
Ascension of a fallen God

Once a powerful deity of Darkness and death, the protagonist finds himself stripped of his divine powers and trapped in human form, devoid of his memories, following a fierce battle with an enigmatic creature from another dimension. As an ordinary human with no recollection of his past, he leads an ordinary life until he awakens a mysterious system that unlocks his lost memories, coinciding with a painful breakup with his girlfriend. Embark on Nyx's journey of revenge as he strives to regain his former power and unravel the secrets of the alternate dimensions. With English not being my first language, I apologize for any grammatical errors and welcome your suggestions for improvement. Please note that this novel is entirely fictional and set in a world separate from Earth, so it is advisable not to apply real-world knowledge while immersing yourself in this fantastical story. Thank you for joining me on this adventure, and I hope you enjoy it.

jordi_tounou · Fantasía
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5 Chs

The fall of a God

The darkness was all-consuming. It enveloped everything, leaving nothing but a void of blackness. The only light came from the two figures locked in an intense battle. One, a towering humanoid creature with glowing red eyes and razor-sharp claws. The other, a being of immense power,know as the God of Darkness and Death.

The creature lunged forward, its claws tearing through the air towards the God. But the God was quick, his own powers allowing him to move a lighting speed. He dodged the attack and retaliated with a strike of his own, a blast of dark energy that hit the creature square in the Chest.

The creature roared in pain, but it was not defeated yet. It lunged forward again, this time managing to land a hit on the God of Darkness and Death. The God stumbled, his body trembling from the impact. He was not used to feeling pain, but he knew he could not let it distract him. He regained his footing and unleashed another blast of dark energy, this time aiming for the creature head.

The creature dodged the blast of energy by moving his head in a strange manner like if it had no bones. The God was quick to react in that short timeframe when the creature was dodging and shout "Arms of restrictions", strange black skeletons arms came out of the void and immobilised the creature. In Normaltimes the God should have summon his legion of the dead to fight with him, but no matter what he tried, a strange energy was preventing him to use his full powers. "Scythe of Darkness", a strange scythe made of pure darkness appear in the hand of the God. As the creature was trying to shake of the arms that restricted him, the God appear in front of it like a Soul reaper raising his weapon high. With a swift motion he cut the creature in half. "Burn to nothingness, you who came to my kingdom. I must admitted you nearly defeated me, but now is the end " the God said as he unleashed a torrent of Darkness flame towards the splitted body of the creature.

The creature let out a final screech as the flames hit his body, consuming it completely. The God let ouf a sigh of relief, panting heavily, but victory was short-lived. The creature had been a mere pawn, a scout sent to test his powers. And now, the true enemy revealed itself.

A massive portal opened in the darkness, and from it emerged a being with immense power. The God could feel the overwhelming aura emanating from it, and he knew that this was the creature that had been blocking his powers. This was the being that had been plotting his downfall.

The God prepared himself for the final battle, but it was not to be. The being unleashed a wave of energy that hit the God with full force. He felt his powers slipping away, and he knew that he was no match for this being.

He let out a scream of rage and despair as he felt himself being pulled into the portal. He could see the look of triumph in the being eyes as he was sucked into the unknown.