

--- Carrying the Book of Warcraft Paladins, Forseti Garrison finds himself transported across dimensions into the Marvel Universe, where he becomes an apprentice herbalist in Asgard. Armed with spells like Divine Shield, Wrath of Vengeance, Sulfuron Hammer, and artifacts such as the Ashbringer from World of Warcraft, and Forseti's knowledge and skills from his gaming world come alive in Marvel's reality. "For the Alliance, no... for Asgard!" Forseti declares, wielding his warhammer and invoking the Holy Light. "Frost Giants, Kree, Thanos... Prepare to face the righteous fury of justice!" ---

Webnovel_Addicted · Cómic
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615 Chs


Chapter: Reckoning

Forseti used Querceira as a shield and activated the Shield of Light to protect himself.

In the next instant, a nuclear strike was launched.


The light of destruction burst out from the sentinel Ultron's chest, and the dazzling beam of light instantly slammed into the Shield of Light!

Faced with the power of this nuclear level, the Shield of Light could hardly last for long, and cracks appeared almost instantly.

But at the same time, Forseti's Eye of Reckoning saw something else.

With the output of the nuclear strike, in the sight of the Eye of Reckoning, many thin golden runes appeared on Ultron's body, twinkling around him.

This was the Rune of Reckoning.

The more damage Ultron inflicted on Forseti, the more talismans of reckoning he would have on him, and the more damage the reckoning would cause him in the end.

In theory, as long as Forseti took enough damage, no one could be his opponent.

The energy of a thermonuclear strike can be thousands of times higher than that of the sun, or even beyond the core of the sun. Although Forseti could walk inside the sun, it was still far from the inner core of the sun.

Seeing the Shield of Light covered with fine cracks in less than a second, Forseti did not hesitate to directly activate the Holy Shield technique. The rune of holy light enveloped his body, and then he let the energy of the nuclear strike engulf him.

Looking at Forseti, who was swallowed by nuclear brilliance, Ultron smiled, but then he was a little incredulous: "This..."

He naturally felt that Forseti was clearly unscathed, but right now he had no time to think about it because Vision had come up behind him.

Ultron hurriedly teleported away, and then the nuclear device brewed the brilliance of destruction again, this time aiming at Vision.

Seeing this, Forseti hurried over and pointed at Vision with a holy finger.

The Holy Shield technique immediately opened on Vision, and the rune of holy light, which symbolized absolute defense, enveloped him, and immediately suffered the nuclear blow from Ultron for him.


The beam of destruction engulfed Vision, but he was unscathed under the protection of the Holy Shield.

"It's impossible!" Ultron was frightened and angry when he looked at Vision, who was equally safe in the nuclear destruction.

Forseti said: "Vision, hurry up!"

Without his reminder, Vision also knew what to do, and immediately took this opportunity to approach Ultron at full speed, reaching him in a blink of an eye.

Ultron hurriedly teleported to dodge and appeared a few meters away.

But when he was about to teleport again, his movements suddenly stagnated, the blue light on his chest burst out, and the huge cold force rushed to the nuclear device.

Apparently, this was a flaw in his installation of a super nuclear reactor on himself.

Whenever the nuclear device was at full power for a few seconds, he had to concentrate on cooling it or the dreaded Tsar bomb would spin out of control and bring destruction.

Although Ultron is not afraid of self-destruction, the center is undoubtedly very important to him, and he cannot just give up.

So in this short period of time, in order to quell the risk of the nuclear device getting out of control, he had almost no extra strength, and it was difficult to continue the teleportation.

Vision seized the opportunity, successfully got close, came to Ultron, and stretched out his hands to Ultron's head.

As soon as he came into contact with Ultron, the Mind Stone on Vision's forehead shone brightly, emitting a bright yellow light.

So in the online world invisible to ordinary people, a supernatural information frenzy swept through everything and instantly swept across the world's communication equipment.

Once this supernatural wave of information passed, Ultron's consciousness was completely kicked out of the online world.

"No!" Ultron roared.

For him, it was an extremely dangerous situation because the kick was almost irreversible. Vision not only cleared him from the internet but also marked his consciousness so that he could never connect to the internet again.

In addition, the coordinates of all Ultron clones were also learned by Vision.

This meant that once he was defeated, he would be completely eliminated, losing the greatest support of super artificial intelligence.

In order to kick Ultron out of the online world, Vision apparently consumed a lot of energy and even almost fell into a coma.

The furious Ultron burst into thunder and flames at the same time and stretched out his hand to strangle Vision's neck: "This body is my masterpiece, but now I will destroy it!"

At the same time, he stretched out his other hand to Vision's forehead, trying to dig out the Mind Stone.

However, Ultron didn't seem to have enough strength in his hands. Facing Vision's body containing a lot of Vibranium, he couldn't kill him immediately, nor could he pull out the Mind Stone.

At this time, Forseti deceived him, and his Sulfuron's hand would soon be unable to sustain. Taking advantage of this last time, he slashed the sword of Querceira again.


The furious Ultron couldn't dodge and was immediately cut off by Querceira, and Vision also took advantage of this to break free and fly away.

A sword cut off Ultron's arm, and Forseti immediately let the Sulfuron warhammer return to its warhammer form, and then slammed it into Ultron's forehead!


Ultron was knocked out, but quickly regained his footing.

A dozen sentinel robots got rid of other Paladins and Avengers and quickly rushed to Ultron.

One of the sentry's bodies disintegrated, turned into a pile of parts, and merged into Ultron's body, repairing the damage to his hands and feet.

The rest of the sentinels turned into ice forms, their whole bodies were covered in ice blue, exuding a strong cold air, and stretched out their hands to resist Ultron.

With the help of more than a dozen frozen sentries, the nuclear device on Ultron's chest accelerated to cool down and could be activated again immediately.

"As expected of the existence in mythology." Ultron looked at Forseti, "Now I want to know how long you can survive under the thermonuclear!"

The light of the thermonuclear strike quickly lit up in front of his chest.

There is no doubt that this time he could launch a more powerful and longer-lasting thermonuclear attack due to the presence of the frozen sentinels behind him.

Forseti was also ready to directly activate the Holy Shield technique, and the bright rune of holy light enveloped his whole body.


The light that surpassed the sun rose again on the ground, and the beam of nuclear attack burst out, swallowing Forseti in an instant!

Forseti, wearing the Holy Shield technique, stood still in the destruction of the nuclear strike, but approached Ultron step by step.

Ultron shouted angrily, the power of the nuclear device was further increased, and more than a dozen frozen sentries were directly connected to him, cooling them with all their strength.

The overflowing nuclear energy still increased more and more, causing his temperature to soar rapidly, and some parts even showed signs of melting.

After about ten seconds, Ultron could no longer support it and had to stop the nuclear output.

More than a dozen Frozen Sentinels were all scrapped and fell to the ground, using their bodies to offset the backlash brought by the nuclear attack, making Ultron appear to be in good condition.

However, under the protection of the Holy Shield, Forseti was obviously in better shape.

More importantly, when he opened the Eye of Reckoning and looked at Ultron, the talismans of reckoning were already densely packed on Ultron, without a single gap.

Reckoning, the supreme mystery of the power of Holy Light, the upper limit exceeds the ultimate spell of Holy Shield.

Forseti knew that it was time to show real power.