucario and Pikachu, just stood there not wanting to interfere in this.

"You know, I really hate people like you. Instead of treating Pokémon like your friends and train them to become more powerful, you abuse them, and when you don't like them anymore, you just get rid of them," said Ash in his, almost demonic, voice.

"When you started abusing your Pokémon, you made a mistake, when you abandoned Charmander like you did, you made another mistake, and you are even carrying with you more Pokémon then you are allowed," said Ash.

"Do you know what all of that mean's?" Ash finally asked, still holding Damian by his throat.

"Wh…What does that mean?" Damian barely managed to ask because Ash was crushing his throat with his grip.

"That means that you have broken a lot of law's and because of that I can revoke your trainers license and have you arrested for abusing Pokémon," Ash responded with a grin on his face, his voice now back to normal.

"WH…What, you can't do that! Who do you think you are?" Damian managed to yell now, because Ash loosened his grip on Damian's throat?

"Oh, but I can. You see, Damian, I'm a Grand Master of the Aura Guardians, and because of that, I'm allowed to revoke trainer's license if I think it's necessary," explained Ash, and everyone there got wide eyed because of what he said.

"Nurse Joy, could you please call Officer Jenny and tell her to come here and have this trash taken to jail," Ash asked, after he turned his head around and looked at Nurse Joy, who has been standing there with Chansey since the beginning, not that anyone was able to notice her except for Ash his Lucario and Pikachu, and she has heard everything.

"Of course, Ash, I'll call her right away," said Nurse Joy and went to make the call.

After Nurse Joy left, Ash turned back and looked at Damian, who was now on the floor.

"I would love nothing more than to rip out your heart an crush it beneath my feet, but if I do that, then they would throw me in jail and I wouldn't be able to keep the promise that I made five years ago," Ash said to Damian, again with his demonic voice, making Damian, actually piss himself, when he heard that.

"Lucario, Pikachu stay here and guard him so he doesn't escape," Ash said to his Pokémon, and then looked at Brock and Misty. "Let's go see how Charmander is doing."


An hour later, Officer Jenny came and after Ash explained what happened and Nurse Joy confirmed, she went and arrested Damian.

Before Jenny came, Ash confiscated all of Damian's Pokémon and asked Nurse Joy to check them all and see if they are Ok.

He also sent a message to the President of the Pokémon League, Mr. Charles Goodshow, and informed him of what happened. He said how he had revoked Damian's trainer's license, and then called Jenny to arrest him. He also asked him what to do with Damian's Pokémon, which he gave to Nurse Joy, to check.

He received a message back, about fifteen minutes later, in which he was congratulated for the job well done, and that he can either release Damian's Pokémon or give them to someone he knows he can trust to treat them well.

When Officer Jenny left to take Damian to Police station, and Nurse Joy finished checking and healing all of Damian's former Pokémon, Ash, along with Brock and Misty, went outside of the Pokemon Center and released them all from their Poke balls.

Out of the Poke balls came; Wartortle, Pink Butterfree, Beedrill, Pidgeotto, Sandslash, Venomoth, Poliwrath, Cloyster, Rhyhorn, Pinsir, Tauros, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Tangela, Dodrio, Golduck. Charmander was already out.

All of them looked at Ash and waited to hear what he will say to them. Nurse Joy informed them what happened while she was checking them, and they were all happy that Damian won't abuse them anymore.

Seeing that they are all quiet and waiting for him to say something, Ash said.

"Since Nurse Joy already informed you of what happened to Damian I'll get straight to business. Because you no longer have a trainer, I was told to see what to with all of you. So I decided to do this.

"You all can chose one of three things;

"One; if you want to, I can send you to a place about two day walk from here. The place is a Pokemon preserve and No Capture Zone, so you can live there in peace,

"Two; you can join me and become part of my team, and Three; you can join Brock and Misty and become part of their team," Ash explained their choices. "You can all discuss among yourself what to do."

Ash already said to Misty and Brock what he will do, so they were not surprised. They also made a deal, that Misty can get all the water Pokémon who decide to join either her or Brock and everyone agreed.

When Damian's former Pokémon made their decision, they all nodded at Ash, informing him they have decided.

"Ok then, those of you who want to go to Pokemon preserve stand to my left, I'll have you all sent there later."

When Ash said that, Beedrill, Pidgeotto, Venomoth, Pinsir, Tauros, Poliwrath, Tangela, Golduck and Dodrio went to his left and all stood there.

"All those who want to be part of Brock's or Misty's team go stand closer to them," said Ash.

Wartortle, Sandslash, Cloyster and Rhyhorn all stood closer to Brock and Misty, who was almost salivating when she saw which water Pokémon she got.

"And, I assume, the rest of you want to come with me," guessed Ash, and then Pink Butterfree, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon and Charmander came closer to him.

"Ok then. Since you want to be released, I'll gave your Poke ball's to Officer Jenny who will release you where I told you before, so you will all be at your new home soon," said Ash to the first group, who nodded and said goodbye to their friends before they were returned to their Poke ball's.

"Next, since you want to go with Brock and Misty you can, but if I can just ask if water Pokémon among you will be willing to go with Misty, since she loves water Pokémon and wants to become water Pokémon master one day," said Ash.

All of them looked at each other and then they spread between Brock and Misty. Sandslash and Rhyhorn went next to Brock, and Wartortle and Cloyster went next to Misty, who smiled at them and even hugged them, which caused the two water types, to blush in embarrassment.

"And since you want to come with me, all I can say is, welcome you to the team, and I hope we can be good friends. I'll introduce you to my other Pokémon later, but for now, let's make this official," said Ash and after releasing them from Damian's Poke balls, he caught them in his.

After he did, one of his Poke balls shrunk down and locked itself, because now, he has thirteen Pokémon, and he can only carry twelve max.


Ash and company spent another day in Pokémon center and during that time all of their new Pokémon met their older ones, except for Pidgeotto and Golbat who were sent at Professor Oak's lab.

All of their new and old Pokémon started getting along well very soon and are now friends. Well, all except Ash first Butterfree who, when he saw Pink Butterfree, he instantly feel in love with her, and has been chasing her ever since, but it appears that she's playing a little hard to get.

His first Charmander and his hew Charmander seem to be getting along quite well, and Ash thought it is a good thing they are not jealous of one another, because that could be a problem in the future if they were. This way, he can have the two of them always train together, and they can advance much faster than they normally would. The same goes for the two Butterfree.

He also realized that, he will have to come up with four names for the two Charmander's and two Butterfree's, so he can call them differently than just Charmander or Butterfree as it could be confusing when they are together. In the end, he named his first Charmander, which is a female, Amaterasu, after the goddess of the sun, and his second Charmander, Ra, after the god of Sun. As for his two Butterfree's, he named Pink Butterfree, Magenta, while his first Butterfree, chose not to be named, as he is quite OK with just being called Butterfree. Ash didn't have any problems with that.

Pikachu, Vaporeon, Flareon and Jolteon quickly become very good friends, and during their talk it was discovered that all three of them were children of the two Eevee's that Pikachu lived with at Safari Zone. Apparently, when Damian went there, he was able to capture them and later evolve them with Evolution stones, which he had acquired at some point before he caught them.

All three were happy when they heard that they will go there very soon and they will be able to see their parents and siblings again.

After a day of getting to know each other, all of them went to get some sleep, because the next morning, they will leave Pokémon center and go to Vermilion City.

It has been a few days since Ash and company resumed their traveling toward Vermilion City, and like usual, Ash doesn't seem to be in a hurry, since he has made several stops to train his Pokémon.

Now that he has five new Pokémon he decided to train them a little, while Lucario, Pikachu and Alakazam are focusing on his older Pokémon.

Amaterasu, is ready for her gym battle since she has perfected Protect and Metal Claw, and was now, only improving her speed and power. Ra, is with her, since they started training together.

Ash's two Butterfree, are now training together and learning new moves, with Magenta trying to catch up to her male brethren, because Damian hasn't trained her very well.

As for Bulbasaur, Vaporeon, Flareon and Jolteon, they are only doing physical exercises for now. Pidgeotto and Golbat are still at Oak's ranch.

Right now, Ash, Misty and Brock are walking on the road toward Vermilion City, when they all somehow ended up falling in the hole, which someone dug in the middle of the street.

"Who the hell, dug this hole in the middle of the street," groaned Misty while lying in the hole along with Ash, Brock, Lucario and Pikachu?

"I don't know, but when I find out there will be hell to pay," Ash responded.

"Squirtle, Squirtle Squirt," they all suddenly heard from above them, and when they looked up, everyone saw five Squirtle's standing next to the hole and laughing at them.

"So, it was those Squirtle's, that dug this hole," stated Brock.

"But why would they do that?" Asked Misty.

"It doesn't matter why they did it, what's important is that they did, and now I'm going to teach them to not mess with me," said Ash after getting back on his feet.

"Hahaha, you humans are so stupid, what do you think you can do from inside that hole," mocked one of the Squirtle's, after he heard what Ash said. This Squirtle seems to be, the leader, because he is standing in front of the others, and is wearing different sun glasses then the others, who are all wearing the same.

"Lucario, Pikachu, let's go!" Shouted Ash.

"Right father\Ash," both Pokemon, yelled back.

Right as they said that, all three of them jumped high in the air and landed outside of the hole and surrounded all the Squirtle.

"WH-What, how is this possible, who are you?" Asked the leading Squirtle, after seeing Ash and his Pokémon jump out of, five meters, deep hole.

"What's wrong Squirtle, where did all that laugh of yours disappear," asked Ash in return, with a scowl on his face, which was mimicked by Lucario and Pikachu?

Squirtle growled and was about to jump and attack Ash when someone's voice interrupted him.

"Hey kid, are you Ok, did those Squirtle's hurt you," asked the voice of Officer Jenny, who was coming toward them on her motorbike?

"Don't worry, Officer Jenny, I'm fine and my friends are fine as well," answered Ash, after looking at Officer Jenny. "But I'm not so sure about these Squirtle's. I mean, they did dig this hole in which we all fell."

"If you think we will let you hurt us, you are mistaken," yelled the leader of the Squirtle's and got in position to fight Ash. He was quickly followed by the others.

Imagine their surprise when it turned out that Ash understood everything they said.

"Whoever said that I'm going to hurt you?" Asked Ash with a smirk on his face, much to the surprise of all Squirtle's there and Officer Jenny.

"You understood what they said," stated Officer Jenny, surprised by this.

"Yes, I did. I'm Aura user, and because of that I can understand everything Pokémon say," replied Ash.

"But before I do anything, can you tell me why you are doing this kind of stuff?" Asked Ash looking at the leading Squirtle.

"Pft, I am not telling you, shit," replied Squirtle, and turned his head away from Ash.

"Officer Jenny, do you know something," Ash asked Jenny, after he saw that Squirtle won't say anything.

Officer Jenny looked down for a second before she said. "Those Squirtle's were all abandoned by their trainers and because of that they are now puling pranks on humans in the small town, up ahead. They are not really bad, they just don't like humans."

Ash looked at Squirtle who had a scowl on his face. After thinking for a few second he decided what to do.

"Alakazam, come on out," said Ash and released his Alakazam from his Poke ball.

"Yes father, how can I help you," Alakazam asked using Telepathy, and didn't care if the others heard him?

Ash ignored the others gaping faces when they heard Alakazam talking in their heads and asked. "Can you go and pull Bock and Misty from that hole over there?"

"Of course, father," replied Alakazam.

"Why does he call you, father," asked Squirtle?

"That's because Alakazam and Lucario were with me since before they even hatched, I raised them and we trained together since I was five years old," replied Ash, to Squirtle who got an interested look on his face.

"Ok then, back to business. I have a proposition for you Squirtle, do you want to hear it?" Asked Ash.

"What do you want?" Squirtle asked back.

"I want to battle against you. I'll use one of my Pokémon and if you win, I'll let you and your friends go, but if you lose, I want you to join me and become one of my Pokémon's, and your friends will go with Officer Jenny, I'm sure she can find something for them to do," said Ash with a serious expression on his face.

All of the Squirtle's and Officer Jenny were surprised by Ash's proposition.

"And what makes you think I want to battle you when I know there is a risk I'll lose. I'm not interested to become another human's pet, who will just abandon me in the end, like last one did?" Yelled Squirtle.

"Well you can refuse. But then I'll have to capture you all and hand you to the other Aura Guardians, which will probably hand you to some trainers or keep you under lock, because of your pranking habit. But if you agree, than your friends will all be together, and you can be with me, and, will be able to keep in touch with them all," said Ash.

When Ash finished his explanation, four Squirtle's got scared looks on their faces. If what he said is the truth, then they might end up with some trainer's that are just like their former ones, and if they don't hand them over, they'll be under lock. On the other hand if they do accept Ash's proposition, then they will all be together, and will be able to keep in touch with the boss Squirtle.

Seeing their scared faces, the head Squirtle said. "Ok, let's make a plan." And they all created a circle and started talking with each other.

While they were talking, Alakazam pulled Brock and Misty from the hole they fell into, and then they all stood close to Officer Jenny to see what will happen.

Several minutes of talking later, all Squirtle's turned around and looked at Ash. "Ok, we agree to your proposition, but if this turns out to be some trap and my friend's end up in any danger, then you will pay. Am I clear?" Said the leader of this little Squirtle squad.

"Don't worry about your friends, they will be fine, and you will be fine as well. Just wait and see," Ash reassured them all.

"Ok, then let's get this over with. But you should know that I won't let you capture me, as I'll win this battle," said Squirtle with a smirk, after which, he went to an empty field and stood on one side, while Ash stood on the other.

"Amaterasu, I chose you," said Ash and let one of his Charmander on the battlefield.

"Why are you using Fire type Pokémon against a Water type, you'll be at a disadvantage," asked Officer Jenny?

"I want to see if Amaterasu has become strong enough to battle in the next gym like I planned, and this Squirtle might be a good challenge," answered Ash, before he looked at Squirtle and told him. "Squirtle you can have the first move."

Squirtle went ahead and fired a Water Gun, at Amaterasu.

"Amaterasu, dodge and use Flamethrower," said Ash.

When Water Gun was just several meters from Amaterasu, she jumped high into the air and blew a Flamethrower that was bigger than most Charmander's can fire.

Seeing that this Flamethrower, is too fast for him to dodge, Squirtle quickly used Withdraw, and pulled himself inside of his shell. He was then hit by Flamethrower, and sent flying several meters backwards.

"Good job, Amaterasu," praised Ash after seeing a successful hit.

"Thank you, Ash," Charmander replied with a smile.

Just then, Squirtle got out of his shell, looking slightly burned but overall fine. He then started running toward Charmander and used Bubble Beam, while running.

"Amaterasu, dodge," said Ash.

Amaterasu dodged Squirtle's attack, but was surprised when Squirtle basically flew at her and used Skull Bash, which hit right at Amaterasu's stomach and sent her flying straight to the ground and in front of Ash.

"Oho, this Squirtle really is strong," commented Ash with a wide grin on his face.

"Amaterasu, get up and use Smokescreen," said Ash.

Amaterasu managed to get up, but was holding her stomach from being hit by Skull Bash. She pulled herself together and used Smokescreen, which quickly spread around the field and blocked Squirtle's sight.

"Now, Amaterasu, get in there and hit him with Iron Tail," said Ash.

Squirtle tried to see where the attack will come from, but because of the Smokescreen, he couldn't see anything, and that's when he felt a very strong hit on the head from Amaterasu tail, which was now glowing, white.

The attack was so strong that it sent Squirtle flying back and collided with a tree. After that, Squirtle fell unconscious and the battle was over, with Charmander as a winner.

"That was great, Amaterasu, you are definitely ready for your next gym battle," said Ash and patted Amaterasu on the head getting a happy cry from her.

After that, Ash returned his Charmander and went to see how Squirtle is doing. Just as he got next to him, Squirtle's eyes opened slightly and he saw Ash standing over him.

"I guess I lost," sighed Squirtle and then pulled himself up. He had a big lump on his head, where he was hit by Iron Tail, and a few burn marks from that first Flamethrower, but other than that, he was fine.

"Yes, you did, but you shouldn't feel sad, as you did very well in this battle. Also, I trained that Charmander very hard since we started our journey and that was the result. Now that you are joining us, you will became very powerful, very soon," said Ash, and put his hand on Squirtle's head, giving him a pat, just like Charmander before.

After all was over, Squirtle went to say goodbye to his friend's from Squirtle Squad, and after a small talk with all of them and Officer Jenny, she told him that the other Squirtle's are going to become Fire Fighters in the City and live how they want to.

When the talking was over and everyone said their goodbyes, Squirtle allowed himself to be captured by Ash, and they all restarted their journey toward Vermilion City, but not before Misty had to drag Brock by his ear because he was flirting with Officer Jenny. (I'm not going to write Brock's flirting, because I think it's annoying. I'll just mention it from time to time and that's it).


Unknown to Ash and his friends, they were being followed.

"How long do we have to follow this kid?" Groaned Jessie from Team Rocket, as she, James and Meowth were following the trio of kids.

"I would follow them to the end of the world if it means that I don't have to be in jail," replied Meowth, with James nodding in agreement. "Because that, is exactly where we would be if boss didn't help us escape so we can follow that kid."

"Meowth is right, Jessie. This is much better than being in jail." Said James.

"I know, but I wish we could just attack and try to steal their Pokemon and be done with this," said Jessie. "This is just a waste of time, which we could use for something else."

"We cannot defeat those kids in a straight out battle and you know it," said James. "Especially that kid that was able to defeat boss in a battle."

"Yes, James is right," agreed Meowth. "The best we can do is just follow them, and if we see an opportunity that we can use to steal their Pokemon, then we will do it then. But until that opportunity arises, we just follow them and wait, because I don't want to be sent back to jail if they capture us."

"ARHH, FINE," yelled Jessie! "Let's go then, so we don't lose them."

And the tri continued their tailing of Ash, Misty and Brock, with Jessie hoping for Ash and his friends to make some mistake, which they can use and capture their Pokemon, so that they can be done with this damned assignment.

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