
ascending to godhood then to multiverse godhood then to omniversal god

a man gets reincarnated with wishes and becomes a demonic hybrid read my book to know more

omnigodvoldigoad · Ciencia y ficción
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elf races information

High elf

High elf Power's and Abilities

swiftness, agility, artistic abilities,Superior Magical Power one every 250,000 years

elf magic, magic mastery, low magic manipulation mastery,

lifespan of 25000 years they have one of the best wind magical skills

Normal high elf Magic power is supernatural rank witch is five hundred thousand times higher then the first of the human race

Dark Elves they also call myrkálfar and dusky elves

Dark elves Power's and abilities

superhuman strength, stamina, speed,durability,reflexes,agility and resistance to injury and darkness manipulation very low chance of having it, like 1 in every 150 million years shadow magic another low chance of having it like 1 in every 25,000 years Dark energy Manipulation 4 every 15 million years,magic mastery,Dark elf magic,and

a gifted intellect

Dark elves live 30000 years on average,  with males being slightly more persistent than females. The oldest is 4 million years old

Wood elves use mainly sight and hearing as the primary way to perceive the world, though Wood Elves also have magical abilities and can use magic as a sixth sense and An elf typically claims adulthood and an adult name around the age of 100 and can live to be 750 years old.

Wild elves

Wild elves were also common practitioners of nature magic and druids were common among the wild elves, who typically used more words, gestures, and material components in their spellcasting

Wild Elves have heightened senses compared to human races. They also have the ability to empathize with plants and animals.

Wild elves children are ages 1 to 50

Young adults are 50 to 100

Mature elves are 100 to 400

Middle age elves are 400 to 1000+

Old elves are 400+


Location relem of Tera

Avariel were more delicate than their earth-bound cousins, with hollow bones to aid their flight. They had pale skin, often porcelain white. An avariel's wings were usually white, but could be black, brown, or speckled. Their eyes were slightly larger than normal and ranged in color from brilliant blues to green or purple. Their hair color was normally a silver-white or black

avariel society haves some the best scholars, philosophers, and artists. Intellectuals who believed in solving problems through reason and diplomacy, these avariels spent much time researching magic and history

Powers and Abilities of the avariel Elves

Sleeplessness,Skill: Search,Skill: Listen,

Keen Senses,Lowlight Vision

Grey Elves

Located tera

They live in the mountains they know for their intelligence and their physical grace. Best known for two types of cultures: one which focus on study and have an aptitude for magic, and the other which focuses on social and physical grace.

Grey Elves Power's and abilities

sleep resistance, infravision and the ability to see invisible

Can live up to Most Grey Elves can live to be over 200 years old and remain vigourous until the end. The Old Grey elf live for 2000 years Ivran vonstudeia darksun

Drow elves

Located relem of Tera

Drow elves Power's and abilities

Darkvison, ability

Light slash and flash,mana boasting,

Aquatic elves

Location Tera  Nordica ocean

Aquatic elves Power's and abilities

Amphibious,Languages, Water Manipulation,Water Magic

The water manipulation ant full power they can only do it alittle

An Aquatic elf typically claims adulthood and an adult name around the age of 500 and can live to be 3800 years old.

Fire elves

Location relem of hyacintho ignis the city of exardescere

Power and abilities of the fire elves

Fire immunity,fire constructs, low fire manipulation, low fire aura,

Haves the lifespan of 1200 years

(author here low means well low they don't have anywhere near the full full abilities just around 4 to 6 percent author out.)

Forlorn elves  The Forlorn are a category of elf that differ from other elves by upbringing rather than ethnicity. They spend their lengthy childhood in non-elven (typically human) communities

Sun elves

Location relem of hyacintho ignis city aurea flamma

Sun elves Magic and Power's and abilities

arcane and divine magic, blessed body, blessing manipulation, Middle middle Devine energy Absorption 25 to 45 percent.

antarctical elves

Location relem of nix deus city of absoluta nulla

They live's in cabin's or house's made out of snow

Very low Snow manipulation 0000.1

,snow constructs, ice magic,Frigokinetic Combat,low snow Mimicry 6 percent.

They have Lifespan of 2500 years

(Author here again the whole race can only use the 6 percent of the ability each author out.)

(Author here again every race can up there life span but humans only the first of the race can do that and dragons can live for 50 billion years million years Hydra lifespan are 5 billion years

and phoneixs 150bilion year  and God's lifespan is 30 billion years without training and without making there bloodline purer 

That how ever race can longer it less  for God's without followers author out.)